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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Throhdown

  1. If there's one thing I dislike(and at the same time love) about pokemon is the move relearner. I can't deny it's usefulness I only hate the fact that they won't accept any other currency aside from stupid heart shaped scales. I've had quite a bit of difficulty acquiring them in Reborn to the point that I barely ever see them. With the new episode is there a more useful way of acquiring aside from having a pokemon with the Pick Up ability or just crossing your fingers, hoping you'll find one in a mining rock?

  2. Hello all! I haven't forgotten about Reborn and while I continue to fiddle around with my sun and moon team I would say I've been eagerly awaiting this game much more than the release of the 7th gen games.Though the new episode is out there are some questions that I need answered.


    1. I was warned that the episode was a tad buggy so I'm worried my save file with be corrupted or something despite me being anxious to play the next episode.


    2.I don't exactly know how to update my game so that I have access to the new episode.


    3. What are your thoughts on it thus far?Storywise,gameplay wise,etc.(WITHOUT GIVING SPOILERS PLEASE)

  3. Hiya! So at some point I do plan on moving my game data to a newer computer as the one I am using is on it's last legs,but I was wondering how exactly do I go about doing this? Can I just put it all on a flash drive(for both reborn and rejuvenation).

    Any advice?

  4. So I've fought my way up to Goldenleaf town(really charming place by the way)and as I continue to play through the story and struggle with my sorry squad of 'mons I've come noticed something. So far the game seems to acknowledge my character as one of those gender-less player characters in Reborn.I picked a female,the one that looks a lot like Yancy/Nancy from B/W 2 seeing as she's really the only character that looks even remotely like her mother. Still though whenever the game references my character it's always as if they are referring to my character as if she wasn't a girl.

    Is this normal or am I missing something?

  5. Well glad to see I'm not a complete weirdo and people do seem to miss the spritework, I'm not trying to lead some sort of resistance against the 3D models or anything but it's just nice to see people did have a love for them :3

  6. The sprite work in the pokemon games are usually rather impressive..or were as I should say as Gamefreak has decided that is time to stop with all the spritework and focus on bringing Pokemon to the future with fancy schmancy 3D models.Don't get me wrong, the pokemon still look good in the sixth gen games and continue to look good in the upcoming 7th gen, but I can't say I don't miss the old days when the games were all just sprites.

    Anyone else feel the same or am I some sort of weirdo?

  7. Chansey normally makes a fantastic Special tank with Eviolate (just don't evolve it to Blissey), but you can probably do some good with a Lucky Punch Chansey. The biggest problem is that Chansey's innate movepool is kind of terrible; you want Special attacks, and it doesn't naturally learn a single Special move.

    I think you could pull it off if you wanted, but I wouldn't recommend it as anything more than a passion project.

    Yes that's what it seems like. Anyway I thank you all for your help on this matter. I should be able to take it from here.

  8. Mamoswine doesn't have a 4x weakness. Ice/Ground just might be the best way for ice types to be decent defensively. There is a high chance that the egg is an axew egg, as there are two parent sprites of Haxorus in the game files. And lastly, we do need rock climb, but we can't get it yet.

    Oh. Don't know why I thought it was Rock/Ice. Even still the times I have used it in other games I don't fair to well with it.

    I have narrowed down my list quite a bit though to:






    By the way, does anyone know if a lucky punch chansey could be useful at all?I like using the occasional quirky mon.

  9. Okay so after looking through all the generous suggestions, I've come to this decision thus.

    My team at the moment consists of Merlin the Delphox, Wanderer the Lapras and Heavy the Throh. These three are my definite strongest and most experienced mons I possess.

    Now I'm trying to consider what to add to the other half of my team, because me running around with three mons is suicidal.

    At the moment I am considering add these mons to my team:








    Walrein(possible replacement for lapras)

    Weavile(when it's available. Caught a shiny sneasel in the ice caves)





    Mawile(for possible mega evolution purposes in the future)

    Conkeldur(if I can finally beat that damn puzzle)

    Meganium(though it's not one of my favorite starters)







    It's pretty damn long list of possible members so picking the right ones will be problematic.I recall someone mentioning Mamoswine, truthfully I'm not very fond of using that mon because of it's 4x weakness.I am not against having two mons of the same typing if they can balance each other out with a decent variety of moves.

    Also I recall seeing what I believe is a larvitar egg somewhere in the caves on route 3. Do I need rock climb to get it?

  10. I would argue and say that this game is "edge" done right. It's a very big contrast from the usual main game which usually has bright,sunny and friendly places and people where Reborn is a broken shell of what it used to be.The game's story-lines and characters are intriguing enough to ignore the edge which isn't the same I can say about some other fan pkmn games I'll choose not to name that really go over board with the "edge factor".

  11. Personally I aggree with the typing, I would personally drop the arcanine since it doesn't have flare blitz or close combat. For delphox sunny day seems strange to me, since I doubt it can survive hit three fire blasts after setting up a sunny day. There are better options in will-o-wisp, mystical fire, light screen, fire pledge if you want to go the support route. Also what typing and power does that hidden power of delphox have? Shadow ball might be a better option.

    I would personally drop blastoise because I like freeze-dry and perish song but you can drop lapras as well. If you choose to keep lapras I would suggest dropping sheer cold for perish song since it is a bit more consistent. Also level difference drops the accuracy of sheer cold. You could also swap dive for ice beam or surf and create a full special lapras but that is not that important. If you keep blastoise remove one of the water moves and give it flash cannon, 3 water moves is overkill.

    Now since you have three slots left we can fill up those slots, I think you need an extra physical attacker and something fast. What that is free to choose. For fast you can look at noivern ,aerodactyl, or something with priority. Or something a bit more bulky which can setup so that it goes fast nex turn. For aphysical attacker you have a lot of options since you have half a team to fill. Just keep your typings in mind.

    I know it doesn't seem like it but surprisingly my delphox has been able to set up a sunny day and just hand out ass-whoopings via fire blast more times than I can count.Sunny Day was intially only going to be a temporary thing I would use against the ice gym leader but the combo just remained so useful I couldn't get rid of it.Will-O-Wisp could be good to have as well. It's hidden power is bug, but the times I've used it were very effective..even against types that are weak against bug.More than likely I'll be benching arcanine, it's gotten me through a lot of stuff despite being underleveled most of the time,especially with Heat Wave being incredibly useful on a lot of the fields.

    Lapras will probably stay instead of Blastoise mainly because of it's ice typing and Freeze Dry..which is very useful. Like super useful.Like seriously? A move that's super effective against water types that isn't electric or grass?! That's cray cray!Can't get rid of that.

    Don't really like noivern but I do like aerodactyl. Will probably for with him..though honestly do want a bug on my team. I was considering a yanmega.

    No, it will work just fine. Breeding the arcanine might be an issue if its male tho. I'm not an expert on breeding, but im pretty sure that the egg will always be the female's species unless you breed with a ditto.

    Oh good I'll just put her in the sexnasium and wait for my egg to pop out.

  12. Ludicolo could be used to set up a pseudo rain team with blastoise and lapras since they both have abilities than benefit from rain. Thats a potential route you could take with the team. You would more than likely have to switch out at least one of your fire types, however, as having 2 of those on a team like that could be disastrous. Meowstic is near useless late game as its stats and moveset are pretty sub-par. Swalot could be a decent switch in for one of your fire types if you wanted to go the rain team route.

    Its an egg you get from the police station if you bring them a growlithe egg after you complete their questline. It randomly gives you one of 16 or so pokemon, some of which are good and cant be found anywhere else in the game as of yet.

    Maybe,a rain team would be good but I don't think I wanna bring ludicolo back but I'll keep in mind if I change my mind.

    I suppose meowstic has served her purpose, she did well enough I suppose.

    I also have a muk that I caught in the sewers, it's really the only reason I beat Ciel.

    Hmm Kindle(my arcanine)is all grown up now. I don't think it will accept it's egg.Will it?

  13. With those levels i'd assume you finished ep. 15? If so, and you have access to reborn city again, I would try to optimize their ev's and natures with the psychologist in 7th street. Also, i'd consider having at least 5 different types in a 6 mon squad. having 2 water types and 2 fire types can be easily exploited if you arn't prepared for a counter. Also what were the mons you have been switching for the 6th one?

    My original team consisted of had a meowstic,ludicolo, and swalot. I got stuck in some boss battles with them and decided to replace them.

    Well my first thought is that you have some good mons, but you have a significant amount of typing overlaps. Two Fire types, two Water types... the limited amount of coverage is probably your biggest issue. If this was up to me, I'd pick between Lapras and Blastoise then Delphox and Arcanine. This is a very tough call; my personal preference would be Lapras and Delphox for the dual-type coverage (Lapras will be valuable when you get to face off against various Dragons).

    I'm curious what you got from the Beryl Ward Mystery egg, because that Pokemon is often quite useful.

    Also, can you post the Abilities of these Pokemon? There might be some changes to consider there.

    I agree Lapras has been very useful especially when it comes to dealing with a certain murdering douchebag's ace garchomp while Delphox has been with me since the very beginning and has yet to let me down through many of my battles(except when I over-level it by accident)

    The who what now? Uhh no I don't know anything about a mystery egg? O-o

    Arcanine-Flash Fire





  14. Okay so I beat my way through Reborn..juuuust barely.Throughout my journey my team has been a bit of a mess. At first I thought I had a concrete squad but after some of them stopped being as effective in battle as they used to, I would bench them and put them in the box. At the moment my team consist of:

    1.Wanderer 71




    Sheer Cold

    Hydro Pump

    Freeze Dry

    2.Merlin 74



    Sunny Day

    Fire Blast


    Hidden Power

    Kindle 66



    Extreme Speed

    Rock Smash


    Heat Wave

    Shellshock 72



    Dark Pulse



    Hydro Pump

    Heavy 74




    Storm Throw


    Bulk Up

    We lack a sixth member because I've been switching this particular spot with multiple mons over and over again trying to find one that fits the bill.

    I'm considering placing a few of them even though all of these mons have helped me get through the game thus far. Thoughts on my team?

  15. Greetings and Salutations! I am *information classified* but you may call me Throhdown,named after one of my all time favorite fighting types(though I love all fighting types).I've been aware of Reborn's existence for a few years now but never really had the nerve(or time)to download and play it myself, though seeing as its the summer time and Sun and Moon isn't coming around til fall/winter, I needed something new to catch my interest.

    And here I am.

    I've just BSed my way through the 13th gym a day ago and decided that it was time to give my thoughts and opinions on this game.

    First off, I love it. I love "almost" everything. The setting, the story, the characters. All of it. I've been playing pokemon since I was a tyke and never have I seen an area in pokemon that wasn't "Sunshine Happy Village/Town/Valley" except for the occasional graveyard/burial location in the official games.I got my ass handed to me by both my rivals in the very beginning causing me to re-choose my starter and correct that mistake which also set the immediate tone of just how difficult this game was going to be. It was a struggle in the beginning, with few decent mons to make up my team and a lot of surprisingly capable trainers trying to "legally" rob me by beating on my pets but with some help from the forums and youtube I've been able to half-ass my way to victory!I've lost plenty of times but really I can't say I've had too much difficulty with the gym leaders,rivals and Team Terrorist.Only the occasional "Big-Boss" Poke-mutant the game throws throughout the story...and of course Serra and her BS mirror field effect which completely broke me for a good portion of the game financially were my biggest problems. Sure I beat her eventually(After 39 attempts) and in exchange I got a crappy plastic badge and five more levels on my cap while she keeps my hard earn money and my dignity.

    I really really REALLY like the event pokemon you find throughout the game's world,I would say it adds a bit more story to your character's journey as you sift through the wreckage of Reborn to find abandoned, abused and unruly pokemon who come to acknowledge your strength and kindness(and generous amount of food)and join you on your quest to the best there ever was(In Reborn).I've been able to power through them or turn them against my opponents when I can(my favorite being the Rainbow Field that I used against Luna during our battle)though some times they can get very annoying and give pokemon that are usually weaker an edge against me.

    Overall I deeply enjoyed this game despite the trouble it's caused me and look forward to seeing the next episode when it comes out. More than likely I'll try out other pokehacks that pop-up around here.

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