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Posts posted by Honchy

  1. One of my favorite things about myself is that I strive to make others happy, but I do what is right even if it hurts them in the moment, because even though it might hurt at the moment, I know it's a better path than the one you would have taken than the one where you did that horrible thing that you can never take back. I'm fluffy, and ticklish, and that makes me laugh :3 . I can be serious, yet joke at the same time, like a soothing kiss that guides you.

    Also, I think I do well in studies. I mainly get honor rolls, which is A's and B's. I tell myself "This is the one chance I get to prove myself, so try your hardest!" Also, I get hungry a lot, so I can treat myself to a nice meal!

    One thing you should know about me is that I love making friends, so I talk to pretty much everyone here, in Skype, or chat. Some of the things I ask for is for something to cheer me up when I'm sad, someone to give me a jacket when it's cold, and for someone to give me an umbrella when it's raining.

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