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Posts posted by jo_lo29

  1. 1 hour ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

    Bug: a Type that gradually gained relevance through the Generations, culminating in becoming the preferred Type of a brutal crime boss to significantly greater effect than the the "Bug Specialist" that somehow managed to achieve E4 status in Sinnoh. Or, at least, that's what I hear.


    Anyway, welcome to this buzzingly peculiar land we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and, above all else, enjoy your stay!


    Trash Cloak Wormadam buff when, Game Freak?

    Haha thanks pal. I forgot about Aaron! but his mons are too weak to be considered difficult, what he needed was a mega beedrill to sweep your team 😛

  2. Hey fellas, thought i'd introduce myself here quickly.

    i'm 19 and from New Zealand, and the first Pokemon game I played was Blue, which my brother gave to me when FR/LG came out. 

    Ever since I have been in love with Beedrill and Bug types for no particular reason at all, and admittedly its strange to like them in Gen 1 when they were near useless 😛

    I mostly only play on consoles and rarely play on PC, the obvious exception being Reborn. 

    Favourite games of all time have to be;


    - Bloodborne

    - Medabots RPG for GBA

    - Pokemon Gold/Silver

    - The Witcher 3

    - Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne


    Hope to stick around least until after Reborn is completed, and spout nonsense about Mega Beedrill and how he is ultimately the best pokemon, and should see more competitive use 😛





  3. 1 minute ago, Starry Knight said:

    perhaps if you can in about 5h? that would mean 9pm where I am

    Sure, no problem. I'll check back after 4, just so you don't have to wait as long?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

    they unfortuneatly stopped working last night so idk if they will be back up anytime soon as they currently still aren't

    Hmmm thats alright, nothing we can do about it I suppose. I'll log off for today and check back tonight, (it's 8am where I am) and see if anything has changed. Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it.


  5. Just now, Starry Knight said:

    Will do, trying to WT a few breedjects away cause I didn't want to release them so I've been trying just let me know when you log off for the day depending on when servers are up  it could be awhile I have a gastly readily avaiable however the servers are down sadly

    I usually check back here sporadically, but don't feel like you need to rush or anything, I understand how tedious breeding is 😛

  6. 1 minute ago, Starry Knight said:

    It is possible to get gastly last I heard from mystery egg after Amarias gym it's now possible to catch one in the wild

    Hmmm, thats pretty late in the game. I'd love it really if I could trade the Vulpix egg for a Gaatly one. I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong forum and theres actually a trading one..?

  7. Hey guys, new user here, was just wondering if it were at all possible to trade in this game? I know theres an online feature but i've heard mixed stories about how it's used and when, (some people say you need 10 badges or something)


    Story is, i've restarted my save three times to get Gastly from the mystery egg. and all three times i've got a stupid Vulpix. Would there be anyone willing to trade a Gastly egg for a Vulpix (Alolan) Egg?



    Thanks in advance for any help


    - Josh

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