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  1. Thanks for the link, did not find that thread Will use it next time. But I thought it could be a glitch cause I did not get the rockclimbing ability yet and it looked like the only way out, I did not realize that I am able to jump on those stones >,<
  2. Hey, first post here cause I am stuck in Agate Circus. I was told to go and find that sleepy guy on Route 2 and that I need to get myself that pollen-collecting-device thingy. I got it but where do I leave the city now? I found 3 possible exits: Ferrywheel (still closed), left side via elevator (I can leave the building but there is no path I can use?) or on the right but there are policeman stopping me... Do I miss any path or TM to climbe rock or jump obstacles or such?
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