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  1. @Lostelle she says you need to fight Cal to get approved as a student if i recall correctly
  2. So i figured it out. One has to talk to Kiki before you can finish the lava mountain. So the first pillar to smash ( On the bottom floor ) correctly moves the lava from the second floor away but the pillar on the second floor does not trigger anything as long as you havent talked to kiki. So yeah guys thank you all for helping me! @Lostelle Try to include it in your next video haha would have saved me several hours testing the puzzle if i knew that i have to talk to kiki first .
  3. I am 100% sure. My friend did it as instructed above and it worked for him. seems like my game is bugged or smth because the the 2nd pillar that needs to be smashed does not trigger anything, Btw, thanks for your help !
  4. I watched the video and did it exactly like this - but the lava lake on the entrace does not disappear. doesnt matter what i do. btw i play EP 15
  5. I did exactly the first two steps. The bottom pillar draines the lava above BUT the pillar on the lvl 2 floor does not trigger anything...
  6. Lets do it that way. where the 3 pillars are is lvl 1, then lvl 2 where the one lake one right is and lvl 3 where the island is surrounded by the lava with one pillar. So i did what you did and smashed the pillar on lvl 2. went up again but nothing happend
  7. Hey so i as far as i understand this puzzle there are 5 pillars. one on bottom one in the middle and 3 at the entrance. Is their any order to activate them? When i active the one on the bottom one lake disappears but it doesnt matter what i do after that, the lake at the entrance stays... any advise?
  8. Hey guys. I got to the Mountain but i dont know how to solve this puzzle. I try i since 2 days.. Any help would be really cool Greets Atom
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