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Posts posted by CatKnight

  1. Welcome to Reborn! I don't do much with making music other than on the piano but I love playing the piano and guitar!

    Hopefully you enjoy your stay here honeybutterfly and hopefully your music will be known to a lot of people in the world!

    Also, it wasn't awkward so don't worry haha

  2. Hey a fellow computer programmer! I am going to be studying C++ soon but I know a good amount about Java!

    Anyways, welcome to the land of Reborn! Hopefully you enjoy your stay and that you left your sanity at the door! Anime/manga fans are also a bonus ^-^.

  3. Hello everyone! I'm not one for really long introductions so I'll make this pretty short haha.

    I go by CatKnight whenever I want to comment on something over the internet. I have another name I usually use but only for when I'm posting stories I write and such. If you see someone named CatKnight on a comment section of any site then that's probably me ^-^.

    I have a long history of playing Pokemon! I've been playing Generation I and I have enjoyed every generation since! I like all the new things Game Freak brings to the table with the new generations. I have played every generation (at least one game from all of them) and will continue to do so for a long time!

    I first got into playing Pokemon Reborn when a friend of mine told me about it (this was about a year ago) and now I'm making an account for the forum! Pretty long until actually getting on the forums huh?

    Well thank you for taking the time to read this! And yes I do love cats!! I do have a fanfiction.net account if you actually want to see some of the stories I have written haha (and yes it is under NightOwlCity and no I'm not trying to advertise so don't accuse me of doing so).

    Have a great day everyone!


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