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Powder Miner

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Status Updates posted by Powder Miner

  1. For another example of how this whole April Fool's thing affects those in the RP section: At 1 AM today, I posted a character sheet for a game, a sheet with significant effort and size and formatting which depends on that formatting to be readable and usable, likely being the first person to be hit by the whole pix thing


    The filter proceeded to insert "pix" into the sixty-one times, and as it's a sizable post several words also got cyn'd, with the rampant "pix" managing to destroy the formatting of some fairly integral parts of the sheet


    I then went out of my way to manually edit it back, but because this appears to be in the editor itself, that effort was to absolutely no avail -- the editor will always do the same changes whether they're posts or edits


    I know that it's been promised that these posts will be manually edited back, but to be blunt, with stuff like immersion aside, if we kept posting regularly the post count on its own would be enough to make this a prohibitive task, especially with things like my 61'pix'd sheet and the poor user who got pix inserted into their post over a hundred times


    To quote Kizuna Ai: This has become a difficult situation


    I'm just not going to post until the filters are lifted

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