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Posts posted by Cyrus

  1. The only bad thign about the Xbone was the fact that they avoided the DRM stuff which is really fucking bullshit.

    I enjoyed the conference and would give it a 6-7/10 due to the redemption of TV and DOGS. The technical failures were hilarious. But Halo 5/Killer Instinct look great. Titanfall is on PC so I can just get it there.

  2. 3a86O.jpg

    Mundo left near the start, then Darius was feeding and Caitlyn wanted to surrender. But me and Malzahar kept denying and believed in ourselves. We then proceeded to win thus leading to NEVER GIVE IN. p.s. I love Zed.

    P.S.S. Yes I know I removed people but tbh readd me if you want if you need even bother to care for an explanation. inb4noonecares.

  3. dm8nxt.jpg

    I tried to be unpredictable with my choices, plus covered the titles because you should know which is which if you are already at my post.

    Vidya: Metroid Prime is the Citizen Kane of gaming.

    Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind because of it's execution and the emotional level it brings. I cried. ;_;

    Band: The Dillinger Escape Plan for them being constant as all hell and being one of the easiest bands that I can get into.

    Anime: Fuck you it's Hidamari I don't need a reason to love it's glory.

    TV: Whose Line is the funniest thing ever.

    Pokemon: Heracross is bro tier

    Book: I picked my favorite manga, YKK because my copy of Alice in Wonderland sits on my desk stairing at me.

    Weapon: SWORD OF A THOUSAND TRUTHS for I really don't have an awesome weapon to pick.

    Superhero: Deadpool because Deadpool

    Drink: Something I can have all the time and that makes me smile whenever I have it.

  4. Good god this song has been replayed so much for me. To be honest, this is the greatest hip hop song ever created. The flow, the minimalistic beats, BUSTA'S FUCKING VERSE KILLS. Seriously, this whole album is amazing but this is just icing on top of the cake.

    Her voice is innocent yet so stunning beautiful. I'm replaying this song way too much.

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