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Post Comments posted by Ramiru

  1. Hoo boy this is gonna be a long one, so I'll just post it all in a big spoiler tag to avoid making several screens worth of post. There will not be any more spoiler tags within so consider yourselves warned on that note. Also if I didn't answer then it's likely because I simply don't have an answer or the other devs would have a more informed answer (or they've already been answered)


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:45 PM, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?


    This might be a bit of a giveaway considering my pfp but Crescent has always been my favorite character in Rejuv ever since I discovered it back in V5 (not that the game was very long at the time, it ended after Valarie's gym battle). 

    At the start because of her mysterious character since she was definitely the type who knew a lot more than she let on, an archetype that has always resonated with me. Then after she was given a proper backstory she just became even more of a favorite.

    Amber is a close second though, she is incredibly sweet and if any harm should befall her I would go to war.


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:47 PM, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?


    Now my job has for the largest part usually been playtesting and fixing what minor event-based issues I could throughout the entire game as I did my playthroughs, so I haven't done much in the way of actually *creating* the game.

    However the part I spent the most time fixing which in turn taught me a lot more about RMXP is the Regirock quest, so that part has a special place in my heart.
    Also of course just playing through the game from the start for the nth time every time we're internal testing a new version.


    On 5/5/2024 at 2:16 PM, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?


    So for the longest while, Jan and Zumi wouldn't even clue the rest of us in on what would happen in V14, so we've all been shaking in our boots the last few years. Knowing a bit more now I'm very excited to keep working on the game well into post-V14 and beyond (though I've always been excited to be here)

    Going into how evil Jan (and by extension Zumi) are, we have this little channel in the dev discord since only they know the full scope of the story. That should give you a decent idea lmao



    On 5/5/2024 at 3:04 PM, kaiciu_creates said:

    I have a couple of questions (if that's alright)


    Will terrestrialization ever be a thing in the game? Balancing it would seem like a nightmare with Field Effects, Megas, and Z moves.


    What are your favorite MC Kugerean designs?


    and what's your favorite chapter?


    Crystal Pokemon go brrrr (into the bin, lol no)


    I'm heavily biased toward Aevia as she's always been my favorite MC with Alain coming in at a close second. But I'm gonna have to go with Aevia for this one.


    Not me not actually remembering where each chapter starts and ends and instead categorizes content based on which version it came with, *insert behehe emote*.

    My favorte part of the main story atm is probably V13, specifically the Platinum route and the School of Nightmares. God I love the entire climax part of that mini-arc.


    On 5/5/2024 at 4:59 PM, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)


    So we had a bit of a funny conversation in the dev discord regarding this question, specifically with the other devs berating the Mirror field, example below.


    Personally I've never really disliked mirror field at all, so just for the sake of that I'm gonna name it as my favorite (in reality I've never really given much thought to my favorite field so I can't decide on a specific one)


    Least liked field isn't because I outright dislike the field per se but because it goes kinda hand in hand with the 2nd question. I'm gonna come out and admit right away that I have *never* beaten Adam on reverse field the legit way, so that's a bit of a sore spot for me. Other non-specific fights that I'm not really a fan of involves any and every major fight that plays around Trick Room *insert another behehe* god I do not like that move haha


    Favorite fight is another hard one but I think I'm gonna go with the Crescent battle from Paragon route of .Karma Files, that one just sat right with me for several reasons.


    The character I'm most looking forward to seeing where he ends up is Truck Guy, though arguably he is as much of a main character as the rest of the squad in my opinion. My wish is that he develops a major shipping conglomerate that eventually ends up with monopoly on the shipping business worldwide.


    And thank you too :3

    On 5/5/2024 at 9:33 PM, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)


    Personally I think Aelita could use one, she's been needing a break for the better part of 3 lifetimes so she deserves it more than the rest 😤

    And I'd like to think that souls in general have a sweet sugary taste, don't ask me why though because I wouldn't be able to tell you. (This is by no means a serious reply so please don't consider it as such)


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:17 AM, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.


    Given the fanbase's response when Zumi posted the first official artpiece of Talon, I don't see any reason to believe that the population of Aevium would be any different if I'm gonna be real lmao

     Again sorry if I didn't answer yours as they were either already asked or just outside of my area of work or something someone else could answer better (I still haven't played Renegade cuz :(((((( )

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