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  1. Hey thanks, thats good to hear about the map, im still mind blown by that concept image posted earlier, hope it pans out. I personally have no problems with the city's events whatsoever, although some of my friends did complain about it getting really laggy when they reached that park to battle the first tangrowth... Other then that, i truly only think its exagerating in darkness on zones where it doesnt need to be... best example about that is the forest, itd be a great way to take the players mind out of all the destruction, be a little light hearted and then just to introduce it once again. It works really well to getting players attached to the game, best example of this in other game is can think of now, is that giraffe scene in the last of us... Its so unexpected, so beautiful and its placed right in the middle of all the chaos, just before and after shit went down... The problem with that is, if the game wants to spread out and reach a bigger audience, it needs to grab the players attention from the beggining. I'm the kind of guy that likes challenges and to get passed all those hard puzzles, hence the only puzzle where i cheated and googled the answer, were those quizzes right before saving Luna... I really couldnt be bothered with reading all those books... But as for my pleb friends that really arent that much into pokemon, its hard to keep going, when all the pokes you wanna catch and train are introduced way to late into the game... There are some fan favorites that i doubt would break the game if introduced early, pokes like gligar, eevee, pichu etc... something people can add to their main team, right from the very beggining, but that the devs have complete controll over when it can evolve... As for the levels, i honestly think they're great! One of the best things about this game is the struggle to keep them below the level cap, which is actually an hidden incentive for bigger teams, allowing players to switch with pokemons on the pc
  2. Oh wow, that map looks amazing Its a shame that cant be implemented in game, its beautiful... But to be honest, the simpler the better when it comes to in game maps, easier to memorize and read... That picture could work really well as some sort of advertisement thought
  3. lol, didnt even notice point 4 Personally, i like trying all sort of janky teams, but unfortuantely, new players will want to stick to their confort zone in their first playthrough... However, there are some fan favorites that i really dont think would hurt to see a little early on, for instance ralts, pikachu, shinx, gliscor etc I actually didnt know that, but even some, i think there were a little bit too many lvl 75 fights :X Thanks dude, i finished my first playthrough already, have a second save (with a trick i picked up in some thread in thsi forum while googling)... Am doing my second now
  4. Hey 1. Yeah, thats true... But when i mean earlier, i mean 45min of gameplay, by second gym if we count the time it gets to get them, it can easily reach 2 hours of gameplay for a new player. 3. I replied to MDE with something can fill up here 4. i dont thing a zoom in and out option would be bad... that or 2 part map like gen 2 has 5. The key is to place them in the right spot, cuz if you put them too late with high level, you'll evolve them immediatly but if you place them late with a low level with becomes a grind... One of these options isnt fun and the other isnt rewarding, it should be a balance of both
  5. Reply to MDE: Btw, can anyone tell me how to edit in a quote? Hey Thanks Thats basically what the post is about, to discuss some opinions, hopefully some of them may change and i'll get to enjoy the game a little but more. 1. Yeah i get that, but the problem with that is that new players aren't going to stay if they are forced to play pokemon they dont like. For instance, one of my friends literally player solo Blaziken till lvl 40 (+ HM Slave), up until he got a shiny Beedril, then spent the entirety of the skype call complaining about him not being obediant. (If not the shiny beedrill, i think he wouldve kept going ;X). But the worse case scenario is definatly the ones that didnt even feel like keep playing, knowing they had to train some pokes they didnt like... 2. Yeah, i get that, Im not saying that its bad, just saying that it doesnt need to be so pushed. Some beauty in darkness never ruined anything. I even like the idea of watching the evolution happen during your playthrough, but in my opinion it doenst need to be pushed everywhere. 3.Problem is, its a really hard boss, that on paper, lets be honest here, sounds really stupid... Lets say im having a conversation with a friend of mine and we start talking about pokemon... I mention pokemon reborn... If i say anything about a Ditto lvl 75 transforming into an Arceus and it being a boss battle, he'll gimme that look: ''Bruh, you kidding me?). I think that plotline is so well written and with so much potential, however it has that one battle, that just makes me wanna facepalm... Its not even a shocking reveal when he goes arceus, just judgemental look into the screen. (Pun definetly intended) 4.I hope so, i like the fact fly isnt available yet though, makes me go explore more and consider the options if its worth going back to the pokecenter 5.Thing is, if we keep going without dragons, whenever we can catch them, its gonna either be a level grind for them to evolve or theyll evolve immediatly after leveling... And lets be honest here, one option isnt fun and the other isnt rewarding :X
  6. So yeah, i was pretty bored surfing the internet, when suddenly, a friend of mines sends me this game in skype saying, as i quote (translated from portuguese to english of course): -''Dude, i just found a modded pokemon... Its awesome, you gotta try it out.'' ''Insert reborn link here'' At first, i was a little skeptical, but a few minutes of gameplay and my opinion radically changed! And i wasn't the only one, me and my friends usually play smite together, i showed them this link and boom, suddenly everyones hooked and playing pokemon again... So i came here, after a brief discussion with them to post some of our opinions on the game and hopefully if some devs read this, make the game better. Now I'll divine and number my into positives and negatives, so get ready and lets start a discussion on them! POSITIVE 1-The diviation from the normal formatI'll be honest here, i've gone sick of the standard formula, has soon as they told me this game had an evil team doing evil stuff, plus more gym leaders giving badges till you reach the final elite 4, i began growing skeptical... But boy was i surprised! Although there are still Gym leaders, they are way harder and actually present some sort of challenge compared to the normal games, it felt so freaking good when i finally beat Kiki and earned my 5th badge or when i finally managed to beat that goddamn Tangrowth, i had to think outside the box... My team at the time consisted of a overleved Marshtomp, a Noibat and a freshly caught Pancham, this game actually made me go out of my way, catch a Trubish and play some stall game vs that thing. It has just the right amount of that pokemon game feeling and new content. 2-The charactersOut of all the games, the only character i truly gave a rats ass about, was Cyrus from D&P and not because i liked him, but because he his by far the best written character and villain in the pokemon franchise... Maybe Gary Oak comes the closest to him, but come on thats Gary Mofcking Oak, heappears in the anime, without that, a guy that picked Leaf Green or Fire Red for the first time would just think his a normal douche. But Reborn... Oh damn... I felt sorry for Corey and Heather, i was heart broken when Kiki was killed right after her best disciple betrays her and throws medichan into a freaking volcano. I busted my ass off laughing at Fern finding me inside that Nuzleaf cage and most importantly, the villains actually have personallities and make good dialogue. Heck, that whole scene with zEL being teleported by Abra was awesome! The characters themself make great interaction with one another, everytime Cain comes into the scene i know theres gonna be some good dialogue between characters. 3-The level capThe level cap makes this game so much more interesting! I've always had the habit of fighting every single wild pokemon on a random encounter, so i've always been a tad overleved compared to the enemies. But this game is heaven for people like me, that level cap makes it so much easier to introduce new members to the team and you can easily play with 8-9 different pokemon, just switching then in the pc, making various teams depending on the opponents your facing and the field effect. Plus, it makes the game way more strategic, then just putting your most damaging moves on your most damaging pokemon and kill the enemy with type advantage. 5-Field EffectsWhoever had this idea should be hired by gamefreak... They are really well thought out and make the battle so much more interesting... I'm still clearly a newb to this game and can only name half of them in my head, but Damn, does it feel good when i discover something new and intentionally use them against my opponent. 6-Great amount of contentThe amount of content in this game is CRAZY! Its easily double the length of a normal pokemon game and it still isnt even completed... If the quality keeps consistent I'll be really surprised this game doesnt receive much, but much more recognition. Like seriously, keep it up, there are very few games where i can enjoy more then one playthrough without getting bored. The game is always bringing something new and events introduced never feel out of place (like some RPG's, that make up some excuse for you to take that incredible important item for game progression *cough* HM *cough*). Heck, in pokemon Diamond, freaking Rock Climb was in the middle of a snowstorm <,< What a pain in the ass that was to find. 7-Linkstone and other itemsOH THANK YOU, as a person who grew up without friends that played pokemon, i always hated that concept, there was never that level where it felt right to evolve the pokemon, so you either grinded a weak pokemon until too long or just evolved him early, missed some moves and now have a completely overpowered pokemon in your party. This game mechanic is really well implemented and gives you a checkpoint where you should be evolving them... But not only the linkstone, one of the greatest examples of items being in the right places is the fire stone... If you've been training your growlithe, you'll be more or less level 42/43/44 when you get it, just around the level where he learns overage. Props to whoever thought of this, they really dont feel ramdom and seem to have some sort of purpose to be placed there, really good job in this aspect. Now no gameis perfect and obivously, this game has its flaws... I'll name the ones i think should be looked at... Also, some of these have the opinion of my newb friends... And since Newbs are what keep the game alive, i think you should look at these with a little bit more attention. NEGATIVE 1-Lack of fan favorites in the beggining.I'm not talking about the starters, I'm talking about pokemon like pikachu, shinx, riolu, ralts, growlithe, shroomish, slakoth, the bird type etc... I'm talking about pokemon you would want to keep in your team, throughout your whole playthough, available to catch before the first gym... Notice all the pokemons i mentioned are fan favorites and something people eagerly catch and train throught their respective games, its something more then your starter you look out to evolve and you grow to like.... In pokemon reborn, the closest to this, is Noibat.. To make matters worse, the level cap encourages you to catch more pokemon, however if you don't like the options, you'll have a overlevel you starter and that wont be fun at all... This in my opinion needs a serious look at, at least 2 of my friends got tired of the game because no pokemon they really liked was available up until 3 hours into the game and playing with a not obediant starter while being forced to train pokemons you dont like can be tiresome and drive people away. 2-City was too gloomyI get that the art, the atmosphere isnt supposed to be friendly and go happy but that doesnt mean it should be like that during the first 1/3 of the game. The game does get visually pleasing, but for that you have to play for too long to actually get to enjoy it. For instance, the forest didn't need to be a dark place, buildings with plants growing on them dont need to look so dark, not everything needs to look like its spreading misery to make us feel bad for the people living there. 3-Ditto into Arceus...I'm just gonna be blatantly honest here... That is the stupidest idea you've had... A ditto got the power to transform into a freaking god and get to use his moves and stats.... I really like the plot twist, that it was a ditto pretending to be gardevoir, but come on, seriously having it transform into a freaking Arceus?! Not only that, but that fight takes an incredible amount of preparation and the nearest healing station is way too far... You couldve easily made some healing ruin nearby or something... Also, a really shitty thing about it, is that the lvl75 single boss is starting to feel overused by thisa point... This woulve been much better if you just made us battle El or even better, made Ditto transform between our pokemon in a mirror match... NOW THAT WOULVE BEEN INTERESTING... 4-MapJust look at it... It looks horrible and its hard to understand until after you played the game... This one should be completely changed. 5-Lack of Dragon typesI really don't understand why there aren't many dragon types available, im completely OK with no legendaies since i dont play them anyways.... If you think they would become to overused, just make them appear later or in areas where it would be hard to train them... Heck, having them as possible starters wouldve been better then them completely not existing. One great idea a friend fo mine had, was to pull a Corey... No, not having another trainer relasng them, just having them available whenever you feel its ok for people to catch dragon types, once if you have a certain item.
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