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Everything posted by Talkla

  1. Xin's not supposed to be strong in teamfights, his strength is supposed to be in his split pushing power and dueling. He already is near-unstoppable after getting Rageblade and completing sated, but now he gets even more outta it. No one is happy when Xin Zhao is a strong pick. The Ryze nerf too is in all ways a complete olafing too. He will become unplayable if that nerf goes through.
  2. "Hey guys, who should we buff for no reason this patch cycle?" "Xin Zhao. Heal scales with AD and crits every 3rd attack." "Perfect." Normally, I don't judge Riot too hard on their balancing decisions. But this one? I don't even know what they're thinking. Plus the Ryze nerf capping his passive at 5 spells maximum per passive. That's dumb too.
  3. The only problem I see is that they'd have to get a new support, who's from NA, that is willing to join a currently bottom-tier LCS team. As of right now, this is only backed by Remi's own tweet, but I really wouldn't be surprised if she's serious about leaving this time around.
  4. Remi is apparently no longer playing for Renegades now. Hope Renegades can bounce back from that.
  5. If you send in a request to Riot Support, assuming they've never added RP to your account before in this manner, they will totally give you the RP you're missing as a one time deal kinda thing. They'll usually ask you draw a picture/write a poem though.
  6. Oh nice, congrats. Got Night Raven Fiora for 50% off and Shockblade Zed for 70% off here.
  7. Usually you'll be placed slightly below your original rank, but your MMR is higher than the division's average, so LP gains are usually +25ish for wins and -15 for losses until your MMR normalizes. Sometimes you'll even skip divisions too.
  8. Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight, featuring Phreak, the Pun.
  9. New champ select is planned to come back in the next day or two according to a Riot post. Shouldn't be down for much longer.
  10. Promo helper's no use to me sadly. Only applies up to Gold 1 iirc.
  11. Welp. Went 9-1 in my placement games, seeded a division below where I ended last season. Tanks Rito. :^)
  12. She was really close to quitting the team and not playing this split, but she decided to play and see how it goes due to all the support from the team and fans. I'm excited to see how well Renegades do, definitely one of my favs this season.
  13. His W has a pretty substantial cooldown, and only lasts for 1.75 seconds. Just gotta get used to playing around it. Also keep in mind he only gets his shields if he hits with his Q or E, and he won't have his sustain through Q now as well.
  14. The reason they reworked Shen from my understanding is that it was a simpler, low resource rework, (Maokai sized update compared to say, Sion/Poppy) and also because versing Shen in lane is basically a stat-check lane. You either win or lose based on who has the better stats, and the biggest interaction in lane you had to play around was dodging Shadow Dash, seeing as there was no playing around Q and W. Honestly, new Shen seems a lot of fun after some playing on the PBE, and I'm sure old Shen players will enjoy the new one just as much as the old one. Just gotta give it some time.
  15. Yeah, I see him with the highest potential in mid. Even though a support would allow you to set up your skillshots a lot easier, I'm not sure how well teams will be not having a DPS ADC, unless he's horribly overtuned. (See: Mordekaiser pre-nerfs)
  16. I'd be up for joining if it's still open.
  17. I'm thinking top 3's gonna be TSM, IMT, and C9 in that order. I'm almost dead certain that these 3 teams will be fighting for 1st, but 4th-9th is a huge tossup for me. If I had to rank 4th-10th, I'll probably go with TL / NRG / RNG / EF / CLG / DIG / TIP. A lot of stuff can turn these around though, such as TL's crazy roster plans either doing well or flopping or CLG's downgrades actually working out. Hoping RNG can pull something off though, really hope they can do better than I placed 'em.
  18. Welcome to Reborn! I'm also a huge fan of Neptunia, I hope we can get along!
  19. It'll be interesting to see how Japan receives LoL. The country's never been big on PC gaming, but maybe things might change.
  20. Riot confirmed on Reddit that this champ is gonna be a total psycho. Hopefully his kit is awesome!
  21. In all honesty, the argument regarding needing to own a ton of champs and rune pages to play competitively is kinda false. Tons of low IP costing champs are and for the forseeable future still strong and reliable picks, and you really only need to be able to competently play 3 or so champs per role to do well. Plus, with the new changes coming to matchmaking in season 6, you can get away with only maining one or two roles, further allowing you to do well with a small handful of champs. This can also tie in with less of a need for many runepages, as you'll only ever need one or two runepages for differing matchups.
  22. Are you me? Besides some of your Mid/Support favorites and Vi, that's almost exactly mine, haha. Top: Fiora, Gnar, Poppy, Ryze Jungle: Kindred, Poppy Mid: Annie, Katarina, Ryze, Twisted Fate ADC: Jinx, Miss Fortune, Tristana, Vayne Support: Alistar, Bard, Blitzcrank, Thresh
  23. Hitting the hooks may be hard, but if you practice at it, you'll be Madlife in no time! Or atleast, that's how I think it goes..
  24. I'd say Tahm Kench if you mainly play support/top, but he's one of the most contested picks/bans at the moment in draft gamemodes. Darius and Thresh can also be some decent pick ups.
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