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Posts posted by Nyarth

  1. The game is absolutely amazing with it's features, and I honestly think that there isn't really any other fan game out there that can compare to the extra features it has to offer.


    But story-wise... it was really disappointing. The intro sequence in the game was a great hook and it showed so much promise, but after that it seemed that the rest was really lack luster. I loved the concepts of Delta-Pokemon, the cults, all of that Augur stuff, and the involvement of the legendaries, but it really felt like the game didn't use those things to their full potential. The character's were bland and forgettable alongside the region as a whole, and there were so many bad plot points all over the place. It felt like a mess sometimes, and overall to me seemed like a wasted opportunity.


    However, I'm not going to undermine it. It was super fun to play regardless of the flaws, and overall solid. And it feels cruel to constantly compare it to Reborn as I've seen happen a lot on these forums--both equally have their incredible points and their own crippling flaws. Reborn is faaar from perfect :P 


    So overall, I'm really happy to see that a release is soon, and I'm going to have a blast playing through it.

  2. Oooh, theories. All of these are good.


    My personal interpretation of them is that they are actually kind of misleading. If I remember correctly, the Pokemon to represent the Light Prophecy was a Gardevoir, and the one for the Dark Prophecy is an Absol. We've only seen one of these take part in the main story so far, and that was the Gardevoir from the past, who was obviously very significant and incredibly powerful for whatever reason. And she was sort of evil, wasn't she?


    So what I think is that the Light Prophecy is actually something bad, or just morally wrong, and the people apart of it are likewise. If that's the case, the Dark Prophecy may be the good one or just overall better, and it's people are the true "good guys". 


    Another jumping-over-the-shark theory is that Ren isn't the Prophecy of Betrayal. Because he really wasn't a traitor--Crescent was the one that gave him the idea of joining Team Xen to begin with. And it just seems way too obvious to begin with, as it was literally stated within the story of the game. If he still is the traitor, I'll admittedly be a bit disappointed but that's besides the point.


    So who fits that status quo better than Ren? I would say Kanon. Him ditching the protagonists side and doing evil stuff would be an actual blow and a bit deeper of a betrayal than Ren. He's already been given a few implications of being a traitor to begin with, with him screwing around with Garufan stuff and people worrying about him doing so. I would be a little sad though. I like Kanon!


    Those are just my thoughts though :P

  3. I would love that as it would be really good for a recap between the episodes! But it would a bit crazy on the file size and a huge amount of work, as either separate maps may have to be made or a loooot of event stacking.


    No idea if it's possible... but it's certainly something I would like to see.

  4. Lol this game brings back tons of memories. So... storytime!


    I used to be extremely heavily into ROM Hacks, before fangames were in the light, and this was crowned king of all the ROM hacks right next to Light Platinum. Think of Reborn's popularity and overshadowing in the fangame community of today, but multiply that by 5 and you'll have the beautiful hierarchy of ROM hacks in the 2010-ish's.


    When I first played this thing I was just getting over my misery of having finished the entire Ruby Destiny series. Pokecommunity was buzzing because Dark Rising was currently making a sequel. The title art looked decent, it actually had unique tiles and it was in English. So I was like "why not?", downloaded from a dodgy link (probably getting like 10 viruses at the same time too), got the thing patched and fired it up.


    Uh... Well, I guess everyone can guess how it went. 8-year old me with low standards was not very impressed.


    To begin with, it was edgy. Not Reborn edgy, but the bad edgy. I don't know how much of this I'm mixing up with another ROM hack called Fuligin (which I invite everyone to play; it's something that has to be experienced), but I just remember how stupidly ridiculous the edge-lord characters were. There were a lot of text errors (the overlapping glitch), tile errors (which were my fondest memories of walking over cropped mountains), and really awkwardly done cutscenes. The grinding was annoying, so I would just look up Firered Gameshark codes and cheat my way through because I was lazy. I'm not even sure if I finished this game, I might have just quit halfway through.


    It's not the best. Certainly not the worst (once again, please refer to Fuligin. It will reinvent your purpose to live), but far from being called "good". I'm impressed by the length though and dedication done for it, but the fact that it's a series isn't something new. Ruby Destiny exists after all, and even though that isn't very good at least it's consistent.


    However, I think it would be unfair to compare it to many modern games today. ROM hacking is much more difficult than making a fangame in my opinion, and in that time there weren't as many resources available for ROM hacking so it was unlikely to see a ROM hack completed, much less being a whole series. Fortunately, we have a ton of projects open for both ROM hacking and fangame creation now.

  5. It looks like the Mystery Egg is set by pre-determined variable numbers. This number is randomized between 1-20, and you're stuck with whatever number you get. Axew has the variable of 7, and Aron has the variable of 1.


    You can view these immediately from the start if you are able to access the debug menu and check Variables. Either you can use RPGMaker XP or use the Mod Menu in another thread.

  6. Thing won't let me edit the text-wall, RIP. Sorry!


    Also, while on the topic


    5 hours ago, ShadeStrider said:

    Also, Desolation, In my opinion, does this best. It doesn't really create a sense of mystery about the Protagonist, or make you the subject of a prophecy, but it does give you several choices that drastically affect the Storyline. You know when a choice is gonna matter later, such as giving a stone to either Shiv or Nova. The Fact that you have some degree of control over what happens creates that sense of a connection to the game, and the region.



    Okay, hopefully this wont hijack this thread into becoming a Desolation one since it wasn't apart of the original point of the thread, but I really want to add on this.


    This is what I kind of meant about my "passive-aggressive" thing in Desolation. The feature of your choices having a big affect on the story (and it being visible with the red/green text) is one I really liked since it's like an expanded version of the karma points/relationship variables. But there are a lot of things in Desolation that kind of irked me. Without spoilers, it's mostly lots of characters, unexplored plot points, and the fact that the beginning was a bit of a slog. Something that I did love in it was concerning the twist at the end of the current version. That was just awesome :P


    To explain how I feel about it is just that it has so much potential that can make it freaking amazing, but it's not being utilized yet. This can be forgiven though as Desolation is in an extremely early stage and episode.

  7. Well, they both certainly have their own pros and cons. For the sake of this argument, I'll be comparing Rejuvenation and Reborn a lot, not entirely on the basis of their own individuality. This is not a personal attack on their creators, as we already know that they are all awesome :P


    (WARNING: Mega long post incoming. Mobile doesn't allow the spoiler tags, so you'll have to bear with me until I feel less lazy to pull out my laptop.)


    Rejuvenation vs. Reborn -- Round 1: Story


    This is probably one of the most driving points between these two games. They offer the dark, gritty story that is not in the canon games. Between these two, Rejuvenation is much lighter, but that really does not count as a flaw (as we'll get into later). Neither of them really have a bad story, as it does it's job in being entertaining, but there are a few issues between both of them concerning it.


    Rejuvenation's, as pointed out a lot already, is obviously the structure. It feels like a lot of the stuff is random and spontaneous. There is either little to no build-up or little to no after-effect to many plot points. They either lead into dead ends or end up never being brought up enough to stay relevant. When this happens, it ends up leaving a very forgettable scenario with a small amount of impact upon the player. This is really, really prominent with the whole time-travel shtick, along with a ton of unfortunate characters that we'll be visiting later. 


    Due to the randomness of the plot, it ends up having no driving force and set "goal" or vision in mind. It felt flimsy when you were going through events--many ending up feeling pointless.


    On the other hand, Reborn's is very linear with the whole thing of the four keys and such. You know what is happening and why most of it is happening. It's easier for someone to follow and thus remember.


    This isn't entirely good though. Due to the linear structure and strictness of where the player has to go, it leaves very little wiggle room. It feels less like an adventure and more like a series of overblown fetch-quests. This also badly affects characters as well, since it always feels like you're being forced into their hands. Many events always end up feeling rather synthetic then a natural occurance in the world.


    Reborn has a really bad issue with it's edginess. A driving factor was the shock value, as that's how it's events and places would become memorable seeing how you'd never seen it before. But it's come to the point where the grimdark and edge of the game is becoming a crutch for the randomly executed events. The blood and guts eventually wore off in the game, so thus it lost the former shock value. Character deaths end up feeling hollow because they leave no impact whatsoever. Rejuvenation is able to get around this by switching between a bright and happy world to a darker one constantly, but Reborn's entire setting is about how dark this world is, which leads to events that are supposed to aid that fact just feel like another meaningless drop in the bucket.


    Rejuvenation vs. Reborn -- Round 2: Characters


    Okay this is probably the argument that everyone has already seen concerning these two games, so I'll put in my two cents. This is mostly focusing on Rejuvenation's since I think it should have more work in it.


    Rejuvenation needs a lot of improvement in this field. It's been getting there--Version 9 is proof of that--but it still has a lot of work to do.


    There has to be more direct interaction between several characters. This includes the obvious choice Ren, but he's already beginning to get the improvement button. Everyone else has already mentioned him though so I'll skip the details.


    Melia really needs a rework. There isn't anything wrong with a "secondary protagonist" (which I think she is shaping up to be), and it's something I actually completely celebrate, but in order for it to work the character has to be extremely fleshed out and able to reflect and contrast upon the player. She needs a much stronger introduction, more inbetween interactions prior to her "death", and her personality has to be a bit more defined from the beginning so she has an actual characterization.


    Speaking of that, a lot of characters need a bit more visible personality traits. This might just be a personal opinion, but it's beginning to blend together--with the hot-temper stuff in Venam, Saki, and Amber just feels really similar.


    Some characters need to show up more! Poor Mosely. Poor SEC!


    Villains are doing fine. Gears just needs a bit more build-up, the poor thing only got to use his Giratina once. I actually prefer our "evil-team duo rivals" more in Rejuvenation than Reborn's.


    I think the actual character development is doing fine. It's a bit more prominent throughout the entire game than Reborn's. Venam is a great example of it.


    Characters that are doing super well with this are pretty much all of the ones introduced in V8-9 since they've covered most of my issues. Nice job!


    Rejuvenation vs. Reborn -- Round 3: Gameplay


    I'm a liar, this section also includes world-building and such.


    I'm a far cry from a competitive battler, so I don't really know much about the battles themselves. And I know that they would be tricky to measure to begin with as Essentials has rather bothersome AI, so I won't focus on the dynamics of the battles too much.


    I will say I love field effects. I love them to the ridiculous extent that every Pokémon game I constantly hope that they'll be incorporated into it as heavily it is in Rejuv/Reborn. I adore them in every fangame that includes them, even if I do have a weird passive-aggressive thing against Desolation that is completely irrelevant.


    Battling aside, Reborn is on the weaker side compared to Rejuvenation when it comes to down to the gameplay for a couple of reasons.


    The primary of this is the world it has. Reborn is specially made for its dark and gritty cities and areas, but they end up clashing together. Aside from Reborn City, they really struggle to stand out between eachother as quite a few end up feeling generic, and it makes them really unmemorable.


    Rejuvenation's world is incredibly colorful. The areas all have this alive-feel to them, with their own actual "culture" and their own NPC's reflecting upon this. Aevium is probably my favorite fangame region in general for this reason. 


    The sidequests really help this fact. Not just the Help Center ones, but just the random ones you stumble upon or happen to find randomly. It adds to the whole "exploration" thing entirely and with an open-air.


    But between the world and its own characters and how it is expanded upon, Rejuvenation and Reborn have a few differences.


    Someone said that Rejuvenation shows things in visuals more prominently, but Reborn has much stronger dialogue in contrast. And I couldn't agree more.


    Shadow Pokémon were a cool introduction in Rejuvenation. I just wish they were in the game more frequently, but I know that there is a reason why they were not within the story.


    As for PULSE Pokémon vs. Rift Pokémon... Each to their own, I would say. I like that Rift Pokémon have their own "dimensions" that add to the eery effect, along with the fact they have a custom theme. I also like how PULSE Pokémon are displayed doing massive changes to the environment and areas with large effect. 


    Rejuvenation vs. Reborn -- Round 4: The Electric Boogaloo


    Overall, in this ridiculously long post I made at 3 AM, both clearly have their own pro's and con's, and neither really outweigh eachother in quality. It's all mostly subjective opinion to begin with and what you have more preference of.


    As for me, I'm personally more biased towards Rejuvenation as I played it long before I ever touched Reborn, so I have more fond memories to latch onto immediately.


    But there isn't a right or wrong answer, and there really isn't ever one in general between arguments.

  8. I got the stroke of Lady Luck and my starter was an Eevee from the Random Machine. Immediately wanted a Sylveon, which is my favorite eeveelution.


    It was difficult to start with an Eevee, but definetly worthwhile. Sylveon constantly saved me throughout the playthrough and was ridiculously tanky so it could take a ton of hits. 


    One that I was surprised with was Houndoom. When I got the gift Houndour from Karrina, I had mixed feelings since I've never used one, but it made the main team regardless. In the end, it was a surprise physical-set with a surprise Pokémon I hadn't thought of using at all.

  9. I was partnered with Flora and did not expose her, but I much prefer the neutral route (teaming up with Erin/Florin and not exposing Flora, but not joining Bladestar either). 


    Bladestar isn't that good either though.


     With them chasing after Ana, Flora's Dimensional Rift Pokémon, the PULSE machine...


    It could be a lesser of two evils thing though--Cassandra is pretty shifty.

  10. I didn't know that Cosmia was the one to take the guy away in the sidequest! I almost instantaneously forgot about it when I was done, whoops.


    Anyway, I like this theory, but there's a small problem in the tournament thing and that is Kanon. Kanon doesn't exist within this time, so I'm not sure if the current time's Madame X even knows about him either.

  11. If you manage to unlock the closed door in Bladestar Labs, you'll find a journal written by Flora.






    I never thought I would see something like this in Rejuvenation, but it seems likely we might actually fight a PULSE machine in the future. Or this can just be an easter egg, you never know.


    What do you guys think?


    pulse + dimensional rift double battle incoming

  12. While I am at it, might as well post my own choices anyway. 


    1. Yeah

    2. Yes

    3. Ren for Zetta, Venam for Dimensional Galvantula.

    4. I was smited a few times, but I pulled through eventually.

    5. Yes

    6. Yes, with Altaria + Reverse Candy Perish Song. It was very cheap.

    7. Yea

    8. I did not give Cera the Magma Stone.

    9. I almost immediately started to snoop.

    10. Maria on first run, police officer on second since it was pointless anyway.

    11. Yes

    12. Flora

    13. Did not snitch.

    14. I (depressingly) put quite a bit of thought into this and chose the blue ribbon.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Lucky1998 said:

    1. Yes

    You didn't ask, but I also beat Dimensional Gyrados on my first try which is optional

    2. Venam against Zetta, Ren against Rift

    3. Yes

    Again, it wasn't asked, but I met Anju and received her pendant


    I removed the defeating Dimensional Gyrados in the post because I assumed most people had defeated it/didn't know about the "choice" to begin with, but I could be wrong, sorry!


    I completely forgot about Anju lol


    I'll add them in though, thanks!

  14. After I replayed the game for V9 to rejog my memory, I got kind of curious as of what others also did within the game. This wont only include choices, but also battle results and such. Most of these choices aren't actually that important.


    Pretty large spoilers might be following:


    1. Did you beat Amaria/Amanda & Ren in your first battles?

    2. Did you defeat Dimensional Gyrados?

    3. Who did you team up with in Amethyst Cave? (Against Zetta & against the Dimensional Rift Galvantula)

    4. Did you beat Shadow Mewtwo?

    5. Did you receive Anju's pendant in the Marble Mansion?

    6. Did you beat Madame X?

    7. Did you free Kreiss or not?

    8. Did you choose to hand over the Magma Stone or not?

    9. Did you snoop through Kanon and Melia's diaries :V

    10. Who did you attempt to free: Maria or the Police Officer?

    11. Were you able to save Dimensional Garbador?

    12. Who did you team up with in Darchlight Caves: Florin, Flora, or Erin?

    13. Did you expose Flora?

    14. Which ribbon did you choose for Melia?

  15. I really don't know whether these types of comments are allowed in this forum community, because I solely made an account just to compliment this game. It looks amazing, and it's basically a level of quality pretty much unheard of in fangames in general. The art is incredible, the features are incredible, characters, story, it seems so polished. I wish you the best of luck on this project!

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