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  1. alright...wow...lol... between my questions yesterday and question today I feel like possibly the dumbest person to visit this forum. Thanks again, I can't believe I set my battle style to Set and forgot to change it back. I could've made this game quite a bit easier on myself.
  2. Need some confirmation about something, looking up an old video I saw that when battling a trainer, when the trainer was prepared to bring out another pokemon, the player would get the prompt "___ will be using __. do you wish to switch pokemon" or something like that. My issue(?) is that I dont get this dialogue, they simply send their pokemon out. Is this a new change? Is this on purpose? I dont know if this is a glitch cause honestly this seems like something that would be added to this game, but I'm just looking for confirmation. Man I'm dumb as HELL.
  3. Cause i needed some help finding the police man and the gym leader but yeah, I think the video i used was just outdated or gave me completely wrong information. But thank you!
  4. wow LOL. the video I was using for some help must've either just been totally wrong or outdated. But yeah I was able to find the growlithe, but the switches should be the issue now. How can I either delete this thread or close it?
  5. Okay, so I've found the Growlithe as the guide to the location I was using was outdated. However, there is still nobody currently in the 3rd Gym. Is there another task I must complete before I head over? Using episode 15. Got my answers, thanks.
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