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Pokemon Researcher Kat

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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Pokemon Researcher Kat

  1. 41 minutes ago, Xanthous said:

    Tried more painting this time. Confidently having no clue what you're doing is fun as hell, 10/10 would recommend




    While Snow Warning was activating, Feraligatr wondered if it was possible to make snow cones if they waited long enough, and that was the realest talk the two of them ever had


    lmao those little faces, you're the best ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

     Oh my gosh, it's perfect! Thank you a thousand times over, these two are my favorite Pokemon~ ^u^ 
    I know the feeling, I confidently didn't know what I was doing all through Math class Senior Year lol But your work turned out amazing~! I can even picture that little discussion and them actually trying to make the snow cones XD So cute ahhhhhhhhhh *fangirling noises continue*

    • Haha 1
  2. I had a mod fix my save file once already for the Skuntank event and the apartment/building in Coral Ward, but something must have happened because now when I try opening the game my save file isn't there (as in the only thing showing up is the New Game option instead of where I last saved, just clarifying). It worked once the very first time I got it back, that was it. After that I tried to get it to work for hours, not exaggerating, but to no avail. Any guidance at all would be much appreciated (because it could also be just me and my computer illiteracy), but I don't know how to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  3. I can't get Skuntank to join me even though I have Corey's ring. I know, I'm a bit late. The only other thing I can think of is the apartment/building that's locked in the Coral Ward. Not sure how to open it, or where to find the key to do so. Someone said to check Rock Smashable parts of the wall in the Railnet and the Subrailnet and I did, but I got a second Corrupted Poke Ball instead. Do I need to go somewhere/do something else to find it or is this an actual game problem?




  4. I definitely agree with everything that is being suggested, but a small part of me would also like to see something along the lines of a reputation system put into the games. It doesn't have to be a rewarded type of thing like a credit system, just basically having more obvious consequences for things that happen in game. Maybe even to the point where your choices actually start effecting the story, but I'm not expecting too much. Just something that not only will (hopefully) leave a lasting impression on kids, but also kind of appeal to the older players a little bit.

  5. Okay so, I literally just started the game a bit ago and I have to say so far I love the concept! Just from the beginning scene (before you pick your name, gender, etc.) I can tell that I'm going to like where this game is going. The thing is there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in the very beginning and I mean even just the first ten minutes of gameplay-- which is about where I got because my game froze after I saw Eevee run down the street (and I hadn't saved yet).;^; I'm really excited to play this game though because it looks so good! So, off to restart it I suppose--

    EDIT: I restarted just a few minutes ago (since the game froze last time) and it did the exact same thing. Right after you see the Eevee walk away, I can no longer move. I'm not sure if it's just my character seeing as the NPCs still move, but I can't even open the menu. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be great.

  6. Being that I am still a fetus among the fan base XD, I honestly feel like I haven't waited at all. Although, there are other factors that share the responsibility for that such as 2016 being the year I graduate which equals a hell of a lot of planning, my computer needs a new external hard drive because it originally didn't come with one and isn't necessarily overloaded, but the files that were downloaded are (which wreaked havoc on the poor thing) and I found other cool Pokémon fan games (that my laptop can handle since the pc is all but dead, literally since it won't even go to the home screen). The ones that I find are reminiscent of how lengthy and well-made Reborn is, so I literally just found some free time to check on the update status here.

    So Ame, you're doing great~! I was actually expecting this to take longer than it has and I can't wait to see and experience the new content :D Get well soon!

  7. Hi everyone! :D I have actually been a member for a couple of months and decided that I should get around to introducing myself. As you can probably tell by the name, you can call me Kat or literally almost any similar (except Kate, please).

    I started playing videogames in general when I was about six and the first game I ever had was Pokémon Crystal and my first Pokémon was Totodile. From then on, I absolutely loved Pokémon-- even if wasn't the most popular thing from where I come from. I'm also really grateful to Pokémon because it also introduced me to anime in a way, which has become another love of mine and both are now a huge part of my life along with music and art in general. When I was younger I was a bit more reserved, definitely not shy, but reserved around people. If you compare my current self to the younger me, you would swear it was a different child because now I'm confident, happy and able to express myself a thousand times better than I ever could have when I was younger. For that, I'm ecstatic that I found Pokémon and now have something that I can be passionate about.

    A little bit more about me-- When I go to college, I hope to major in Forensic Sciences and Art. I love traveling and experiencing new things as well, which is probably why I love doing so many different things and the reason my interests are all over the place. But I think I like it like that. It's better than not liking anything at all, right?

    How I found Reborn

    I heard about Pokémon Reborn through YouTube. I was originally watching a video of Trickywi doing a playthrough of Pokémon Ethereal Gates when I saw an episode of Pokémon Reborn, so I looked it up. I read a review and instantly wanted to play it for myself. I kind of freaked out after I downloaded it though because someone told me there were 15 installments of gameplay and I had never played a game that long before. Before I understood what that meant, I had also found out that no one had finished a playthrough of it either-- so, that didn't help my freaking out. I still played it though. I had to mentally prepare myself, but I played it. To say the least, as a complete understatement, I was not disappointed whatsoever. I had to keep reminding myself to find a stopping point so I could go to sleep some nights and when I finished it a couple of months ago I was a teensy bit sad. But at the same time, I was excited for the next episode, even now. After I finished episode 15 is also when I joined this website as well, so I feel a little bit like a noob, but that's okay. No big deal~

    Anyways, that's all I'm going to make you guys read about me since it probably gets boring after awhile. Congrats if you read that entire thing!

    I really hope I like it here and that we all get along~ :lol:

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