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Posts posted by DerxwnaKapsyla

  1. On 7/29/2022 at 11:33 PM, FirmHandshake05 said:

    Is there some way or alternative file that generates the box Pokémon without gen 8? I know I can just ignore them but I'd really rather just not have them there 


    Are you using the most recent version? It shouldn't be doing that on the latest build.

  2. Also known as "Amaria's Gym is a war crime and violates the Geneva Convention, so I fixed it.


    This is an extremely simple mod that changes two main things.


    1) It adds stairs to Fiore Gym's main room that just go straight up to the waterfall's at the top.

    2) It adds warp stars to the first dive spot at the gym entrance that will take you to Amaria's location, depending on the route you're on, as well as stars at those locations which take you back.


    Why? Because I and several other people have found that the gym is exceptionally difficult to navigate because of the lack of reliable landmarks, as well as how spacial-nonconforming it is. While I love the design of the gym from an aesthetical standpoint, navigating it just isn't fun imo. To my knowledge, this shouldn't break anything. I didn't do hyper-extensive testing, but a friend of mine who was actively going through the game tested it on their first run of the gym, and reported no known issues, so here's hoping.




    I might look into making an expansion upon this, where I edit other areas to make them a bit less tedious to navigate. I don't make any promises, but there are a few areas I'm looking at.

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  3. https://github.com/DerxwnaKapsyla/Reborn-Sandbox-Mod/releases/tag/v7


    2 months late and several bouts of "I really need to fix as much as I can/I can't fix all of this theres too much to test" thoughts later, here's the e19 version, "finished"********.


    I need to stress, by several orders of magnitudes, this will be broken in some areas. I cannot say with good faith that everything is 100% working. I am relying on people with a keener eye. a more dangerous style of play, and more free time than I to really find things that are broken and will report them so i can judge whether or not it needs fixing.




    Documentation will be here. I haven't finished the page, lack of free time. This will eventually supplant the Google Docs sheet as the official documentation for the mod.


    Thank you all for your patience, hopefully it will be worth the wait!

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  4. 10 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    That's good to know. I often find myself using sandbox for small things like getting a TM i missed when i passed through the area where it can be found, or getting the 3 TMs found at the arcade, because coin farming is a waste of time. Or grabbing an occasional evolution stone if i need one and don't want to go mining. Being locked out of online for good just for something like that would be unfair.


    I see the point in lockouts if you spawn in an army of shiny, perfect IVs in all stats legendaries with the intent to use in online battles. There's already tons of people who'd do that in official Pokémon games.

    Yeah that's exactly why I want to keep the lockout in place, because it's not really fair to those who are playing normally and going onto netplay to just shoot the shit to get roasted by people doing the equivalent of cheating, or to run into people who are just throwing around shinies that are technically illegitimate over wondertrade. I know a lot of people hated that the Official games's online functionality was a lawless wasteland because of that.

    • Like 3
  5. On 5/31/2022 at 10:32 PM, ShogokiX said:

    If Ame said so, it's fair game by all means. Do you keep the the lockout the way it is now, or are any changes planed? What i'm trying to ask is: if i remove the mod files from my game folder, will i be able to use online again on save files that i already used sandbox on?

    I don't plan to change how the lockout is handled, I'll just ask people to try and be considerate.


    6 hours ago, Deaecoseur said:

    is there a download for e19 download or not released yet?

    Not yet, I've been busy with offline priorities and personal priorities.

    • Like 1
  6. fgKfjXx.png



    [10:47 AM] Amethyst: Yeahhhhh I'd say my feelings on it are ultimately summed up by the 31 IVs password. It's easy to hack around that too but I didn't want to cheapen the work of people who want to put in the full effort of breeding. It's not hard to get around and also someone could just hack in a bunch of cell imprints but it seemed fair to me to make a small baseline effort
    [10:49 AM] [Aggressive TV Static]: Yeah thats how I felt as well
    [10:49 AM] [Aggressive TV Static]: Like, anybody tech savvy enough can jjst reverse the flags
    [10:50 AM] [Aggressive TV Static]: You aren't going to stop people from doing that, and trying to is just going to create an arms race of counter changes
    [10:51 AM] Amethyst: Yep. Just a small, easy practical effort to ask people to be considerate
    [10:52 AM] [Aggressive TV Static]: Yeah


    So yeah, that's that. While Amethyst and I do know it's absurdly easy to get around the existing internet blocks, it's more of a small effort to try and ask people to be considerate. We acknowledge we can't stop the dedicated enough to get around the checks, but we want to try and make things as fair for people as possible.


    With that said, yeah, internet connectivity is staying locked in the next release of Sandbox. I apologize to anybody this may bother, but like I said, I want to try and keep things fair for people.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, Fayt_Bouleouve said:


    Is it possible to add flags where if you are at certain locations or on certain quests (like the postgame ones), the mod stops you from teleporting somewhere that can break the sequencing? Like maybe having the game "remember" your location without triggering any flags that affect the events or hidden mechanics of the game, and warping back to where you left.  I could see some issues where you warp during an escort event or a location locked area, like 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Darkrai's nightmare realm or Celebi's time jumping

    Were you can't normally leave.

    The plan would be to find as many places as possible like those to restrict Sandbox Access. I just havent had the time to look into every instance that does that yet.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ShogokiX said:


    You do realize that with the currently available version of Sandbox Mode it is possible to enable online again by simply removing the mod from your game folder, which means if players were to create strong mons in sandbox and then remove the mod from the game folder, they could instantly use their strong mons in online battles or trade them around.


    That being said, it makes no sense to keep the disabling of the online functionality in the mod, unless you also add in a way to permanently disable online on any save file that has used sandbox related features at least once.


    Also, let's be honest here: There are enough people who'd simpy use debug mode to modify their Pokémon's stats to have all perfect IVs on all stats and teach them the best moves they could legally learn in Reborn (because if online servers detect mons that have illegal moves, you can't use those). So i think it comes around to pretty much the same if i were to just spawn in mons in Sandbox Mode, give them perfect IVs, and teach them all the best moves. So unless online servers also detect and lock out mons that have been tampered with in any way, even if "just" IVs were changed, i don't see a reason to deactivate online with Sandbox Mode installed.

    I already know about the ways to get around the online play limitation of Sandbox, and was aware of them long before i even pushed the first build. Here's the thing though:


    The "Max IVs" password also disables online play. And anybody tech-savvy enough can easily mitigate that. Because of this, I haven't decided what I'm doing yet in regards to online play, that's something I'll be bringing up with Amethyst probably to see what she says. If she's fine with me turning online play back on, then I will. If she asks me to keep it disabled, then I will.



    49 minutes ago, Fayt_Bouleouve said:

    Can't you have an NPC in a random spot beside the Grand Hall PC and the circus PC to access sandbox? I think it was done in the initial stages of the mod.


    Back when I first made Sandbox, I had always wanted it so players had access to the area regardless of where they were, but wasn't sure how to pull it off.  Having it only accessable from those two spots was a result of lack of knowledge. The way it is now is in-line with what I wanted.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, SharlaSmith44 said:

    Personally, I think it should be at a physical PC to avoid breakage.


    BTW, will this have online enabled, since Reborn is finished?


    We would have to recode how the Portable PC works because it accesses the same type of PC as the Pokemon Centers.


    And I'm not sure yet, because there's a lot of features in there that still provide a massive edge over non-sandbox players.

  10. So remember how I said it'd be out last monday at the earliest? (Did I say that here, I don't remember... Regardless.)

    Well, I'm glad I said earliest, because the day after Episode 19 released... Version 20 of Essentials came out, and my priorities COMPLETELY shifted I've been spending the past week, week and a half (idk time isn't real anymore when you work in a deli) updating my own projects. I haven't even been able to look at Sandbox, let alone make progress on it.


    Here's the current scoop: Most things are working, and they just require another once over from me. The problem is, there are some NASTY issues that crop up as a result of being able to access the Sandbox anywhere. So, I'm currently left with two options.

    Option 1) Release as is (once I finish testing some more), and hope people report issues where using the Remote PC to access Sandbox can break the game. I don't mean break as in "you suddenly have access to sandbox in an area where you wouldn't normally have access to the pc". I mean break as in "You can suddenly use the Remote PC during a Specific Postgame Sidequest and return to the overworld under very specific circumstances that you SHOULD NOT be able to, as a result possibly breaking the sidequest associated with it."

    Option 2) I release it to a very small subset of people who are willing to try and break the game for the express purpose of trying to fix these issues.


    I know what most people are probably going to say, but just in case I'd like to hear feedback. Because yeah the aforementioned issues can be pretty bad and game breaking.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 hours ago, Fayt_Bouleouve said:

    I ran into something interesting just now.  If you have downloaded the 19.12 patch and merged the files into the beta run files, not the new 19.12 download link but from the remote link in the readme, the options to get any pokemon and get all pokemon from the mod nets you access to pokemon locked in Rejuvenation and Desolation.  The files in scripts are separated, but the fact still stands I can get any non reborn pokemon.  I can access it, but seeing any sprite of it, PC, summary, or otherwise, crashes the game immediately.

    This has been a bug since e19 came out, even in closed testing. It's fixed in my build, and will be distributed Eventually:tm:.

  12. 23 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    This is just my opinion, but you should also remove the ability to change species and form. Some players might be prone to try and give themselves Pokémon they're not supposed to have, like those Mons that are exclusive to certain story related encounters. And that might break the game.


    Unless you can find a way that allows them to change species and form, but doesn't let them change into aforementioned exclusive Mons.


    As for Mons that actually change forms by nature, like Deoxys, Rotom, Kyurem, Zygarde or whatever, there is already stuff in the sandbox for them to change into all their forms players should be able to obtain.

    We've got this handled internally currently, so when everything is dont you won't need to worry about that!

    10 hours ago, TwilightCoda said:

    Do you have a link to the latest version?

    Not yet, but soon!

    • Like 1
  13. You all(?) asked for it, so here you go! The IV modifier has been turned into "The Geneticist", and they'll modify your Pokemon to its very fundamental levels.

    Though, there are a few things I need to remove from this menu. Namely, the Shadow Pokemon option, which actually breaks the game because Shadow Moves don't exist.




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  14. 10 hours ago, Andrew1010 said:

    I just want to make my pokemon shiny... so what's the big deal? 

    Please look forward to future builds of Sandbox, then!

    4 hours ago, Icemaster1993 said:

    and i just want to teleport to the Giratina room since i cant solve the puzzle even if i follow a guide step by step and no one has a video guide for it yet


    Please see the above comment:


    15 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    Also, a lot of people just want debug mode to walk through walls, because they're too lazy to solve a puzzle (puzzle guides for EP19 do exist on this forum, you know), effectively skipping triggers that would advance the story, only to complain that they got stuck because the story does not progress any more.


    Bypassing puzzles has a chance to break the game if you aren't 100% sure of what you're doing. There is a text guide for the Giratina puzzle on the forums.

  15. 17 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I'd rather see these options on an NPC than using debug mode. I would certainly be able to just debug mode these changes for myself, without accidentally screwing up my save file, but i'd rather avoid the temptation of messing with the data just because i can. (which i know i'll do if i'm bored.....already corrupted like 5 or 6 EP19 save files i was messing around with just for the fun of it....)

    It is something I will consider, since there are a few things that still need fixing!

  16. 21 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I really hope we get a full EP19 version of Sandbox Mode soon. I've been looking around the forum a little, and there are quite a lot of people asking for debug mode. At least some of the things people would want to use debug for, like generating mons, teaching them certain moves, or giving yourself certain items, are covered by Sandbox.


    And then there are these people who just want to walk through walls and skip content.....

    Not trying to sound hostile or anything, but people who have no idea what they are doing (and face it: it's very likely you DON'T know what you're doing, if you can't even get into debug mode without asking for help), shouldn't mess around with debug mode in the first place.


    That aside, i have a question for you, @DerxwnaKapsyla. Is it possible to add an NPC to Sandbox Mode that can change a Pokémon's gender, or make them switch between being a shiny or regular mon?

    I'm looking into releasing closed testing builds of Sandbox for the purpose of breaking the game so I can find things that need fixing. We probably won't release until the full release of e19, or until I'm absolutely comfortable with the state of affairs. Some new things are coming, please look forward to it!


    It's definitely possible. I haven't looked into it, but you can already do it with debug options. If I just bound those functions to an NPC, it's doable. Whether or not I can (or will), is an entirely different story.

  17. 2 hours ago, ShockerIsMe said:

    Any way to manually try and fix the move tutors or should I just wait for Waynolt and/or Derx?

    That's done in the current development build. Perhaps I should release a quick and dirty version that has some of the immediate fixes.


    11 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    You better wait for them to fix this, as they know what they're doing there...


    Also, while we are talking about npcs that should be added: Since Hidden Power is no longer determined by IVs in Ep19, and there is an NPC at Agate Circus that can change the type of Hidden Power your mon uses, could you add that NPC to the Sandbox mod as well? @DerxwnaKapsyla

    That's the plan! I've also updated the Psychologist to use the one present in 7th Street currently, as it now handles nature selection manually instead of randomly (like it used to).

  18. Well, for those of you on discord, I posted a brief status update, so I'll cross post the gist of it here; all the vendors now have the items relevant to them that were added in e19, plus a few tweaks here and there.


    We still aren't done, as the next step of my master plan involves updating the ev trainers into one ev trainer, because the ev hold items are super strong and with 1 battle against 6 pokenon you can get 192 evs in a single stat. EV grinding has never been easier.

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  19. I'm "around" in the sense that I've been away from the community for the past several years aside because real life has been really busy and demanding, but I've been keeping tabs on Reborn's releases. As for "abandoned entirely", see above- while I'd like to work on it consistently, it's very difficult when my free time is slaughtered.

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  20. (E19 Spoilers Ahead)



    And Alolomola!



    Your move tutors are now one fix more amazing!

    And by that I mean they're fixed. They were broken because the way tutors were handled in E19 changed. Simple fix of just copying the existing events and putting them in the Sandbox.


    Also fixed: Gen 8 Pokemon showing up in the Pokemon Generator. I'm sending @Waynolt my changes so he can push them all together. I don't know what all is still broken as I haven't finished post game yet.

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  21. On 4/17/2022 at 3:23 PM, Waynolt said:

    If, not when, sorry... it could be made usable in E19, but there's a lot of new stuff in E19 and I honestly don't really have the will nor time to add all of that to the Sandbox.
    Maybe @DerxwnaKapsyla would?
    Anyway, here's a version of the Sandbox that at least shouldn't instacrash if used in Reborn E19...

    I still need to beat E19 before I could even consider full updating/recreating Sandbox to E19.

    But even then, I have a full time job, so my time is basically gone. I can try and look into it eventually, but I make no promises at all.

    Besides! The spot where I put the Sandbox NPC is taken by another NPC! I'll have to find another spot for it!!!!

  22. zaaCZq9.png

    So, it's getting close to the most wonderful time of the year again. No, not Christmas. Halloween! And I've been burdened with unnecessary and distracting thoughts, such as "How can I celebrate the holiday season this year", and what better way to celebrate it than by making yet another patch for The Mansion of Mystery! That's right, there's another patch in-bound, and it's almost done. Just one last thing remains to be done for this patch before I can upload it.


    As such, you're probably wondering what that image above is, and how it corresponds to The Mansion of Mystery's latest patch? Well, for those of you who haven't been around on any discord server I'm on (or follow any of my social media accounts, which I mean, fair. Social media is exhausting.), then you'll be surprised to know I've upped my ante in regards to the Pre-Battle Vs. Transitions I usually make very roughly, might i add, and threw them into the game! Every single boss will have a unique Vs. Transition in a style similar to some of the modern-era Pokemon Vs. Transitions.


    However, that isn't everything I've done. While it (and another feature) is the main focus of this patch, I've tweaked a few things here and there that have been bugging me since 1.1, and even 1.0's, releases. You can have a change log of what to expect in the upcoming patch provided in link-format, and a handy-dandy image preview!

    Not a whole lot of stuff, and mostly small stuff at that, outside of the Vs. Transition update! I do have one last idea in mind for this project, but it will not be part of this patch. The process of implementing it will be daunting and exhausting and I don't want to hold onto all of these goodies so long that they expire, all in the midst of this most wonderful time of the year. 


    Currently, I'm working on the last thing listed in the change log; an overhaul of the credits sequence. Since 1.0, I was never satisfied with how bland and generic-looking the credits sequence was. I have nothing to show for it right now as I've just started it, but the ultimate plan is to turn it into a cutscene event while the credits play out alongside it. I've already story-boarded how the cutscene will play out, so I just need to buckle down and get it done. Once that's done, I'll begin the process of uploading and releasing 1.2.


    As for that mysterious last feature I mentioned for the theoretical final patch? Well...


    Let's just say that Puppets that can be caught in the late-game might actually have a purpose when my idea is implemented...  And perhaps, don't get too attached to your items while we're at it.


    I'll catch y'next when the patch is up. See y'all then!

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