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Posts posted by apro

  1. 23 minutes ago, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

    Seems like it's the same for the ones in Aliora Gardens. 


    You might be overestimating me when you say I can fix it easily ^^' I don't have any coding/programming experience either. The reason I was able to make Spork and DDDL is because RPG Maker and Essentials handle a lot of that for you. For removing events and tiles, I've moved around and deleted events and tiles in a lot of places before where this doesn't happen. When you remove a tile and event, all traces of it are gone, so if the tile or event made it non-passable before, it should be passable when it's removed. 


    My first guess was that I had a non-passable tile on a different layer than the one I was viewing, but I checked and that doesn't seem to be the case. 

    Well, thats just about the only idea I had, so if it can't be figured out, you can try covering them up. You said before that putting invisible events on them can make tiles unpassable, so I suggest that

    *make the lake in Forest of Feeling smaller by putting more trees on the sides(and events into the trees just to be sure)

    *put a tree on the tiles in Aliora Meadow and Gym so that passability would not be a bug but a feature

    *recreate the legend dairy house from scratch(it looks like a small map, so might not take too long?)

  2. 7 minutes ago, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

    Fixed the passable black space by adding a black space tile graphic over them. The Legend Dairy house looks like more random empty tiles that can't be walked through...I have no idea why that keeps happening.

    Don't worry, you can fix it easily so it doesn't matter. I'm not a programmer, but my guess would be that you did something to those tiles that you think shouldn't effect passability, but for some reason it does(like adding an event or replacing a wall tile with a walkable one), and later maybe you even removed it so you forgot about it but the passability bug remains.

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