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Hiroki Tatsumi

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Posts posted by Hiroki Tatsumi

  1. ISIS bluffing or not, there is really a problem with terrorism in France, and in Europe aswell. I guess the governements were way too lighty when open Borderlines to immigrees and that's causing more trouble now. Fact is people don't seem to react aswell, always waiting the blood to be spread before doing anything.

    That's really a sad way to be honestly...Don't know if that's the same from your country...But that's desperating..In France at least.

  2. I have friends in Paris and thanks they're okay.

    I live at ~1 hour from Paris, and what i can affirm without fear is that the government will not help citizens. Be sure of that.

    120 People died at the moment while ~150 are in critical state, on the verge of dying. Well, the country is in tense, and also stunned by that. The upcoming days will be painful as we'll all see death number grows...

    Well...I guess you said all has to be said. At house we're having a relay to have anyone being awake at every hour, just to see if the country isn't gonna implode.

  3. May take 2-3 Days before updating. As you should have seen in medias, there was an Huge attack in France by some terrorist, and that implies two things about this :

    - I'm not in the mood to find dialogues.

    - I have to watch the thing because of the tense spreading from it.

    Soooo i wont be able to update for the incoming 48 hours, because i guess the incoming days will be like this night, Drawing in front of the television / internet listening about news from the attack.

    I'm sorry guys, but this is an emergency.

    If anyone is interested by knowing what's going on without relying on your local medias, feel free to pm me, i'll be glad to leak the things from France. Those kind of things should be known.

    Chubb, St3ffo, Dragon, Ra1den, take care of Bessie while i'm gone.

  4. o.O dats alot of 7's, lucky cow...or you gonna get the shinx?

    I'm planing on stoping here for electric types (Or maybe just the Pichu) and to go for Florinia to unlock grass type aswell :)

    And that was Dragon who played , thanks to him i got a nice TM :P


    In Pokemon Insurgence, I used Zebstrika until the literal end - up to level 65 (or something) But yeah, he fought in the team that was up against a Kyurem White and a Zekrom with an item that is the equivalent of an Eviolite (or maybe even better).

    Anyways.... Electrike needs some manners. I wish he loses to Fern XD

    Chubb will be a good partner i guess, now his pride is saved :)

    And yeah, i hope he loses aswell :3

  5. Rebellion Diary Chapter Five : Pokegang in the Casino

    After that rude battle from the PULSE Tangrowth, my comrades and i were allowed to progress in the city, reaching Onyx ward and in no time , the gym. Onyx was similar to the rest of Reborn City, ugly, filthy, and depressing. But somehow, that didn't affect me. St3ffo and Dragon were always joking around, and even if those jokes were way to lame for me to laugh, that was cool to have them with us. I guess the four of us were strong in any aspect. Well....Almost the four of us. For an unknown reason, Chubb seemed like he was feeling bad. Well, i'll ask him later about why, we have something to do before, we have to reach the Onyx Sch--

    xi6ttDt.png I want to go in that !!! :D

    5RtZPmA.png What is it?

    8ySomhN.png Casino <3 Betting, playing, Winning, that's the way <3 I'm burning !!!

    xi6ttDt.png Should we go in? Pweaaase D:

    5RtZPmA.png No way ! That's not in our plans !

    44K6APF.png Baby, you should let them in. Let's take a little break, that will consolidate the group's spirit. Right?

    5RtZPmA.png Well....You can enter in.

    xi6ttDt.png8ySomhN.png Yayyyyyyy !!!!

    The two pokemon ran in the Casino, but when i was about to enter, Chubb stopped me. He looked at me seriously, he had something to tell.

    5RtZPmA.png Chubb? Is there something?

    44K6APF.png Well, Bessie. You know, i have a pride to defend as a man. And i'm not satisfied with my current performances.

    5RtZPmA.png Talking about bullshit again? You should breath a bit guy.

    44K6APF.png You don't know what i mean, cutie. I wanna evolve. I'm near to evolve.

    5RtZPmA.png Are you serious?

    44K6APF.png Yeah. Since we're together, i could battle a lot and i'm feeling i'm near to evolve. However, i heard when you get too much power, you're having mind troubles.

    5RtZPmA.png Yeah, I experienced it before, that's a little weird to be honest.

    44K6APF.png Well, that's why i want you to come with me for training, and help me if i lose my mind.

    5RtZPmA.png Hmmm. We're a team after all, can't decline. Here we go Chubb.

    Chubb and I went to some secret hideout back in Obsidia, there were some trainers gathering there. The pokemon jumped on the battle field and kicked all the foes with flame charges and charge beams, while i cured him between all matches. His determination doubled since previous battles against Tangrowth. I guess that's man pride.

    In the end, he beat all the trainers in. But still couldn't evolve.

    44K6APF.png Damn....This is hurting...I have an Headache.

    5RtZPmA.png That's the effects of the level capacity. You're overleveled. Just drop the training, you'll feel too bad.

    44K6APF.png I...I cant...I wont be a burden anymore....Bring some wild pokemons Bessie.....

    5RtZPmA.png Tchhh, you're hopeless. Here, take that. yIryqRN.png

    44K6APF.png What's this?

    5RtZPmA.png Rare Candy. I found it before meeting you. But i didn't use it, waiting for the best occasion.

    44K6APF.png Fu. Those things are damn expensives, keep it or sell it.

    5RtZPmA.png I'd rather throw that away....Than seeing you suffering from your head...Or your pride. Eat that.

    44K6APF.png You....You sure?

    5RtZPmA.png I said eat.

    The pokemon took the item. He ate it in an instant...And it didn't change anything. Some seconds passed , and still nothing....But a minute later...The pokemon started to glow. Before turning into intense light...That was the first time i experienced that...Evolution...



    The light ceased. Chubb evolved, an amazing Zebstrika was standing in the front of me....He was very, very nice looking. I guess.

    1wrFBGI.png We...We did it...

    5RtZPmA.png Yeah....Quickly eat those, they're common candies, two and you'll feel better.

    1wrFBGI.png ...Thanks....You're actually a nice pokemon, Bessie.

    5RtZPmA.png And you're actually pretty handsome, Chubb.

    1wrFBGI.png Don't you think? I turned to this awesome and handsome man just for you baby :3

    5RtZPmA.png Well, too bad you didn't lost your idiocy when you evolved.

    1wrFBGI.png How meaaaan D:


    09H6o3R.png Damn Mightyenas !!! I'll get you !

    1wrFBGI.png Huh !? What the...

    I turned back, there were two Mightyenas facing an Electrike in the bottom of the hideout. The Electrike seemed to be in a pretty bad position against those two, but he didn't seem to give up against them. Chubb looked at me, i agreed, and we both ran to the Darky duo to battle them.

    I started the battle by using Body slam, paralizing the foe. Chubb used Thunder wave, paralizing the other aswell. I smiled at Chubb's performance, we were completing each other. In no time, by using Charge beams, aswell as Body slams, we got through the duo.

    1wrFBGI.png Ow yeah ! Damn Bessie you're good !

    5RtZPmA.png You improved aswell, Chubb. Well, Electrike, you're free to go.

    09H6o3R.png Are you kidding me !? That was MY Battle. You got it fat cow? Battle was MINE !

    5RtZPmA.png Do you want to get body slamed? You would be killed you idiot.

    09H6o3R.png I'm not an idiot. Name's Ra1den. I'll be the strongest pokemon in the world, and i need challenges. You interrupted my battle, i'll make you pay that....I know. I'll stalk you. I'll stalk you until i can beat ya and prove i'm the best pokemon ever seen. Capisci?

    1wrFBGI.png This is going to be very weird...But at least...We found a new comrade... I guess?

    5RtZPmA.png Well. Don't touch me aswell. Same applies for you , Chubb.

    1wrFBGI.png Laaame.

    We finaly came back to Onyx, entering the Casino....

    aWKQpjA.png Bessiiiiiiiiie helllllllllllllp D:

    5RtZPmA.png Sigh....What did happen?

    aWKQpjA.png We were playing and...huh...Dragon got in the UFO Catcher D: And i cant grab him D:

    1wrFBGI.png Are you kidding !? Well let's take it back !!

    09H6o3R.png Seriously...What's with you guys....Bunch of fools...

    And with that, we tried hard to grab dragon back. We succeed within about 1 hour, letting the pokemon tell us how he got in. Apparently they played a lot and gained some things for our squad , but the little pokemon , jumping from joy, fell in the UFO catcher...Well....That's not common....Fu...Fu....

    5RtZPmA.png Hahahahaha !!! You're the worst team ever !!! Hahahahaha !!!!!

    I couldn't stop laughing. Damn what am i doing, this is a Rebellion, not vacations...But well, can't be helped, i like them.






  6. yeah....bessie going to have to sweep fern and flobot GOOD luck

    Yeah, i guess that will be a very hard one, but that's a step for the Rebellion. And i have that immune to grass ability, sap sipper aswell.

    I CAN HAZ LEVITATES! That makes me amooon to gwound. Tynammo POWA!

    My namesake will prove itself to you one way or the other =D

    I got something special reserved for our Dragon116, the dreaming tynamo, stay tuned ;p

    I love how everyone who is named is really into their characters XD Goddamn hilarious. But the Flobot may be trouble.

    Not sure how a Miltank writes a dairy. But I'm glad it knows how

    just "wytch" is fine for the Budew

    Somehow, i managed to find an human that serves me. He loves miltanks so badly that he couldn't say no. He's following us, and starring at us. Like a dog. Yeah.

    I noted for the name :)


    Ok now THIS will be on my signature 24/7 from now on

    Anyway, i look forward to learn Electro Ball, with that i'll wreck everything

    I guess you'll be a wrecking ball with that move, but dont be too distracted by Chubb, he really has a bad influence on you.

    Liberate a Tangela please. Tangelas are adorable and resilient.

    I'll be sure to make that happen. Count on me ;)

    Next update should be up later today ^^

  7. I like the format of this run, it's pretty cool to see something new :)

    I'm encouraging everyone to make their own run, that's really fun to do, be creative and we'll have a good runner community <3

    Buuuut i cant see any pic D;

  8. This was pretty interesting to read. I'm a big fan of PMD so the dialogue in between is pretty awesome!

    ...May I be nicknamed something too? xD

    Thanks for encouraging the human that serves the purpose of quoting my adventures. I'll be sure to recruit everyone helping me on this thread , sooner or later :)

    I really love this. I love that I'm a Tynammo with the dream to be a Noivern. Very well done :)

    May your wish be true, i'm with you :)

    What can i say? i'm 2 Fab 4 a bunch of kids and their father *puts on some black sunglasses and passes his hand through his hair*

    Well, my little comrade, don't get the vanity through you :3

    Wait, may I be a manectric? Because it is my favourite pokemon. If you can catch it.

    Considerating that, will realize if it's possible :)

    My gosh, this is great! XD Thanks for naming me after Blitzle, by the way and hopefully you don't box me too soon

    In each run i make, i'm training all pokemons except if they're really untrainable, see my fighting mono to see it :P So i'll guarantee you'll follow me until the end, unless you start to doubt about the Rebellion :3

    Rebellion Diary Chapter Four : The Pulse

    Once again, i'm stuck in the Pokemon center, waiting for my comrades to be healed. Well, again, i'm relying on them, that's not a bad thing since we're a team...But i kinda feel like i cant do anything alone....Well. I might take that away from my mind, Pokemon is a teamwork and has always been. So well. Waiting again....

    417.png Mommy i'm back to hooooome ~

    xi6ttDt.png Dont shout , it's an hospital, dude D:

    44K6APF.png The dream team is back ~ You missed us, Honey? ~

    5RtZPmA.png Actually, i was thinking about my love, a Tauros. A very Handsome Tauros.

    44K6APF.png Are you cheating on me ? D:

    5RtZPmA.png No, i'm just pissing you off.

    417.png How mean D: But well, you couldn't beat the Scraggys without our help ~

    5RtZPmA.png I beg your pardon?

    8ySomhN.png What can i say? I'm too fabulous a bunch of kids and their father ~ *passes his hand through his hair*

    5RtZPmA.png Chubb. You contaminated him. Please give him a full heal. Now.

    xi6ttDt.png Hey, Bessie, look, i realized that my ability....WAS LEVITATE !!! I'm near from being a Noivern :D

    5RtZPmA.png Gratz, that's an HUGE step o: ...Well, do you hear what i'm hearing guys?

    8ySomhN.png I'm not hearing anything babe ~

    5RtZPmA.png Take off those glasses. Please.

    aWKQpjA.png I love them D:

    44K6APF.png Well. I think i hear it too, it's coming from the coast. Let's go to see what is the deal !!

    And so, we went through Coral until we saw some water...Well, mud water but well, still water. Ther was a blue haired girl starring at a trapped Oshawott...Unfortunately, none of us could swim in that and grab the pokemon....That was lost cause...Until HE arrived.


    The Oshawott was saved, and decided to stay with the trainer. But well, the trainer wanted to give him a try and let him battle us.


    44K6APF.png Lady, it's time for me to show what's a real man, and erasing that Tauros from your mind ~~

    Chubb jumped on the field, against Grimer. Well, the pokemon impressed me on that fight, he used charge beam, boosting to max its spattack, and swept the Grimer...And almost everything else in the boy's team. It somehow got outspeeded by Gastly, making him retreat instantly.

    44K6APF.png Were you impressed...?

    5RtZPmA.png Kinda.

    44K6APF.png It's my win then, Baby.

    5RtZPmA.png Well, be right back. Wait here.

    I came in the fight, and used rollout to finish the Gastly, granting us the win.


    Some time after that, we came to Obsidia to see what's causing that plant trouble, and we got a new HM....Cut.

    5RtZPmA.png Well, i can't master that. Anyone?

    44K6APF.png Nope.

    xi6ttDt.png I'm sowwy i cant D:

    8ySomhN.png Let me deal with that, i'll cut everything.

    5RtZPmA.png Remove. Those. Glasses. Please.

    aWKQpjA.png But...D:

    St3ffo cut the three, letting us have an access to the machine, there was a Tangrowth that was controled by an huge machine that was amplifying his power, in the cost of him suffering....I retained some tears in the front of this scene...Comrades couldn't speak aswell....


    5RtZPmA.png Well, comrades, this is human kind. Are you believing me now? We HAVE to make this Rebellion. There isn't any other choice. Let's tear this apart. You're with me guys?

    aWKQpjA.png If i win, i can have those glasses back? D:

    5RtZPmA.png Huh...Sure...

    8ySomhN.png 'Kay baby ! I'm burning !!!!


    St3ffo ran on the field and used Nuzzle to paralyze the huge thing. He spammed Spark until it fainted because of acid spray. But he did a formidable job. I was starring at him, coming back like that was the end of the world.

    aWKQpjA.png M....My.....Glasses.....

    5RtZPmA.png Well, you can have them back. I'll go guys, just make sure to protect St3ffo from any attack.

    I came on the field, cursing myself to tank the knock offs, while sap slipper made me tank the giga drains. That was really cool to have a grass immunity at this point. However, the poison hits were hard to tank. In the end, with some body slams, i was able to tear the thing apart....Again thanks to St3ffo....



    5RtZPmA.png Well, i heard that before. Try again.


    5RtZPmA.png Well, guys, we can finaly attend to the gym. Ready?

    xi6ttDt.png I'm weady !!! Yeah !!! :D

    And on that positive mood, we got to Onyx ward...For an upcoming really hard challenge...Florinia....

    The Squad


  9. I am planning a new run to run tandem with Hiroki's. For this run, I would like Bouffalant as my starter, and I also request the following Aces to be added to my file.

    Cain: Nidoking
    Victoria: Emboar
    Fern: Roserade (it's his true ace)
    Julia: Electrode
    Florinia: Cradily
    Corey: Crobat
    Taka: Chatot
    Zel: Espeon, Glaceon, Umbreon
    Shelly: Volbeat
    Aster & Eclipse: Lunatone & Solrock (since their true aces are taken)
    Shade: Chandelure
    Cal: Typlosion (since he still has Magmortar during Ametrine and I don't battle him then).
    Kiki: Lucario (Medicham is her true Ace...but it dies in the plot)
    Solaris: Garchomp
    Aya: Dragalge
    Sigmund: Electivire
    Sirius: Seviper
    Bennett: Volcarona (technically Butterfree/Vivillon though)
    Serra: Froslass
    Noel: Cinchinno (Clefable is too close to Noel to leave him, hence why he gets to break the leader rules).
    El: Ditto
    Radomus: Gardevoir
    Luna: Umbreon
    Samson: Conkeldurr
    Charlotte: Ninetales
    Blake: Walrein
    Terra: Excadrill (Garchomp is true ace...reborn wise, but Solaris already claims it)
    Ciel: Altaria

    That's done and sent in PM ;)

  10. (Seeing the electric types fight their hardest alongside you fills you with DETERMINATION)

    Seriously, I'm amazed you kept Miltank alive in that battle. It should be a lot easier after a little bit because you'll get a full team before Onyx's School...oh god. I just realized something...this run is going to get really weird soon.

    I agree for the first line :3

    If i could be alive the whole fight, that was thanks to St3ffo who managed to both paralized and lower the ddancer's attack to maximum , making me deal in a 1VS1 with their dad, that's the key for the win i think. I hope we'll be able to make it with Florinia aswell :) Teamwork is wonderful...And what did you realize? :P

  11. I'm already in normal mode :/ *starts to cry in his bed*

    Skipping him seems to be the only solution now, but damn, i don't wanna give it up so easily

    Well, for Taka Avatar demonstrated again his power, i mean a Nuzzle-Electro Ball Emolga is op

    The fun fact is that i've always considered Emolga as a useless pokemon most wrong thought ever

    OH MY SORRY XD Two times assumingsomeone is in hardcore x)

    But well, a level 75 Garchomp with a restriction as hard as yours is something, you don't have to feel guilty about a give up. That's not something all teams can handle, and without a perish song user, a prankster, or a sturdy thing, you will bite the dust anyway.

    Or you send butterfree with focus sash and poison powder, but well...That sucks.

    I think you may skip it without feeling guilty ^^

  12. Love the little conversations you put in. You also seems to be creative in your play throughs

    That's appreciated, that guy who is writing my thoughts got this crazy idea, and didn't know if it would seem as cool as it was for him. So he's kinda relieved you like and will continue in this style ;)

    This is amazing XD it's like Mystery Dungeon with extra sass. What a playthrough

    And if it's not too much, I'd like to be a Budew please. :3

    Well, if by luck i'm finding a Budew whose name is "wytch_doctr" , i'll ask him to join me in my Rebellion. But only if i find that kind of budew :3

    Kinda worried about your upcoming battle with Florinia tho... Cradily resists literally everything your team can do atm :(

    Hm. I guess Chubb will make its effect, he may seems a bit reckless, but i'm actually thinking he can do something good, don't worry for us, well, that's kind of you though. :)

    Whoa, from now on i'm a Pachirisu? That's awesome!
    I'll do the best i can in every battle especially Chatot, it's my nemesis, i swear *puts his hand on the heart*

    I'm counting on you St3ffo, i'm sure we will make great things together, you proved your determination in the fight VS Victoria. :)

    This is hilarious! By far the best thing I've seen!

    Thank you man ;)

    Rebellion Diary Chapter 3 :So, we're a "Pokemon Gang" ?

    Waitiing was long, very long. While i was able to cure myself by drinking my milk, the guys in my squad couldn't drink it because they fainted before, so i was here, waiting at the pokemon center for them to heal. Well, that wouldn't be our last hits taken, but that feels strange when it's the first time. They battled like pros versus Victoria, even if in the end i had to do it myself, i couldn't make it if not for those three idiots....That's weird.


    44K6APF.png And the man is ready to go !

    5RtZPmA.png Chubb ! You're safe !

    44K6APF.png Tchh ! Of course i'm safe. That Makuhita owes me one.

    417.pngxi6ttDt.png We're here too :D

    5RtZPmA.png St3ffo ! Dragon ! I'm relieved you're all safe !

    44K6APF.png You're relieved...Huh? :3

    5RtZPmA.png Stop that. You're three fools, that's what you are ! I dont want to have one of you guys's death on my conscience. That's all.

    417.pngxi6ttDt.png Suuuureeee.....*3*

    44K6APF.png Well, didn't we have to go in Obsidia Slums, you're ready Milky?

    5RtZPmA.png That's Bessie , not Milky ! But yeah, i'm ready to go.

    We left together the pokemon center, Joy is kind, even if she remarked i was a pokemon , she didn't mention it and went like all of this was normal. She helped my buddys, and now we can go on the way to the slums...



    xi6ttDt.png This....This place is a little creepy.

    417.png That's the slums, we have to get through that to go in the other part of Obsidia.


    And then , we entered. We passed some trainers, letting St3ffo and the boys grow. I didn't have to fight any pokemons in the whole cave..I guess that's men's pride, they did take care of everything...How foolish they are, i'm not that weak. But well, that's cool to have such partners. I guess.

    5RtZPmA.png While you guys were battling, a trainer told me something interesting.

    44K6APF.png What is it?



    417.pngSo....We...We are a pokemon gang...?

    5RtZPmA.png Seems so.

    xi6ttDt.png There are other like us so ? :D Let's find them :D

    44K6APF.png C'mon buddy, they surely aren't as kind as us. Let's proceed with caution

    We walked a few minutes after that, and we found a strange box, somehow we couldn't try to take it, we followed it instead. The box ran away few times, but in the end, there was no escape for it. Chubb approached it, a scraggy jumped out of it. he was accompanied by two scraggys.


    xi6ttDt.png Ohhhh Scraggy !!! We're from the same Region !!! I'm Dragon116 ! I'm a Tynamo that dreams to be a Noi---

    UxJc3GL.png Don't approach !! This is our Territory !! If you dare coming more, we'll attack !

    aWKQpjA.png B...But...We need to pass the slums to go ahead D: Pweaaase scraggys D:

    UxJc3GL.png Well....If you don't leave by yourselves......DAD !!!!

    5RtZPmA.png Bring it. We're not affraid.

    We were starring at the group, while something blowed the door behind them from inside, a pokemon appeared, that was Scrafty, Scraggy's evolution...That was bad, really bad....REALLY BAD.

    Z5OrSR6.png You should have left, you fools. Let's go.

    44K6APF.png Hey , girl. Leave this to us.

    5RtZPmA.png What are you saying?

    44K6APF.png You're a normal type, you just can't make it.

    417.png Leave this to...

    xi6ttDt.png The St3ffo Dragon duo Dynamo Noivern !!!! :D

    And the battle started. I was starring at the two fools on the field, they were against two of those scraggys. They didn't seem that impressive; but i was surprised as fuck when the first round started. While Dragon116 managed to paralize one of them, and St3ffo using charm on the other, the two pokemons concentrated their attacks on Dragon, kicking him by two fighting moves at once. I understood at this point how rude gang battles are, there isn't any rule in the Pokemon black market. I wanted to go, but once again, Chubb stopped me.

    44K6APF.png Lemme bear this.

    The pokemon jumped on the field to stand along with St3ffo, but despite the spark being a good offensive move, he got poisoned by one of the scraggys and i didn't have anything to heal him. St3ffo continued to charm the other, making him really nothing for us, but he got poisoned aswell next turn. The duo managed to defeat one scraggy, while the other was unable to make damages because of both paralysis and charms on its attack, but were not able to stand the poison. Chubb fainted, while St3ffo was on the edge of defeat.

    44K6APF.png I'm counting on you....Girl...

    5RtZPmA.png No more "excuse me i failed?"


    5RtZPmA.png Well, that's a good thing. You did well.

    I jumped on the field, at this point, there were still those two scraggys and the father behind. I used stomp on the scraggys that wasn't paralized, while st3ffo helped me in a last effort by using a last charm on the other scraggy removing him as a danger for me.

    Z5OrSR6.png You may have beatten my sons, but you can't win this by yourself, lemme end that.

    5RtZPmA.png My partners did well, i wont let them suffer in vain, come on.

    The father came, the son gave me some hits, but couldn't scratch me thanks to St3ffo, i used multiple stomps on the father, tanking those few brick breaks with my body. It hurted, but i couldn't let him win after all that. I drank some milk, letting me recover from my wounds, and in final, i took down the father...And the son just after that...We won.


    Z5OrSR6.png Urgh......Okay. You shall pass. Sons, Retreat. We'll have our revenge, soon or later.


    Again...Without them, i couldn't make the fight alone. Those fools are really incredible. They may not be huge , but they're determinated. If only some pokemons back in the days i was at route 1 could be like them....Well...

    5RtZPmA.png Aren't you tired of riding my back to the Pokemon Center?

    44K6APF.png I'm sure you're actually enjoying that...C'mon girl, smiiiile.

    5RtZPmA.png I wish i was a Jigglypuff, i could sing and you would shut up for once....

    And with this, we went to Coral Ward...Waiting for new adventures to show themselves....

    Our squad.


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