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Posts posted by ScuzBrains

  1. Not sure if anyone's said any of these yet, but Gregory Horror Show is a CGI anime with 2-5 minute long episodes (all on youtube btw!), it's mostly a dark comedy, but some of the episodes can be really chilling, there's also a manga, but I've yet to read it. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's probably been mentioned, it's hard to explain other then it's a long running action/adventure manga (the first the parts have been adapted into a v good anime and the 3rd part also got it's own not-so-good but enjoyable OVA) about a man named JoJo who goes on bizarre adventures, there's lots of pop culture references, especially regarding music. Polar Bear Cafe is I think a slice of life? I'm not too sure to be honest, but it's about a lazy panda who wants to get a part-time job, it's very cute and very fun. Digimon is also really good, on the surface it looks pretty kiddy and weird, but as it goes on, the characters experience difficult decisions, death of friends and loved ones, and even PTSD and depression! I personally liked all the seasons, but some feel the later seasons didn't have as good writing, the first three seasons (Adventure 01, Adventure 02, and Tamers) are arguably the best. My last one I'm not sure can be classified as anime, as it was made in France, but it's very heavily influenced by anime (kinda like Avatar: The Last Airbender). It's called Wakfu, and it was recently put up on Netflix with dub and sub(I recommend the sub, I watched it before the dub came out and while the translation is good, the voice acting leaves something to be desired). It's about a boy named Yugo on a quest to find his family and defeat a corrupt time wizard named Nox. It can go from comedic to very serious and dark, and the animation is just beautiful.

  2. WHAT? WHY U DONT LIKE Meowstic, Gothita and Ponyta? Jk :P , but seriously dual screen Meowstic M or versatile shadow ball signal beam Meowstic F come in handy at times, especially with scarce TMs

    Yeah, Meowstics can be total power houses! And I don't not like them, they're just not my favorite, I do love Espurr though.

  3. he has scraggy/scrafty to check psychic type.camerupt is not a situational pick he is awesome early to late game. numel awesome for Julia,numel also great for flobot, numel is also good vs Shelly and heck numel can also help you with corey. so your point saying that numel/camerupt is just for "situational" pick is invalid.

    Back to topic:

    3 out of 6 mons are weak to fighting. Noibat is just too weak to counter fighting types. i would advice against using a Houndour/Houndoom for your team. Growlith/Rk9,Numel/Camerupt and Ponyta/Rapidash are way safer to use and leaves your team not so exposed to fighting types.

    -Swap out noibat for a psychic type so you would have a check for fighting types. Meowstic/Gothita would be nice.

    -swap houndour for Growlith/Numel/Ponyta.

    -Box the persian and replace him with either Bunnelby/Diggersby with huge power or a Ursaring.

    Thanks for input, but I don't really like Diggersby, Meowstic, Gothita, or Ponyta. And the others I personally prefer what's already on my team, I don't care if my team's not a super powerhouse, I just wasn't sure whether to box Pansear or Kriketune, because I didn't really have an attachment to either. I'm really happy with my current team though.

  4. Both simisear and camerupt are actually situational, camerupt can make full use of superheated/burning field in the future, but simisear(crunch and acrobatics) checks fighting types and psychic types,idk, may be he can pull both off~ anyway, good luck training noibat up, it is a pain~ patience paid off tho when i learnt that my shiny noivern has HP ice~ and Killer Queen is fake out technician(boost attack with base power 60 or less) persian? Otherwise i suggest switching it for a better physical attacker, late game offers more much better normal types~

    Thanks, I ended up grabbing that Houndour after the little side-quest thing! And yeah, KQ takes advantage of fake out .u.

  5. Most people gonna say "depend on your team" and yes I say that too but I would say put Krickitune in the PC just because it's become weak and slower after Florinia, why not Pansear?I never use it before

    Thank you for replying! I think I am going to end up boxing Manolo, he seems the best choice.

    Judging from your level, you are somewhere around 3-4th gym right? I suggest boot Manolo(unless that Technician Kricketune?) since Danny has better coverage moves like acrobatics(useful afterwards, you'll see)

    Yup! I'm at Corey right now (hoo boy that Crobat) it looks like Danny is the better choice then, thanks!

  6. --EDIT.. again.. last time I promise--

    Well, Danny ended up in the box as well to make space for a new friend



    I finally got Scraggy(those Pangoros are ridiculous omg)! I ended up keeping Danny in the team, I do think though that I'll take Manolo out and grind him once in a while for future bug-type needs.


    So, I'm getting closer to being able to add Scraggy to my team, and I really can't choose which of my teammates to give the boot for him. In your guy's opinion, who should I send to the PC when the time comes, Kricketune, or Pansear? Both have helped my a lot in past battles, and I like them equally, so who should I choose?


  7. That game was the tits. I played it through start to finish like 6 times

    Thing is my cartridge was buggered so I couldn't save so when I played i couldn't turn it off.

    RIP the loyal digimon who marched to their inevitable doom. I salute you all.

    Aw man, it bites that your cartridge went bust, I've played through Dusk twice, and this is my second playthrough of Dawn, beat the main game last night, I forgot how rad Grimmon was

  8. Try giving your computer a restart. Not just Reborn, your entire computer.

    I've read something similar to your issue and a reboot tends to fix this keyboard issue.

    Thank you! Worked like a charm, now I can get on with grinding for the third gym òwó

  9. Im in Jasper, and whenever I open the menu with "X" or get a yes/no prompt (quicksaving/getting asked if I want to learn a new move) it's acting like I've got the "down" button pressed, I've tried closing/opening the game a few times, but no dice, anyone know what to do?

    -edit- I almost forgot, but this started happening after getting a similar glitch when I caught Emolga, when I went to name him, the box where you type the name read "ddddddddddd"(not sure the exact amount, but, you get the picture). I saved, closed the game, and reopened it, it looked like everything was fine, but I went to save before fighting Taka, and the menu is doing what I explained above

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