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Posts posted by Yahen

  1. 1 minute ago, CrossImpact said:


    wasn't the rule that it can only be intervened when a mod answers before a number ending on 7 was posted
    Cass broke the rule and is invalid
    so if the people rise up and get together, you can march right over 936 I'm sure.

    cass added 1, she do this often


  2. 7 minutes ago, Bok Choi said:

    Usami is nowhere to be seen... But Makoto Naegi has entered!

    Nagito is yelling something about hope...
    Gundham has sent out his Dark Devas of Destruction...

    Considering Monokuma's description, Usami is now Makoto.

    And Nagito was probably attacked, gundham used his night action

    Also, anyone got restrained? This could help determining some aligments

    I visited Nicki, everything went okay there

  3. [Eliminate L'Belle]

    I would rather have Peko to kill Caimie in case L'Belle is spotless

    If they are indeed maf, you are a weird caimy, caimy. But if that's the case, we just pressure people that protected him.


    If we lynch caimie and she flips mafia, we wont have much info for Peko to do a night kill (and knowing Yahy, they will attack someone anyways).

    And if she flips town, we just get another big questionmark in our heads


    I forgot who i voted to reveal lol ill edit this if i dont change, but double post if i do

    Edit: i wont change it

  4. 13 minutes ago, Commander said:

    I swear you got really lucky with the Master Florinia fight. I kind of completely redid her to be based around the fact she used all 4 types of weather back during Season 1 league days. I'd say Roserade was more of a secondary ace for her over Breloom. I ended up nerfing her because the original fight seemed to give everyone massive problems (and Steelix was its name-o). Good job. I'm still keeping an eye but I do get busy.


    I'm a piece of walking trivia at points due to all the stuff I looked up for reference on all these guys. Only ones I don't have any materials on are Heather and Lin.

    I have to say i couldn't believe that i didn't lose Inigo at the end (or even Cass at the beggining, looking at it now she almost fainted)

    Also i like trivias~

  5. Okay here am i helping you in the formating when you could just copypaste mine.

    But hey its almost easter right?

    Thank got i got rid of the blue thing

    Update 5!!!

    My progress:


    Time to visit a new city! 

    It has a Game Corner, someone i know would be really happy with that!

    It also has like a giaaaaant trainer school, i'll go there.

    They are not my friends but i am pretending they are in this photo! I also discovered that Florinia's gym might be here!

    Let's try and ent- no don't do this

    i seriously hate you

    But hey, there is other entrance, and i follow that old saying: if it isnt a giant iron door, it cannot stop me

    This school is like REALLY big, there's even a pokécenter inside it! Also, it seems one way is blocked, so i'll have to take the other one

    After a bunch of battles, i managed to get on the other side of that, making kind of a shortcut to the pokécenter.

    Now apparently i need to answer some questions, nothing really hard, as the books around the school (and google) can help me here

    you're not a giant iron door

    Now i can finally battle both of the green-haired 😛

    fern is a nerd

    Floooo rinia

    Florinia asked me to go to Jasper, i'll be there ASAP.




    We were idiots and forgot to printscreen the box, but Yahen got:

    A Taillow and another Eevee! Hope it is not a leafeon, right? I hate you. 

    Also i have some mons unnamed, both the ones i got today and:

    Bounsweet, Skorupi, Snover and Treecko!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Eviora said:


    You only claimed your role and attempt to kill Nano after he had already claimed to be attacked. That's not really proof of anything. For all I know, there could be some sort of Ultimate Imposter third party role causing people to make inaccurate claims. That would certainly make a lot more sense than for a spotless Peko to roleclaim.

    The imposter is byakuya

  7. 8 minutes ago, Eviora said:

    Why is everyone so keen on revealing Monokuma? As far as I'm aware, he's not affiliated with the blackened. Wouldn't revealing him tell the mafia who not to try to kill? I'd like it if they wasted kills on immune targets, so we should refrain from revealing Monokuma, Usami, Fuyuhiko, and, to a lesser extent, Nagito.


    Also worth noting: Only one person died. If Peko was spotless two people probably would have died unless one target was immune - that is, either one of the four above characters or whomever Mikan was protecting. However, if Peko is blackened, there would only be one attempted kill. The chance that Peko is blackened is higher when you account for the conditional probability involved here. I think we should refrain from revealing Peko now, since if she's spotless she's a valuable ally, but if one kill nights continue or a 0 kill night occurs, she'll start looking very suspicious.

    Hi Evy!

    I guess we were not introduced yet, i'm Yahen! o/

    But hey, what we're revealing are not the player, but their secondary description! (Probably they dont know it too, and this would imply that monokuma is between the people who voted~) Which means we will discover what powers Monokuma will have once he transforms, for instance, but not who he is, same goes for Hajime

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