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Posts posted by Texasblazed

  1. Not that I want to be the one who yells at the new guy, I mean he couldn't have possibly known on the account of being new, but... Can we please do something about all the Garchomp/Arceus/Abra threads? I mean those boss fights have been out there for quite some time, we have approximately 57493758 topics about them, could we just... I don't know, write a FAQ or whatever about them, sticky it, and be done with it?

    was just about to start a new one asking if it is possible to beat

    i'm glad i got sidetracked thread surfing

    1 question tho other than the previously mentioned murkrow any other honorable mentions?

    3rd play through and only now do i question if its possible

  2. the only revives i have used are the few i have mined

    and i havnt finished episode 15 yet im still stuck on route 2

    honestly the fields are the only reason i had my original opinion of the leaders

    once i removed or reversed the field most of the gym battles were pretty much won in my playthrough that is

    and as for being in team showcase i dunno i originally posted it under reborn city and it was moved

    probably becouse in my original post i asked for opinions on my team as a secondary question

  3. Ok so here's the story (promise it will be quick) i just about an hour ago i got tired of reloading my pre puzzle save and failing the sleep powder puzzle so i decided to take a break. clear it from my mind so i can retry again later after the sleep powder, push, hop on rocks thing was getting a bit confusing (i digress). so i decided to start a new game (after first backing up my main game) to go ahead and start me a good old fashioned shiny hunt. after exactly 39 resets i finally get my shiny bulbasaur. after battling most of the peridott ward trainers there is sumthing that i have noticed (although it could just be luck). my shiny bulbasaur is quite evassive causing the oposing pokemoon to miss an average of about 20-30% of the time even without any evassivness raising boosts. is there any kind of truth to this or is it just luck? the only reason i ask is becouse i have noticed this on my main save whereas my shiny charizard (that i swear to god i got without 1 restart) is causing oponents to miss about the same amount of the time.an answer would be much apreciated so i can know to only use shinies when i finish my main game and begin again to crate my team for futer episodes or not to bother shiny hunting.

    P.S im not the kind of trainer who goes and finds shinys and only uses shinys in fact i oten k.o shinies unless im doing a shiny hunt playthrough

  4. i agree with the dark gym being on of the easier gyms mid game so far as soon as i scouted her Pokemon it was over although malamar did ko half my party.

    i continue my above statement that the puzzles are harder than most gyms

    first route one then the lair of the "church of arceus" (cant remember what the area was called) then a pretty easy puzzle before dark gym them BAM route 2

    lol loving these puzzles tho there really well designed and pretty tricky to figure out

    as such i am currently in a loop of sleep powder move to wrong spot reload pre-puzzle portion save saving after every successful portion i complete of it only to rinse and repeat

    oh ya favorite quote so far in this

    "OVER 9000"

    also i wish i had heard about this lang ago before when the gyms were tougher (do i hear grindathon)

    same here i usually keep my main 6 unless ame tells me over intercom thing that the gym leader uses a team that i have little to no streangth against then i just find 1 maybe 2 pokemon grind em up and whipe out leader

  5. zeta/omicron hmmm like i said reborn is my first i didnt even know fan games existed till a few weeks ago.

    and i will more than likely show them reborn ( after they finish ORAS) they are new to pokemon after being introduced to x and y by me

    P.S they dont have internet so no showcase or thread surfing (which is why i was asking the original question)

    i didnt want them to get to frustrated with reborn and give up on pokemon alltogether especially since they liked x and y and are enjoying ORAS

    thanks for the advise people

  6. actually i am on my first play through on this game and have never played a fan game until this one.

    as stated before tho i wasnt trying to critisize the game at all in fact so far i love just about all aspects of it

    i was just trying to get more opinions before i recommended to some of my friends who do have trouble with omega ruby and alpha saphire

  7. i wasnt meaning to say they were wrong in their opinion of the difficulty or that it no matter what they arent difficult just that if done correctly none of them are "OP".

    and not yet i havnt i am currently on 7th street.

    in my opinion some of the puzzles in this game are actually alot more difficult than the gym leaders.

    and not really complaining about difficulty just wanted to gather more opinions about it before i recommended it or not to some of my friends who have trouble in oras and constantly complain about how difficult oras is. (although i will probably recommend no matter what if my aforementioned friends dont give up on pokemon becouse of oras)

  8. i seen alot of people posting how some gyms are "OP" but in my opinion this is false. i have used the same team of zebstrika, onix/steelix, granbull,archanine,charizard (shiny luckily) and musharna (untill i got mawile) and i havn't had much trouble at all. at most i have only had to rebattle gym leaders 2 or 3 times (not counting the number of times i battled them for the sole purpose of suicide grinding mawile and archanine). any thoughts or tips on this subject or my team setup please reply. Thanks

  9. hello i am texasblazed and i was wondering if anyone can help me get my reborn team in my signature as sprites, and also help with basic setting up of profile. any advice and help would be much apreciated and im looking forward to becoming an active member on these forums. arceus allow that is ;)

    also if anything i just asked for help with is against the rules or the thread just isn't located in the correct section please let me know

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