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Everything posted by Sjoerd787

  1. I believe he redyed his hair Red in Episode 18, Since this prophecy has been put in the game in Episode 17 meaning that anything from then is considered 'Future' Honestly I'm not entirely sure about this theory since a whole bunch of other characters, Such as Anna, Lumi, Eve and Luna know him pretty well. As well as him being a Gym Leader doesn't seem like a Guardian Angels task, Yet it still is pretty interesting.
  2. The fortune teller in Jasper said this, Anyone know what it means? My theory is that the "Boy with a beaded tooth necklace" Is Fern "Another Azure hair" Is Cal "A girl blessed with a sleeping star" Is Anna Does anyone have an idea who thoes others might be? I'd love to know -The Prophecy "What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for. But let me tell you about the world you're not in. During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, A boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... Another azure hair... A girl blessed with a sleeping star... And a taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Together, they cut the tainted roots away from this city, Purge poison from the lake, And chase fire from the mountain peaks. And then... The city streets crack, Spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after.... From looking through your time, that is all I see. I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."
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