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Posts posted by Cyrus

  1. Trinity Force part whatever The Rise of Corki Electric Boogaloodadingdong

    Also mystery skins for yourself is super fun it's almost like gambling money for good skins...

    Put $10 in and got Red Card Katarina, Nemesis Jax, and Silent Based Sona. Now to wait for Sona to be good again.

  2. No one E3 in terms of company. Certain games did win e3 however. Which is more exciting since 2015 is going to be a good fucking year. 2014 will only be saved by Far Cry and CoD looking actually good.

    Sony's conference sucked because The Order is obviously another muh cinematics game which will be overly pretentious and probably win 80+ awards. Uncharted always is lame also. Bloodbourne will be most likely one of the best games of the decade if done right but it's Miyazaki directing so it will be. LBP looks cool, but the people playing it were fucking horrible. TV SHITZ YEAHHHHHHHH but Ratchet and Clank looks cool movie wise. Sony had a shitload of multiplats though so there is that. Which again, why games won e3.

    Microsoft was better than Sony. Halo looks cool, Master Chef collection looks great, Phantom Dust looks interesting, KAMIYA FUCK YES PLATINUM GAMES BTFOING PS4. Combo looks awesome for KI, Crackdown is going to be good most likely and Fable looks interesting. Xbone is competitive because same price now. I would get an Xbone and a Wii U. Only game I would miss would be bloodbourne but we will petition to get it lel.

    Nintendo... I don't really know. Yoshi looks to be GOTY and as good as the original Yoshi's Island. Captain Toad is new and cute so there could be something there. BAYONETTA 1/2 ON WII U PLATINUM STILL HATING THE WII U. I still don't care for Smash outside of Pac Man being cool. Never cared for Zelda and loli-squids looks like it will get old extremely quick. Miis in smash are also dumb and anyone who says YOU CAN HAVE ???? IN SMASH NOW is lame since it's only 3 move sets. If they had a full on create a mii and have a creative moveset, that shit would be GOAT. Oh well...

    EA and Ubisoft were just there. Siege and Far Cry 4 looks awesome. EA had absolutely nothing to show and Battlefield Hardline is one of the biggest cash grabs and literally shows no improvement from 4. It's CoD tier shit.

    SPEAKING OF COD, AW LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME. If done right, this could be a completely new breath of fresh air for the series. Or it can be a total flop. I'm extremely optimistic about the series right now. The Witcher 3 is going to probably be alright on the consoles but good fuck will be a glorious PC version. Batman looks downright amazing, the demo showed off Gotham City in a new generation and looks huge. BATMOBILE FUCK YES. GTAV ON PC HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA IT KEEPS HAPPENING. After Max Payne 3's amazing port I have faith in Rockstar for not fucking it up. Sad to hear no Dishonored 2 mentioned, I still believe it's happening. Basically, gaming looks good and probably will go in some sort of good direction outside of those cinematic nerds.

    E3 gets a C+, better than last year by far. muh gaming is dead!


    1. Yoshi

    2. Batman

    3. Far Cry

    4. The Witcher

    5. Mortal Kombat

    6. CoD

    7. Siege

    8. Halo Master Chief Collection

    9. Bloodbourne (needs gameplay yo)

  3. Draven is hard to get used to and if he isn't snowballing he's shit. But if he gets one kill it's just a long snowball down. Jinx has that AS steroid and isn't that hard. Just have to position yourself and know when to use stuff. Lucian is easy to git gud but fucking hard to master. Knowing when to double shot, mastering your dash and when to use it. Basically learning not to die lategame since it's impossible for him to die.

  4. >Milky Holmes

    Masterpiece of the anime genre. Nothing will ever be as good. ;_; Also Mugi second best keion, she'll fuck your shit. You know.

    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, they were very ni-

    >shit as Dishonored

    Okay I know the DLC runs were shit but good fuck I dominated 3/4s of main-game. Rough starts are hard yo.

    Btw, I do feel old now. I saw a grey hair this morning!


    Top 5 Anime:

    Katanagatari - NisoIsin can write and things! Probably jumped to number 1 because of reasons and it's godly and oh my god why is it so perfect. ;_;

    Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion - It's surreal imagery, disturbing imagery, and just well put together in the matter of nonsense. TUMBLING DOWN is the greatest thing ever, yo.

    Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb - fuck you it's wide

    Monogatari (series) read Katanagatari

    idk Haruhi movie? Cross Game? Can't decide on a 5th favorite.

    Top 5 Manga

    Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou- Relaxing and Atmosphere
    Oyasumi Punpun - it's depressing and punpun himself omg ;_;
    Yotsuba&! - Masterpiece in the masterpiece genre
    One Piece - FUN
    Mushishi - Read YKK
  6. Did both and they failed for me, how do you guys usually run. Pretty fluid? I just reinstalled it and see if that changes anything because of hope.

    Also if any of you kids want to play with me add IllegalCyrus.

    Could just be something else because shit like Far Cry 3 runs at 20-30 frames on lowest settings 720p fullscreen. So idk.

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