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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Posts posted by captainfrost202

  1. Although I see that a similiar question to my intended one has been asked above, I still feel like asking my own anyway since I feel it is a bit different. What is this game INTENDED difficulty level? Is it intended to be as challenging as regular non modded reborn/rejuvenation normal mode, or perhaps a bit higher than that, say, on the level of rejuvenation intense mode or even reborn redux (or other mods of that game too, though I feel like trying to get into memeborn/reborn extreme level might be a bit too much for most newcomers)? 

    Additionally/alternatively, will there be different difficulty settings for the game or not? (I personally would not mind it either way but still felt worth asking since since it is a part of this topic after all)

  2. Seeing this new exp candy item as something that might potentially make it to the game, I cannot help but wonder: will these candies always give a certain amount of exp.points upon being consumed (in proportion to the mon's level), or a fixed number of exp.points? I ask this because one of the bigger issues with exp grinding is that, upon getting to the higher levels/level caps, the exp gain starts becoming gradually slower, even with audino breeders taken into account. Which is why I am wondering if these candies give a fixed amount of exp points, or does it vary by the mon's level? Either way though this just gives me more reasons to be excited for the next release!

  3. Ok so since this might be the last chance, here goes nothing:

    How does the torterra crest work in the inverse field? Does torterra just have the weaknesses/resistances that it would have in a normal battling field without the crest? And would it resist electric in that case?

    Why is the game called by versions instead of episodes or even chapters as it is stated in game?

    What exactly gave you the idea for the title of 'Rejuvenation'?

  4. Hello. First of all I just wanted to say thank you so much for creating this amazing new version; considering the amount of time between the between the posting of the status thread and the release of the actual new version (ie the amount of development time), it is amazing how this game has not let down on any of it's habits (ie extremely hard puzzles/battles, particularly the 'gym leader' battle), and that is something that I am very grateful for.

    Actually, this brings up my first question: how long does it usually take between the release of each new version? I understand that this is probably simply dependant on the amount of new content added to the game, but still some clarification would be nice since I have only started at v11.3 and am kinda new to this kind of thing.

    Do you think the fields in their current state are ok? As of right now there are currently 43 fields in total in the game, and while some have seen more representation than the others (for obvious, understandable reasons, and I have little doubt that all of them will be shown at one point of the game or another, eventually) there are some fields that feel so much stronger while some of the others seem really underpowered *cough*starlight arena being simply nullified by any weather *cough*  (on a glance anyway, I have seen plenty of boss battles convince me otherwise) . Are you satisfied with the current state of the fields on the whole, or do you think some of them could use reworks (small or massive alike) to feel more in line with the others? Is field balance even a concern regarding the overall balance of the game, or is it fine for some fields to be better overall while others are on the weaker side? Also, are there any plans for more fields to be added in the future?

    This one is a bit more story related, but is Alexandra actually the champion like it has been rumored by many? If yes, will she bring this up sometime later on in the story? And if not, will we get to meet whoever the actual champion is before battling them at the league?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. In azure shore, your character can move on this tile and is also capable of surfing:


    Then this can happen:unknown.png?width=354&height=301

    You can simply go to the water then back to the stairs to fix it, but still I felt like this was worth reporting.


  6. Hello! As my playthrough of reborn is coming to a close until the arrival of ep19, I have commited to completing the entire pokedex for the purpose of getting poipole. Unfortunately it turns out that I have missed out on the sea incense, which was only obtainable before the city restoration, and now I can't have an azurill for myself as a result (no luck with the mystery egg either). I have also not had any luck with finding the fossils required to obtain kabuto or anorith via mining, even with a blast powder. What I seek for trade are both an anorith and a kabuto, and at least one of them must be holding a sea incense (so that I can breed an azurill for myself). These 5 species are the last that I need for pokedex completion, so if anyone is willing to help it would be greatly appreciated!

  7. I`m really hoping that the pokemon psychologist gets changed in the next version just like it was changed in reborn`s version 18 from version 17; having to reset so many times just to get the desired nature is really annoying tbh, I don`t mind having to spend a few more heart scales if it means I can have control over the nature my mon will have. Just like mentioned above, I am also hoping we can change the nicknames of the mons we get from in game trades. The own tempo rockruff/lycanroc dusk you get at the near beginning of the game is one of the best and most indispensable mons in the game for a very long time, and having it always be named `Rocky` with no option to change it is quite sad 😕 What I`m hoping that DOESN`T get changed is the location of the beldum card key shards; them being unable to be detected with an itemfinder already makes them extremely obnoxious to find without a guide or ridiculous luck; and having to try again in other places if you wanted to replay the game would be really not fun. Regardless of everything though I`m obviously really excited for the next version, especially with that shocking ending of ep13. After all, this might just be the best pokemon game I have ever played (so far at least), just about everything about it is perfect especially in their current state in v11

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