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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by uberle

  1. chp9RvP.png



    I'm doing this here because this a Reborn run.

    Seems appropriate to make a topic on the Reborn forums.


    This is basically a play through of E17 .

    I go into more detail on the Nuzlocke forums, so I'll give you the link below.

    Thank you for checking this out, and I hope you return when the run kicks off in the new year.




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  2. At any point in the game have you just felt proud of yourself for doing something.

    Was it finally getting the perfect 6 IVs mon you've been breeding for days?

    Did you solve a puzzle without asking for help?

    Have you finally beaten that broken Aegislash? 

    Tell your story of finally clearing a hurdle here.

  3. Looking forward to them!

    As well as a recolor for the cover mon.


    EDIT: So when I wrote 'recolor for the cover mon' and idea popped into my head







    I did my own recolor.

    My thought process was that you could make the front, white half have eagle talons and the back, blue half have horse hoofs.

    Just a suggestion, you don't have to take it.

    (Though I'd be honored if you did)


  4. 7 minutes ago, groniack said:

    Thanks! We updated only the grass one. Do you believe the other ones need some redesigning as well?


    My bad. I thought the fire one was also redesigned, but turns out not.

    But yeah, the grass is better than before.

    As said before I think the other two are good.

    Though being honest Penguson might need a redraw.

    Bebember is good as is.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Altariana Grande said:
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    You have to first gain access to Mirage Tower. This is done by finding the oasis in the desert 5-6 times. Once Mirage Tower appears, use rock smash on every glass wall on the first floor of the tower (Note: smashing the glass harms your pokemon, so bring ultra potions!). The last wall you rock smash will lead to a cave entrance. Mimikyu will be sitting at the end of the cave. Hope this helps~




    But where exactly is Mirage Tower in relation to the oasis?


  6. I want Mimikyu, but I have no idea how to get it.

    I know it has something to do with things in the desert, but I want a step-by-step guide of how to get it.

    I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could give it.

    Thank you.

  7. Spoiler

    My favorite part is the use of Zekrom and Reshiram

    Zekrom, being virtues, symbols Taka and Titania's virtues.

    Taka wants to protect who he loves, so he sticks with Meteor despite him hating it

    Titania wants to keep Amaria from trying to kill herself, so she pretends to love her romantically. 

    Then there's Reshiram with truth.

    For Taka the Truth is that he wants out of Meteor by any means necessary, in this case death.

    And with Titania the Truth is she doesn't romantically love Amaria and says so.

    Neither ending leaves the player happy, as one involves yet another meaningless death and the other continues a charade that will only come back again to hurt those in it, as well as those who aren't.

    Guess we'll have to wait for E18 and beyond to see how much difference there is between these two paths.


  8. 1 hour ago, HahnSolo said:

    You can cheese Titania like you wouldn't believe. 

    1. Buy 99 revives with your infinite cash from E16 grand hall grinding

    2. One shot her A-sandslash with any fighting move, since its immune to hail

    3. Use splash for 3 turns while she sets up on you

    4. Revive a mon every turn while she attempts to sweep you while her mons take hail damage

    5. ???

    6. Profit

    I used the Revive strat for Ciel's Mega Altaria until it ran out of EQs

    It worked, but tbh I kinda wished I had a more legit tactic 

  9. So with E17 and Gen 7 mons several Gyms have gotten a redo.

    And since I will probably ask this in the future, I'm setting this up now.

    Here you can post your strategies for the new gyms for others to look at in their time of need.

    Maybe your strategy is competitive or you just tried something crazy and it worked.

    Either way tell how you beat the Gym and assist those who may be struggling.



    I for one need help with Amaria, so help me out here.


  10. Spoiler

    This is how my bout with Titania went down

    I lead with Magnezone and made sure it had Sturdy and gave it the berry that ups special attack in a pinch

    Alolan Sandslash went for EQ and then Discharge for OHKO, but then Magnezone falls to Hail

    Next up: Choice Band Greninja with Waterfall

    Which takes out Klefki, Mega Scizor, and Excadrill.

    They should do something about Titania's constant switching.

    The Empoleon was a bigger pain and after taking out three mons Greninja hit 86 and didn't listen.

    That and it has no special defense so it falls.
    Then I bring out the Golurk I spent all day grinding, it takes out the Empoleon with EQ.
    Finally all that remains is the OP Aegislash.

    I heal Golurk to waste its auto King's Shield and then Golurk falls

    And then Maractus comes out and Sucker Punches for the OHKO

    And that's how I beat Titania


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