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Reborn Development Blog

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Post Comments posted by AtheaOfAltea

  1. Quote

    Q: when's e19 community release

    A: next weekend!

    we have a date in mind. i don't want to say which date it is in case something goes wrong on our end and things have to be pushed back. we're not a big game company with a corporate HQ and millions of dollars in funding. we're just two bitches and a cat in an apartment. sometimes we oversleep. you never know.

    just keep an eye on the sidebar.


    pardon me but I'm gonna lose my mind. There's a very real chance that we the gamers will get to bear witness to e19 in the next three days. holy shit.

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  2. Is there actual, genuine concern about big man Reggie showing up and shutting down this whole operation? I'm amazed Reborn has lasted so long without coming under fire, is that actually a possibility that it might happen? Anxiety brain is very anxious

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  3. I'm really really excited!! Hope y'all are able to take it easy still while finishing ep19 but the hype is real and I can't wait to enjoy the finished Reborn experience!


    Also oh my god the thing that display pokemon status under the game screen is so good. I can feel like a real livestreaming Gamer(tm)

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  4. God I don't wanna get too hyped and contribute to pressure but holy shit I'm so excited I have no words. Reborn is approaching the end!! I've been a fan for years, I think I first started my first save file in like 2015? I can't wait to see Episode 19 and the post-game in its entirety, and play the final Reborn beginning to end!

  5. Really excited to hear about the mono-run help! Doing nothing but bug and poison runs was getting a little exhausting, I'm gonna be honest (I know all of them are technically possible, let it alone).

    Also, ty for the update! I do still try to keep up to date, even if I'm not super chatty on the forums, and I really appreciate the work y'all are doin

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