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Posts posted by Avallyn

  1. 13 hours ago, Menax said:

    Also i would like to have the option to rebind the turbo mode key, at least i have not found a way to do so. I am alt tabbing often to chat with people and it is kind of annoying, not gamebreaking or anything, just annoying.



    The way it was explained to me, that's currently not possible. See here:



    On 4/19/2022 at 2:12 AM, Amethyst said:

    Yeah so like Avallyn said, we can't add the keys super easily like they were in E18 since we switched from the keys being handled in [the code of the game] to the keys and rebinding beind handled in the [the code of the engine], and it's a lot more difficult to work with the engine than the game itself. Notably we would need to be editing the F1 UI to add more options there which has mainly been handled by the MKXP devs externally since I don't think anyone on our team is immediately familiar with the code they use.

    (And also even once implemented, rebuilding and testing the new [engine] is its own ordeal since it tends to change how the game's code behaves)

    So, I am very aware of the limitations here kind of sucking and I'm sorry to those on controllers-- it just wasn't practical to do for now. Maybe we can get some help with it in the future. 





    Is there a way to have a button use the last item that was used again during battle?

    In Options, you can choose if it always starts at fight or with the last thing you chose. It sounds exactly like what you're looking for :-)

  2. I hope this is the right place for my "problem"* - it's absolutely wonderful that Reborn now has native controller input (I used to use a keymapper), but I can't map a controller button to "soft reset" since it doesn't show up in the controls window. Is there something I'm missing or is this something that hasn't been implemented (yet)?

    (The speed up game button - "Alt" - is also missing in the controlls window so the mapping of this can't be changed either.)



    *It's not actually problematic, it's just a QOL thing. Even if this never changes, I'll still like the new reborn better(new content aside), you've improved so many QOL things🥳


    ETA: Just learned on the discord that due to technical limitations, those can't be remapped right now, might change in the future, but might also just not be possible.

    • Like 1
  3. I just read through the notes of what changed and I want to thank you all very, very much for this



     Added a photosensitive mode option, disabling screen flashes and animations.

     Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    (For previous Episodes, some very kind people made a mod that did this, but it's wonderful to just have it part of the regular game. Before I read the notes, I figured I'd wait for the official release and then ask if someone would be willing to make the mod, like I did with the previous Episodes, but now I can just start playing. Thank you very much!)


    And, well.... Also thank you very much to the developers for making such an amazing game, it's a delight to play and I'm looking forward to discovering all the new bits :-) You're wonderful , kind people :-)

  4. If I get stuck, I often check this:



    It says episode 17 and we're at 18.4, but it still applies, especially for the beginning. The person who wrote this also did an excellent job giving advice for some of the harder battels and they made the thread easily searchable. What I would do: don't read the entire thing, it's naturally filled with spoilers, but if you get stuck and are done with attempting to puzzle it out yourself, this is a good first start.


    Have fun!



    P.S.: (also, you might want to check out the mods section, there are some really nice quality of live mods there).

  5. Honestly? I was really looking forward to fighting smarter enemies...😅

    but I'm already really happy with that performance increase! Thank you so much!


    does this make a difference in finding the changed code?


    Changed areas include:
    Shade's Gym

    Peridot Ward


    7th Street

    Anywhere with a screen flash

    Anywhere with a screen shake



    how do I implement the changes? replace my skript file with yours and the maps with the maps from the old mod?

  6. Thank you for taking the time to look at this! 🙂


    The old scripts file can be downloaded in the old mod (sry, I have trouble attaching files here, I don't know why).

    this should hopefully lead to the post with the files:



    Did the script from 18.1 to 18.4 change so little? Because I'm pretty sure that's the version the original mod was for and in the post she said:


    This won't be compatible with other mods that alter the scripts or any of those areas.


  7. On 6/4/2020 at 9:58 AM, ShogokiX said:

    I encountered Adrienn's pronouns and tried to find a german counterpart for xe/xem/xyr......and i had to dig deep. The german language is a beast that makes Terra look like a well behaved puppy by comparison....Try telling Terra that one straight to her face....

    O.O I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you could use here. (xie? xhr? female pronouns with the first letter replaced with x sort of work, with the male ones you end up with "xr"....) do you know if people who're non-binary and German speaking have picked something they're ok with?

  8. I usually look at the base stats first - for example: if the special attack base stat is really low, then there's no point in training the EVs for that stat. if you've got a pokemon you want to be able to hit hart and fast, go for special attack or attack and speed, on the other hand, if you've got a pokemon that's really "solid" with high defenses, it might make sense to turn it into a "staller" and increase the defenses even more. It really depends on the specific pokemon and what you want it to do (took me ages to figure out how this works😅)

    smogon university is what helped me figure it out (I only looked at the pokedex where they suggest EV training and move sets , no idea how their other stuff is. I basically google "pokemon name strategy").

    also, pokerus speeds things up (try to get it through online trading, if you get it just randomly in game, you're stupidly lucky).


    • Like 1
  9. Hello 🙂


    a while ago, andracass made a mod that turns of the flashing in Pokemon Reborn:


    I was wondering, if this is still compatible with Reborn 18.4 (I suspect the maps probably are, but I'm doubtful about the script since so much changed). The mod she made there was the perfect solution to my issue and I've enjoyed playing a lot (it's basically the only game I haven't dropped now that live has gotten so hectic) and would like to switch to the newer Reborn version - but only if that means I won't lose the no-flashing-mod (again, thank you for making it back then!).


    Best regards,





    Edit: umm. apparently, there's been another update since the last time I checked. (wow! you guys are on fire!) I'm basically asking after the most current release and would like to update to that, but not after the game-z thing because my old laptop doesn't like it. it does like what I downloaded yesterday(?) very much though (I actually forgot that I needed the flashing mod🙄 until it started thunderstorming just now😅)

  10. If part of what bothers you about shade's gym is the flashing/the inability to see, then this might help:


    It will however change other things, too. like earthquake and thunderstorms and flashing streetlights (all in the overworld).

  11. how about eeveelutions (how do I spell that? I'm talking about Eevee and all its evolutions) only? You'd have decent type coverage but absolutely no double types. Also, they're all really cute 😄


    will you collect all the ideas in one post? that would be really useful 🙂 this is definitely an excellent idea!

  12. ?!? ok, now I'm kind of concerned!

    What I did was the following:

    1) download pokemon reborn from the first Mirror here on the page.

    2) download the modpack from the link in the first post on the SWM thread

    2.5) un-zip everything

    3) follow the instructions to copy/paste the relevant stuff

    4) play

    I never touched the scripts.rxdata file and I figured if there were changes it must have been the mods I was using?

    I still have the old one in another folder for backup, but the site won't let me upload anything bigger than 0,49MB and the file has about 900kB.


    How likely is it that somewhere a virus got in there?


    Edit: 1-4 happened this week and I am sure that I added no other (non SWM) mods, since those covered everything except the flashing I made this post about


    I tried opening both with the regular windows editor because I figured the basics of a programming language stay similar enough that I might be able to find specific differences between my backup safefile and another freshly downloaded one and post them here or something for the experts, but lo and behold it's all symbols from an asian language🤣


    I would like to know what's going on and I'll help however I can but apparently just using a random editor (or having google spit one out for me) does not get me started on that.


    Is there a way to increase the size of the files I'm allowed to upload?

  13. Thank you so much! You really are the best girlTM !!!


    For anyone else who wants to use some of the SWM modular modpack, the ones I'm using are:



    • "SWM - BagSortByType"

    • "SWM - EvOverflow"

    • "SWM - FindInPC

    • "SWM - ItemRadar

    • "SWM - LearnEggMoves"

    • "SWM - MiningForRich"

    • "SWM - Mouse"

    • "SWM - MultiSelectPC"

    • "SWM - NoTMXNeeded"
    • "SWM - PickupQoL"

    • "SWM - PredictRelationshipValues"
    • "SWM - SetWeather"

    • "SWM - ShowStatBoosts"

    • "SWM - TypeBattleIcons"
    • "SWM - UnrealTime"

    • "SWM - WildEncounterRates"

     I completely forgot I had some of them in there, it's quite the list. I don't know how many of those actually change the script, but still.... you really know your stuff, again: Thank you!

  14. I didn't make a list while playing and I'm not very far yet so this is going to be very incomplete/I'm probably going to get bits mixed up (sorry in advance):


    - lightening weather is unpleasant (but there's a weather mod, so it's annoying but ok)

    - Shades Gym (I just saw it in a playthrough, that's why I started looking for the mod, it's absolutely awful, I'm currently trying to figure out how to convince someone else to play that bit for me when I get there)

    - some of the street lamps (great for atmosphere, but....)

    - Earthquakes (again, thanks to the playthrough) are unpleasant but manageable

    - some of the factories, I think? (it's been a while, I'm not sure if I saw a factory location flash in a playthrough or my own playing)


    I'm currently only at the Grand Staircase for the first time, I had a break in between so I probably missed a lot. Sorry for that!


    Thank you very much for taking an interest!!!


    P.S.: I'm at the lower end of "Flashing is a Problem" so it could be that some things that don't bother me would bother others

  15. Hello 🙂


    I've recently started playing reborn and I absolutely love it. It's so amazing with all the details and the difficulty and the sidequests😍

    But one thing that is a bit problematic for me for health reasons are the constantly flashing lights in some areas. Is there a way to turn them off? I've searched for a mod that does this in the forum and on google but had no luck. Does one exist already? If not, is anyone interested in making one? I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem....


    Best regards,




    P.S.: I don't actually care if the mod would make it really dark or "normal" levels of light or anything in between, I can deal with that and it wouldn't be the first area I explored while seeing almost nothing, but I really want the flashing to stop.

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