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  1. Ok, I've done all that and I can open the game in RPGXP now. Call me a noob, but where do I go to search for the dialogue to change? How do you save it after you're done to be a permanent change to the base files of reborn? Many thanks if this could be answered, I haven't used rpg maker xp since I was 10 lol
  2. heres one of the sprites, they all give they same error so the pbs has to be opened in rpg maker xp to edit the dialogue, and then imported to the actual game? is there a process to follow for this?
  3. Is it possible to change the content of the dialogue of characters in the game? I can't find where the files are stored to do so. I've also been having the same issue seen here with custom sprites, but its still possible to play the game, you just have to press enter every time to get passed it. Is there any way to get passed this error as well? send help
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