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lcie nimbus

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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by lcie nimbus

  1. Yes, the game needs to be unzipped and placed in storage for it to work. Loading from a zip file doesn't work. 


    The pic from.your screenshot is exactly as I have it. Try placing the game in the main storage, not the downloads folder. Might help. What are your phone's spec? 


    Remember, Reborn needs at least 2GBs of RAM on PC, and on phone, it'll need a good processor. 

  2. So hello there , here to see a new face join up ? well here I am , I've been lurking around this site for a few months and with the release of episode 16 I finally had some incentive to join . not much to say bout me other than i'm a gamer who lover pokemon , hacking , speedrunning , challenges and so . I go by the same name (and higher seniority) on a site called GBAtemp, so if for some unforeseeable reason you need to contact me , I can usually be found there . I look for forward to meeting new people , making some new friends,ect,ect. i'm not gonna be on here to often . though i'll try to keep a regular schedule . so i hope we'll get along . with that said. smell ya later.

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