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Post Comments posted by Falirion

  1. On 5/6/2024 at 1:31 AM, Moto said:

    Lets say I was making a mod that had an Ice/Ghost type Mega Tyranitar, what would be the best ability to give it? 🤔

    this question is for one specific person

    what a strange question, as everyone that has ever looked at a ttar knows, the main thing a ttar needs is definetly more bulk, so you give it ice scales, or even filter
    best to put this particular ttar on frozen dimensional aswell,
    the old kind, that still halved fire


    On 5/6/2024 at 3:02 AM, Fiwam said:

    When you agree to help K/C and officially join renegade, does something physically happen that changes the MC slightly? The effect seems immediate with the new interceptium-Z and the A-gang not vouching for MC when Crescent tries to attack shortly after, even Venam/Amber comment on how aggressive out fighting style was vs the Azelf... Maybe this MC had this mindsight from the start and the "deal" just pushed them to become more honest about it???

    it's sort of like that


    the a-gang not vouching for you regarding crescent is kind of natural, as they do know what you are doing so they would know your deal with Kieran and Clear
    the Interceptium-Z is kind of reflective of the Interceptor's mindset, so for someone that has accepted kieran and clear's deal you of course would get a more destructive spin on the interceptors powers
    (it's no accident that elysian shield is heavily protective, while cythonic malady even though it also reduces the damage you take, does so by actively weakening your opponent heavily)
    But it's kind of the point that a renegade Player Character definetly has more of the appropriate outlook to fit with Renegade for one reason or another, as Clear and Kieran only approach them for this if they think they would accept, this is why the things that give points towards renegade route are generally either ruthless (letting karrina kill karen for example), apathic towards other people's issues (having low positive karma by not helping people) or demonstrating that they don't particularly care about their supposed friends (the negative relationship points with various key characters)
    as kieran and clear put it, you are only getting the team up offer because either you clearly don't want to save the world, or you are just really bad at it


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:17 AM, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.

    out of just the (adult) gym leaders, valarie for the women, for the men it would be a matter of taste
    given certain reactions of the fan base talon would be up there, martin would be up there for those that prefer the beardy muscly kind
    if we included the known E8 members then tesla being a model would definetly take the cake for the women

    popularity would put amber in the race as a musician, venam aswell


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:45 AM, bloo123 said:

    what shadow pokemon have under/overperformed? any underrated sleeperpicks? were there any interesting ones that got scrapped in development? any plans to give trainer's pokemons shadow moves or is that purely for the benefit of the player (would be funny to fight xen grunts/mages/admins with purified shadow mons/move)?

    now here is an interesting ask cause shadow's often fall under the rader even with us, let me think about that one
    well an overperformer that was cut back down to size during testing was shadow pidove, in addition to dual wing beat it still has, it also had victory dance, that thing was mildly insane
    i have seen some hilarious things of shadow lurantis,
    and one of the the shadow movesets i definetly love in theory that i don't believe i have seen too much off (which i can be entirely wrong on, i haven't looked at playthroughs in the community to much recently)
    is shadow manectric which gets mat block and frost breath

  2. On 5/5/2024 at 5:05 PM, Lunartone said:

    As someone who enjoys writing dialogue, which characters do you like writing dialogue for? (and if you want to answer, which characters are harder to write dialogue for) 

    mr. luck is funny to write for in the rare occasion that i as a coder even write dialogue (usually only single sentances)


    On 5/5/2024 at 6:10 PM, FernStoleMyBike said:

    Was this QnA a good idea?

    the monkey's paw curls, the forum is trying it's hardest to make me not want to answer by having to write them out 4 times

    On 5/5/2024 at 7:23 PM, nhehvnukl said:

    Any particular reason why the Madame X appearance during the "mc gets teleported to Xen's base" segment was removed?


    Also, love the game😃

    she was simply never intended to be there in the first place, she was just visible early for a later xen lounge event and shouldn't have been
    That being said i did find it funny while she was there kinda imagined her watching her executives run around chasing someone and thinking "what are these idiots doing?"


    23 hours ago, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?


    It's usually weighted toward what mon fits the character more, and then how to make them work in a particular battle second, there may be the rare exceptions but that's usually how it goes, but even in that order one can usually find some pretty mean setups for battles so it's not terribly limiting for balancing (atleast thats what it seems to me, azery, and alex can probably talk more about that from the balance side)

    2.1) may i offer cassandra for either gatekeep or girlboss? (in both cases replacing crescent, and flora shifting to the open spot) clear is gaslight 100% there is no contest

    3) they are actually rival gangs, the corsola picked up knives to fight it


    22 hours ago, ant682 said:

    1: Are any new aevian forms being made (love the ones we have)

    2: Aside from implementing gen 9 are you planning on revisiting early game

    3: What part of the game did you find hardest to test

    1) it's certainly on the table, i cannot speak beyond that
    3) maybe not part but i suffer immensely everytime i see a landsurf spot that was missed, cause these things will not calm down


    22 hours ago, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)

    1) melia is an obvious option but she also had 3 more years than the rest of the cast to cope, which makes it either better or worse, depending on how you look at it
    erin has had her life uprooted, she seems to be dealing with it decently well
    honestly i'd go with aelita, she doesn't really show it but poor girl has been through a lot in the span of 6 months including the death of her father, electroshock torture, multiple revelations about her origin that are kinda messed up, being written out of history once, and more

    2) i mean ig they would taste like something, if nim has taste for something spicy (in the literal sense) then maybe try geara, all that anger i feel would translate as spicy (although ig there is less anger these days)


    22 hours ago, Aiden-Revenant said:

    I think this has happened in the past, but will existing crests be changed if their use is too niche/not very useful? Like don't get me wrong, I have tried most of the available ones and they are great, but for example to this day i still don't get the use of infernape's crest. Is it supposed to make them more deffensive starter instead of an offensive one? I mean infernape has some good support attacks, but I would still rather use it offensively than deffensively, as their types are more offensive based and has great moves and coverage both in special and physical attacks.

    Also, this is just a silly question, but will there be more events with Jolene and Volta in either already existing chapters or in E14? They both have great designs but they lack a lot of protagonism in the story, speacially jolene which seems to have great charisma but only appears in one mission, weird with her being also an E8 as Karen, Tesla, Alexandra and Dylan, who are all great.

    Finally, a praise for all the work you guys are putting on the game, and in episode 13.5. I absolutely LOVED mamans redesign and that you made Neved a more prevalent figure in the story, and I adore the new Terajuma plot and redesign.

    i mean we have changed crests before due to balance reasons both ways, sometimes changing their entire effect (i think fearow changed like multiple times) so crests may change if we think they are not good enough
    that being said i disagree with infernape here, the goal of the crest was never to strengthen infernape's strong points cause those are already very good, it was to open up a different avenue of play
    fire is actually a suprisingly good defensive type that rarely gets to be that due to fire pokemon being mostly offensively minded, and as you said infernape has a pretty good support pool it doesn't usually get to use
    and that's where the crest comes in, now if you prefer offensive infernape, then yes the crest isn't really for you
    but others may in fact appreciate the different playstyle
    as for volta and jolene, i sadly cannot answer that one, since it is about future content, but jolene being on the E8, is basically guaranteed to show up in the future, I think i can say without it being spoilers at all.


    20 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    Hi, thank you for doing this again!


    1) Eizen?

    2) Do you have any advice for someone that does not have the heart to play their own Renegade save file but wants to know what the hype is about it? Asking for a friend.

    3) Would Eizen go ballistic if he found out about the concept of interceptors? (If he, at any point of the game did, I probably didn't see that yet/can't recall?)

    4) If Eizen took one of those "what Pokemon am I" quizzes, which one would he be? (My guess is

      Reveal hidden contents

    Terapagos. Estranged blue timeline Pokemon for the win :)




    1) Eizen!
    2) kinda depends on what the issue is
    in most cases i have seen of people not wanting to play renegade, they have issue with being mean to the characters, to which i have found it's not necessary at all to be mean to even the main characters (the ones that give renegade points by being on bad terms with) with the "correct" main story choices you can get to renegade route while melia and co even love you (some may consider this worse)
    3) considering how he pops up in the weirdest spots, i am not sure that he isn't already aware, this mean lives in the walls of your home, rent free
    4) honestly a good option, i don't really have a better idea (hahah missigno)

  3. On 5/5/2024 at 4:59 PM, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)

    Okay the forum has ate my typed out answer to this 4 times by now so let's just only get this one out of the way

    obvious answer first
    mirror arena is one of my least favorite fields, i simply do not like pokemon evasion mechanics, i do realize E19 reborn made this field better, but my view of it will forever remain tainted
    okay now for the hotter takes:
    i don't really like concert as it is right now, form a design point of view, it just ended up being in a very weird spot, where it needs to work as a first gym leader field (a pretty big ask for a stage field cause first gym leader fields are best if they are a bit more simple) but also work as a interesting multi stage field. concert stages were also supposed to be more volatile, shifting up and down very easily, and up it does that but not down, meaning in most battles it gets to stage 4 and stays there,

    favorite fields:
    glitch: i like how this turns the entire game on it's head usually
    swamp: the speeddrops give the battles a suprisingly different dynamic that one can play around or abuse
    deep earth: just great fun to play around with, definetly my favorite of the new fields

    as for future characters, i cannot really answer that, most devs don't really know where the story is going either (besides jan and zumi) so i cannot really speak to this as the question intended
    so i am just gonna say that i personally am looking forward (in the same sense as a non dev, cause i actually don't know) to finding out what madame X's and Indriad's deals are the whys and hows to their goals

    • Like 1

    I am gonna take zumi's example and put the answers in a spoiler box to not have this massive block of text:

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:35 PM, Ibrex2000 said:

    1. If Rejuvenation was ever to get anime, who would you like to voice the MCs, Melia, Venam, Ren, and Aelita?. It can be Japanese dub or English dub you pick


    2. What do you think of the fanfics about the game?


    gonna skip 1. cause i am really not good with voice actor names, i do have voices i hear certain characters in when reading their dialouge but i could not sort those to voice actors if i tried

    as for 2. there is so much fancontent it's insane, and frankly go nuts

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:36 PM, GameAddict_78 said:

    On the top of Ecylsia Pyramid with the showdown with Madame X, do the Protag and Aelita just straight up start fist fighting with her? Cause I always found it more entertaining that they were just having a fist fight rather than a pokemon battle.

    the rational part of my brain wants to point out that trying to fistfight a person, whose prefered method of fighting in the pokemon world of all places seems to be swinging a sword at at you and is actively wearing armor, is probably a bad idea.
    on the other hand it's funny sooooooooooooooooo whichever the person playing that section prefers.

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:56 PM, tongconator said:

    I have 3! 1 major question and 2 minor ones (if that's okay) 


    1. (Major) I'm not sure if this has been asked, but how did rejuvenation begin? How did the game become a thing? Like did you and Jan know each other then started from there? Or did you all meet through the development? 



    2.(minor) who are your favorite characters? Whether it be for their character, design, or their story 


    3. (minor) will we see the organised criminal mastermind cleffa again? 

    1 is a jan/zumi ask so skipping that one
    2. i think i already answered this already but might aswell reiterate erin because she just is a mood, aelita because how could you ever hate her and (renegade)


    M2 cause i like her dyamic and what she adds to the renegade route experience

    3. who knows, but realistically all cleffa's are evil anyway, just look at who uses clefables in reborn and rejuvenation

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:03 PM, BongoCat said:

    Will u Guys add a Battle Frontier Style Endgame Mode or any cool Endgame Modes planned?


    this is firmly in asking about future content, so I cannot answer that.

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:26 PM, 2tousent said:

    1: Any Aevian forms that the devs feel overperformed or underperformed? Wether it be in terms of balance, or just overall popularity (i'm pretty sure some of them are more popular than others)

    honestly there a couple overperformers, aevian volcarono has been mentioned although i don't think that one overperformed so much as it was the expected outcome really it is a volcarona at the end of the day
    aevian gyarados has some ludicrous amounts of coverage so that things is also silly
    aevian parasect is in this weird spot where it's entirely carried by its gimmick ability, which makes it broken, but without it would be mediocre at best and lose its identity
    honorable mentions to aevian lapras with its cheesy sing dragon dance no guard combo
    underperformers: definetly aevian bronzong, the aevian palossands aswell (although i have seen fire palossand used in some ridicolous stall strats)

    On 5/5/2024 at 4:56 PM, Lung Stealer said:

    When making crests, what's generally the idea?
    Like on a scale of "This crest will be a balanced buff for __ so it should be added" to "This crest would be really cool so it should be added" where does the team fall? Obviously it varies, but is there a general stance on this?

    it depends!
    most time it starts with the mon and design idea's around that so section A
    but sometimes a cool idea is so cool it just kinda happens say zoroark, and azery and myself have heavily regretted making a crest that interacts with illusion ever since, but the idea is cool!
    so mostly try to be balanced but the funnier the idea the more imbalanced the crests can get

    okay fine gonna post so far, i had more answered but forum ate it
    so be back in a few minutes or something

  5. 33 minutes ago, kaiciu_creates said:

    I have a couple of questions (if that's alright)


    Will terrestrialization ever be a thing in the game? Balancing it would seem like a nightmare with Field Effects, Megas, and Z moves.


    What are your favorite MC Kugerean designs?


    and what's your favorite chapter?

    actually let me grab this one real fast cause it jumped out at me

    terrastalization is a hard no, that is not getting included even with gen 9 being a thing eventually, we skipped dynamax we skipping this, it's just too many mechanics to include another one, it's gonna stay at mega's and zmoves
    for bringing up terrastalization a pipebomb has magically manifested in your mailbox

    hmmm alain ig, (i do often pick aevis but i prefer his default outfit to the kugearen one)

    chapter 15 (i like angie's manor and the school of nightmares) and renegade chapter 0
    This is a close pick tbh chapter 7 is also cool (pun not intended)

    • Like 1
  6. if i am skipping an ask it's either because i am no position to answer it or think someone else on the dev team can answer it better

    2 hours ago, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?

    okay for me i usually can't pick to well, but erin is often a mood, aelita is so pure no one can actually hate her.
    for renegade:


    I also really enjoy M2's dynamic, having the "goody" deuteroganist of the game but all corrupted really sells the evil route to me, and it really does feel it's still melia under there aswell with her occasional doubt and remorse.


    2 hours ago, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?

    in scripting i often deal with the battle mechanics of the game so i was among other things responsible to make the thing the xen mages do work, this also extends to saki's current gym battle but by far the most fun i had making was (renegade spoilers)


    The special mechanic for Tiempa's renegade route battle, those that know, know. 😈

    aside from battle mechanics though another thing i had a lot of fun with (I am bad at picking favorites)
    is given all the characterswitch teams (aka when you play as a different character) flavor data, stuff like their correct catchlocation, a proper catchdate that aligns with the story's time progression (note that the year number displayed for these is relative to the year you are playing in so hapi is gonna show 2017 as the catchyear currently (in 2024) cause melia found hapi 7 years ago from the start of the story) and i build in a couple cute little easter eggs into it (i at this point have semi-canon backstories for a lot of the main casts pokemon teams)
    sidenote about catchtime, since i doubt a lot of people have noticed, catch a pokemon in a past section and look at it's catch time  😜

    2 hours ago, Sardines said:

    We should kill one of the devs (not in minecraft but actually irl) and I have the perfect candidate. His name starts with S and ends with s. Can you please implement this feature asap, I personally need it NOW. Looking forward to hearing a prompt response, thank you

    no can do, it would be a waste this s at the start and the end person is stuck here with me and haru and cass


    2 hours ago, MoonPaw said:

    Oh! and also! In 13.5 Annihilape was mentioned, does this mean gen 9 pokemon are being added in v14? Would it be all at once, or batched? How long does sprite'ing and coding a new generation of pokemon take?

    i am gonna skip the other two asks cause those are more likely to fit for someone else on the dev team
    while i can't make any statements as to which version is going to include gen 9, past statement is that it will eventually
    as for how much work it takes to implement a new gen
    that usually entirely depends on how many new abilities and moves are in it atleast for the coding side
    but with the later gens having more and more signature moves and abilities that means it tends to be a lot of work to get all of it implemented right, I already had to effectively deal with it for gen 8 (reimplementation due to script merge and new implementation for Legends Arceus stuff)
    Bonus points for gamefreak doing weird mechanics like dragon darts (derogatory)

    2 hours ago, sadcateatspizza said:

    Which side quest was the most annoying to work on?

    maybe not specifically a sidequest but I have had some personal experiences with the new fast travel menu's
    especially terrial braviary was much more annoying to set up properly than you might think, because no it is not just a simple menu and I was this close to just cooking that bird
    actual sidequest wise i would have to opt for saving amber from the kyogre, specifically ignoring that quest the failure conditions kept just working incorrectly for even a good bit after release (questlog wise i mean)
    it's partially down to it being in valor mountain (awful place)


    2 hours ago, xXAulkranXx said:

    I keep forgetting the entire plot of the game each time I beat it, as well as the names of all the characters, locations, and the everything else. What do I doooo

    write it down in a book as you play! /j
    and then drop the entire book on the wiki after you are done with it

    2 hours ago, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?

    it's rather fun, before joining the dev team i was an avoid follower of the story so seeing first hand how it continues bit by bit is very cool (it should be noted that besides jan and zumi the other devs don't know where the story goes either)

    well it depends: when it comes to writing you often see some interesting jan comments, 5-8 depending on context
    when it comes to game mechanics it's usually me or azery being the comically evil ones (and it just gets funnier if we end up convincing jan)


    1 hour ago, froehlibabe said:

    We get a lot of scenes of our friends letting out, getting defended by or just enjoying time with their ace pokemon.

    Do you think it would be possible to also have our moments with our pokemon in a cinematic way? Like your lead just being the "default cinematic choice" or maybe a calculation based on hapiness, time spent with the pokemon or battles won by it.


    This idea popped in my head when I saw the Venam/Seviper scene, and I got really teary seing the good wholesome stuff they have. Kinda jealous.

    Although I understand that's a big dev challenge and possibly a lot of scenes rewrite.

    i have actually thought about such things before myself, like the valor shore scene in before V13.5 terajuma
    where the whold gang sends out a pokemon against zetta and have considered doing something that makes the player send out their lead mon for the cinematic. But that is a lot of work since it very much intersects spriting, scripting and eventing a good bit, so it's a bit rough to get done and i haven't gotten around to messing with that (partly because there isn't really overworld sprites for each pokemon and there would need to be due that)
    but important disclaimer, i am not saying this is definetly going to be a thing, i am just saying i have had similar thoughts before, and i may or may not look at it

    okay i am leaving off here for now gonna answer some more stuff some other time

    • Like 6
  7. 3 hours ago, No name said:

    Welp, Karen's back. I do wonder how the stuff with her would go if you let Karrina kill her in Castle Zygara.

    I'd actually assume that that particular screen is a redesign of the hidden library particularly during the west gearen hidden library quest and not an even latter event involving karen and karrina.

    In any case, you devs should definetly work in the pace you want and not rush because some entitled people demand you to release faster or whatever, you have never commited to a "deadline" so they have no ground to stand on. (and even if you did commit to a certain deadline, nagging into the developers ears is still unreasonable). so good on you for not bending to that.

    As for the search for additional help, i hope you find the people you want and need for this project.

  8. 6 hours ago, Gengar768 said:

    but i would personally love for you guys to implement more field changes for players to think outside the box there currently stuck in. or like make field overrides (like electric terrain or grassy terrain) completely override it instead of adding some effects to said field.

    Okay i already said my piece on the main topic, but i see this one a lot and have to say something.
    More natural, built in, field changes, sure, gladly, it would be interesting
    Terrain moves and surge abilities overwriting field effects? hard no, and not because "but it would make things easier" or "it's so cheesy" (i still think the latter, couldn't really care less about the former)
    From a design perspective terrain overwriting fields unconditionally is frankly speaking bad, it basically ruins the field system as a whole. some will say that reborn has it that way and it's fine, but i don't like reborn having it that way either AND reborn doesn't have early terrain surges, they have tapus in late postgame.
    But other field changes exist, so what is the difference?
    well with the built in field changes to a field, there is actual counterplay to be had (from both sides) usually anyway. With terrains overwriting fields it's just someone (usually the player) clicking a button (and sometimes not even that, with a terrain surge) to ignore the entirety of the field system, you will never fight on a different field than your chosen terrain again if you bring a terrain surge (and grookey is a starter). It's honestly to a point that one might aswell not even have fields at all. From a design perspective Terrains outright overwriting fields just breaks the entire mechanic. If people don't want to play with field effects, i'd suggest having a password that disables fields entirely (outside of terrain overlays so those moves and abilities still do something), it essentially does the same thing without making the player bring specific mons.
    Additionally the terrain overlays make it so that terrain moves are usable in general play for their effects without feeling like you just completly cheesed whatever you were battling.
    That's just my 2 cents though


  9. Fantastic Artwork as always, they all look great, Maria looks like such a good little bean
    Also i am probably horrible for pointing this out, but the way the characters are arranged in the post makes it look like erick is checking out amanda, lmao

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