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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by ArgenHyuu

  1. I'm not sure if there's a topic like this already since I didn't find one when I searched earlier. But anyway...


    Post a pickup line that you think is rather unique, really funny, or you think that really hits the feels. Any kind of pickup line would be good, as long as it's not too common like "roses are red, violets are blue" kind of lines. Also, the pickup lines can be for any or one type of preference (heterosexual, homosexual, furry, etc.) as long again, it's rather unique, really funny, or you think that really hits the feels. It also doesn't matter if you just read it somewhere and it's not yours, as long as it fits what I've said earlier. It can be sexual if you want, just make sure it follows the forum guidelines and doesn't make people uncomfortable.


    To start, let me link one of my posts with a pickup line I've read on Twitter weeks ago: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/profile/71387-rivalhyuu454/&status=104145&type=status

  2. 5 minutes ago, HongaarseBeer97 said:


    There is this thread for Pokémon Rejuvenation. They use custom shiny sprites. The program they use is GraphicsGale. Look for it somewhere at the bottom of the introducing post. I'm guessing you can also use it for creating custom character sprites


    And then there's a tutorial, or several tutorials, on how to use different colours etc.


    Damn, this looks good. Thanks for linking me the topics!

  3. Not sure if this is the right section to ask, but...


    Does anyone know some free software you can use to create game soundtracks, or that can edit and create character sprites and battlers(aside from Photoshop)? I know I could just search but since there are people here developing their own fangames, I might as well ask here instead. I can study them on my own, I just need the name of the software/s. 



  4. 3 hours ago, DemICE said:

    ... how did u partner with him? i thought he was gone!

    I went back to the top of Silver because I was searching for a Pokemon of Teal Panther's Boss then I just saw he was there. I thought I could unlock a sidequest or event or something so I paired up with him.


    1 hour ago, Njab said:



    Thanks so much!


    3 hours ago, Mr. Divergent said:

    1. What pokemon should I use to defeat Tristan?

    Any Fighting type Pokemon, or Pokemon with status-changing moves. Rock types with Sturdy are also options.


    3 hours ago, Mr. Divergent said:

    3. Is there a way to go to the summit of Silver Rise without having to traverse it again? Cause I need Trapinch.

    The fastest way is to register on a teleporter there. Sadly, that's the only way.

  5. Hi, I dunno if this is a  bug, but I went back to the mountain after Blackview events, and well... Partnered up with him. However, he didn't leave; he's still following me. It's creeping me out Is this intentional? And also, what's with the Scrafty here? (I attached my save, just in case.)



  6. 2 minutes ago, Zetsumei said:

    Hey guys!

    It's my first time lurking around this section so I don't really know how this works.




    I've finished EP 16 and I donated to Azurine Island but I don't know what to do next?

    Please help--

    You can go to the newly built facility there and get some items and a Chikorita.

  7. Hopefully Ame doesn't implement the PULSE Legendaries or it will be the end of us all


    Since Ame confirmed Gen 7 by next episode, Lin's team may probably include both Legendaries and Ultra Beasts. My guess is:

    - Hydreigon

    - [Mega Legendary]

    - [UB]

    - [Any]

    - [Any]

    - [PULSE]

  8. Also, there's another move tutor unlocked after defeating Adrienn (the NPC on the top left side of the Peridot bazaar/whatevertheycallit) but I'm not sure if he's the only one unlocked after that.

  9. 2 minutes ago, David0895 said:

    There's a dive area in peridot? Really? Can you be more specific or post a screenshot?

    Also thanks for the cave


    Not really within the Peridot Ward itself, but the waters around it. Surf near the ward, then you'll notice dark patches that you can dive from. To actually access the area, you need to cross a narrow path located outside the Apophyll Cave. When you get to the dive area, use Dive and look for a white patch within the center of the area. Use Dive again, and you can access the area.


    I can't post screenshots as of the moment since I'm using my phone to reply, sorry.

  10. 4 minutes ago, David0895 said:

    Can you tell me where this place is?

    Also I found this in a cave under the stairway: what should I do?


    The place I'm talking about is the dive area near Peridot (E16). You'll need Dive to get to the entrance, and Blizzard to proceed further.


    As for that place, have any of your Pokemon (or enemy pokemon) use a move that can destroy the crystal cave field, like bulldoze or earthquake.

  11. In general, I can't really choose just one character from the list. Some of them left a lasting impression on me (some are good, some are bad), while the others looked like filler characters (although they may have their arcs/debuts on the next episodes). It's just hard to choose when there's no certain category or anything.

  12. Plot Twist: Lin's Hydreigon is actually a Ditto


    One Pokemon fangame that I know has removed the 'level 100 cap', which can make you level up your team above level 100, and enemies can have Pokemon above level 100. Not sure if Ame's going to develop such, but if Lin were to be the final boss of the game, I won't be surprised if her Hydreigon's level would be above 100. Though Hydreigon would really be overpowered that way, I think I can understand why.

  13. 1 minute ago, Shing'n Streets said:

    Well same when I tried out forums. You will get used with it using here if you are interested in this forum enough.

    That depends, but the rules here are strictly in good deals if you have read it, but pretty understandably why.

    Hopefully I would have enough time to check out the other sections and interact on other topics (or start my own). Some of the topics look interesting, to be honest.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Shing'n Streets said:

    That's pretty normal and makes sense.


    Well that happends. Everyone makes mistakes. Now you know the lesson of the warning and don't get bothered with the warnings. It doesn't last that long espeiaclly with posting in wrong section I guess.

    I'm not really used to forums like these. I've been to Reddit before but it's a lot different as compared to here. I always thought forum systems are more strict with rules and such.

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