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Posts posted by LunarCosmos

  1. 2 hours ago, Whitelight said:


    I don't mind at all! It was your idea in the first place too for a canonical team, which I think is pretty awesome in itself. I have been trying to beat the game (reach the end credits not necessarily all the endgame content) with every monotype and dang is it taking me a bit. I am making it at a pretty good clip though, already have the ice, electric, and dragon runs down which I would consider some of the hardest and now I'm currently on the rock mono run. After I get done with all those though im gonna be really tempted to try the "changeling" run myself too!!!

    Sweet, thanks! Definitely documenting that down for later lol. Never thought of doing a "monotype" run myself, but who knows, might try that out myself too! Wouldn't know what type to start out with tho lol

  2. 4 hours ago, Whitelight said:

    So here is another potential take of it though... our main protagonist kind of shifts and morphs their morals, ideals, and strategies to face the many hurdles on the adventure. For example, we work for the police force during the tangrowth pulse portion of the game, but also end up joining a gang and then flipping BACK to help pay to restore the city... for all this I would say maybe it would be cool if the "cannon" team was equally as shape-shifty... like I'm thinking Greninja (who changes types mid battle), kecleon (who has camouflage to change to the arena typing), ditto (who morphs into the actual opponent, type null (who can change types with the memory you give it), and maybe like porygon (the download ability makes them "match" an opponent) and for the last one castform (who shifts with the weather)


    I know this isn't necessarily a list that fits with the "major events" of the game, but I think it would establish you as a player as more of the wildcard and make you different enough from all the other characters in the game, as you literally ADAPT to any situation. I think it would also add a fun level of challenge since you would have a very high interaction rate with the fields and such. Just a thought but if I ever end up doing a "canon" run, that may be what I go for



    Tl;Dr: make a team of shapeshifters because as a Canon, you are the most flexible character 

    Wow, that sounds so cool! I really never thought of doing a team like that, but your suggestions is really tempting me to go for something like that lol. Like you said, it would present a nice little challenge which I'm all in for :] It also makes sense in the symbolism side of things cause, as you said, the player character shows in many aspects of the game that they are a flexible character that can adapt to many situations. So that is a super rad idea lol. I'll have to keep that idea on the back burner as a potential team loadout. Thats if you don't mind me stealing that idea and using it for a future playthrough! Lol

  3. 6 hours ago, Siv said:

    Garchomp and Honedge are found at different locations, his point on legacy is because Garchomp is their family Pokemon, right? Or am I misremembering a link between Taka and Honedge? Besides the fact that Taka is just present when you find it and that it's a "King Arthur & Excalibur"-type situation?


    Silvally is one of my favourites, but I don't like how we're a part of chopping up different Mons to create it. Giving Mons to some back-alley "scientists" just urks me..

    Ah yes, you're right! They are found at different locations. My thing was that I believe (unless I'm misremembering) that Taka remarks on both pokemon being picked up by the player character. So that's why I was saying it was fair to pick up one or the other. Both might be overkill tho lol. But yeah I am seeing more people go with Garchomp over Aegislash so I will probably alter my list to just have Garchomp. I mean, who'd say no to a Garchomp lol. And yeah I understand your side when it comes to the Silvally thing. WHat you say makes perfect sense and sounds a little messed up when you put it that way, haha. But for the reason @Whitelight was saying earlier, I feel like it still might be a good pickup since the player character is known for their flexibility and adaptability in various situations. As well as the fact that the player character's morals and ideals change frequently throughout the story, so they might make some questionable decisions at one point in the story that they would not necessarily agree with later on or earlier on in the story. But I can see arguments for both sides! :]

  4. 8 hours ago, Whitelight said:

    I can't remember all the pokemon, but I feel like the ones you release from the 7th street black market should be a choice too. I know it's TECHNICALLY a sidequest, but it has tie ins to DJ Arclight and also seems pretty on brand with you being the "good guy" (releasing the smuggled pokemon) 

    Yeah its hard for me to remember as well since its been a while since I played and havent touched the E19 beta yet. And yeah! I can get behind that. Only thing is, there's so many of them, so I like to think that maybe all of them are just given new homes except for the last one to be saved which may be kept by the protagonist :]

  5. On 4/30/2022 at 1:55 PM, Siv said:

    I don't feel like Corey's mons are that significant`to the player, like at all. It would be far more significant to Heather than the player.


    Ralts however is a good addition. We've been carrying around the corrupted pokeball for a massive part of the game.

    Eevee, too. I know it's a bit out of the ways getting it, but I think finding an orphaned Pokemon fits as the character is helpful, empathetic and overall good-hearted. That's been displayed over and over, so keeping Eevee seems fitting to me. Same reason to keep Ralts.


    I disagree with Honedge, not sure if that represents anything significant at all.

    Same with Type:Null, I'm not a fan of how we get it by essentially handing over Pokemon to mad scientists.. if we rescued it? Sure. But we're responsible for it's being.

    Gyarados, too. I don't see why that's meaningful, I would think the player would want nothing to do with a scammer, to be honest. If I didn't know there'd be a big reward at the end I wouldn't have paid him any attention after the first encounter.

    I don't see the Mimikyu or the PULSE argument either. You're talking about a homage but the Pokemon themselves holds no other meaning than simply and only being the same species.. if we got to save the PULSE mons and keep them? Definitely. If we got Shade's Mimikyu (or another one of Shade's mons) then absolutely. But other than that there's no special relationship between the Pokemon and the player. We don't rescue them, we just find them.


    I think the Zangoose/Pachirisu event has meaning. It's being bullied and abused, we save it.. I think that matters quite a bit.

    Houndour/Cavanha has significance, too, I think. The gang matters, a lot. So a representation of our chosen gang is a big deal.

    A case could be made for the Stolen Pokemon quest. In order to keep it challenging maybe allow to pick 1 to keep?





    Mystery Egg (although, again, out of the way, but it's significant to the players character in helping out the officer)




    Garchomp (RIP Taka, the only character I can stand to be around in Reborn.)



    I think that's it. Wild Pokemon doesn't make sense to me unless you find them, like Emolga and Pichu etc but even they don't hold a lot of deep meaning..

    Ah you are the first person to say that Corey's mons are not too story-impacting, haha. That's refreshing and its nice to hear a different opinion, especially since I never really saw adding one of Corey's mons as a canonical team member in my own headcanon (that is, until others came and suggested the idea). I also have not seen Ralts suggested I dont think...but I like that! :] Eevee has been suggested several times and I agree with the choice as well. I agree with your PULSE and homage pokemon opinions as I never really saw getting "copies" of the original pokemon befitting of the main protagonist. I do however see the argument for honedge. Wasn't there an even around the Taka section (Reshiram Route I believe) where he says you should take one of the pokemon with you (either garchomp or aegislash)? I could be forgetting correct me if I'm wrong but Taka makes some mention of taking one of them with you to carry on some legacy. I also liked the idea of taking type null but I can see how you disagree :]. And yes I do feel like taking one of the Gang pokemon is a MUST. Mention that in an earlier post and I think most people agree on that lol....But yeah for the most part I agree and it seems to me most of your reasonings come from the hero player saving pokemon or giving abandoned pokemon new homes. I like the sentiment and appreciate it but I do feel like there are other reasons why the protagonist might take some of the other pokemon :] Either way, thanks for adding! And I like your list :]

  6. 30 minutes ago, Goblinpat said:

    In terms of side pokemon whose events have a bit more weight than most:


    As has already been mentioned, absol/gyarados/gible/honedge/mystery egg/corey's mons

    Event Misdreavus in Byxbysion

    Seventh street pokemon (that you don't need to give back for the mega ring). That abra really helped you out in blacksteam

    Type:Null has a whole little quest, it's basically your child, and multiple types would be useful for a more limited run like this, so it seems like a no-brainer

    Ralts from the corrupted pokeball you find in the railnet, it defies extreme odds out of loyalty to its trainer

    Eevee that you find orphaned in Mysidia Railcave

    I completely agree with type:null addition! Silvally could be nice symbolism to the player character's ability to adapt in different situations, yeah? It seems like a lot of people have been mentioning, one of Corey's mons. Maybe I am forgetting just how significant Corey's impact to the story is as my memory of the game is a bit foggy since it has been a while since i've played, haha. Gonna definitely have to reconsider that option. Thanks for contributing to the post! It is appreciated :] Oh and also I love the honedge pick! I mentioned that earlier but idk if many agreed lol so it is nice to see that

  7. 3 hours ago, C.A said:

    Personally, I think it something like this


    Starter/Primarina - Since the comment from Ame. Could however be replaced by any starter

    Arcanine - Major quest

    Mystery egg - Major quest

    Nidoqueen/Any of Corey's mons - Significance to the story. I usually encounter Nidoqueen first and I think it ties well with Cain's Nidoking. 

    Absol - Story relevant

    Gyarados - The quest spans over such a large portion of the game (Could be replaced by for example Sylveon or, most realistically, certain late-game encounter:

      Hide contents

    Chatot - Takas, significant to the story


    Yeah, this sounds like an awesome list! I heavily agree with Primarina, Arcanine, and Absol as they have heavy impacts on the game's story. As for the other choices, lets discuss! I felt like it might be awkward to add one of Corey's mons due to the fact that there are several other characters that the character might do the same thing for (adding a tribute mon for the character, I mean) such as Kiki, Shade, Anna, etc. so I felt it might be weird to do it for one character and not the others and decided to omit doing so in general, haha. But I definitely see the argument for doing this. As for the mystery egg and gyarados, could you remind me what the quests were for those mons again? It's been a while since i've played through e18 lol. Lastly, I like the Chatot idea! Would be an excellent add. But I feel like the player character would have to choose between that and the Garchomp, right? Since the Garchomp is also story relevant during that arc. I believe it is Reshiram route tho?

  8. Yeah, I'm not really on board with the PULSE pokemon either for the same reason as Maomaer stated above, so I ruled those out. I feel like Starter (Primarina), Arcanine, and Garchomp, and Absol are set in stone for the most part. And Maomaer also makes a good point that the Medicham, Steelix, and Gardevoir are not the original pokemon that were held by the original trainers, right? (Unless I am not remembering right) Absol on the other hand, was Ame's original Absol, so it makes sense to take that one. I guess for the last two, it would be one of the Gang pokemon since that is a pretty massive, plot-impacting event as well as Kriketune for being pretty important to the story as well since that is when you first meet Shelly? Sylveon I guess could fill that final role as well, but I feel like it's pretty late game right? So it may not be too viable to make that a choice? What do you guys think? Are there any more that are more deserving of these spots? @Maomaer @AyTales @Green Bean 501


  9. 7 hours ago, AyTales said:

    These are a few that for E19, I consider story relevant:


    Primariaia - Ame makes positive comment
    Kricketune - First Shelly interaction
    Tangrowth - First 3 Pulses
    Arcanine / Mystery Egg - Police Officer help
    Nidoqueen / Salazzle / Corey Mon - Corey's team
    Medicham - Kiki
    Steelix - Mega Steelix
    Abra - Pulse
    Magnezone - Pulse
    Absol - Ame
    Garchomp - Taka Quest
    Mimikyu - Shade's Help
    Umbreon - Luna's Help
    Gardevoir - Glass Gauntlet
    A. Tales - Ame
    Sylveon - Final Sticker

    Yeah! these are all super good choices I feel like. I agree whole heartedly with most of these. I was already set on Primarina due to Ame's comment, as well as Arcanine, Medicham, Absol, and the Garchomp/Aegislash from Taka Quest cause I feel like those are all really big events with significant impact to the story. Thanks so much for the input! I really appreciate it.

  10. Hey, guys. I am planning to start over on a new save for E19 in the future, and had a question for anybody who has played through the game (or at least partly through the game. For my next run of Pokemon Reborn, I wanted to run a sort of canonical team throughout the entirety of the game, therefore challenging myself and limiting myself to around 6 pokemon for the whole playthrough. I think it might be fun to theorycraft which pokemon would be on canonical team for the protagonist. Now, getting to the question part of this thread: Which 6 pokemon would the protagonist theoretically use if they were limited to ONLY pokemon they got from the main story of the game. Meaning pokemon ONLY collected through main events. So, that is, excluding all sidequest/ side event pokemon. If anyone who comes across this who has played any of E19 and could contribute to a list of main story only pokemon, that would be sweet! Thanks to all in advance. I have played all the way up to E18, but lets try to keep it as spoiler-free and broad as possible (not detailing specific happenings or occurrences in full or anything like that).

  11. 1 minute ago, Zero1Six said:

    Sure thing. So ofc you'll open your menu and then you'll need to go to your Pokegear. From there, go to Online Play and login with the same username/password that you have for the Reborn site. Once you're in, go to Trade, then Wait for Request. Once you're there, shoot me a message letting me know, and I'll send the trade request.


    What is your login username so that I can send the request?

    K got it, thanks! My username is LunarCosmos. So now I wait?

  12. 10 minutes ago, Zero1Six said:

    If you give me just a few minutes (5-10) I can trade you one. I havent gotten one myself, so I'm gonna get the dex entry then trade it to you if thats ok.

    Sure that sounds great! Just let me know whenever you're ready. This is my first time trading so i'm kinda new to how things run. Sorry in advance if i'm a little slow.

  13. For some reason, my Follow Me feature is bugged out in Where Love Lies. Now, strangely, Lucario only shows up inside buildings and not outside of them...so basically the opposite of how its supposed to be. Anyway to fix this problem? I liked having Lucario follow me around DDD:: help ya boi out

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