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Posts posted by Edea

  1. Is there a moonstone in this game?

    Garufa settlement, in the depths of Carotos Mountain. It's a hidden item, over a series of stairs . You get there pretty late in the game. I didn't find any other moonstone after or before that.

    Or mining.

  2. I don't think Ferrothorn learns any Fire type moves, so it least it would only benefit from 1 of 2 effects of Flash Fire (not taking damage from Fire attacks).

    Inb4 Hidden Power fire +1 on a max special atk / hp Ferrothron.

    Probably the Ferro doesn't have anything to do with dimensional rifts. Hopefully.

  3. Oooh, Edea was my favorite character in Bravely Default. I don't know if you're referencing that, but either way, welcome!

    As I said in my first post, it's a "family name". It wasn't taken from any game or such.

    Thanks though, see ya around.

  4. Well, it looks like I derped a bit. I posted on a couple of threads before even noticing the existence of this Grand Hall.

    So, hi, I'm Edea (it's not my real name, but it's a some sort of a "family name": only my family and close friends call me that. So i guessed I could use it like a nick-name online.) and I'm already out of words to say.

    I'm not very talkative but I like to hang out with people and generally have fun.

    I'm studying at the Economy university so in a later point of my life, I can work with my father in the little "family business" we have. In the meanwhile I also work at a library in the afternoon so I can actually pay the university fees without relying on my parents too much. Because of that, I don't have much time to play or post stuff here, sadly.

    I used to play Pokemon a lot in my 9-15's. I enjoyed competitive matches a lot. I actually got in a pretty high place in a national tournament in my country. But after D/P I stopped playing mainly because of school, and my first boyfriend (he was a total jerk).

    I picked up Pokemon again very recently with Reborn... and here I am now.

    Also I'm the -para.fusion- type of player. Even online.


  5. So, I downloaded the v6.2 and kept going with my save file from v5

    When i went back to Garean city, all the quests in the Help center were new, so i did them all again, except for the Love Letter one.

    It says that i need to talk to the client near the garden, but he is not there. There's this lady that tells me that the client is very thankful to me (?) and that i can get the reward at Help center reception. But it says that i haven't completed the quest.

    I know that it's nothing major or game breaking, but it really bugs my OCD

  6. It would, but be careful tho, make sure you finish the V5 storyline before proceeding to update your files to V6.2, as V6.2 is vastly different from V5,or else you will get stuck, been there done that, didnt read notes from Jan and made the fatal mistake~

    Okay, there shouldn't be any problems then. If something bad happens, i'll come and cry over here.

    And one last question:

    Can I delete the v5 files if the game runs perfectly on v6.2? I would believe I can, but I'd rather ask.

  7. This game taught me how hard can a pokemon game actually be.

    This was my first fan-game after 4 years of not playing pokemon games and damn if this was hard for me.

    New types, new moves, changing battlefields, limited choice of pokemons, actual LOGIC in the AI.

    It taught me that every 'mon has its uses and potential.

    It also taught me that I like pokemon games with a dark/catastrophic story-line much more than the original ones.

  8. I would be really sad if something happened to Anna.

    That poor little girl deserves some love...

    It would also be kind of sad for me if something happened to Fern. I know he is a jerk and stuff, but he got wreck'd hard in that mansion fight. Kinda humiliating for him...

    Oh, screw it, I get emotional all the time, I would feel sad if anything bad happens.

  9. Being "mature" means that you are able to look at yourself and the others objectively; when you are able to distinguish yourself from the others and draw a line in between, because what the others are/do, shouldn't affect you/your ideals.

    Maturity is when you realize that there's not only "Bad or Good", but there's "Bad AND Good". And it doesn't end there. Because not all people are completely bad or completely good. There's also a "grey" side of things.

    You get more confident with your general abilities and you start to understand where your limits are. When you take the responsibility of your actions and stop running away (like telling lies).

    You get more and more mature as you go through life, of course. And what happens in your life decides how quickly you get to being rational and more self-conscious.

    The "maturity" age differs from country to country, but it's completely relative. Just a standard age that has to be there for diplomatic purposes.

    You can reach the mental maturity at 12 years old, just like a 30 years old guy might still be thinking about looking up a woman's skirt.

  10. I think Earthquake should be a HM if we go down that road. Think about all the cave shifting you could do if EQ was an HM.

    Fire element HM....maybe Ember?

    Wouldn't that be a bit hard on the "programming side"?

    I mean, it's like dishing out a new "event" with a new "obstacle" that has to be created for the new HM to be used.

    Also we are a silent protagonist. I think that giving more answers than "Yes" or "No" wouldn't fit very well.

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