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Posts posted by Destrakon

  1. 7 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

    I'll take shroomish, past that send me whatever you want, can't right away today though

    Ok, no problem. Just tell whenever you up to do it.


    EDIT: Also, sorry for asking, would you happen have Natu/Elgyem/Sigilyph/Tynamo spare for trade? Im tryin to complete Pokedex so, those are the ones tha i can't qet for myself since i missed them to capture in the storyline.  The ones remaining are Fossil pokemons that I'll try to get mining around. Thanks in advvice..

  2. 11 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

    Do you have shroomish? or a decent crogunk if not anything random will work, sorry, notification didn't go off and was playing in Steam

    I'vve got Shroomish, as for Crogunk i got one, but its a normal one. I can give you both if you want though. Crogunk Ivs are 8/22/1/12/9/9

  3. 1 hour ago, Starry Knight said:

    Sorry, haven't gotten home yet, I had meant to put 15h but somehow I messed up, I have one of each in the line I can give you

    I am just getting home are you available in 5 min or so @Deztrakon

    Porygon and Azurill will need to come from a different save file but everything else is ready

    Im available now. What would you like in exchange for those pokemon @Starry Knight?

  4. 9 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

    If your still on in about 1h I can help you at a friend's house currently, if anyone else offers you any of them go ahead and take it

    Ehmm, u there? If so, what are you trading? :s

  5. 4 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

    You know you can always catch Porygon by bringing a Data Chip (im sure you can buy the Data Chips at 7th street) to the Onyx Trainer School, look on the 2nd floor and in the rooms for a flashing computer or something, interacting with it and putting the data chip in will initiate the battle with Porygon.

    I do have Data Chip and tried , but nothing happens..

  6. It anyone willin to help to get these pokemon?


    Tsarenna or any of its pre-evolutions

    Exploud or any of its pre-evolutions


    Lunatone and Solrock




    If so, just tell what do you want in exchange 🙂 Thanks.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

    can you quote or tag my name when responding, just got the message but if your still on yes

    Opss srry, Sure want some in return? especifically?


  8. Just now, N1Dude said:

    Oshawott can be traded for a ledian i think in agate city. 

    Not sure about this though but iirc you should be able to get the oshwawott from someone there.


    What were your problems while breeding with ditto? I mean you put a pokemon in the daycare, a ditto, make like 200(?) steps and there you have it. A pokemon egg.

    I'll try again if it works. Cuz I tried with Serperior and it didnt. Nou, that woman says it going back to her books... Nothing more.

  9. I dont know if this is posted in the right section..  but Im doinq the quest that requires starters eggs, buuuuut. All of my starters are male. tbh. Is there a way to qet starters egg breeding? Also, the only starter i need is Oshawott, is anyone willin to trade one?


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