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Luck Repellent

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Post Comments posted by Luck Repellent

  1. I want to believe that the devs wouldn't allow us to just keep speculating and repeating the same stuff over and over in this thread if there wasn't another layer, but at the same time if I were them in that situation I would probably be laughing really hard right about now


    Edit (didn't want to double post):

    Super random, but could TWOO be an acronym for The Wizard of Oz? Dorothy needs both ruby red slippers to click together in that movie. Grasping at straws here ngl. Idk I just thought I'd air my thoughts here but even if I'm on the right track (definitely not) I have no clue what to do with that information.

  2. 3 hours ago, Calentz said:

    Because for the devs, I imagine getting asked "When is the game/patch/etc. coming out?" by who knows how many people starts to get real old real quick.

    For those who haven't lost their patience yet, great!  They know that the devs will announce something when they have something to announce.
    For those who have already lost their patience, fair enough, but try not to harp on the devs for an update.  Even if it's meant in jest, my guess is the devs aren't laughing when it gets to the point of becoming annoying.  All of us are just as eager to hear something from them as the next person.

    Alright man I mean you're not wrong, and it's not like I don't know all that but again, it's not that serious. Obviously people don't realize they are being inconsiderate when they make jokes like this.


    I'm not trying to say you shouldn't remind people not to ask for the release date, just don't be so toxic about it. Every time it happens, zumi or somebody else says a quick quip to get them to shut up about it (the good way to do it) and then 2-3 self-proclaimed rebornevo protectors come out and write their paragraphs of heroism. Basically that just means someone new to the site is getting bullied into never posting here again. And frankly? Not a vibe. Cease this at once.

    • Hmm 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, andracass said:

    it was bad.

    please don't.

    You didn't have to be so mean about it he's just excited lmao


    I never understand why you guys get so genuinely annoyed at people getting impatient about new releases. It happens every time and it's not like they're being intentionally rude. Chill out it's not that serious

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