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Posts posted by Bewilderer

  1. Which instrument do you play?

    I play the French Horn, and I'm the only person in my band why plays it (besides the teacher).

    There have been many people who have said that they would like to also play the french horn, but none of them seem to get around to it for one reason or another.

  2. Hello, my name is Bewilderer. No, that's not my real name. It's a name I came up with for skype, so that I could communicate with fellow students when we work on projects. I just kept the username around for simplicity (and so that I don't have to memorize any more passwords and usernames than I already am).

    I am an amateur programmer, with experience in both Python and Java. However, I still have a lot to learn in both of these languages, which is clearly evident in that I cannot seem to do anything particularly useful with these skills. (Or, y'know, maybe I just don't have anything that I want to do with them at the moment)

    I also am a musician person who just so happens to play an instrument in a band. I do not think that it will go far, but it is still very enjoyable for the time being.

    I like almost everything. And I mean everything. You name it, and I probably will enjoy it. Seriously. (unless it is something disgusting, immoral, and/or illegal)

    And, that Is about it. I could go on, but it would probably become an unwieldy mess of interests, desires, and partial insanity that may bore you to death or annoy anybody who just wants to scroll down to comment. So, this is me, or all that I will tell you about me for the time being.

    EDIT: Oh, and if you have any questions, ask away, ask away, ask away! I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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