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Posts posted by sparsyle

  1. Hi guys! I wanted to make a follow-up post regarding some of my theories. I've just replayed the entire game, and there were a lot of changes in the pre-v13 story that took me off guard. I think the devs have done such an amazing job, and things are starting to become increasingly clear [heh] to me with the additional context. 


    • Okay, so I don't know if the whole world has already realized this and if I'm the last one to come to this conclusion please forgive me, but Melia has got to be some sort of fusion of Melanie and Maria. [Mel + ia]. This is why Melia was able to overlap Melanie, and it is also why Melanie now literally lives in her head rent free (as we now know that this is not a typical reaction to the overlapping process, and therefore there must be a deeper connection). The process of the fusion that yielded Melia is still foggy to me, but it could be similar to what happened between Anju and Vitus to create Angie.

    I have changed my mind substantially on this topic upon replaying the game. I don't think Melia is a combination of Melanie and Maria anymore... I think she's a combination of Meloetta and Maria. Seeing as with the new update, Meloetta has been brought into the story (specifically concerning Anathea's family), it just makes more sense to me. It ties in better with the themes in Jenner's research exploring Pokemon and their morality. As a character, I think it makes sense to me as well. It's tough to corroborate ~vibes~, but Melia has always seemed really sing-songy in the way that Meloetta seems to be. She has also insisted that she feels she is not Maria. This could also explain her Genesis Syndrome--why she's the only one out of the four children who is unable to fully function with the Archetype in her body--because she isn't fully Anathea's child. 


    So then where does this leave Melanie? I think Melanie is also part Meloetta--but not part Maria. This is solely based off of the character's name, so I could be 100% wrong. But if Melia is a fusion of Meloetta and Maria, then it would follow that Melanie is a fusion of Meloetta and... Anie? The big question that this theory presents is the identity of this half. There are no characters that I can think of with the name Anie. The closest to that would be Anathea. However, the age of Melanie does not line up with the age that Anathea would be in the corrupted alternate timeline. Not to mention the fact that, as far as we know, Anathea would still be dead in this alternate timeline. Another character whose name it could be is Ana/A.N.A.


    Up until now, I had believed that the android A.N.A. was based off of Ana, the person whose grave sits outside of the A-name kids' old house in Zone Zero/Hiyoshi. It makes sense because of the names, and the fact that we know A.N.A.'s appearance is based off of that of a specific person. It also supports the fact that you can play as a character with the same sprite as Ana if you use a secret passcode at the beginning of the game. It implies that Ana was also at the house somehow. [sidenote: I still need to play through v13 with my Ana account but I'm stuck on the beast that is Melia and her quasi-gym battle in the beginning... So I'm not sure if there are any differences to the way v13 plays out if you are playing as Ana yet. If i play through and things change then I might make another follow-up post.] There are some issues with this, however. For one, Ana is supposed to be deceased before the Storm even hit Aevium. Would is be possible for Crescent to accidentally gather pieces of her soul? Seeing as she had been deceased for the longest and already buried? Another issue is on the topic of A.N.A. Her data recollections implied that she comes from a time or dimension without Pokemon or nature. In this new chapter, it has been revealed that the Den of Souls is an ancient Garufan stronghold, and that this civilization faced the loss of nature and Pokemon. This is setting up the theory that ANA was raised in this civilization. This feels out of left field, and kind of derails the previous theory of A.N.A. having ties to Ana. I'm still not sure what to think about all of this. 


    EDIT: This literally just came to me after posting this, but perhaps Melanie IS still the combination of Meloetta and Maria, just like Melia. We don't know why Melia has her name, but there's a good chance that Team Xen gave it to her, considering the fact that they were involved with placing her with Jenner. Melia makes sense for a person who is the literal combination of Meloetta+Maria. We know that Melanie is under the care of someone else in the alternate corrupted timeline... so who's to say this wasn't Indriad? What I'm getting at is--what if Melanie is Meloetta+Marianette? It's not a perfect match, but technically Marianette could be shortened to Annie or something of the like. I think it's def a possibility to consider at least. This also explains why Melia was able to overlap with Melanie without incident. 




    • In terms of what happened in that dungeon in Hiyoshi on the day of Storm-9, we've now learned more. We know what happened to Hazuki. For Anju we have bits and pieces (captured by Vitus, turned into Angie, and...?). Nymiera is still up in the air, but I'm pretty sure at this point that Nymiera is Nim. In the dungeon, some spell or power between Nymiera and Storm-9 fused them into one, chaotic being, who confusedly went by Nim. Either the process of the fusion or something like walking through the Voidal Chasms erased her memory. That's what the scene between her, Alexandra, and Damien at Sashila Village was all about. That's also why Nim talks about having Nymiera speak to her through memories, because these memories are actually her own.

    I am more certain than ever about this theory. When Nim first appears in Sashila before Alexandra and Damien, she seems like she is in the middle of saying something. "[Player]... watch out!  ...Huh? W-where am I? Hazuki... Anju... Where am I- AGH!! ... I??????" If she was just the manifestation of Storm-9, then why would she be telling you to watch out? Why would she be asking for Hazuki and Anju? I believe that at some point, you go back in time again and make it to the end of that dungeon, and that you are part of that final battle with Nymiera, Hazuki, Anju, Indriad, and the Storm. We know Hazuki's fate, and we know that somehow Anju is captured and held prisoner in Chrysalis Manor before turning into Angie (the details couldn't be fuzzier). Perhaps while she was telling you to watch out, Nymiera was hit by an attack that somehow turned her into Nim. And Nim is the fusion of Storm-9 and Nymiera's soul. 

    This also then lead me think that Nim/Nymiera could possibly be the author of that mysterious diary in Kugearen City. As a refresher, it states:


    "No matter how many times I try... I find myself in this loop of failure. But I must not fail. If I fail this means the end of humanity as we know it. That wretched old fool has created the catalyst to end the world as we know it. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen the horror this world will be known to. I shall stop this at any cost. Even if it costs the lives of myself and my friends. The one who will save us all. I have seen them as well. Their name was-" *Madame X appears and takes journal*


    It is my personal belief that the person she is talking about in the end is you. I think that it is quite possible that Nim is the one stuck in the time loop. She starts off as Nim in Sashila, not knowing who she is, completing her journey and re-learning her identity, making it back to that dungeon to try to change things only to have it happen again. Over and over again. 

    This is a pretty weak theory though as there is still not much information to back it up, and there's a ton of competing possibilities that can't be ruled out. This one just makes a lot of sense to me personally. 





    If you made it to the end, thank you for reading! Please let me know if you have any thoughts pertaining to any of this, I'd love to hear what you think! (even if it proves me 100% dead wrong lol)

    The mystery of this game has haunted me for years now, and it's getting so exciting now that things are finally starting to fall into place. Again, huge shoutout to all the devs, especially Jan and the story-writers, for this absolute masterpiece. 


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  2. I just thought it would be fun to voice some of the questions and theories that have been bouncing around in my head, now that v13 has been out for a hot minute <3


    So chapter 13 really delivered in terms of answering questions!! Here are some of my updated theories :)

    • Okay, so I don't know if the whole world has already realized this and if I'm the last one to come to this conclusion please forgive me, but Melia has got to be some sort of fusion of Melanie and Maria. [Mel + ia]. This is why Melia was able to overlap Melanie, and it is also why Melanie now literally lives in her head rent free (as we now know that this is not a typical reaction to the overlapping process, and therefore there must be a deeper connection). The process of the fusion that yielded Melia is still foggy to me, but it could be similar to what happened between Anju and Vitus to create Angie.
    • The next question that comes to mind--just who is Melanie? The name Melanie means "blackness", which makes me think of the dark prophecy. It also makes me think of the description of Anathea (with dark hair) from Hiyoshi Hospital Records. We now know that Anathea had dark hair before she was treated with the Archetype, so perhaps Melanie was a child she bore before or after her time with Vitus, making Melanie a half sibling to Erin, Allen, and Alice. Still, in the alternate universe (unless this has been changed since v12), Melanie had the signature blonde hair of the other four Archetype kids. Perhaps Melanie was the child of someone who desperately wanted power, and they treated her with the Archetype, only to learn that she has Genesis Syndrome, and to try and fix this she was fused with Maria, a literal child born from the Archetype? Or, the books did say it was possible for the alterations to physical appearance caused by the Archetype to last even after its removal, so maybe this entire discourse was for nothing? Ugh this part is still really confusing. Like what if there were two beings created when Melanie and Maria merged? Each one with a half of a part of each (if that makes any decipherable sense at all. like it created two beings who both have their own unique 50% of Melanie and 50% of Maria.). It is also quite possible that Melanie could be Madame X's daughter, or Madame X herself. 
    • Madame X's identity is still unknown, however she has now been ruled out from being Hazuki.
      • The obvious choice is either Maria, Melanie, or an alternate universe Melia, which is supported by Madame X's full-body armor and extensive knowledge of overlapping and physical touch. It is also supported by the fact that both Madame X and Melanie have an Yveltal, and you could consider Anathea to have sacrificed herself to save Maria. I think an interesting twist would be that Madame X is a version of Melia without the Archetype. She could be either hailing from an alternate reality where hers is removed, or her being Melia's evil twin as discussed in my theory directly above. This provides a motive for Madame X being so desperate to get ahold of Melia's "power" (aka the Archetype).
      • Another likely candidate is Anathea. We know Madame X has dark hair after part of her armor was damaged in v12, and that Anathea also has naturally dark hair when uninfluenced by the Archetype. We also know that Anathea could still be out there somewhere, since her patient records were discovered in Hiyoshi Hospital. She was described as having dark hair and a scar shaped like a key on the back of her neck. It's possible the Archetype was forcefully removed from her (possibly by Vitus). Maybe she's trying to kidnap Melia in order to get it back. This also provides a motive for the Archetype.
      • Erin. I know some people were theorizing this even before v13, and to be honest I didn't think it made much sense. Like why would she betray everyone like this? But then v13 had Erin remember saying "Maria... Please, no matter what happens. Don’t you dare lose hope. Don’t lose who you are, and don’t you dare forget what’s about to happen... Do you understand? Don’t lose hope, Maria!", which is word for word what Madame X says to Maria in the prologue. They are also the words that Marianette remembers, leading her to regaining all of her memories, so I suppose we could also argue that Marianette could be Madame X too. Still, Erin and Madame X do seem to have similarly overanalytical personalities and a brilliant mind.
      • Another option is Nymiera. While I have another, different theory about where Nymiera is, this cannot be ruled out as a possibility, since Nymiera has yet to have officially shown herself in the present time. She has the same hair color as Madame X. 
      • A Pokemon. This one's a stretch, but there's a lot of references to Madame X being "unhuman". This same thing does have precedent; it happened before when a Bisharp was revealed to have been the "cloaked man" who murdered Taelia and Nora. She could be a Zoroark's illusion or something, idk the logistics make this theory sketchier.
      • Nora. This theory makes me want to cry, but it is possible. We know that Nora is important for some reason, as her name was highlighted in gold. We also know that Nora's mother, Taelia, died trying to protect her. Nora was turned into a statue--her soul was shown to be frozen (she was statue-fied) in the events of WLL. Maybe Madame X is a soulless Nora. Or, maybe Madame X is Nora after undergoing a long period of time in the petrified, statue-like state that Venam and Nim went through.
    • In terms of what happened in that dungeon in Hiyoshi on the day of Storm-9, we've now learned more. We know what happened to Hazuki. For Anju we have bits and pieces (captured by Vitus, turned into Angie, and...?). Nymiera is still up in the air, but I'm pretty sure at this point that Nymiera is Nim. In the dungeon, some spell or power between Nymiera and Storm-9 fused them into one, chaotic being, who confusedly went by Nim. Either the process of the fusion or something like walking through the Voidal Chasms erased her memory. That's what the scene between her, Alexandra, and Damien at Sashila Village was all about. That's also why Nim talks about having Nymiera speak to her through memories, because these memories are actually her own.
    • Crescent has been revealed to be quite the enigma. Who was she, and why did she join Aevis, etc. in their class? Was she too orphaned by the Miera accident? It was implied that "Crescent" is not her first name when she introduced herself, and instead it was just a name that "meant a lot to her".
      • Call me crazy, but what if Crescent is a version of Anathea? That would give her an A name. That would explain her insertion into the story, and possibly what she's fighting for. There's a tonnnn of holes in this theory though, like why would Crescent be protective of Player and Player only, without any acknowledgment of her literal children. (though if you wanted to go down the rabbit hole, we also know that at some point Anathea has her memory erased of three of her children, with only the memory of one child, Maria, remaining. We also know that Melia is certain that she isn't Maria. So, if we put these together, I guess Crescent-Anathea wouldn't care about them). These are just such specific technicalities that it still as a theory feels pretty far-fetched. This makes it feel exceedingly unlikely, but still, it's interesting to think about.
    • Cosmia & Comet. They're dittos, and probably experiments gone wrong (or too right). But then who are they working for? Team Xen? And why were they chosen for this? What's their connection to Xara/Axis High? Why do they even exist?
    • This cannot be the last we'll be hearing about Eden. The character immediately made me think of Adam and Ryland (deadname=Eve) because of the biblical story. How/Why would these three characters be connected though? Who is Eden modelled after, if Kieran was based on Jean, and Clear was based on Xara?
    • This Huey situation is also stressing me out. So Rune says she was a detective investigating the nuclear power plant, and that she and Huey were the only two of ten to have escaped from dying in the explosion that destroyed the Miera Region. According to Erin's book, though, Freya and Lord Xenadin were the only ones to escape from the nuclear plant during the explosion. So.... putting two and two together... If Rune = Freya, then Huey = ....Lord Xenadin?? Like the Superboss of Team Xen?? Um???? Isn't he a child??? Rune stated that all she remembered about Huey is that he was important, and that she needed to protect him. There are just so many confusing issues and implications here that I don't know where to begin with this one

    okay lmk your thoughts pls! there are so many details and twists and turns that i am probably wrong about everything! also I still need to finish replaying all of v13 from the beginning so sorry if some of my details are now outdated <3

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  3. I'm stuck at the part in Erin & Kanon's quest in Anju's Estate where you are supposed to climb through a window. This is right after you get the decision to either look around the area more or go directly to the rooftop. After I select the option of going to the rooftop, it warps me back to the nursery. Where am I supposed to go now? I swear I've been wandering around the castle for ages :,)





  4. On 9/8/2020 at 1:17 PM, Between Life and Death said:

    Moreover, the diary in Sheridan Wetlands--presumably written by Madame X--references an unnamed man spying on them with an Yveltal, and planning to use it to destroy the world if defeated.


    I've looked all over the Wetlands (even the Railnet) and can't find this diary. Where is it?

  5. 7 hours ago, \/agrant said:

    red haired time traveler (still don't feel like calling her freya lol) didn't want the maiden of reincarnation dead, her objective was to open amethyst cave. all the actions after that were to fuck with keta's mind, but taelia wasn't being targeted by her


    Wasn't she the one who pushed Taelia and Nora off of the cliff?

  6. On 12/9/2020 at 5:29 AM, \/agrant said:

    doubt they knew that the mc was the interceptor


    also: based off WLL, taelia has a strong reaction to nihilego, claiming (either her or cera) that it was the thing she saw "that day"


    if "that day" is storm-9, does it mean nihilego caused s-9?

    in which case could the:

    - time traveling duo have been allied with indriad since then (in support of i forgot who's theory here)

    - time traveling "duo" have more people (so it's not red haired/kieran only, which could make sense since they're connected to ultra beasts)

    although i suppose a few questions turn up immediately, like how would vivian's blessing stop nihilego?



    I do think that Nihilego was involved in Storm-9. When exploring the Badlands, and as you get further north in Hiyoshi City and closer towards the Ecylsia Pyramid, it is pointed out that it looks like the stone statues of people are "running from something." Since bombs are generally instantaneous, it wouldn't really make sense for them all to be running from that imo, and I think that if they were running from Nihilego it would really tie in the flashback Taelia had in WLL. 


    My personal theory about the time travelling duo stems from what Erin said in Blakeory Athenaeum:

    There were three things that stuck out to me while reading. The incident at the plant was caused by 10 individuals. All died at the site. Eight of them were unidentifiable, but for some strange reason, the ninth and tenth ones were. The ninth person was a woman named Freya. She was part of the International Police, and was discovered to be the reason the plant went under. Other than those two bits of information, I couldn’t find anything else on her.


    A lot of people have been speculating that the red-haired girl is Freya. This kinda comes from Saki's story about the door in Aquamarine Cave.

    Oh yeah after I got thrown off the boat I was found by this red-haired girl named, um... Actually, she never told me her name. We were able to find the door to this place, but then she disappeared... But then shortly after she appeared again, but she was in a totally different outfit! Then we were attacked by this huge blue whale and she was BAM and the whale was like ‘stop pls’ ... After she beat up the blue whale, she walked up to me in a kinda bitchy way. She said something like ‘Remember this name, Fre... Frey... Freid...’? Well, I forgot.

    Saki's description matches up with her in both appearance and behavior. 


    So what does this mean? I feel like the time traveling duo, Freya and Kieran, are part of the International Police, or at least were originally. This would explain their matching uniform-like outfits. It's possible that they have teamed up with Madame X in order to oppose Indriad's plan somehow. However, I think it is possible that they come from another dimension, the future (possibly another bad one), or are somehow related to the Garufan Civilization.

    aside: While I originally thought that they might literally be from the Garufan Civlization (since they've been proved to be pretty high-tech), that theory was invalidated by the fact that Freya and Kieran don't fully understand the purpose behind the Eclysia Pyramid.

    However, coming from the same time would match up with the fact that they both speak with weird sayings and use words that a lot of the characters can't relate to (i.e. Kieran explaining to Huey what an arc is).


    I don't think that they are completely affiliated with Team Xen, however. While they appeared to be teaming up with Madame X in the latest chapter, previously Kieran had referred to Ren's Xen Uniform as "disgraceful" (back in Hiyoshi City). So I'm not entirely sure that they're fully allied as opposed to happening to have the same goals/intentions back at Eclysia, and working together in order to achieve them. Or Kieran was just fcking with Ren, that's also possible.


    The other question is, why would Freya want "the maiden of reincarnation" dead (or at least, without a soul)? Perhaps, if she was a part of the International Police, she was attempting to assassinate her for crimes against time / human nature, or being dangerously powerful? It's still unclear. 


  7. 6 hours ago, nhehvnukl said:

    I'm pretty sure she did pretty much nothing to Rune and Huey though? She "invited" Rune to join, she refused, she forced her to not snitch on Bladestar and that's it. She also seems to be actually missing Rune too, so I doubt she's the reason for her disappearance.



    In Ch13, it is revealed that Flora basically forced Rune into a corner. She asked her to join Bladestar, but Rune declines. For this, Flora says that she would normally kill Rune, but since they were childhood "friends", she wouldn't. Instead she forces Rune to stay silent. And if Rune doesn't oblige, she says that she will reveal Rune's "deepest and darkest secret" to Huey (blackmailing her into being complicit). 

    aside: I'm still really curious about what this deep dark secret is. rn I'm almost certain that Rune and Huey are secretly from Sashila Village (I can go more into that if anyone's interested), but other than that I'm at a loss. We know there's a huge age difference between them (Rune being 26 and Huey seeming to be around the age of like 13 [unconfirmed]), and they don't have any parents, so I can't help but wonder if Rune is actually Huey's mother or something lol


    Flora also later mentions wanting to "avenge" Rune, so she definitely knows more about what has happened to Rune than she is letting on. I find it kind of cruel that she won't tell Huey anything.


    But besides what she did to Rune and Huey, you could also look at what she did to her own brother, Florin. Or sacrificing the lives of her own followers (without their knowledge). Or what she did to Ryland. Or her Ferrothorn. The list goes on.


  8. This is really well-written, and I understand a lot of your points. I do respectfully disagree with your position on this topic. I know that the world we live in right now is a volatile, ugly place, but it is still my personal worldview that violence is (99.9% of the time) not the answer. Even when it feels justified, it alienates people from your cause, and ultimately hurts it. On a scale like this, collateral damage is inevitable and invalidating to whatever justice you're trying to enact. I disliked Flora the second we met her, when we saw her hypocritically setting off her sort of corruption bomb Darchlight Forest. Are your really restoring the Badlands if you're destroying the earth somewhere else? I think in many ways this gets into the main theme of the game--whether it is ethical or right to sacrifice the life of one for another, or many (in Flora's case, sacrificing life on one part of the planet for another part of the planet)--or, if it is better to find another route altogether (do nothing, wait for a phone call, act as a rebel, etc.). Even if her original intentions were pure, when she took on the role of a terrorist leader, she made a lot of irredeemable decisions. Don't forget what she did to Rune and Huey. I'm just saying that I think the point of this game is to say that things don't always have to be black and white, and there is always another way to go about things.


    I think that, in terms of Bladestar, as you mentioned in your last couple of paragraphs, we should hold out for future releases though. Jan has implied heavily that we're not done with Bladestar yet. There are still working members, with Jenkel and V being at the top. There is still so much mystery surrounding these two and hopefully more will become clear soon. I think what Jan did so well was making Bladestar such a complex organization, and creating these questions to debate in the first place. Even if the cause was right, I don't think you can disagree that what Flora did was undoubtedly wrong. But, in terms of Bladestar as a whole, I don't think we should condemn the plot or characterize it with a trope until it's finished. I just think there's a lot more to this commentary on extremism than meets the eye, and again we'll just have to wait to see what route this takes.


    I think another thing to consider is the role of the player character in this story. It's kind of an interesting phenomenon. While technically you are you, and make your own decisions throughout the game, there is simultaneously a definite role and personality that is already laid out for your character the minute you start the game. They are the Interceptor. They are meant to act as a balancing act between good and evil, darkness and light. They are the Zygarde to the clashing Xerneas and Yveltal. If you remember Adrest, the name of this character is very likely to be a reference to Adresteia, which is an epithet for the Greek goddess Nemesis. Her role is literally "the goddess who enacts retribution against those who succumb to hubris" (source). That is, by definition, a position that would be against Flora's role. In my opinion, Flora and the PC were destined to clash from the beginning, and it doesn't make sense for a character who is supposed to be of balance to join an extremist group.


    That's just my thoughts. Again, really well written and interesting analysis. I just think you should consider waiting to pass judgment until the entire story is revealed. 


    In addition to my points above, I wanted to say that I think that the option to "join" Bladestar is presented to us in order to learn more about the organization (or story as a whole). If you choose to join them, you get to see their base and speak with a lot of members. You learn more about Flora, and learn that she is afraid of the Xenpurgis. I don't think the point of it was ever to derail the plot and work for an organized group. I think it was just an interesting way to learn more about the world. 

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  9. On 1/11/2021 at 5:23 AM, Lucas4362 said:

    I think it was mentioned that Adrest is the son of Variya. And a theory I have regarding the protagonists-

      Reveal hidden contents

    In one of the books in the Underwater Library it was mentioned that there were multiples 'Interceptors'. The whole thing with the interceptors seemed like an experiment of some sort. So I guess the protagonists were all undergoing the experiment. Somehow our mc was the only one to survive? Also the flashback of Axel and Ariana we get to see in Eclysia pyramid ( I was playing as Aevis) could just be a happy memory of our mc. Maybe we will get to see more happy memories of the protagonist of when they all lived together. From the breakdown our mc had while at the Hiyoshi pass, I think only 2 people were inside the mc's head ( one was crying and the other one was consoling the former one) instead of 5. So I don't think thatall the protagonists fused together.

    As for the Hippowdon, I had no idea. It would be cool if we get some more  protagonist exclusive content.



    The Hippowdon is Gloria, the old Hippopotas mascot of Hiyoshi City. Took me a couple of run-throughs to catch that one, but it's such a sad little detail.  (the evidence is when you act as Ren and listen to Hiyoshi's mayor Raphael give his speech, he references his mascot Hippopotas named Gloria. Then, when you battle the Rift Hippowdon, her nickname is Gloria.)


    It's possible that other Interceptors are working in different timelines / dimensions. I personally think it's more likely though that they did in fact all fuse together somehow (including Adrest). That would explain the conversations that occurred during the PC's flashback episodes at the house north of Hiyoshi.


    Here's my theory. I think it's possible that the six PC's all lived in that house together, and then went on a "school trip" (as it reads on the front sign). Where was that school trip? Wispy Tower. The six protagonists were meant to die in the fire, but were "saved" (similar concept to how Keta and Souta were "saved"), fused together, and forced to act as the Interceptor. I'm not entirely sure how Adrest fits into all of this, but maybe Adrest is like the original interceptor, and he had to take on the body of someone from that timeline? Still fuzzy on those details. I'm hopeful that V13 will reveal a lot more about Adrest and Veriya. I think they were Garufan, but other than that I'm at a loss. The Garufan seemed to be a population of arguable scientists, who experiment on other humans with Shadowfication and the power of the Archetype. I also really want to know more about how Crescent and Nancy are involved in all of this.


    One other relevant theory I have is that the "obelisk" outside of Sashila Village is the Core that's mentioned in the Underwater Garufan Library:

    The world is similar to that of programming. It’s commanded to follow a set of commands and instructions. But what if we were able to intercept these commands? Rewrite what was already written? What if someone not from this world would appear? What set of instructions would the system give to deal with such a predicament? Is it capable of dealing with such an extraneous variable? That’s why we’ve created The Core. A series of pillars and conduits that rest beneath the Earth’s surface. When The Core sense a presence outside this world’s, the pillars will unearth themselves.


    Nymiera also said to PC that they would "meet again when the Obelisk emerges", which would make sense because PC is the Interceptor. 


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  10. 7 minutes ago, Aiko said:

    One of the chests is open when you get there. Make sure you went and got a reaction from them.

    looks like I managed to forget the scraggy one on that account. tysm ❤️:,)

  11. 3 minutes ago, Aiko said:

    I think you have to complete the narcissa quest too? That's when I got it.

    I did that too... I don't think I caught the gastly, would that have affected anything?


    edit: no I just checked my pc and I did!! I just went through and counted 9 open chests, so idk what else to do at this point T^T

  12. 4 hours ago, BlueStar124 said:

    Does anyone know how to get into the back room of the lost castle I opened all the wispy ruins doors.



    Edit: nevermind, didn't know a door was behind the waterfall next to the gym


    Wait so if you've opened all of the chests are you supposed to be able to get to that back part that's gated off? I just double checked every chest and I still can't access it for some reason.


    Is there anything else you need to do for it? Like complete the type: null sidequest or anything?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Mytic27 said:

    But we dont know if she is born to man. We only know she lived with Souta and Souta died before having a family with Cela

    I mean by the same argument, we don't know she ISN'T born to man. There is a chance that she actually is Souta's blood related granddaughter. He could've had a family with someone else. Or she did have human parents and was just orphaned.  It's too early to tell.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Rainlove said:

    The game itself is all about decision making.


    1 minute ago, Xavier575 said:

    There is a theory going around about multiple endings, like you choose a side.



    The game IS all about decisions. I feel like in the end we're going to have to choose which prophecy will come true.

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  15. Kinda outta nowhere but I think this episode is going to focus a lot on Erin. Considering where we left off, it would make sense. There are still so many unanswered questions about her too. Like where did she come from? Was Souta her biological grandfather, or was she adopted by him? Why did Allen & Alice call her "Eriena" ? I tried researching the name but I couldn't really come up with anything. Also, the last moments of chapter 13 make it seem like some power is going to be awakened in her, like with Melia in the Ruined Future. 

    Maybe the glitchy teases are related to the eight-bit world? Alice & Allen talked about how they spent "so much time together" with Erin, and she seemed confused about it. Maybe this will go into depths about where / when / why / how this occurred.


    On another note, does anyone else think Erin might be one of the darknesses? There's just something about her that feels off to me, like maybe she's holding back or not telling us everything about her. For one, she reacted weirdly when she saw Melia for the first time, implying she knew someone who looked just like her. She never explained anything about that, either, and it still hasn't been addressed. She also uses an Absol, which is the symbol for the Dark prophecy (contrasted with Melia's Gardevoir , the symbol of the Light prophecy). There's also a lot of Greek Myth references throughout the game, and Erin's name could come from The Erinyes, which is the term for the Greek Furies. They were known as "those who walk in darkness," and were hellbent on serving vengeance. I won't get into specifics about the mythology, but what was even more interesting is that they were born into the earth along with two other types of creatures---one being the giants, and the other being nymphs called Meliae. What an interesting coincidence.

    We have seen her get mad quite often, especially towards Aelita. She's shown to be pretty judgmental, and, according to Flora, an incredible analyzer. 

    If she were one of darknesses, she would be the perfect candidate for the one of Betrayal.


    idk, just a theory. I'm interested to know what you guys think about her.

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  16. 25 minutes ago, Dave9 said:

    Of course! Why didn't I think of that? That mysterious figure did seem to know an awful amount of info about the protagonist's repressed memories that rendered them unconcious and I for one still suspect that the two mysterious figures we've seen so far could have ties with the two known individuals who were a part of the incident in Miera aka that conniving red haired girl that toyed with Keta/Kenneth's life and the surfboard guy who also sees the protagonist as they enter Valor mountain

    If that's the case, that the red haired girl from WLL is Freya and the surfer dude is Lord Xenadin, then I hope we get to see more of them in V12.

    I think it has been p much confirmed that the former is still alive, as Saki believes she saw a girl named Freya in Aquamarine Cave (along with a blue whale, which I presume is Kyogre, though I have no idea why this would be). She also said she had red hair, which lends further credence to the theory.

    I just feel like I imagined Lord Xenadin to be a little less... odd? idk with a name like that I guess I shouldn't have.

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  17. 1 hour ago, kithas said:

    Wait I thought Hiyoshi City was just Grand Dream City, from the obvious reference and the positioning of the Darchlight Manor in both times.

    That's a good point! If that's the case, then I wonder where the catastrophe actually originated from, and why.

  18. 48 minutes ago, BRS swag said:

    No need to lose hope. Food is tastier the more hungrier we are. The same analogy applies here. Also, I have a point to drop here. While travelling through time, space is a constant i.e., we exist in the same spot/place. So, what was in Alamissa Urben's gate, according to this philosophy, could actually be Hiyoshi City. So, what is Zone Zero in the present can be Hiyoshi City. Some of the uncertain places such as Altair Manor might have been transported by how much up and around in Aevium Giratina currently is, except for the time it was frozen or caged by Geara. So, my statement is Zone Zero = Hiyoshi City in present. What do you guys think? And, another thing, maybe the Polioethal Forest or whatever it is, leads to Route 8.

    I like your theory! I don't know if we can definitively say that the time travel HAS to take us to the same place tho--like with the timesplicer stones at least, we know that those link between both different times AND spaces, and so the same could be said for surfer dude's manipulations. At this point it's just hard to say.

    I still agree that Zone Zero is/was Hiyoshi City tho, I mean it was the last known place Indriad was operating, and I feel like the END dungeon (where you fight Gardevoir)  could easily  be where the destruction begins, due to not only Indriad, but possibly all of the Garufan magic the three protectors were bound to be using. Nymiera even said before they headed out that this would be their final mission, and the text was gold to boot.  Plus all the E, N, and D unowns makes it less than subtle that something definitely came to an end here.

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