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Protagonist Indigo

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Protagonist Indigo

  1. Telling people to use one of the traits of my most hated rival is sure to get there's attention! Now with your eyes firmly planted on this post, I'll introduce myself: I'm new here, learned about the game three days ago, made the account a little bit ago, went into Showdown and can't speak because a troll got the admins to throw up a lock that prevents newbie's like myself from talking, and as I type this I am repeatedly writing "test" to see how long it's going to stay in moderated chat. Things aside from Reborn: My only official fandom is Homestuck, when summer ends I'll be entering my first official year in college, I am an introvert who's been labeled "Shit-posting meme generator" and "Outdated meme generator" for reasons that have nothing to do with pictures... except that one time, and I have never battled a thinking human being in Pokemon, ever. I also love to Roleplay, but again, never did with Pokemon. Back to Reborn: Just checked Showdown and I can talk again! Woohoo! Also, I nearly rage quit the first night playing the game (Got stuck at the third gym), took a break, thought about Cain, realized I needed more Cain in my life, the flirty pansexual brought me back around because I need my fix of Cain dialogue. As I occasionally swoon, the knowledge that he was someone's OC makes me sad I never got to play with them. And as for my Sanity, I never carry that around when I'm on the internet. The School of Hard Knocks taught me that early on. Looking forward to talking, playing with, and befriending you peeps!
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