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Harem Master

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Posts posted by Harem Master

  1. Good day, your issue helped part of my uploading problem in regards to signatures. I can now view the image in the "posting box" rather than just seeing a broken picture icon; however, upon clicking the "save changes" button, it directed me to a page saying "unable to retrieve signature image dimensions, please try another image." and as it so happens, i checked the dimensions of the image and it is way less than the 1000x1000 limit.

    P.S. Sorry for dragging you in this old post of yours, i just feel that my issue is somehow related this, and i feel lost...

    Sincerely Yours,

    The Harem King

  2. I've been taking a peaceful stroll, astray from the main path of route 1, in the north Adventurine Woods cleaning the woods of cobwebs and rot logs, when suddenly I stumbled upon an icy cave, dazzling but brilliant, beautiful yet homespun, gelid as the lonely nights in Yuletide's eve; yet within, amidst all crevices, spires, frost, and frigid fog, a peculiar semblance befitting that of the evolution of the Red Asian Carp pocket monster, in the most modest sight located in the center of the glacial lake. Although this intrigues me as to its true embodiment, it kindles me to think that this is some astounding frost form that of the sea serpent, oriental dragon-like pocket monster subsequent down the evolutionary line of the Carp. Thus, my inquiry is of what, where, when, and how is this going to be significant to my journeys?

    I am just utterly curious whether this is part of the adventure or an interesting side-plot.

    Sincerely Yours,

    The Harem King

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