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About beachnight

  • Birthday December 28

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    Houston, TX

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for the nice welcome. I appreciate it. Seriously, tacos are one of my most favorite things in the world. I could eat mexican food pretty much every meal, every day, but I make a point to go out for tacos, or make 'em at home, most weeks. I've been on the server and had a few random battles but I want to do more. I'll get there. Thanks Tacos! Zeph honey I like you too, and your neurotic llama, he's awesome! ~wololololooo~ You're just a little crazy aren't you, and totally fun. I love it! Hey Krim, I like Gallade too but the game event gave me a female Ralts, so I decided to specifically breed for a male. I've only ever gotten an accidental egg or two from the daycare so I had to learn more about breeding and passing on IVs and egg moves, etc. I got lucky with the first one, he turned out great and I got the Perish Song from my Misdreavus that I wanted. I generally just battle and let them build up whatever EVs they get but with him I think I'm going to be very specific and train him right. He's going to be a badass for sure! I love Houston. Are you here, or have you been here? Thanks for the welcome! I had actually already looked at your software, it's impressive. I never did much with C++ but I liked it enough. In school we had to learn Java and it made me crazy, didn't get it at all, but then we had Ruby on Rails and I loved it. I downloaded your SFM, thanks for sharing it. You working on any other projects? Stick with it, this is good! Hi Vinny, I had seen several of your posts where you were wanting to get your Weavile but it wasn't in the game yet. I checked the Pokémon Location Guide and see that you can get Sneasel now. Looks like it'll be a while before I can get the Greatest Pokémon Ever though. A long while... Did Zeph stop wolololing at some point? She's neat, I might have a little crush on her! See ya around OK there are like a bazillion cute animals there, I didn't look at them all yet, but I looked at a bunch. I really liked that bunny eating lettuce. The puppies are my favorites. I have my own, my boy is Catfish, he's 11 though, not a puppy. But you want to talk about EXTREME cuteness, last Fall I raised 2 baby squirrels that were 7 weeks old when I found them in the parking lot at work. They were amazing, so fun! I could just go on talking about those babies and the stories! Another time maybe. Hey Chubb, I bred my Ralts for a male with good stats so I could have Gardevoir and Gallade. What did you breed? I missed out on getting a Ditto. It never was in that cage even though I did all the daycare couple stuff first. I thought it would be cool to be able to breed with one. The other day I saved my game just a few steps before hatching an egg and then reset to try for different stats and ability but it didn't change after several tries. Looks like their stats are determined when you get the egg, not when it hatches. Hi mde Thanks for the nice welcome. See ya! Thanks Cyanna. I'm such a dork, but I really am having fun! Sprinkles make me think of donuts. You and Tacos are making me hungry! Thanks Despair...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm James. I just looked, I installed ep.15 at the end of April, so I’ve been playing for just over a month now. I see I’m years behind many of you, which is good for me, to have all of you and all your great experience. I plan on sticking around and hope to contribute and make some good new friends! I’ve played other Pokémon games in the past but never for very long. Reborn has captured my imagination and I find myself wanting to explore everything as well as analyze all the type/move/ability/etc. possibilities of each of the Pokémon I come across – something I’ve never done before. Like, I just bred a male Ralts with Perish Song, that was a first! I’m (kinda) catchin’ ‘em all, even though most just get stored in the PC. I’ve renamed the boxes by type or use, and there are duplicates for storing those I will probably never use. Some are designated as possibilities, there are the shinies I want to keep available, and those I want to “definitely eventually” train. Then there are the favorites, both for their sentimental value and usefulness. I’ve stopped my progress in the plot for now with my 5th badge and I’ve been leveling up to 50 all those I want to move forward with. (Tanzen cove is where I’m at most of the time, although I did get distracted for a while to develop a pickup army, and then a second, lower-level PU team that enjoyed a little time travel recently when I wanted a King’s Rock after snatching up a shiny Polywag.) I’ve got 4 or 5 or so of many types that I want to keep with me for now. I don’t know if that’s common or not as I see most people just displaying their team of 6 and maybe a handful of standbys. I guess as I go on I will narrow them down to a favorite or two of each, and retire others altogether. Anyway, I guess my point is that I’m totally engrossed in the game. I think it’s a combination of the story Ame has created for us and all the great features of Reborn, as well as where I’m at in my life right now. I’ve just graduated with a Computer Information Systems degree and I’m currently looking for work, which translates to: I have some extra time on my hands. But, whatever the reason, I’m thoroughly enjoying myself! OK this is getting long so I’m going to stop here. I’ve got a few more favorites that I want to level up, but I’m ready to continue as I’m anxious to see what’s ahead after I deal with Bennett, Serra, and the PULSE Abra! I’m trying to read first since most of my questions have already been covered, but fair warning, I’m sure I’ll need help at some point. Thanks though for all the good information you’ve already all shared. You seem like a really fun group and I’m looking forward to meeting you. See y’all around!
  4. Having a blast with Reborn!

    1. Aurorain


      Same here. Haven't gotten to it in awhile, but started up a Mono-Normal challenge for shits and giggles. :3

    2. beachnight


      Hi Aurorain, I'm only a month in on my first time playing so I’m taking my time, exploring everything, and catchin' 'em all. I love the idea of different Nuzlocke Challenges though and I'm curious, what's the hardest part of your M-N challenge so far? Sounds fun!

  5. Aventurine Woods

    1. Exalted


      welcome to the status bar the search bar is right above the username on the left have a nice day

    2. beachnight


      Your're right, I was totally not paying attention and typing in the wrong box! Finally saw what I was doing : )

  6. upgrade

    1. Exalted


      Welcome to the status bar the search bar is located right above your username on the right thank you

    2. Exalted
  7. install update

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