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Status Updates posted by kil

  1. kil

    Jan, I have posted about this NoMethod Error Blackflute Used thing but gotten no help.

    I just want to play the game can you please tell me the solution or what I need to do to fix it? If you are unfamiliar I will make a video of what happens.


    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for help I just really want to keep playing I love the game.

    1. Jan


      I believe there was an update that fixed this issue. Have you checked out the game's thread? 


    2. kil


      what do I look for I don't understand, I reinstalled the game already and have been playing it since november without issue? I see mention of the bug from a comment in july but no responses or solutions?

    3. Jan


      There's a patch on the page that fixes this issue.

  2. Someone please help me fix this BlackFlute Error message

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