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The Grinch

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Posts posted by The Grinch

  1. Just now, Fabled Asian said:

    Cool I'll take it, I don't have much to give is there anything you're searching for? Otherwise I would give you a Larvesta.

    Sure, a Larvesta sounds cool :) This will be the first time I make a trade in Reborn tho, so you might have to help me out a little. My username for the server is Isamisa

  2. 4 minutes ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

    I reached the final stage but the last level, momentopolis, is basically a boss rush(5 bosses I think) and a pretty difficult one at that. I never made it to the actual final boss himself but I did look it up on Youtube and he's actually kind of badass haha. He can use time powers as well and shoots out a bunch of bombs, it's actually a well designed  fight. Funnily enough he's not even the hardest boss in the game, though he's probably the most interesting. I think the hardest one was the Everwinter one. By the end of that fight you're surrounded by death and he hardly turns vulnerable, plus he has a lot of health. 

    What I find really interesting about him is that there's these phases you have to attack him with specific time power, making use of all of them (Correct me if I'm bugging, long time I've seen a playthrough of the game). Hydrosaur did look tricky, and by the end of it a lot of those ice platforms has sunk so it could be difficult reaching the exit. That could be rage inducing haha

  3. Oh, I guess I could also list Primal for the PS2\PS4 as another underrated game. I haven't seen a lot of it on the internet, especially the PS2 version, but it's an action adventure type game where you play as a female character with a stumpy little Danny Devito-ish demon that helps you

  4. 4 minutes ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

    Haha see you never got to the later stages which is where the game started getting brutal. Hourglass caves was actually one of my favorite levels(dat music, in fact the game had a pretty cool soundtrack) from from Forgotten City onwards there was some degree of BS in every level. Also the freakin water spirits which took like 8-10 hits to kill unless you used the fire sweeper. The first 3 levels are actually really fun.

    Perhaps that's a good thing, then my happy memories of it wouldn't turn to bad ones haha. My favorite level at that time was Town square, probably mostly because of the banging soundtrack for it. Funny, I replayed this game some time ago but eventually got fed up with how slow it was running (Could have been the TV)... And the issue with hitboxes you mentioned earlier. Did you reach the final boss?


    Also, if we're being too OT for this thread I might just PM you, cause I don't think I've ever talked to anyone else that has a past with this game lol

  5. 9 minutes ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

    ^I used to play Binx a lot when I was younger but that game is extremely rage inducing in how difficult it can be. It's not exactly good difficulty either, but more like jank, bad hitboxes and poor level design(you shouldn't have to find yourself in an unwinnable situation yet it's happened several times playing it). Despite this the game has its merits and the time system is legit cool. I still liked it even though it nearly brought me to tears a couple of times lol.


    I'd say the Panzer Dragoon games which are some of the best games among Sega's roster(particularly Zwei/Saga/Orta), although they're not as appealing to today'd gamers I'd imagine as on rail shooters aren't too appreciated these days(Starfox being like the only exception and it's seen better days). While they're very solid gameplay wise I really want to note just how beautifully this series is crafted artistically, with a world quite unlike any other game.  It's abstract, bleak, yet somehow enchanting as well, and despite the limited resources of its time manages to convey the work and soul the devs put into it  quite nicely to the audience. The game even had a language written for it and has two beautiful songs sung in it as well(for the end credits of Saga and Orta). Speaking of which, the music for this series is great(well I think Zwei onwards is nice, the first game's ost I'm not crazy about myself) with one of my favorite final boss themes  that's notable for being actually pretty chill yet still possessing an appropriate feel of power and wonder. In fact, Zwei's final boss is pretty rad and even now is pretty impressive  despite its primitive(by today's standards) graphics.  It's kind of trippy yet intense and the second phase in particular is epic.


    I actually shouldn't say Saga is underrated because it's literally one of the most sought-out games and regularly gets sold at outrageous prices online(easily more than an actual modern console). It's also considered among the best RPGs of its era, though I've never played it. Orta has aged the best in gameplay I feel out of the typical Panzer Dragoon games and is the easiest to get a hold of, also it has a nice amount of content. Overall I feel this beautiful series has too much soul put into it to be forgotten and deserves to remembered by all gamers.

    Yeah, perhaps ''hidden gem'' isn't exactly the right word but moreso Underrated, hehe. I have mostly good memories playing that game as a kid, so I'm curious as to what experience you had with it. I remember having difficulty in finding the monsters at times tho (I didn't get further than Hourglass caves)

    Actually, Panzer Dragoon sounds a bit familiar. I might just check that series later :)

  6. So, hi everyone! I'm Isa ^^

    I'm a 20 year old longtime lurker of this forum and decided to finally make an account as of today. I have a healthy interest in beta content, and generally all beta in general (My favorite being Dinosaur Planet for the N64). Speaking of healthy, I also have a growing interest in math and intend to learn scripting properly.

    I'm also trying to develop my own pokemon fangame as I have ambitions of working in the game industry. Gotta start somewhere ^^


    Please excuse my english if it's weird at times as english is not my native language

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