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  1. Hey Guys, yesterday I had a pretty long Pokemon Reborn session. Somehow the debug mode activated itself and I toyed a little with it. It was quite fun espacially as casual player. I experimented a while with my Pokemon stat's and so on, . I saved as usual and turned my game off. Today I played the game further without realizing the debugmode deaktivated it self. After multiple safe's and finally beating the psychic Arena, I realized my Pokemon stat's are completly busted. Surely because I'm a casual noobplayer I didn't expected my Pokemon's stats to go -255 or rather 0 so I've done some reseach and know now the mistake I made. But is there a way to activate the debug mode again to revert my stats, without deleting my progress? I'm really not a hackerman, so easy solution's are appreciated. I only downloaded the SMW Mods packet. ( https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e182/ ) Nothing special. Thanks for your help! (Sorry for my bad english)
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