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Posts posted by BlueCalibri

  1. Verden still seems to be mostly just standing in the same place with a serene smile, humming quietly to himself and still with his head tilted down in what's probably prayer, up until he notices that events are happening. He glances up to check on things. Everyone seems to be doing mostly fine. Although he does notice a few injuries here and there. Mostly the obvious one, that being Ceridwen, and the degree of those injuries is... slightly unpleasant, he finds.


    "Ah... You're hurt. And badly. You might not feel it, but..."


    He trails off, then closes his eyes to concentrate for a moment. Then, he uses Heal to try and help Ceridwen recover a little more. Once he's done that, he opens his eyes again, fixing her with something of a concerned look.


    "Please, do be careful out there. I might not always be close enough to help."

  2. Verden was about to continue conversation, evidently quite happy to talk further with Seymore and Fallon, but the interruption of Johanna and the incoming training session take his attention instead. Once he's done listening to find out what's going on, he sighs quietly to himself.


    "I suppose we will have to postpone our talk. That, or chat during battle, but that might prove impractical."


    He then takes a look around at what the other people with him are doing before moving over a bit, placing himself down at M7 right in the middle of where it seems like the most people are gathering. While standing there, he bows his head a little, as though in silent prayer... Although that is briefly interrupted by him adding in one more quick sentence.


    "If it helps any of you fight a little better, know I have confidence in you all."

  3. The newcomer fellow can't help but smile a little more as he notices Seymore's reaction, evidently just a little amused that he might have startled the poor fellow, but still keeping polite as he can. He also glances over at Fallon and nods in acknowledgement, still maintaining that polite smile, then turns his attention back to Seymore again to reply to him first, also reaching out to accept the offer of the handshake. After all, Seymore was the first to address him, so it would only be polite.


    "I see... That's two names I know now, at least. My name is Verden. Nice to meet you two, Seymore, Fallon. I cannot help but wonder, where might you both come from? It is fine if neither of you wish to reveal that, of course. I could understand."

    Verden gestures down to himself. Mainly his robes, and the scrap of metal underneath, neither in particularly good order.


    "If the... questionable quality of my outfit were not a giveaway already, I come from Kuluk. The journey this far north has taken quite some time, unfortunately for me."


  4. It seems that there is at least one more person who'll be joining the group - someone who upon arrival just gazes around at everyone else gathered around for a while, taking in the sight of everything happening in the field of grass. Anyone who would turn their gaze on him in turn would probably be able to see a few clues as to his nature. For one thing, the design of his current clothing, namely a robe, suggests to him having some place in a religious order. Slightly beneath the open front of those robes, one might be able to see just the barest trace of somewhat rusty and old metal armor, although if an acolyte of the church is wearing it there probably isn't a lot, just the most rudimentary amount to provide a tad more safety against whatever hazards he might face on the road. The general condition of the robe, and the scrap of armor that lies beneath, point to either extensive use already or poor financial condition, and there's one specific place some people might know of where even the church might not be doing well financially... Something not so indicative to his possible background would be things like his silvery-white-ish hair and quite heavily blue eyes, and perhaps a small pouch resting near his hip... Anyway, after he evaluates everyone else present for a while, he just smiles to himself while thinking out loud to himself, unintentionally speaking with a fairly soft voice as he voices his thoughts.


    "Wow, quite a few different people here... The Allied Guard must be popular, hah."

  5. Spoiler

    Name: Verden
    Class: Acolyte > Priest > Bishop
    Character Skill: Charisma
    Astrological Rune: Moon Rune

    Personal Flaw: “I can’t run and keep my guard up at the same time!” [If use all MOV in a turn, +2 damage taken.]
    Personal Skill: “Now is not the time for me to get hit, for sure.” [If below half HP, +15 evasion.]
    /Personal Skill: “Alright, just let me focus…” [If use no MOV in a turn, +2 healing power.]
    //Personal Skill: ‘Oh, my friend died. I’m upset now.’ [If an ally is reduced to 0 HP, +15 HIT.]

    Preferred Stats: Resistance, Luck
    Weapon Proficiency: Staff (E)
    Level: 1
    Total Level: 1

    Progression Spent: 330/330
    HP: 15 (60%) 
    STR: 2 (0%)
    MAG: 3 (40%)
    SKL: 1 (40%)
    LCK: 4 (60%) 
    DEF: 1 (30%) 
    RES: 6 (70%) 
    SPD: 5 (30%)
    CON: 3
    AID: 2
    MOV: 4


    Bit late, but...

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