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Posts posted by BrutaLotus

  1. well, my brother is a hell lot better than me and he takes mostly a look on this for champion builds: http://champion.gg/

    And it does sound logical, what is written there, but anywhere I look, it is not recommended to only build the same thing.

    It even goes as far as to describe those who do "Noobs".

    And I wanted to get a generall idea on what to use in which situation.

    (mostly for tanks or supports)

    Or are tanks quite unaffected 'cause they have to build the same thing every game?

    For example for Braum, Blitzcrank and Thresh.

    Maybe Nautilus but I haven't played him yet.

  2. hmm, k.

    And as outdated the guide may be, some of it is still actual, 'cause it is mirrored on certain champs I played and build what was written in the guide, without knowing of it, and my build was in no order. And I wondered, why my build was sometimes overwhelming and sometimes weak as hell (even though I almost always built the same build, but in no order, the choices were accidential), whether I got good opponents or not (mostly bots).

  3. hmm, k, thought there was an overview, I mostly don't watch streams 'cause I can't copy pro lol play yet (e.g. "quick-cast"), and want to "mature" while playing myself. So I'm searching for a way without streaming.

  4. @genesis

    hmm, in that case, you could also wonder about the characters (nonexistent) sleep, for days and weeks.

    Or that you often can't use runnung boots indoors.

    Or the mysterious voice (or person, like your father in gen3 or prof oak in gen1) that says "You can't use that here."

    Or that mini backpack, which can back dozens of pokeballs, one or two bikes, a whole pharmacy, or dozens of rocks, etc. etc..

    Or even that pokemon can fit into rooms, but are normally way to huge for it.

    Or that your mum sleeps in the kitchen... (e.g. gen3)

  5. hmm, maybe post it in another forum like deviant art, or something similar,

    (I don't know the limit of uploadable stuff there or anything else from it except that people upload pics there)

    and just post the link here.

  6. Almost all of them are definitely worth watching (prequels included) B)

    Maybe start with a laugh at assassination classroom or durarara^^

    Wanna see a time travel anime? Stein's Gate is your pick.

    In for some blood, action and monsters? Take shingeki no kyojin (attack on titan).

    There is a broad variation from which you can pick :-)

  7. hmm, both don't work like they should, first is not working anymore and second just redirects me to my own account, without even mentioning an added server or anything like that.

    Discord-Name is: JuggernautLotus.

  8. that list really does look like a heavyweight tournament for anime^^

    about a third of them I didn't know about :)

    And, yeah, prison school season 2 could be interesting, but maybe not so much as one could think,

    what I would fear is that it could turn out to be just a repetitive (for most of the part).

    (or is that something to look forward to? I dunno^^')

    what about this? :-)

    Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 2 (no release date yet, or I just don't know if there is one yet, but probably 2016)

  9. Each has a few really toxic/fucked up boards (/b/, r/atheism, /v/, r/watchingpeopledie) but for the most part they're communities like any other. Did you know that 4chan has a /lgbt/ board?

    Nope. And I got no idea what those /b/ or r/atheism or stuff like that mean^^'

    (I know atheism but I can't understand what those URL-parts should mean, or are those even part of an URL?)

  10. Honestly, I read this thread and it was kinda interesting to see what reactions you got for what anime, and then, bam, 60 pages already?^^'

    Soo, I skipped from 1 to 60.

    And hurray, two announcements for anime I liked (and one isn't even yet on anime-planet, thx Simon) :D

    hmm, somehow I don't care if you get my anime-planet name, so click on spoiler:


    That's my profile and everything I watched from Anime & how it is rated by me^^

  11. It's kind of like watching a caged animal from afar, dangerous and erratic, but fascinating in the same way.

    Yep, that sums up most of the bad sites of the internet for me, I know they are there and some like to take a closer look of the teeth of this animal but I don't have to look at it if I don't want it.

    (and on the internet, meaning thread-titles, one even gets an etiquette of what kind of animal to expect^^)

    I read your comments (dear community posting on this thread) and mostly I agree with them.

    Yes, there are bad people, there are those who only do that anonymously and honestly,

    I'm less "scared" about those who post their weirdness online, 'cause that mostly means to me that they found a ventile for them.

    Let's take a look at the other side, to those who just dwell on their f*cked up lives and who they could blame or what they could do to get "revenge" at somebody random just for being better.

    I'd rather watch something rot, than it rots and I don't know of it until it knocks me down by surprise.

    Same with democracy.

    I know that system isn't perfect, but I think it is the most suited for people.

    And democratic people should be able to handle those who disagree with them.

    For those who are going to actually do something criminal, there is the law.

    (and no, I don't want to discuss now of what the border should be between a police state and a constitutional state are).

    & For those who don't do anything but stirr up moods of easy-to-influence people...

    Well, just watch out your friends / classmates / whoever close to you don't become those ill-minded people or get influenced by those.

    And for 4chan and reddit, I never really visited those sites, just got rumors.

    But like I said, I'd rather watch out for something rotten, than smell it when it is too late.

    For tumblr, hm, I hear even less about it than the other two sites...

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