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Posts posted by Chefkoch

  1. On 4.12.2017 at 6:42 PM, Timekeeper Dialga said:
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    So I still have no clue where to go next. Thought I'd add a screenshot to help, but this is where i last saw Corin.corin.png.71390212844c2fb4d1d2ab9806369a19.png


    Sorry in advance, did this sidequest as far as I could in the last episode.
    I think he appeares a total of three times (or his copies appear). You get a riddle somewhere, maybe at the police station, where he is. One I remember is on an island in the biiiig lake.
    After you beat these three copies you have to return to the Fairy-arena and battle him again. This was the end of the last episode.

    I hope, this is the part with your question. If it regards anything before that I'm sorry, I do not remeber anything of this.

     Now to my own question:


    I talked to Corin in front of the gate into the desert. He jumped on the train. Back in the police office they told me I could follow him if I wanted to and handed me some goggles (not a key-item though).

    I searched in a number of posts already and he SHOULD be somewhere in the desert, on the left side. Maybe inside the train scrapyard. On a chair near a cliff or something. But  can't find ANYTHING. It's horrible. Could anyone just tell me where he is after jumping on that train? Would be appreciated.



  2. 1 hour ago, Xenoxblades said:
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    I can't find Eustace.
    I delivered all 4 pokemon, the Loudred lady is holding the Jigglipuff as well, fought the thug in the alley, but still haven't found Eustace.

    The thug always asks if the jigglypuff is somewhere else. The Loudred lady wants some sort of headphones, and Eustace mom is still flippin' around. He still is kidnapped.
    Someone point me where to look please or if I need additional items.




    Ok, in general: All you need in this quest can be gathered THROUGH the quest itself (except for the pokeon, obviously).
    If this isn't helping I can give you more tips.


  3. 6 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:
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    spoilers on what I got from there:

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    My haul from there is Honedge, Mimikyu, Will-o-wisp TM, Normalium-Z and Poison Memory




    Where did you find the Poison Memory? The TM, the crystal and Honedge were in the last room, but I didn't find the Memory (or Mimikyu)


  4. 26 minutes ago, Wallander said:

    This puzzle is really  hard... it took me hours... it's hard to explain, yo have to put 4 to the left and then all to the right, then bot side and again the same.


    Oh, thanks. I asked the question and tried again and again. In the end i foorgot I asked the question. But thanks :) I'm glad this one was he last...


  5. 1 hour ago, Thiazzi said:
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    I'm currently stuck here in Teknite Cave... Does anyone know how to go further?







    You can destroy the crystals in a room either by an attack or by just leaving the mountain. However, in both cases they can be restored by Power Gem again.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Fabidieboy4 said:
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    I think that this is just something Ame put in the game, but i could be wrong, but i don't think so, but you never know


    About the corin quest he should be in the middle of all the trains (the big open area on the left side) 



    Alright, I'll keep searching. Thanks.


  7. 4 hours ago, Chin Chin said:
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    So can anyone help me with ARC's sidequest i have given back only loudred and roggenrola, i ve found the jigglypuff owner but dont know where to leave it



    What exactly is this ARC quest or how/where do I start it. I already talked with half of the city and didn't find anything...


  8. Spoiler

    Hi everyone, I found this cactus earlier and it talked to me:



    Soooo...since I last encountered Florinia at least one year ago, can anyone tell me where she is? And also, is this part of the Possibly-Magikarp-Sidequest with Corin or just some fun part included by Ame?

  9. On 12/4/2017 at 7:55 AM, DreamblitzX said:
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    He's standing out in the open on the righthand side of the town, but will only be there if you went through all the stuff in the town (ending in him hopping on a passing train in peridot) and then finding him sitting in a chair in the western side of the desert, near an edge




    I can't find him in the western part of the desert. Is he near the small fake oasis? Or more to the north? I have found a plateu with a chair, but it's empty (he already jumped on the train).




    Oh, and I've found a talking cactus in the desert. Anything to do with this?


  10. 5 hours ago, Sceptilespy said:
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    For Gible you need to go to a cave in the Tourmaline desert and put a pokesnax in the basin. It only appears during the day though, and the chance is still low. I'm not sure about Null or Phione, or 7th gen starters though. If you want some stuff to do though, you can catch a ton of good pokemon in the desert. Excadrill, Skarmory, Aggron. This stuff basically invalidates the next gym, being Hardy. You can also get Cacturne and Maractus if you care about those. You can find the Psychic Terrain field notes. Check out the new UI. Beat the Grand Hall trainers which are decently tough. You can get bulk up in the desert. You can use Power Gem in the Telekine cave in the desert and see what happens. Yeah lol. That's all I've done so far. 



    I put the Pokesnax into all of the basin and Gible also appeared. But right now I'm stuck with just chasing it around. I got it to run against a boulder at the central lower basin, but I can't interact with it afterwards and it just runs away again. Any tips?


  11. On 18.1.2017 at 1:54 PM, luis said:

    I'm pretty sure they are no longer available, I had the same problem with tynamo :/ 


    You can download ep15 and catch them and then go back to ep 16 or I can trade you both of them ;) 

    Thank you for the help.

    Nah..I think I'm fine without having them right now. One can't have enverything :) I think I'm just going to wait to the next episode.

  12. Hi everyone,


    I finished the episode quite fast and am currently searching my last missing Pokemon. You know, Gonna catch them all.

    But I can't find two of them:

    I spent hours searching for Eelektross. In the Pokedex it is shown somewhere near the underwater cities, but I tried everything so far without any luck (surf, dive and all sorts of rods everywhere). Now I saw it is not listed here, so I wanted to ask, if this is an in-game error. (Also, I think I missed the Tynamo event, so maybe someone can tell me, if it is still available after finishing E16.)

    The second one is Siglyph. Now it is listed around the area where we fought the Ditto-Arceus. However, this part is not available in ep. 16 anymore, is it? Is there another way (except Wonder Trade?)

    Thanks in advance

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