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Everything posted by Shadowstar128

  1. Ok so I want to get the sludge bomb tm but I've already unlocked mirage tower which from what I understand appears on top of where sludge bomb would be, is there any way for me to get rid of mirage tower so I can get sludge bomb?
  2. I'm not entirely certain where to put this but my question has to do with me trying to get a specific pokemon so I suppose I'll put it here since I don't have a better idea of where to post this. Anyway I'm trying to get a shiny type: null, I accidentally quick saved during the brief pause between the scientist lady's dying words and type:null attacking me, since I started the encounter by talking with the lady would I just be getting the same encounter again and again no matter how many times I reset thus screwing me from getting shiny type:null? Because I've been resetting for hours now and I've had no luck getting a shiny.
  3. Hello, I know that there is already a guide for all the stickers up to the current version of the game but no one has commented on that thread in like a year and I have a question about one specific sticker, my game has had rain for the past several days and so the lady for the spinel town sticker quest hasn't shown up, I'm about to fight the team meteor base with the pulse abra. If I beat the abra before I even start the sticker quest will I lock myself out of the sticker?
  4. Hello, I'm playing a new save game because I lost my old one, I'm trying to rebuild my old team but one of my team members was the mystery egg from the police, since I can't control what egg I get I want to ask for some outside help, if any of you have an alolan vulpix you'd be willing to trade I'm willing to give you any mon I have, highlights include a piplup, whatever mon I get from this save files mystery egg, and a budew with perfect or near perfect IV's in all but one stat. Along with this I want to get an ice cream so I can get that kid in the candy shop to move so I can buy ice cream myself, if someone can spare one for me I'd be very appreciative, I can also give you one of my items in exchange if you'd like. Thanks in advance
  5. Hello, I've got a bit of an odd trade request, I don't need a specific pokemon I need a specific item. pix~ I want a blue moon ice cream so I can get a heracrossite. pix~ If anyone has a blue moon ice cream to spare I've got several pokemon I'd be willing to trade for it including: an incineroar with 31 in every stat other than special defense which is a 23, two ralts one with IV's and nature meant for a gardevoir and the other with IV's and nature meant for a gallade, or anything else from my box of you choocyng. pix~ Thanks in advance. pix~
  6. So I just got back to reborn city after the water treatment plant. I'm doing the sidequest where you need to find job applications for the members of the gang you joined. according to the wiki I need a construction application. The problem is that the wiki says I need to go to grandview station and talk to a construction worker but grandview station is being blocked by two police officers, what do I do?
  7. First and foremost apologies for posting this here but I have no clue where to post this question. I've just read Titania's diary and I know I have multiple choices I need to make about confessing to reading it and about telling amaria or not but I'm scared something is going to happen beyond my control due to these choices so I'd like to know what the consequences are for each choice if there are any. Can someone please help.
  8. Hello I'm not entirely sure where to ask this question but it has to do with items so this section was my best guess. I'm trying to get a blue moon ice cream through pickup I know what items I can get through pick up and have a general idea of how rare they are but I'm curious of what percentage the rarity the various tiers of pickup items are. What's the drop rate is essentially what I'm asking, does anyone know?
  9. Hello again, So I solved the railnet sticker and moved on to the spinel town one. I've given the lady the medicine but she not where the guide said she'd be. It is currently raining in my game so I'm guessing maybe the weather has something to do with it but I'm not sure, do any of you know if here location has changed since this guide was made?
  10. Hello I'm trying to get the railnet sticker but I've already progressed the story past the railnet and the train is out of the cave. according to some research I did I should still be able to take down the barrier and get the sticker but I've adjusted the tracks so they lead to the barrier and it won't go down. Have I locked myself out of the sticker or am I doing something wrong?
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