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  1. I'm just here because reasons. QOTD: If they added a new type, what would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadowPlaysGamez


      Personally, I say Sound. But Light is pretty good!

    3. Ironbound


      Phone type.

    4. Swampellow


      I honestly don't know but please nothing like a light/astral/sound type, those types are only ever based off certain moves (Flash/Cosmic Power/Boomburst). None of them really make sense in regards to pokemon, they would change stuff, not add to it. Fairy type didn't completely change a mon's typing, it added to them. There aren't many new types that could but added, as the themes would most likely overlap with an existing one, the best they could do is nuclear, but that would...

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