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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by DerogatoryTrainer

  1. Alright fellas and...fellattes(That one sounds wrong)


    Here are my replies to your replies!

    The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Rejuvenation will be going on a break for an unknown amount of time but I'll still be skulking around if you need me.

    I hope you all have a Happy New Year!



    On 12/5/2023 at 2:50 AM, Lspaceship said:

    If this is the last update you make to TTNPR, then I thank you for doing what you have. WHile I may not have been the most vocal commentor, I have enjoyed reading the project up to and including this update. And I get the frustration with .Karma files all but requiring you to replay the entire game due to the shennanigans, having lost a years-old save file myself.


    Selfishly, I hope you continue and/or restart the run, because I enjoy reading it and your other works, but in the end, it's up to you if you want to or not. So, if this is the last time you update this run, it's been a good one, and I toast to a good ending. If not, then I toast to it's glorious return or rebirth.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, man! Thanks for reading all this time!
    It's a bloody big pain in the arse, isn't it? 

    Oh well there for certain won't be a restart of the run, I've come too far for that.
    I'll just restart the game, copy over all my current Pokemon dead&alive, play up to this point and we'll just pretend nothing ever happened! 
    That is of course, if I actually want to. I have SOME good ideas for joke and whatnot but I'll need to see how I feel after a break.
    Hahaha I can just imagine you raising a glass and having to stand there with it until I come back with a new chapter.


    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 12/5/2023 at 5:28 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Honestly, I'd fully understand if you couldn't be arsed to contine this thing with how irritating the game can be, and I haven't even seen all that more recent stuff that's apparently even worse.

    I fell off the game back after V11 or 12 I think, the one where you get yeeted off to the desert because plot and since then your nuzlocke has been the only thing that's prevented Rejuv from being banished to the dark recesses of my memory. Why do you torment me such

    I do hope you'll continue with some sort of project since you're a funny guy, good luck for whatever your next endeavors will be!

    It's a good game mechanically and has a lot of neat features...but the story really needs to be trimmed down and the stakes reduced.
    Like we went from saving our kidnapped mother to ALL OF REALITY being at risk now. Bit too much of a jump there.
    Ah yeah I remember that scene. You get kidnapped because the only rendition of you Bladestar has is a fucking crayon drawing. Morons.
    I needed to spread the suffering so it's not all condensed on me, with this Nuzlocke I spread the taint to others lessening my own burden.
    IIIIIII might. I've got some ideas of what I could do (Maybe actually finish Rising Ruby) but for now? I dunno.
    I'm doing a Soul-Link with Pikafan over on the Nuzlocke Forums. The main running theme of my part is genital trauma!


    On 12/5/2023 at 6:52 PM, SoulN7 said:
    On 12/5/2023 at 1:25 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


      Hide contents

    Ah yes. Right on time as I close up shop.
    Alas, I feel for Jan on this one.
    I wouldn't like my creations lusted after by rogues like myself.

    So anyway the 4 chapter long sex scene should be up in a few days.



    Unfortunatelly, when a character is published on Internet, it remains on it for the eternity. Ask this to the old Overwatch developers...they have created monsters. Especially the feminine ones.

    Ain't that the truth. Glad all my OCs I made as a child are safe in a notepad or on my textbooks somewhere.
    Haha they really should have known better in 2015. Even I, who's never played Overwatch could tell what was going to happen.
    Personally, my favourite is the big buff Russian gal.


    On 12/5/2023 at 6:52 PM, SoulN7 said:

    Other than that, I understand why people would be mad for the ruined old files' situation. Especially when older and, sometimes, fun mechanics were removed and you can't return to them.

    It IS still possible to bring them forward but the amount of stuff I'd have to correct is a pain in the ass. Not sure if it's a bigger pain in the ass than starting a new file though. Were there any? To me it seems like a lot of fun mechanics got ADDED and I unfortunately played most of the game without them...

    On 12/5/2023 at 6:52 PM, SoulN7 said:

    And about the critics for the future.... since I'm a sort of "game theorist", I'm patient and have hopes for the future instead, but...at the same time, I don't want Rejuv to become that meta.

    If this is truly the end for your works on Rejuv, good luck for your other endeavors!

    Well good on you for it. I myself just don't see how they could tie this thing together satisfyingly.
    SOME Meta is okay for like jokes but it actually being integral to the story is a huge bummer.
    I'm not wholly convinced of quitting juuuust yet. But some comments I've seen have people too intimidated by it's size (lol) to actually read damn thing. And it's only going to get worse should I continue.


    On 12/5/2023 at 6:52 PM, SoulN7 said:

    Oh, right, about Melotta in some posts ago:

      Hide contents

    I can say it's a retcon? I saw so many retcons on previous retcons between just two updates. Meloetta was added as a mention in the main story back in the first time we travelled to the past.

    Ah jesus more of those. Great.
    Are we going to find out that Anathea is actually the Meloetta gijinka now? Was EVERYONE in the past secretly a fucking legendary Pokemon?!



    On 12/5/2023 at 7:04 PM, Z.. said:

    And do you mind telling me why we're back focusing on this nonsense during the finale chapter?

    Yeah this whole Madelis section is all pointless.
    She's fine filling POKEMON children with lava but a widdle sick girl with a made-up magic disease is her road to redemption?
    Fuck off.



    There was something stupid about him being the Dragonborn despite getting his Salamence killed, right?

    Yeah pretty sure that whole thing was never brought up again, poor dude just got lied too.

    Everyone abuses Kanon. That is his role in the story.


    Because 90% of characters in this region ARE girls.

    90% of the important characters are, yes.

    Well there's no real need to make the distinction.
    The NPCs don't matter after all.

    On 12/5/2023 at 7:04 PM, Z.. said:



    "I'm going to be conveniently interrupted so nobody else can call out what a horrendously idiotic idea this was."

    Or because the writers didn't want her to say it out loud so she never realizes how stupid she is.

    I think it's more because the writers have no fucking idea what to write that could justify such stupidity.

    Especially her not bringing her damn Pokemon. OR even losing to Nim who's not even that good with them.
    But if that were the case, that'd probably be the ONLY point in the game where being good at Pokemon had an impact on the plot.



    If so, please shoot yourself in the stomach with this Melia-fingerprint covered gun and send me the stream link so I can watch you die slowly for your comedic crimes against humanity.

    Why is her fingerprints on it

    Last chapter, I handed her a gun, remember?
    Was saving it for much later in the Nuzlocke but people would have definitely forgotten about it by then/I wasn't sure if we're even going to get there.




    N-no, I succeeded!

    It's the game that failed me.

    Actually true for once, apparently having max revives as your sole food lets Giratina never faint. The real question left is where did Geara get all those max revives from.

    Yeah exactly! Can't buy those things anywhere!
    Unless that fucker has all the Department Store stickers or something!?



    (Is it just me or does this attack seem really easy to dodge?)

    (Just walk two steps to the left or right.)

    Not to mention the long setup time
    Yeah, it's really a shame everyone in the region loves the sound of their own voice so much.
    Otherwise we'd have less stoning victims.



    Bit of an underreaction there, Melia.

    Thought you'd be like "*GASP*! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" or "No...Nim did this? But...why?"

    Seems to me her sheer rage is overcoming any other emotion

    Doesn't even seem like something she should be even mad about though.
    Like I wouldn't be feeling mad if I was her, I'd be more shocked/confused than anything.
    And really, learning Nim was behind it should have been a relief since it just proved that the stoning process can be reversed.



    This game CONSTANTLY defies basic logic and human understanding so there's almost a 100% chance my reasonable deduction will instead be some nonsensical shit like: "Vitus was actually an evil AI that Jan himself sealed in a video game file and the only way to defeat it and save the world was to make a fan-game and have thousands of people beat him over and over again until every remnant of Vitus is destroyed".

    Funny you mention evil AI
    2019 Sean was a prophet.



    Almost everyone in your gang is a freakshow as well
    Yeah, okay.
    Hard to believe Venam is our normie representation, huh?



    YES! WHY?



    Not as bad as Ren though, poor guy got it the roughest out of all the important characters literally just dips for pretty much the entirety of the mid game
    All I know is some Xen apologiser who USED to go by that name!


    Huh...explains why you could never do that spirit sensing stuff.

    But...a new power?

    What the fuck could that be?

    Good question, I never played any of the revamped content in v13.5 so maybe they changed something but I am pretty sure those new powers are not brought up again. 
    Yeah might have been a V10 only thing before all the massive rewrites.
    I wonder if Aelita can summon Regirock now?



    Have there actually been any Shadow Pokémon this whole season?

    Yeah shadow pokemon became irrelevant really fast specifically after your stealing device gets fried too, meaning the whole trip to Akuwa and getting captured was totally pointless. Hahahahaha (kill me).

    Killing you would free you of this torture.
    And none are allowed to escape Jan's clutches.
    It was mentioned by someone that destroying Sheridan's Xen HQ bases in the mountain and the wetlands dried up Xen's supply of Shadow Pokemon but I don't buy that. The Wetland base was being packed up and moved elsewhere. I think Jan either forgot or moved onto those PRISM POKEMON things. Whatever they are.

    On 12/5/2023 at 7:04 PM, Z.. said:

    Ok have fun being shoved to the backlines like most of our allies. Honestly the only useful ones will be Crescent and Player Character and Melia will probably get a seat in the frontlines too not cause she is useful but cause MC power.

    Honestly, I doubt even I'll be useful for anything other than "Hey, Sean? Could you risk your Pokemon in this battle so we can defeat the enemy with our superpowers? K, thaaaanks!"
    At least Aelita might be able to karate kick someone really hard.

    On 12/5/2023 at 7:04 PM, Z.. said:




    Except masters 8 but I guess that wasn't a thing when you wrote that. Also you live on a Island archipelago like Alola where Ash won.
    It was not. Kudos to him for going out with a bang though. I enjoyed seeing his old team in that dream section before Pikachu stood up.
    It's also a double double joke because I, the real Sean live on an island too.



    Shit, I thought Blaziken was your favourite?


    I am glad I am not the only one who thought Blaziken was her ace and starter

    I know, right? It fits her style way better than a goddamn Lucador.

    That's adorable



    She would probably be happy to hear that
    It IS the nicest thing I've ever said about her.


    And doesn't "pan" meaning "all" in Latin or something?

    So she's attracted to EVERYTHING?





    And that is somehow still the least craziest thing in this game

    Oh by FAR.

    This might be your best edit yet. Its that or

    Hahaha thank you very much!

    I'm only upset that you can't really see the neckbeard I gave her!
    Ahhhh that was a good title joke.




    I'll be honest with you, gang.

    I DON'T like where this game is heading story-wise.

    Enough that it's really killing off any interest I have in continuing to play it.

    Ever since V13 released I've grown a LOT less enthused about this game and it's story.

    I think something must have happened to Jan after V12 was released and he went insane (Or he played way too much Deltarune/Persona 5/Danganronpa which is basically the same thing) because that's the best way I can describe what a genuine mess the game's plot becomes after that point.


    Honestly fair. I don't feel like playing the new revamped content myself for how crazy everything has been, half of the stuff just feels so unnecessary like was their really any real purpose in making the mother of the orphanage a grafuan with magic power, so I totally get just not feeling up to playing this game. Better to stop now then forcefully drag your feet through the mud and have the your own mental health and content suffer greatly because of it. The only reason I am still going through this game is because the gameplay is still fun and I like being able to use so many Pokemon can pretty much recreate my dream team across all regions with how long this game is and how much content it has.
    God that was so annoying to learn. Jan just has to shove Garufaggotry into every aspect of EVERY fucking character.
    Couldn't just be a nice sick woman doing her best nooooooo magic fucking underground woman dying because she's allergic to sunlight or some shit.
    The gameplay is still pretty good I'll happily admit, it's got regional forms, Crests and other good QoL improvements to it.



    While you do get dialogue options to select in later versions, the fucking character you play as actually makes plans and schemes that you, the player, have no fucking clue about.

    Yeah the player character might as well be an actual character with some personality and not a bit of a blank slate, cause it doesn't really feel like a character that you are.

    Why do we even getting to name them at this point?
    The best way to do a blank slate protagonist is have people ask backstory questions throughout the story with multiple choice answers so you can build it yourself. Like when Taka asked about the Reborn player's parents. Which surprised the hell out of me because I think that's the first and only personal question a Reborn character asks about your past before the train crash.


    Either I continue on from here into V11, 12 and 13 or I start over in a more modern version to stay up-to-date with the new mechanics, Crests, Regional Pokémon (with the downside being dealing with the ever-worsening story and ever increasing character bloat that absolutely did not need to exist.)

    Yeah I think you should just do the latter and maybe write some quick thoughts on the new stuff and continue on from there. This could also be a good time to start playing on the current version of 13.5 since your screenshots corrupted. Or just quit.
    Such a wide variety of choices.
    And only ONE of them requires no effort.
    I might even just wait until V14 for the NEXT big overhaul where everything looks completely fucking different yet again to start replaying.



    Wait, what?
    I thought the curse was gone!?
    Dammit, did Zolt and Nova die for NOTHING!?

    Also I never said the curse was gone, truth is idk. I only got some info on this quest from another member on this forums, when it comes to v13.5 I pretty much only played the new story and didn't really touch the new revamped stuff for reasons I have already listed.
    Aaaaaagghhh god...such a pain in the ass...



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    yeah jans constant updates to the game kinda fucks over old savefiles and makes people who dont replay lose out on a lot of content, its been kinda an issue for a while but hopefully its done after v13.5

    It was V13 when it got REALLY bad, I could shrug off a lot of the past stuff but the much bigger changes are hard to deal with.
    Not hopefully.
    It HAS TO BE done.



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    as for you continuing the run, well thats entirely up to you, hopefully you find the energy to continue it but if not well the past 8 years was a fun ride regardless and the end of a version is a pretty good place to end it as a nice time capsule of what the game was like if nothing else

    All the love I've gotten from people who want it to keep going has helped with that for sure. 
    Jesus, it's almost been 8 years, hasn't it? With Gaunt disappearing (hope he's okay) I think you're my oldest commenter that's still around, YinYang. So thanks for sticking with me for so long.


    On 12/9/2023 at 1:53 AM, Bluedude said:

    Man I’m gonna miss reading this run, I’ve been here watching this thing go on for years, ever since high-school, now I’m in college getting close to graduating and going out into the real world, but you shouldn’t have to keep playing this game if you’re not enjoying it.  

    My advice?
    But hey, don't despair I might come back to it as soon as late next year if the inspiration strikes me. I've still got plenty of jokes to tell.

    On 12/9/2023 at 1:53 AM, Bluedude said:

    Yeah the plot has gotten crazy since V13, even more crazy than before. I think one of the issues that plagues the story and the stories of a lot of these fan-games is that the writers think bigger stakes means the story will be more impactful. It did at one point in time but so much media these days from movies to tv shows (Namely Marvel) has really made the end of all reality not the important or outstanding anymore. 

    I could deal with crazy but unfun crazy? That's a whole other story.
    Haha yeah, doesn't the plot of V13 basically make Aevium the most important place in existence now? Like hit the brakes a LITTLE, Jan.
    Multiverses becoming very popular was also a major hit to writing. People are fucking obsessed with that shit and it's so dull.

    On 12/9/2023 at 1:53 AM, Bluedude said:

    Guess it’s from how overdone it is and how the end of all multiverses is not as comprehensible as something as small like some old detective trying to find out who the killer is in a small town. Vastly different stakes but the Murder Mystery story can get more care from the audience. 

    Very true. What's the saying again? A single death is a tragedy but a million is a statistic?
    I will say however, if the story just stuck to the destruction of Aevium or even the entire world, I'd be invested.

    But all this shit about different timelines was unneeded and lowers the stakes immensely.
    Like who cares what we do now? Why bother stopping Team Xen? Another timeline can do it.

    On 12/9/2023 at 1:53 AM, Bluedude said:

    I just hope the game doesn’t keep adding more and more mysterious and powerful characters that apparently have control of reality since the days of the cosmos existing.

    And they will all be women.
    Because Jan is based and appealing to my specific fetish of dominating divine women.
    Thanks, Jan!


    On 12/9/2023 at 6:55 PM, VMeemes said:

    Then there's the fact that in .karma files it drops the plot point that the updates that Rejuv goes through are canon. Because in the new 13.5 update there's a new character, that if you answer his questions correctly will tell you that he's an anomaly and that the world 'resets' itself every time there's an update. Example? He mentions places that existed in the version your playing in but no longer exist in the new update.


    So Sean (the character) has been timeline/dimension hopping the whole time and its only brought up at the end game of .karma files.

    Are you telling me that Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 are now basically different fucking timelines?
    Or they would be if I don't forcefully make them the "Derogatory Timeline"?
    But pretending I didn't, what the hell happens to the timelines I tumble from?
    WHY was I skipping from timelines!?!? I didn't INTEND t-


    • Like 4
  2. So here we are.

    Part 3 has finally ended.

    And so has...this Nuzlocke?!


    Guess you'll have to read to find out more!








    On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    I hate when you step into a hell portal everything turns out to be crayon drawings

    sometimes you can be too artsy

    I thought it was neat myself.
    Far better than having to walk through Aelita's innards like some old sci-fi movie with a shrinking ray and submarine.

    On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    I cant imagine getting your dad bonded to your very soul to be a comforting experience

    oh its just a delusion fair enough

    Yeah I was confused why he was there at all.
    And then he appears in a vision later?
    There's ONE link I can think of but I'd rather not consider it.

    On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    I thought you become popular by nuzlocking niche fangames and showing people in a regular forum what these games are like

    All behind the scenes shenanigans, I'm afraid.
    Just like real popularity.


    On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    favorite fma opening huh

      Reveal hidden contents


    probably not most peoples first choice but I just find it neat

    There's always ONE maniac who likes this one.
    That being said, it's still alright just definitely one of my least favourites.

    On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    oh rip zolt losing a magnazone at any point sucks so much

    and nova too ah man what an unfortunate situation when you have to use the self sacrifice move



    On 11/11/2023 at 1:56 AM, VMeemes said:

    Damn two long standing allies down for the count. That sucks. Wonder who'll take their place.


    And I have a strong feeling with the whole announcement of 'please replace your saves with v13.5 ones, the converted saves will break despite our best efforts' you'll still go through with your current save for as long as you can. After all Rose doesn't exist in future updates anymore, not as a starter. Stubborn to the end (even if the reason is understandable).

    Well it's up in the air at the moment.


    That whole thing fucking sucks.

    I have played through what would be Part 4 but there's not a small part of me thinking I should restart and play up to this point as a non-Nuzlocke then I delete all those Pokemon and move my original ones in. 
    Or I just start with all my already strong Pokemon and blast through the game.
    Probably the second one.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:
    On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    He's ruined everything.
    There's no hope for this Nuzlocke now, Z.
    Also this game's story has gotten downright incomprehensible.

    You could always just start a save file in v13.5, cheat in all your items and pokemon with like rpgmaker or debug mode.
    Also if you think the story has gotten incomprehensible now just wait until you see the stuff in this new version, they somehow one upped them selves on the incomprehensible scale.

    That seems to be the best option I have atm. REALLY don't want to deal with anymore area changes than I have to.
    I've seen and been told bits and pieces.
    Two specific ones is that there are way too many Deltarune and Danganronpa references and the dialogue is a lot more "memey" I think the word was?
    So yeah, my expectations are lower than ever before.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


    On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I could always hack it in earlier if I wanted, I suppose? But maybe I should limit that to the Crests for my specific Pokemon?

    Custom made crests sound dope, I approve of that.

    Yep! I just have to come up with some reasonably balanced ones.
    Maybe have Tangrowth's Sp.Def be swapped with it's Attack?


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    Also v13.5 added a side-quest that expands upon and deals with Aelita curse and I think you can even catch Regirock so I recommend doing that. Just prepare for the story to get even more insane.

    Wait, what?
    I thought the curse was gone!?
    Dammit, did Zolt and Nova die for NOTHING!?

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    I... Wow man.

    Look, when you're immortal like I am, you've got a LOT of leeway on how risky something is.
    And when you're an egomaniac like I am, you've got a LOT of voices in your head telling you that you could "totally tame her with your sexual prowess"
    It's a very toxic combination tbh.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Guess she's not coming to the Open Mic night at Mika's Cafe then.

    Huh you know that got me thinking, would anyone like your comedy in your team/friend group.

    Well now that's got ME thinking and I don't like the idea that they might not think I'm funny!
    I suppose they would? Like considering that it'd be in-game content I'd use for my material, they'd probably find it relatable?


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:




    Why is that a bad thing?

    Gods knows enough of this rag-tag cast have lost their homes and/or loved ones already.

    I think Veronica is the best off out of everyone.

    She has two parents that still love each other and a home to go back to after all this is over.


    I think she means having an unhealthy obsession with the past, living in it and not being able to move on from tragedies in her life. Although she worded that REALLY badly, also that is very funny coming from someone like her.

    This entire fucking game has an unhealthy obsession with the past. Considering we always go to the ONE SPECIFIC past instead of something fun like fighting Dino Pokemon.
    I know, right? Fucking hell, Erin...
    The whole thing with those four blonde kids is confusing because there's never a scene where they explicitly get their memories back, they just apparently have them now?

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    You're right, Nova.

    Thinking about that stuff hurts me so...



    Well the 4th wall is that one in front of me where the readers are, munching on their Pocky and Doritos like the ill-bred MONGRELS that they are.

    I break that by talking directly to them and mocking them for their tastes in pretty much everything.





    The 5th wall is the ceiling, which I break by making jokes about how none of this is actually real and I'm just sitting in my room spending FAR too much time on a hobby with what might as well be my fucking imaginary Poke-Friends.






    And the 6th wall is the floor which is basically the same except instead of what's happening outside the computer I go on about what's in it and how all of you are basically just bits of 1s and 0s on a machine I barely understand the inner workings of.












    No, it is not.

    But if that infinite alternate realities theory actually turns out to be true then in some plane of existence, all of this is really happening somewhere out there and that gives me some small comfort to think of it as such.





    Well then your scanners would be correct.

    What I'm actually feeling is SEETHING JEALOUSY.

    I'd kill and replace the Sean of that reality in a heartbeat if I could!


    I'm going to be honest with you here. I do not understand what you are talking about at all, especially that list bit with the multiverse theory.

    Well I was only going on a nonsense tangent really. 
    If that multiverse theory people go on about is true, then somewhere out there is a universe where Rejuvenation Sean actually exists along with Rose and all other Pokemon on the same level of reality as you and I do now.
    And if it does exist I fucking HATE that Sean for getting drawing the lucky straw and getting to be a Pokemon trainer while I have to sit here and have a boring real job.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Which in our time, has been turned into a frat house because Cella decided to suddenly become senile and let the League install some prep kid as Sensei of their village.

    Which also let Jan add ANOTHER tertiary character to this game's increasingly bloated cast.

    Oh yeah speaking of Texan even he gets some screentime in the new version.

    Oh joy.
    I am *yawn* so excited that Texen will be making a comeback...

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


    They then proceed to not help at all

    Classic Rejuvenation NPCs.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:










    I did not expect that reaction AT ALL, that caught me off guard and how you thirst over Erin later in this chapter too.

    For all my sleazeballiness, I do genuinely like children and they seem to like me.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Or for a more relatable topic to the audience, when you question someone's "OTP"!

    Yeah I think shippers are kinda insane, some people literally harass authors over it. I think I even remember reading somewhere on this forum that Jan had to deal with shippers but I don't think they ever went as far as to harass him and more annoy him so thank God.

    Man. that's a bit wild. I suppose they wanted actual romance options in the game?
    I remember the Rejuv team having to clarify there won't be any which is fair enough. Too many games get bogged down by it.
    However, the Derogatory Timeline is exempt from such things.
    SeanXAnyWomanThatCatchesHisFancy is the only true ship in this universe.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


    Think the writers were going for some cool one liner but she comes off as a person no one wants to be friends with.

    Haha if it was intentional in making her seem like a douche it explains why she had no friends before now.
    Hell I don't even know why we're friends with her.
    Like really, what the fuck has Erin actually DONE for anyone in this group bar Aelita? And even then it was to keep a leash on her.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    She's always been more of a Monopoly kind of gal, you see.

    I.E a completely boring monster.

    How disgusting.

    Mousetrap chads all the way.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    But not being able to.


    Yeah don't get it either but I will take a shot at this. What I think the game is trying to say is that she always wanted to have a normal family life with her 2 parents but never got that chance or something.

    The dream of many a Pokemon protagonist...
    Only the Gen 3 protags have both and even then Norman works too much.
    (Why didn't he move to Petalburg like in the anime anyway?)

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Also sadly, yes. Pokémon and all of our beloved characters are not real

    Beloved? So Aelita and maybe Erin?

    Whoa now.
    Erin's not that close to being beloved.
    Also it was meant to be more sarcastic sounding than that.



    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    And yet me making stupid faces at a cheap laptop camera is somehow eclipsing them?

    Give your self some credit. You are for sure very creative never seen someone else photoshoping a whole yu-gi-oh duel, I tried reading those other nuzlocke comics but honestly their personality just wasn't very interesting to me, no offence to them.

    I think I was just in one of those moods when I wrote that joke honestly.
    I'd probably prefer if I could draw than be good at whatever it is this is.

    Yeah I can understand that, they're either too wishy-washy and sad or too cookie cutter.
    Everyone knows you have to be an outrageous lunatic to bring in the views.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    And I don't want Aelita out of the story for ages again.

    Lol. At least it won't be as long as before.

    It'll still be a while sadly...
    At least Part 4 has less Melia in it.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:




    I skip every opening whenever I watch an anime.

    Actual fucking psycho right here.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    I mean they're all bangers but mine is the one from the Conqueror of Shamballa movie like twenty years ago.

    I didn't know the original FMA had a continuation after the final episode I always thought it just ended on a cliffhanger. Im also more of a brotherhood fan myself.

    Oh yeah it was wild. Hitler himself makes an appearance and everything.
    For sure. Brotherhood is the superior anime but I was a young teen back then so I'll always have nostalgia for the original where Rose got raped, had to raise the rape baby and also Edward's mother was one of the homunculi.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. I believe in you!



    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    (Okay, there are multiple ways for me to end this joke but none of them paint me in a very good light.)

    (Even if I just remained silent it'd be terrifyingly ambiguous.)

    (Please comment your own endings to this scene, audience.)


    Yeah I don't really understand the setup you are going with here. My ending is that Sean looked at her beat the intrusive thoughts and carried on fighting.

    There were a few alternatives, one was singing some of that Hellfire song under my breath but that was also a bit alarming as it seemed like I was BARELY resisting the dark urges, another was me saying "It'd be worth it." which is also awful and I think another was me leaning in to sniff her hair, which while visually funny made me seem a bit TOO creepy.
    So this is what we ended up with.
    I'm glad you picked a good ending.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Sadly, I can't communicate any of this to Erin which is what really makes these "team-ups" a pain in the ass.

    I feel like this game and all the other fangames as well as the mainline official game should let you take control of an npc if you are battling along side them in a double battle.

    Yep. Would be very handy.
    Does run the risk of making a Nuzlocke TOO easy though because you've basically got six free Pokemon to kill off with no consequences.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    So you can upload your Magnezone on some massive computer and have it assist you like some Brother eye from DC?

    That is an option I hadn't considered but...it doesn't seem like my style to have it. Besides do any computers play UMD discs?
    I have DO a Pokemon in mind for Zolt in the future anyway. Just don't know when it's available.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    Man losing both Zolt and Nova sucked but I don't think there was really any other way. I mean what the hell can deal with contrary spamming both superpower and overheat.

    I could have MAYBE worked out something with my Malamar Vahlen and Topsy Turvy but as I've said, it's a blind run so I couldn't have known about it.
    Probably going to throw that shit out for future bosses at some point.

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    Nice that Keta's horrible lava and chains statue is gone and replaced with him and Taelia embracing at least.

    But that new statue is...less nice.

    Just what the fuck is the significance of these things?

    They seem to be entwined with Aelita's personal storyline...


    Three more empty plinths too...for the other Sailor Scouts, maybe?

    I'm guessing when you unlock them all that circular bit in the middle opens up and...let's you go down?

    Or let's something out?

    Who can say...?

    Shouldn't you know since you played a bit of v13?

    Most of that chapter was written in 2020.
    I, replying to you now know the significance.


    I think.
    I dunno, something about a universe reboot button or some stupid shit like that?

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:





    Who knew you would act like a vampire in the face of it.

    Everyone knew.
    Just like everyone knows it's me trying to cope with how I don't hate Melia anymore by overreacting.


    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

    Why would a grown man give themselves a superhero naming referring to kid, wouldn't it be Unkillable Man?

    Well for one, it sounds better when you say it due to both words having a k sound in them.
    And for two, it's more of a cowboy reference than a child reference. You know? Billy the Kid and all that?

    On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



    That was a very strange thing to do, Melia.

    The stranger part is how she set it on fire, although with all her powers that would be the least strange part about it.

    Uh...Girl power?
    That's how she did it.
    Either that or she has a smoking problem and carries a lighter around with her.

    4 hours ago, Z.. said:
    23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

    Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

    I'd say this thread is more a bunch of idiots watching another idiot play a blind nuzlocke of pretty brutal unforgiving game, but that isn't very far off either.

    How rude.
    It's a bunch of idiots watching a delusional GENIUS play a blind Nuzlocke of a unforgiving game.

    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 11/11/2023 at 4:36 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    I'll be getting my own "Somehow, Derogatory Trainer has returned" in 36 years, just you wait!

    Whoah, did Jan tell you when the final version will release?

    He did!

    He also said that every version henceforth will require the players to start a new fucking save file!

    On 11/11/2023 at 4:36 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    We're only up against one of the worst Legendaries out there!

    They're weaker than the pseudos for crying out loud!


    Does baby Volcanion count?


    Two mainstays of the team down to a weird-ass gimmick battle, rough.

    I'll be honest, I don't think it should?
    It was very weak and barely even a threat.
    Besides, it's TECHNICALLY a mythical Pokémon so my statement is still correct!

    That's how the chips fall sometimes.
    Actually that's how the always fucking fall it seems. Gimmick battles are the ones that fuck me over the most.
    Like that Kimono Girl Gauntlet.


    On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

    Alright this chapter has shown that you need to be kept far away from these teenage girls, heck stay away from the boys too. These are already traumatized enough without you adding to it. 

    Ah but that's the beauty of it Bluedude...
    Nothing CAN keep me away.


    On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

    Look I get it man, Erin and heck dang near every woman in this game has no flaws but you got to reign it in before you get cancelled.

    Oh god that would be sweet relief at this point.
    I wouldn't have the stigma of being a quitter if I got cancelled!


    On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen the new renegade route that’s been added in this update, and I won’t spoil it here, but I will say it’s my favorite route as you become the biggest threat to everyone, and you’re treated like it too.

    I haven't. But I remain skeptical of it being good.
    I don't like much of what happens in this game's story afterEclypsia Pyramid .


    On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

    Heck this new update got me to play the game myself, and I’m liking it a lot. Now it’s a little hard for me since I don’t know a thing about Ivs or natures, but I’m gonna brute force my way into the bad ending no matter what.

    Oh wow, you're actually playing it now? Good luck. I too did not know jack shit about those things when I started either.
    I think you have to be a dick to everyone to get it.



    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


      Hide contents


    I feel obligated to mention that this is at least the second time you've alluded to rocks as being sexually attractive. The first of course being this gem of an image from way back when:image.thumb.jpeg.48132f2a1eb684803ec74b343362b9a4.jpeg


    My greatest weakness back to bite me again.
    Forgetting the dumb shit I've already said.
    Guess I have no choice but to become a rocksexual.


    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    What subject would you even teach? Intro to bullshit 101? Battling skills for morons? 


    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    By choice, right? RIGHT??

    It was more a dig at how I just generally look like I'm up to something.
    Besides, twenty feet is fucking nothing in sex offender terms. I could stand twenty feet away and STILL spit in a child's face.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    Fun fact! the average number of baby teeth is 20, and most adults have 32. The implications this joke creates are numerous and horrible.

    Well I'm sure you knew it was a reference to the 40 Thieves but if you THINK about it, Aelita's had 40 baby teeth in the past lives she's had!

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    1: I'm not completely boring, only mostly.

    2: Monopoliwag. I rest my case.

    There's just more fun board-games out there, man.
    Monopoly is fucking maths and property taxes.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    Do- do those boots have heels?????

    They're dress shoes soooo yes?
    What shoes do you wear that DON'T have heels on them?

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    why of course, since you so kindly asked for it! *Ahem*: Whoops! Guess I gotta leave the region for good now!

    of course, accompanied by an image such as: image.thumb.png.a2c92a7eca8505c880022b8dc5ff8225.png

    I'm fucking taking Erin with me if that's the case.
    Always with the red fucking hair...my hair is bloody brown!
    I WISH it was red because that shit's rare but I'm not.
    I'm the most common white person genotype. Blue eyes and brown hair.


    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    Considering I had to look up what a UMD disc actually is... probably low. This also proves that the entirety of Zolts personality and extra programs are at max, 1.8 Gigabytes. Knowing this, the machine on the SS Paradise makes much more sense. It's probably just a glorified midrange tower PC from Bestow Buy.

    Ah but it's only Zolt's memory. The SS Paradise has to have data on their entire body to 3-D print them out.
    Annoyingly, now you've got me wondering how the fuck does that machine work with personalities? Like Pokemon aren't mindless animals how would mass-printed Pokemon even behave?

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    minor word error, whole runs invalid.

    Oh thank god, I can quit now.
    AND TECHNICALLY Brave Bird does have a stat drop. It makes your HP lower.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    What a godamn legend.

    Went out fighting and fell into her grave on fire like a true badass.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    Be honest... at this point can you really expect anything else?

    I've become resigned to it all now...
    But hey, Melia gave it right back so that's better than Part 2 at least!

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    if a cowboy shows up at any point in this game im quitting the internet forever.

    Well gosh pardner. That'd be mighty sore of ya.
    Honestly, I wish that's the direction this game went with time travel instead of this multiverse nonsense.
    I miss FUN time travel like running from dinosaurs or sword fighting George Washington.

    On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


    Alas, we can only wish it was Adrian...

    I'm glad people still remember her and it's not just me ranting like a lunatic about someone nobody remembers.


    Very clever of you from many years ago to not bring Macross to this battle, thereby subverting my expectations... and yes. I have a special place in my heart for all rock types. first monotype run I ever completed was a rock type one. Golem-A happened to be a mainstay member to counter slow, bulky water types with Galvanize Double-Edge and Explosion. Good times...


    Someone had to be swapped with Jitto and he wouldn't have been much help with what I THOUGHT was going to be a Fighting type Rift.
    I want to try out Galvanize sometime but the risk in games like this is a bit too high.



    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:
    On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Honestly she's probably the most attractive one to me specifically but Aelita's personality beats her out.

    Clearly, you need to extract both Erin's and Aelita's gene to engineer the best girl, with the best qualities from both.


    What do you mean that's morally questionable?

    It's also limiting.
    Why combine when I can have both?

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    IS it though?
    I wonder if Nora has some other purpose going forward. You never know with this game and it's love of adding unnecessary characters.

    I hope so. It would be pretty neat if Nora gets revived. Somehow. Then Aelita would have a cute little sister! Yay~ Unless Nora turns out to be Madame X or something. This game already has Melanie for one...

    Now that I think about it, Nora should just have her soul saved.
    I wouldn't want her having to suffer through more of this game and Jan's intense hatred for Vivian's bloodline.

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It was manageable up until V12 but something happened in V13 where it took a massive nosedive into the realm of genuine nonsense.

    Very, very true-wait, v13. You know V13's plot? Does that mean you know that the Puppet Master

      Reveal hidden contents

    is indeed Huey's Sister?

    That Nim

      Reveal hidden contents

    apparently eat souls??? That's like...huh????

    That the MC's

      Reveal hidden contents

    body is kinda sorta like a corpse? Like, the original soul is long, long, long dead? And rejects the offer to be revived....which in my opinion, is kinda stupid. Like, why would I reject a second chance at life?

    That Texen's sister,

      Reveal hidden contents

    Is actually dead. And living as an AI. Kinda. 

    That the Stone Incident perpetrators'

      Reveal hidden contents

    the original ones, before those visor wearing psychos came into the picture, who are what's-his-name and what's-her-name, are two of the most idiotic petty villains I've ever seen.


    Like, your targets are people with the same CGPA as Saki? Hah???? Like, if their target are smart students, that would have made sense. Eliminate the competition and all. But no, they target people that specifically matches Saki's CGPA. 


    Is this why none of the cops could figure this crime out? Because the criminals' modus operandi is so stupid? Like, if you hated the Blakeory family(which is fair), why didn't you aim for the Blakeory's family members? Or Saki herself?


    I'm not saying all the Blakeory's members deserve to get stoned....although I won't exactly mind...It's just that when a family wronged you, a typical victim takes revenge on that family. Not on people that have nothing to do  with that family. Not aiming for people with the same CGPA!


    I'm so, so, so glad those morons are dead. Like the garbage they are.

    Probably, I didn't read them just in case.
    But it's fairly likely I know about them. But we're nowhere near that content so shush.

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    This ain't my first Rift rodeo, Erin.

    I know what the score is.


    But it is your first Rift Rodeo so who are you to tell me shit like this?


    This isn't limited to Erin, but why do other characters tend to act like know better about Dimensional Rifts? Like, they don't. They literally don't. Maybe this dialogue got patched up in v13+, who knows?


    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Same, man. Same...


    Reminds me of that Chalkzone cartoon.




    Vivian: Like how long were you staring at my chest while I was bathing in the Purification ppol?

    Well, you know what they say. Boys will be b-neeever mind, I'll take back what I said. That line would not go well in today's social climate.


    Best counter is to just not give a shit.
    "Were you staring at my chest!?"

    "Yeah, nice tits."

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Live in a bubble, my rear butthole. Clearly Erin doesn't know much of Aelita. Yet, she's the one giving the big whole speech about how Aelita should wake up. I feel like other characters would be much better suited to give that speech. Like the Player Character-oh wait, the PC is a stupid numbskull who barely speaks.

    To be fair, she's only ever known of Bitchy Aelita.
    Who's still good, isn't AS good as Regular Aelita.

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Funnily enough, he only gets more talkative in the edgelord route. The route where almost everything gone wrong. Where the characters who you all know and....know suffer horrible routes.


    And as someone who dislikes edgy stuff...I love it! It's meant to be an ending route. Just go all out with it. Be an absolute scumbag and watch in delight as the PC's formers allies despair over getting betrayed. And maybe, just maybe, the PC gets to horrifically torture Neved.

    Yeah, I've heard of that.
    Don't like it. Don't wanna do it.
    Especially once I learned that you need the help of a Renegade timeline version of yourself to do...something?
    Fuck that gay shit. I don't need to destroy one timeline to save another. I'll save all the fucking timelines if I damn well please!

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Because he manages to sour the revamped Terajuma arc for me.


    Look, I want to enjoy the revamped Terajuma arc. There's a tons of things that have been improved, the player gets to spend more time with Aelita, the new maps are beautiful, and I get to catch an overworld Aevian Snorunt, who looks so cool. And Aevian Glalie(Grassy Glide Grass setter) and Aevian Froslass(Adaptability Water Spout) are pretty good, in my opinion.


    But for some reason, Jan adds several Neved battles in that arc. Of course, he gets absolutely floored like the absolute loser he is. I mean, I barely remember his team. His memorable Pokemon is the Igloo Palossand, who is waaay too cool for him.


    Normally, I would love establishing my superior over inferiors, but Neved.





    "Uuu, I oNLy cArE aBOuT mY daUgTer!"

    "Uuu, Melia yU LiEd to mE, uuu!"

    "uuu, eVeRytHinG yOu dO iS wOrThLeSs, uuu, sUrEnDeR aLreDy, uuu!"


    Shut up, Neved! Keta should have neutered you. It's not like Neved is putting it into good use. Maman deserves a better husband, especially for a woman as amazing as her.


    Like, dang. Her new sprite is so gorgeous. And she's so, so kind, despite probably being retconned as a  Garufan descendant. Clearly, she's one of the few(only) good one.


    Like, argh, I want to marry her. I want to marry her so much! I want more animes where the MC stops being a coward and actually marries the waifus! I want my wish fulfilment marriage in my wish fulfilment anime! I demand more marriages in anime, dang it! 

    I read all of that and it changed nothing about my opinion of Neved in any way. I still hate him but I'm glad to see Jan's not making him redeeming at all.
    Maman being retconned as a Garufan descendent is news to me however.

    On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Sorry. I, err, got off-track.


    Huey's fine, sure.

    But he's not the type of character I expect to follow our group around once we leave GDC behind for good, you know?


    Funny you should say that. Because in v13.5

    I ain't reading those spoilers. I already got spoiled on some of what goes on in broad terms. Enough to dislike it.

    Clara the Criminal:

    23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

    Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

    Welcome to the adventures of a very delusional man who thinks he's actually going to get the harem ending he wants.
    And then slowly realise in horror that he CAN get the harem ending he wants.
    That he can do ANYTHING he wants to Jan's beloved characters and nobody can stop him but his own shaky moral fiber.
    It's a pretty fun time.


    22 hours ago, SoulN7 said:
    23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

    Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

    Nothing strange, don't worry about it. You arrived here in time.

    """Shipping""" exists from like earth ages...you can't stop the Internet (and the people), Jan...and by the way, I should seriously stop staring at Erin...and Crescent.

    Ah yes. Right on time as I close up shop.
    Alas, I feel for Jan on this one.
    I wouldn't like my creations lusted after by rogues like myself.

    So anyway the 4 chapter long sex scene should be up in a few days.


    • Upvote 4
  3. Not bad, honestly.
    It even got the ominously named evil team with annoyingly vague motives right.


    1 hour ago, Magus543 said:


    With the help of your trusted Pokémon


    the full potential of your team and the bonds you've formed with your Pokémon.

    The story explores themes of resilience, hope, and the power of unity, showcasing the true strength of the human spirit and the bond between Trainer and Pokémon. 

    Here's where the AI went wild though.
    A Pokemon Rejuvenation where the POKEMON are important to the story?
    What nonsense.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bluedude said:

    So I’m going through the renegade route, picking all the mean and evil options and dang it’s making me feel bad. No matter mean things I say poor Alelita keeps trying to make excuses for me and stands up for me. Just dang even in the evil run Alelita is still the best girl.

    Couldn't be me honestly.
    I'm too heroic and nice to do that mean girl shit 😌.


    'Ey Up.

    Hope you're not all too busy playing V13.5 to come check out the latest (and heavily outdated) chapter of my Nuzlocke!

    Only one more to go until the finale!










    On 9/30/2023 at 4:49 PM, SoulN7 said:
    On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

    Okay no more time travel right? We’re gonna stay in the present and deal with the problems there for some time? Cause I wanna see what Xen’s whole plan is and how they got so many to join. It can’t be about money or taking over the region if they got soul stealing powers.

    You wished!

    It's oblivious we had to return there multiple times again: you know, how the heck Marianette got her memory wiped out, what the heck meant the prologue in that house where you place the portrait, why Nim called you when she was "born", where Meloetta went and list goes on. Plus there is a chance that the "final boss" is there instead in the present.

    I also have to get Zira back at some point. That's pretty crucial too.
    We likely won't get any answers to the others EVER.
    Also wtf does Meloetta have to do with anything? That's that Gen V Mythical, right?





    On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 9/15/2023 at 10:38 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Fr fr no cap you filthy fucking youngster.

    I'd be surprised if we're more than one year apart. How do you feel about approaching 30?



    It'll be a year away in two weeks.
    I don't relish the thought.


    You're about a week or two younger than me then.

    Best not think about it too much.

    What a fucking mess the quotations on this site are.

    Neat though.


    On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Dancing is a free action Dancer does not use up a Pokémon's turn. Quiver Dance is the best move to copy, there was a bit of niche strategy in Doubles for a while with Mega Alakazam using Roleplay to copy Dancer then setting up Quiver Dance with Volcarona.

    See that's what I didn't know.
    It sounds pretty good if you use it right.

    Niche because the opponent would do anything to kill a Mega Alakazam on the field?


    Pretty much.

    High priority target, in Doubles, and Oricorio's not doing much unless it starts dancing.

    DEFINITELY going to catch an Oricorio now.

    On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    You'd think with the amount of remakes Gen 1 gets they could fucking IMPROVE some of the Pokemon, no?

    Can't mess with the originals too much or people will cry "Ruined". A lot of the Gen V mons pretty much were improved versions of Gen I mons.

    Not Unfezant though. Definitely not Unfezant.

    Who cares? Like how will that even affect them in any way? All the abysmal mistakes they've made so far haven't.
    Unfezant is better than Pidgeot at least.
    Both have SHOCKINGLY bad movepools but Unfezant has a higher attack and Super Luck.

    On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Can I like...go home?

    Wherever that is?

    Even if you had a home

    your mom's dead, remember?


    Rifts are actually very simple. They just work however the fuck the plot needs them to work at the moment, duh.

    Ah yes.
    The mother who was in about two-three scenes then jumped in front of a sword for me.
    How will I EVER cope with her loss as a 29 year old man?

    Gee thanks, Jaggi.


    On 11/5/2023 at 6:46 PM, Z.. said:

    Hey @DerogatoryTrainer you probably want to read this. image.thumb.png.206d6e0b34956052a8956fe705240f04.png

    He's ruined everything.
    There's no hope for this Nuzlocke now, Z.
    Also this game's story has gotten downright incomprehensible.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Oh no his harem is growing. Well with how much female character it throws at you ig I shouldn't be surprised.

    At this point, I have no choice to have a harem.
    The male to female population ratio is INCREDIBLY skewed in Aevium.
    Why it's basically my civic DUTY to have one!

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:





    I don't really see it as much darker then something like the litwick line trying to send you to the afterlife or something.

    It's darker because it's too fucking real. It's something that could easily happen to anyone.
    I could literally do it right now!
    Just ring a random family's doorbell, stab them when they answer and move through the house killing as I go.
    Ghosts and ghoulies are tame compared to actually real horrors like that.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:





    Make sure to pick your jaw up from the floor due to that shocking revelation.

    Hopefully the doctors can reattach it 😔

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Hell, if Jan introduced it early on as some humans just being naturally more aligned with certain types than others it could have been downright feasible.

    So like actual people in the game? So far we have psychics, and the people Zina come from, not counting the marital arts trainer because they aren't really born with that.

    Exactly! Like minor stuff would be fine like Tesla is heat resistant or Valarie can hold her breath for very long time.

    Some of the less elemental types would be a bit of a struggle to come up with things though. Like Normal, Dragon or Fairy.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Yeah, I'm still annoyed at how Usagi Drop's manga ended


    Was a cute little anime about single parenting where a single guy raised his (aunt) grandfather's six-year old bastard daughter.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:








    But unlike Batman you don't have a kill rule just have Chiller freeze her and problem solved.

    I have a "kill who deserve it rule" and I don't think Aelita cursed with being a psycho deserves it.
    Plus this is Aevium. Freezing her doesn't seem to actually KILL them if all those saved by Angie's frost count.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Well he has Erin now Narrator but it was a valiant effort by Eldest

    She couldn't stop the raw power infused in my loins that compel me to flirt so badly.

    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Only your pokemon huh? Fair ig.

    Well pretty much everyone else I know is a bride/wouldn't get an invite.
    Could have invited Dylan and Ana though now that I think about it. Hope they're well.


    On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

    Also now that V13.5 has been released you can finally get the Beedrillite you always wanted. Its still stupidly late but better late then never, also if you are going to try and get it make sure you have a really good plan/team for double battles.

    I could always hack it in earlier if I wanted, I suppose? But maybe I should limit that to the Crests for my specific Pokemon?




    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    As someone who doesn't really like Erin, poor her.  What the heck, Souta? 

    Souta: I'm gonna make Erin hate me so much, so that she doesn't miss me when I'm gone.

    Is that the angle you're going here, Souta? Or am I spouting a baseless theory?

    It sure feels like that at least.
    But it honestly seems more like he barely gave a shit.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    On a sidenote, I've seen that "make my loved ones despise me so they won't miss me" stuff in fiction, but I'm kinda curious if anybody has tried that brain dead idea in real life.

    I doubt it.
    People want to know they'll be missed when they die.

    For ten years at least.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    ...Dang. Once again, you're a few steps ahead of future plot reveals. Sorta. Kinda. Although to be fair, who would expect Erin's hair to be dyed? 

    Honestly? I should have.
    This game has been NOTHING but slapping me in the face with everyone's hair colour isn't their natural and I missed that.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    As someone who doesn't really like Erin, damn, she's smoking! 

    Also, I just find out what a tube top means. 


    Honestly she's probably the most attractive one to me specifically but Aelita's personality beats her out.


    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Not gonna lie, a Pokemon game where the trainers can bend their own elements sounds kinda fun. A little bit ridiculous, and very anime, but stills sounds fun.

    It doesn't even have to be as egregious as that though. Just little things like Grass oriented trainers being extremely good with plants or Steel type trainers never getting paper cuts or bruises.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    "Looking to finally end your life once and for all" Eldest's not kidding on that part. Just look at what actually happen to Keta's daughter! The kid's soul is gone! Sheesh!

    IS it though?
    I wonder if Nora has some other purpose going forward. You never know with this game and it's love of adding unnecessary characters.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I'm no expert, but I thought panic attacks have people going "hah...hah...hah..." i.e, rapid breathing?

    It's probably different for superpowered people.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:



    Hah! I knew you're gonna be very surprised! Just like I did. For once, the exclamation point is accurate!

    So on a scale of 11-20, how shocked are you?

    Because how many times now has Aelita been broken to pieces before me?

    I'm slowly growing numb to it all...

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Auw, your wedding with...that, is so adorable...I always love weddings scene in any fiction. 

    Amber, Adrian...who else is gonna join your glorious harem?

    That was just the Aelita themed wedding. They all get their own unique one.
    That's the mystery~ Why else would I leave out nearly every other female character in the game besides Eldest?


    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Okay, but for real though, the first time I played v10, this whole scene finally open my naive eyes to how bonkers Rejuvenation is. And it's only going downhill from here on...or sideways. Whichever fits.

    It was manageable up until V12 but something happened in V13 where it took a massive nosedive into the realm of genuine nonsense.

    On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    I'll be amazed if Jan can make even more insaner Dimensional Rifts than Angie and Aelita's. The weirdest Jan could go is probably rift Arceus, but that's kinda predictable.

    Unless Jan's gonna turn buildings into Dimensional Rifts? Vehicles? A whole continent into a Dimensional Rift?

    I won't be. The one thing I will say in favour of all the madness this game introduced, is that it's nearly always an escalation.





    On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

    I’m not personally a big fan of Erin, she just comes across as that stereotypical character in fiction that always complains about how stupid everyone is while not offering better solutions. You know it just gets to the pin y where you wonder why this person keeps hanging around people that they don’t even seem to like. I mean Erin does have good moments, but she comes across pretty strong with her attitude.

    Erin ticks far too many of my boxes for me to give an unbiased opinion here...
    But I do understand where you're coming from.
    Although... "a character always complaining how stupid everyone is and you wonder why he hangs around people he doesn't even seem to like?"
    Wonder where we've met someone like that before, eh?


    On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

    I was hoping that wedding scene would be followed up with a picture of a bunch of demon kids running around playing, and you with demon Aleita watching from the back porch.


    On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

    Crazy how many characters just don’t have parents or any family, personally I think it would add to the stakes if one of the main cast did have parents that were still alive and well. Could see that character start off as a kind, good natured person that slowly becomes more ruthless and cruel to the villains in an effort to keep their family safe. 

    It's probably the same canon reason most Pokemon protags don't have a dad. They're authority figures that would probably hamper the character's journey in some way. Like I wouldn't let MY fucking children fight terrorists. I'd rather do it myself so they DON'T have to.
    Mothers are still in the games because they are WEAK and PASSIVE like an HONOURABLE Japanese housewife should be.


    On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

    Now I do find it ridiculous that killing considered below for a lot of characters in this game. Especially when the most of the villains are murders who kill without remorse and are trying end the world. I mean I don’t want it to be Reborn level of angst with Melia going, “I’m going to skin you alive Geara.” As she sharpens a knife, but just something as small and simple as not saving a villain from falling off a cliff or something.

    It hasn't happened that much in this game yet. Only case I can think of is Saki accidentally saving Sharon after Crescent pushed her off a cliff.





    On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:

    Finally managed to get through the whole series so far

    Congratulations! Even I haven't read back on it all yet!
    Hope you enjoyed my long-winded blathering!

    On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:


    Cant believe you beat Souta first try with no deaths, that fight had me stumped for a while. Really thought that could have been the end of the nuzlocke but he just got wrecked. Guess those buffs he got at some point really make a difference, huh?

    Ah yeah this was a while back so I think I missed any of the major buffs he got.
    But then again, my team was pretty stacked against him too.

    On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:


    Also I fully expect Macross to die to the Rift Aelita fight. He's been getting too much screen time, plus the mention of switching to galvanized from sturdy, which would be great foreshadowing for a situation where not having sturdy gets you killed by something stupid, like attempting to switch in on a rock slide and getting smacked by Earthquake.

    Well consider your expectations, subverted!
    I didn't even use him at all!
    You got a favourite character then?


    On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:

    also teach trick room to Zaius you fool 

    Ah yes, I've been meaning too.
    Y'see this was all played back in like late 2018-early 2019 before I started getting a little into competitive battling.





    On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:

    I think its kinda funny how on the nuzlocke forums you're just a happy little gnome looking thing. But you're still the sour trainer we know and like deep down.

    It's mostly because a manga/character I liked ended, that's usually what prompts these profile changes.
    I kinda forgot to change it here but Floch is fine enough.

    On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:


    This part of the story will be interesting to see. Since V13 changed the fights to be more SwSh like it was only against Rift Aelita and nothing else. Just you and a tag team battle with Erin. The wiki showed what the fight was before hand since it was out of date at the time and I think you might or might not have an easy time with it. Think being the keyword here.

    Rift Aelita was a genuine disappointment.
    The fucking Contrary Golems she brought with her though...they were another story...


    On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:

    Souta being cleaned up so easily makes me jealous if only because why couldn't my fight with him be as easy? He was considered along with Angie to be some of the hardest gym battles in the game, though I don't know which update earned him that title for sure. V13 had him nerfed apparently a bit but its been awhile.

    To be fair, I was coming at him with a rather stacked team but yeah. I don't know when he was nerfed or buffed but I seem to have missed both of those.


    On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    clearly spacea and timepa revived him without working equipment so they couldnt get it on because of reasons

    that or they just forbade it like the asian tigermoms they so clearly want to be

    I hope it's the latter. That's funnier.
    Everyone in the StormChasers is an incel.

    On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    but an ugly pokemon is an exp punching bag!

    jan just didnt want to use blisseys for whatever reason

    Blissey's aren't ugly!
    They're adorable!

    On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    who the fuck just tells someone the person they thought was their dad was actually their husband in a past life

    god no wonder aelita freaks the fuck out

    This game's creator apparently.
    At the very least, he made it so there's no "OMG DID AELITA FUCK KENNETH" shit with how it's a memory-wiped soul in a different body or whatever the fuck is going on with it.


  6. https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/threads/the-terribly-titled-nuzlocke-of-pokemon-rejuvenation-part-3-chapter-152-eldest-explains-everything.1076/page-91#post-924242


    Kind of recycled this title from an earlier chapter but we'll pretend it was intentional.
    I debated combining this whole chapter with the next one but it would have been much too long.
    So enjoy Eldest eldsplaining everything to us.

    Something she COULD have done without sending us back in fucking time.





    On 9/15/2023 at 3:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    damn I'm annoyed I missed an upload because that to be continued bit was really well done

    oh well

    What a missed opportunity that I didn't end every single chapter since the start with one of those.

    On 9/15/2023 at 3:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    eh the only important part of wll is a screenshot you can dig through the files to get anyways its not super necessary

    especially since keta is very minor in the grand scheme of things

    it'd be like a reborn spin off game featuring archer and maxwell

    Haha now that's a little bit harsh on Keta.
    He's much more important than super-side characters like those two.
    I'd say he's got the same plot relevance as Laura at least.
    (Which is barely more than Archer and Maxwell)


    On 9/15/2023 at 3:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    the funniest jokes are the ones that you set up years in advance, good work past sean


    On 9/15/2023 at 3:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    I did not realize the sky field battle took place on a fucking cloud holy shit

    mind clouds same bullshit

    There's a key difference in that the mind one is actually reasonable for Souta to be able to do.

    If he can just fucking fly people into the sky and drop them, why the hell is Team Xen even a problem? And why hasn't he splatted Isha?

    On 9/15/2023 at 3:04 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    rip souta, another victim of the reborn evolved forums americian focus

    oh well he gets off better then arceus

    He's with our lord and saviour Arceus Christ now, YinYang.

    Just like all of god's creations.





    On 9/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Lspaceship said:

    On the topic of 'Reborn vs Rejuv' with Terribly Titled, while I like both, I Rejuv has the win here for 3 reasons.

    1: I haven't played Reborn.

    2: The quality of the editing

    3: The quality of the writing



    While I wouldn't mind reading more of Reborn's nuzlocke, now that the game is finished, I'm not sure if I would enjoy it as much as I do reading new Rejuvenation chapters.


    Also, you beat him more decisively than I did, because I don't teambuild. Well, I don't nuzlocke either so I suppose it's balanced out? Anyway, good luck with healing Aelita, I'm sure nothing will go wrong!

    Very true.
    And tbf, Reborn was the first Nuzlocke I ever uploaded so the quality was always going to be scuffed compared to now.

    And BOY do I regret making it before I started caring about haircuts.

    On 9/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Lspaceship said:

    While I wouldn't mind reading more of Reborn's nuzlocke, now that the game is finished, I'm not sure if I would enjoy it as much as I do reading new Rejuvenation chapters.

    I would enjoy it.

    Because at least I'd know that the end was somewhere on the horizon instead of stretching on forever like Rejuvenation feels like.

    On 9/15/2023 at 4:05 PM, Lspaceship said:

    Also, you beat him more decisively than I did, because I don't teambuild. Well, I don't nuzlocke either so I suppose it's balanced out? Anyway, good luck with healing Aelita, I'm sure nothing will go wrong!

    I barely teambuild myself. This was all played back in like 2018-2019, there's a lot of mistakes in battles that I wouldn't make nowadays.

    In fact, I'm so confident in that, that we'll have to wait ANOTHER chapter for me to get to it.

    Gentleman Jaggi:




    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 9/15/2023 at 10:38 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Fr fr no cap you filthy fucking youngster.

    I'd be surprised if we're more than one year apart. How do you feel about approaching 30?


    It'll be a year away in two weeks.
    I don't relish the thought.


    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    I'm gonna go with "everything, all at once". No such thing as too much apocalypse, we're going 2012 here.

    Oooh actual images from the run.
    Yeah, I can't wait to fly a plane through a crumbling GDC and somehow have everything miss me!


    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Hey, where did your hair go?

    Trying to stack Sneaky Pebbles is a pretty bad goof, gotta be honest.

    I think this chapter's reaction shots are like 5 months apart so time tore it away.




    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    ... you think they eat Meowth and Growlithe in Poke-China? Nevermind, I don't want to think about that.

    I don't think unfertilized Pokemon eggs exist, so probably no omelettes at least.

    I imagine not Growlithe at least. It'd be part Rock type/sacred to them given what it's based on.
    I can't remember where but someone showed me a screenshot of Melia saying she ate one as part of a study?
    I don't know how true that image was but I will destroy her for it.

    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Dancing is a free action Dancer does not use up a Pokémon's turn. Quiver Dance is the best move to copy, there was a bit of niche strategy in Doubles for a while with Mega Alakazam using Roleplay to copy Dancer then setting up Quiver Dance with Volcarona.

    See that's what I didn't know.
    It sounds pretty good if you use it right.

    Niche because the opponent would do anything to kill a Mega Alakazam on the field?

    On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Hey, don't talk bad about Pidgeot! It's not his fault he's a Gen I Early Bird!

    You'd think with the amount of remakes Gen 1 gets they could fucking IMPROVE some of the Pokemon, no?






    On 9/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Bluedude said:
    On 9/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Bluedude said:

    Keta is a combination of Kenneth and Taelia, this happens sometime in the side story game. So uh… yeah that’s a fun fact.

    Odd choice to use as your evil terrorist codename but ok.

    On 9/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Bluedude said:

    Dude I also thought of “The wind is pushing meee!” When I saw that the wind is strong text. Can’t wait for Dragons Dogma 2 to come out, I want to travel with my pawn again on new adventures.

    No idea what a "dangan" is but I loved that intro. I hope it comes back in 2.

    Yep. Looking forward to it (Though I wish there was co-op so I could play with my friend)

    On 9/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Bluedude said:

    I enjoy your Rejuvenation run more than your Reborn run. Better jokes and more editing in the pictures, also Rejuvenation being just a more pleasant game then Reborn.

    I'm glad you do! Yeah, I was still working with training wheels back in the Reborn days and the Pokemon weren't well characterized much either.
    Aevium, despite be several hundred degrees more wacky is still far more upbeat than Reborn. 
    It also helps that far less characters are mentally ill children.

    On 9/16/2023 at 7:21 PM, Bluedude said:


    On 9/15/2023 at 10:38 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Walrein's pretty good but have you met THIS GIANT FIST!?!? 👊
    Now your Walrein is dead. 

    It’s alright my Walrein is used to dying by now, I am not a good Pokémon master. I also never want to see that font type again, it’s ugly too look at.

    Walrein Crest when?
    This is a comical Nuzlocke and you will ENJOY the comical font!





    An alternate title for this chapter was: "The Unpleasant Unfezant" but that was far too much like something that'd be in the actual anime so have a song reference instead.




    And hey, Chapter 151!

    We've made to the POKEYMAN number! Never did I think we would!




    Replies (Now with even MORE Comic Sans!):


    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    I like how my reply is under Gentleman Jaggi (I also like how i said replay instead of reply lol)


    We'll forget the horrendous mistakes we made last chapter, deal?

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Love this image

    It's so fucking dumb but in a funny way.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    For gods sake she's literally WEARING the stereotypical red flannel shirt!

    We should have all seen her being a quirky lesbian the MOMENT she started wearing that.

    Its ok Sean we were all blind sided by Jan madness

    At the very least she isn't mentally ill to the point of it just being annoying like the Reborn lesbian.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:





    Uh looks on the bright side i'd say your chapters have a lot more quality then the ones way before

    Why can't we have both, Z?
    Why can't we have both..

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Did you like just skip over the Johto section of the library? Celebi ring any bells?

    I wonder how well documented legendaries and mythicals are, since most people will never see one of those pokemon in their life time, unless you are the protagonist of a pokemon game of course where every pokemon just loves you and you are a pokemon magnet.

    I mean...you have a fair point when it comes to mythicals since they're usually side content but Hoenn and Sinnoh would have to be incredibly ignorant to miss when their legendaries started fighting. 

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Makes me wonder about you sometimes, Erin...

    And about that bullshit scene where Ren joins Team Xen and they mention something about a traitor in a prophecy...

     huh wonder what ever happened to that prophecy anyways (I am pretty sure you already played through v12 hopefully so this won't be spoiler) but Ren seems to turn out to be not evil rather an idiot although with the whole goldenleaf situation I guess we all already knew he was an idiot

    Oh yeah I always knew Ren didn't actually turn evil. But yeah, wonder who that prophecy actually refers to?

    If it still exists as a concept. 

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Melia used to have superpowers back then too. She had super strength and astral projection from what I can recall.

    Hahaha she still has astral projection even in v13. image.png.d32b82178305a8a34aa380427b941bcb.png
    Yep there it is. She lost the super strength permanently though I think

    Pretty sure it was gag anime strength anyways.

    Does this new astral projection get explained at all? Because she probably should have already known about having powers if that's the case.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Then I...guess I'll go find the wreck of the SS.Oceana and live there?

    Why not the room Tesla offered? Although that would be kinda weird so ig the shipwreck it is

    Nope. We have to return to our original homes and mine is currently lying on some reefs in the sea.
    Once again, Sean gets screwed.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Why hasn't it gotten torn apart by invisible Time Demons like Aelita did?


    Melia's favouritism is so strong even her Pokemon get more than what is clearly the fan favourite Aelita.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



     This is cursed, time to bleach my eyes.

    It was a quick and dirty edit job but it wasn't THAT bad.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Well you've already let the Narrator down by continuing to talk so you're off to a bad start.

    The narrator as in you? Well they do that on a regular basis.

    I'm not the narrator.
    He's a guy I pay.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Bring the guy-who-can-die-a-lot-with-no-consequences to the actual physical god fight.

    That'll go well for me.

    Can't wait to see your reaction to all the crazy shit that will happen in v13 where your powers are expanded upon heavily, although that will take about 2 years if we are lucky

    Abject exasperation, I'm guessing. Powers probably suck compared to everyone elses unless I mess with it myself
    That IS a pretty generous estimate. 54 chapters after Part 3 is when Part 4 ends and I haven't even played most of V13.
    Plus a lot of Part 4 is still unwritten.


    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    That felt...wrong.



    That's what happens when you the player character break the rules time and space start to collapse, ofc it only applies to you and none of the npcs


    Yeah. And it only happens SOMETIMES.
    Like the Rift curing diary and now. All the other timeline changes I make in the present don't seem to affect anything.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    She's no match for the two Time&Space goddesses after all.


    I-is she?

    I mean just look at her transformation
    Melia (Powered up) by Honnojis
    anything space llama/deer related here you see?

    Huh. Very magical girl final form of her.
    Why are some busted though?
    It's probably spoilers so don't actually tell me. I'm just going to guess it's cause she's retarded.


    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:

    I do.

    Retcon powers are no joke, Melia.

    All they'd have to do is go back and delay your mother and father from boning for like a few hours and then you're gone.

    If they were competent, their retcon powers would be no joke
    they say as everyone in this room is a human

    Haha I think the opposite is true actually.
    Nobody in the room is actually a standard human.

    On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 PM, Z.. said:



    It's odd how she didn't awaken when Nim and I were killed originally and she had no idea it wouldn't stick

    Isn't it when she is almost killed?

    That's what I thought but then what the fuck was that Veronica shit about?
    Confuses the whole golden glow thing that it might be about the power of love instead of reacting to a near-death experience.

    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 8/31/2023 at 5:16 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    I think he's just Elf Swordsman in tJapan.

    Iirc the anime calls him something like "Abhorrent Elf Swordsman" in most languages with is just hilariously mean.

    Wtf, it's only in Japanese that he's even Elf swordsman the rest have it as Celtic Guardian in their own language.

    On 8/31/2023 at 5:16 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Gotta love obscure canon

    I only knew about it because I recently did that Nuzvivor Unova event thing.

    On 8/31/2023 at 5:16 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    I mean there's a KINDA pointless gym battle coming up that was very unnecessary to have at that time

    Pokemon stories and poorly timed gym battles, name a more iconic duo.

    I think Jan agrees. I remember reading somewhere that he finds them a pain in the ass.

    Can't blame him for it, they're VERY stupid at times when the protagonists have bigger things to worry about.
    And they only ever effect the player and Aelita that one time in Terajuma.

    On 8/31/2023 at 5:16 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:





    Fr fr no cap you filthy fucking youngster.


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Argh! Comics Sans! How could you assault my eyes like this?! WHY?!!!!!


    What do you mean I'm exaggerating?

    You are 100% serious and clearly blind from seeing a typefont.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:
    On 8/30/2023 at 6:34 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Most bullshit part of Yugioh really.
    There's very little skill involved if you get a bad draw and your opponent gets a good one.

    That one part of YuGiOh that still stays the same even to this day, haha.

    It'll never end.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    On 8/30/2023 at 6:34 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Like Cherrim.
    Why the FUCK does she have a Cherrim?

    I won't mind her having a Cherrim, if her Crest is much, much better. Poor Aelita...

    Looking it up her Cherrim Crest ain't great on it's own but given the amount of Double Battles in this game that are me and the AI teaming up, I don't mind it at all.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    No. Melia choose a world over one random woman who's gonna live in a apocalyptic world anyway. It's a no brainer which one should she choose. That's what bothers me about this arc...among other, other, other things. But I don't want to sound like a broken radio. So there.

    It's definitely a no-brainer but wanting a third option isn't a bad thing.
    Like my prisoner sacrificing plan!
    Totally would have worked!


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Ah. Life is Strange...where it's so strange how it got so popular. But not really. It's because of muh LeSbaN representation Who the heck loves that blue-headed bitch? At least Venam is more pleasing on the eyes...and that's it, maybe? I feel like that's the only main difference those two bitches have. 

    I watched my girlfriend play it when it came out.
    She got mad when I said I preferred Chloe when she was a quadriplegic.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I think it's because Jan loves Erin. And that's all you need to know  Erin serves as an exposition dump for the Miera region stuff. The stuff which she learned from Nastasia's mother. Even though any other character could have replaced her role...

    But the main problem with that is that Souta and Cella fucking knew all of that information.
    We didn't need Nastasia's mother to tell us shit.


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Hmm...so if Angie left Kreiss alive, that means there's still a part of Anju left in Angie, huh? So that means there's a tiny, miniscule, teeny-weeny chance for Team Sean to save Anju...


    Or Jan decides to kill Anju. Jan already killed off a bunch of parents, what's one more parent to him? 

    Anju can now join the final harem if that's the case.
    Because I want my future kids to have as many superpowers as possible to help them deal with whatever happens in this region after I eventually die.


    If I eventually die?
    Oh boy.


    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Oh right, the eclipse was like two days ago, right?

    Those two are probably running low on...uh...power?

    That's not the right word for it but I can't think of any other to describe "goddesses not being able to communicate for a while".


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the whole eclipse thing is just a lie they made up so they have an excuse to bail whenever they don't feel like to talking to Melia. Because why wouldn't they?

    Hahahaha wish I thought of that when i first started this game.

    "Sorry, Melia I can't help you, my power is waning with the full moon"

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I'm pretty sure captial G.O.D sicced a couple of bears on 42 teenagers for making fun of a bald guy once.


    ...I don't get that reference.

    It's in the bible.
    So much of the book made specifically to worship him has him being a real dick most of the time, it's pretty funny.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Ooo! Mad Melia! I'm shaking in my boots now! Ooo~


    Agreed. She could at least blame the Scots...because Scots swears a lot, maybe?


    On a very unrelated side note, if there's a character from Thomas that could swear, it's probably this midget.


    Mainly besides being Scottish, he;

    -used to work in factory

    -is mentioned by other characters to have a strong language

    -has a face only a mother could love. And since trains are not birthed(thankfully) in Thomas lore, that means no one would ever love him.

    Based Duncan.
    That ghost episode spooked me as a child.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    For the love of-seriously, Melia?! You're gonna trust her? Disregarding her goth attire, Crescent is way too much of a shady edgelord, with a creepy Gothitelle. That, and she constantly talks about grey morality or some nonsense. Like, I legimitely hate, hate, hate it when people say that unironically. Even in real life.

    I 100% trust Crescent in all forms.
    I came to this conclusion organically after that week I disappeared and have no knowledge of what happened to me.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Okay, fine. As much as I hate, hate, hate to say it, not everything in this world is black and white. 


    I don't think that applies to Rejuvenation though.

    Very true.
    If this were Gen 5 it'd be fine though.

    On 9/2/2023 at 11:29 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Torturing a baby Pokemon isn't morally grey.


    Torturing Aelita because her father said mean words to you isn't morally grey. Yeah, you were just trying to help Keta. But Keta is right, Nimrod. Joining a terrorist cult is stupid. And won't save your daughter. 


    And lastly, shoving people into lava isn't morally grey! Most of the action done in Rejuvenation aren't morally grey! They're either stupid, plain evil, or both!

    Yeah, they aren't getting away with that bullshit so easily.
    Neved's case especially pisses me off.

    'Cause like I can understand Geara wanting to push me in lava. Especially with all the mess I've made of all their plans since I came to the region.
    And the insults.
    But yeah, Neved dies 100%.



    On 9/3/2023 at 12:11 AM, VMeemes said:

    In my defense I relooked over the video and the cutscene was more referring to the proper meeting, that being down in the sewers with the shiny Trubbish and Garbodor. Like that mentality of "seen someone in passing and you know their face, but you haven't officially met them as of yet." So for that moment being down in the sewers was the proper meeting for you and Melia. Semantics yes but for the purposes of friendship that's where you met to be friends and not in the hall where you bumped into her.

    Well yeah that's obviously when we actually MET met. But my first impression was her bumping into me in the lab and MAYBE not apologizing.
    It's been a long time since then after all, my memory is foggy on the details and I usually assume the worst in people.


    On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

    Okay no more time travel right? We’re gonna stay in the present and deal with the problems there for some time? Cause I wanna see what Xen’s whole plan is and how they got so many to join. It can’t be about money or taking over the region if they got soul stealing powers.

    And it's cute you think we'll EVER learn Team Xen's plan at this point.

    On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

    These Pokémon fan games have gotten me to play some Pokémon myself. However since I do not have DS or a Switch I have resorted to playing the fan games, and let me tell you that Reborn and Rejuvenation are horrible ways to try and learn battle strategy. Cause dang man, I get stomped in every Gym and boss battle. These fan games are definitely for people that have been playing Pokémon a lot and want a challenge.

    I suppose that's true. It's definitely jumping in the deep end when you've only ever been in the kiddy pool.
    Problem is, once you get into the deep end, the kiddy pool is boring and you can't go back.
    At least that's how it is for me.

    On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

    However I have found my favorite type and Pokémon. Ice types and Walrein, I know Ice isn’t considered a meta pick but I’ve just found it to be generally useful in most battles, and Walrein is ice and water type which is a good combo, it has good damage, great moves, and one of its ability’s is thick fat, which makes an already tanky pokemon take half less damage from fire and ice.

    Walrein's pretty good but have you met THIS GIANT FIST!?!? 👊
    Now your Walrein is dead. 

    On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

    Watching your run leads me to guess that your favorite type is… Grass! With Tangrowth being your favorite pokemon! I knew Ceaser was your favorite out of the team you just don’t wanna look soft on him, yeah just try to deny it.

    Honestly, I only mock other people's favourite typings to annoy them.
    I don't really have one of my own. I'll use what I can use.
    Grass has a lot of utility and recovery so it's a good type for sure.



    Another chapter for you.
    MUCH shorter than the last (probably because there wasn't a whole goddamn Yuigoh duel in the middle)
    But we're finally leaving the past behind us and looking ever onward towards the future.
    A future where I don't have to split the chapters into slices...




    Replies: NOW IN COMIC SANS!

    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Oh heck, you're alive. Welcome back!

    I have returned to finish the fight!
    And Part 3! After that? Who knows?


    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    YGO, huh. And OG series monsters too. Your age is showing. I always wondered, why is that dude called "Celtic Guardian" when he's clearly an elf, anyway? He always kind of reminded me of a western fantasy comic version of Link.


    Everyone would have had a heart attack if I started Pendulum Summoning out of nowhere.
    Especially Past-Sean.

    He green.
    That's good enough for every localisation team in the world to call him "Celtic".

    I think he's just Elf Swordsman in tJapan.

    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    Mhh, either my memory is rubbish (which it usually isn't) or a lot about those segments changed between versions. I don't remember Edgevoir showing up there at all.

    It's very likely the latter.

    This is Version 10 you're seeing. Could be completely different in later ones.

    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:





    Zoroark can!


    For some reason noone ever remembers that. Afaik it happens in Legends Arceus too.

    This just makes Melia's plan on Valor Mountain look even MORE incompetent.


    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Well we're several months later and nothing's come out so...whoops?
    I hope they just make a new one instead of another fucking remake. Too many lazy remakes in Game Freak already.


    Mystery Dungeon belongs to Spike Chunsoft fortunately so whatever's going on with Game Freak would be irrelevant to the quality of any further remake. Still want a new game though.

    Also GF better not touch BW, they do not need a remake. Stop.

    I'm not a fan of the 3-D DX remake but something new might be good.
    What, do you hate money or something? - Game Freak.
    Unfortunately because of those pathetic mewling sycophants who suckle at the teat of every corporation's money-grabbing decision, we'll probably get them. And then they'll start a hashtag thanking GameFreak for their slop.


    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Geez, Madame X is really just a big fucking weaboo nerd in a powersuit, huh?

    Noone who dresses like that isn't.

    That is official Christian attire, I'm sure.


    On 8/11/2023 at 11:59 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    I 'member.

    And I'll never forgive it for not being the case.

    Could have had 9 chapters about Aelita and how great she is but nope.


    Well she's finally back now. Surely now the plot will move towards that supposed goal with no further derails, right?

    I mean there's a KINDA pointless gym battle coming up that was very unnecessary to have at that time but we at least get to turn her purple again.

    No Name:



    On 8/11/2023 at 7:35 PM, No name said:
    On 8/10/2023 at 8:21 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I've seen some pretty weird eyeball men in the graphics folder of this game.

    Huh, the fuck is this?



    Creepy looking things though, aren't they?

    On 8/11/2023 at 7:35 PM, No name said:



    On 8/10/2023 at 8:21 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh god no.
    That would imply there's someone even HIGHER up the Xen food-chain than her.
    I don't think we need anymore Xen characters thanks...

    Didn't she mention a "father" when you beat her on Blacksteeple?

    Yeah but I assumed he was likely dead.
    Father forgive me sounds like something you'd say after failing your dead father's wishes instead of him being alive.


    On 8/12/2023 at 12:49 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    and you didnt crush your past selves to death

    jan can make all the over the top bullshit he wants he still doesnt know how to have fun

    Past-Sean and I joined out of mutual respect and love...for myself.

    Ehhhh...I dunno. I still have fun with the game.
    It's a lot of exasperation but it's still fun to see where it's taking me.

    On 8/12/2023 at 12:49 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    ah classic playground format yugioh

    I did not miss that but I commend the level of effort to make a mostly convincing duel of a game you havent played in 15ish years or so

    For us, it was Beyblading in the rain gutters. We never played Yugioh in the playground.
    I recently played one of the 5-D games at least.
    I think there was something about cowboys and robots on motorcycles.
    It's all a haze to me now...

    On 8/12/2023 at 12:49 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    oh god rejuvenation is so anime theres a 9 episode gap where you end up in the exac same place you were before because the writers didnt know how to continue the plot


    This is the one time you should be grateful to the image limit coming back.

    I was thinking of doing an endless 8 from Haruhi Suzumiya and uploading the same 9 chapters again but with slight differences.
    But the image limit would have made that a massive chore so I didn't.

    On 8/12/2023 at 12:49 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    goddamn reincarnation always taking away from the dramatic sacrifices people make

    its usually not so instant though

    It's also VERY odd idea of a curse.
    Those Garufans are so fucking inconsistent with their bullshit.
    "Open a door? Instant coma." "Shield an entire region from a massive cataclysm? Congrats, enjoy a form of immortality with psychotic psychic powers"


    On 8/13/2023 at 11:36 PM, Bluedude said:

    Man I’m gonna be like fifty years old when you finally play some Desolation. I’ll bring in the whole family, “Kids come look! DerogatoryTrainer just updated his Desolation run!” And then the whole family runs in and we sit on the couch and see the run pictures you uploaded from your dang hospital bed. 

    You should only be so lucky that I get that far.
    Maybe if I become rich someday and don't have to worry about money I'd make it but even finishing Rejuvenation by the time I'm fifty will be an achievement.

    On 8/13/2023 at 11:36 PM, Bluedude said:

    I am glad to see this run going still, it’s pretty fun and sometimes it’s even funny. 



    On 8/13/2023 at 11:36 PM, Bluedude said:


    Oh some spoilers from Where Love Lies to make Keta’s life even more depressing.

      Hide contents

    So you guessed right, Tealia is Aleita’s former life, and Keta married her. Thing is they did have a daughter, but that red haired terrorist chick that works with Madame X was plotting Keta’s life from the start. She led him to Tealia and got them hooked up to open up some magic doors. Well either her or Madame X burnt Keta’s house to the ground and killed his wife and daughter, they red haired chick also revealed to Keta that his daughter had her soul destroyed because her group thought that the daughter was the reincarnation of Vivian. And I’m not kidding even said “Guess your daughter isn’t going to heaven.” And just dipped. Which if I was Keta I’d be depressed and emotionless too. Like dang does Jan just hate the man or what?

    It's cool on spoiling that for me. I played it.
    Maybe we'll do a mini-arc covering it...I just have to figure out how to make in entertaining...
    Keta cut him in line once so he trapped him in a video game using his fiendish and certainly un-Christian Jan powers.
    Red Bitch is evil no doubt. Like sure she's partially responsible for Aelita even existing but if she didn't interfere Nora probably could have taken her Aelita's place in the story.



    On 8/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, VMeemes said:
    On 8/10/2023 at 8:21 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh word?
    I think I prefer that to whatever the fuck went on here.

    (Although I think there was some nonsense about Melanie somehow polluting the ENTIRE ocean?)
    Surely she still has her awakening moment, right? How else do the powers get explained?


    Watching someone do a Monofire run, how she got the awakening moment is by both a combo of you dying again (Melia dies too I think) and a pep talk from herself. Specifically her Emma persona from Blacksteeple Castle. You go down memory lane, see the first time Melia met Venam and Ren, and the now strained relationship with him. It also talks about you when you two first met. But in the cutscene you aren't there anymore, because you of course, are dead.

    That's...uh...a bit weirder than what we got.
    Does Melia have multiple personality disorder in the new timeline that fucking EMMA is the strong one?

    Also the first time we met?
    When she bumped into me in the hallway and apologised?
    Really touching moment there.

    On 8/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, VMeemes said:

    At the end of it you fight Emma using Melia's team vs her 3 Pokemon, reiterate that Melia went on the journey not to stop Team Xen, but to repay a debt because she actually went out to save a friend. The bow that you and Venam got for Melia also appears, saying that its transcended time and space to show that friendship with them is eternal. Melia points out that you the MC died but Emma rebukes it with basically "hey stupid we can get a time diamond and go back in time to prevent that from happening." Then her and a mysterious ??? ghost says 'Destiny is not set'. Spoopy.


    What debt? Save who? Me?
    I was doing FINE. Stopping Team Xen was a much better motive than paying me back for...I assume fighting Zetta in Goldenleaf Forest? That's even not something I'd ever consider her having to pay me back for. He was fucking easy.
    Really? I thought she would have pointed out the whole "fell in lava" thing everyone kind of ignored at the time.

    On 8/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, VMeemes said:

    The kicker is also the fact that Melia also made a promise to the MC's mother to look after you in her stead. Melia realizes that "oh damn I wouldn't have made it here if it were for my friends" and wakes up, turning into her golden form. Then you come back to life, Madam X is cryptic, then you team up with Melia to beat the shit out of a child. Then said child tries to Decimate you again but gets occupied by Mimikyu distracting it. Then Melia and Melanie fuse, Melia uses her power unintentionally to restore part of the world (aka the Castle area) and then mostly everything is all good.

    Look after ME!?


    I'm also not a fan of this constant idea in-game people have that I need to be taken care of. I'm a grown man.

    On 8/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, VMeemes said:

    There's also the fact that you overlap with your previous selves right in front of Cella, cutting time on that front.


    Not as dramatic as what you saw and went through but I would say its a bit of an improvement.




    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Why haven't you all grown gigantic Dumbledore beards in the time we've been apart like I have?

    What makes you think I haven't (I didn't but I do have a beard)


    I like to imagine my viewers all take part in basic grooming and hygiene.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    So why couldn't Aelita see us when she's directly opposite Melia?

    Maybe she also sees the world in bird eye view like you do?

    There's too many instances of her not seeing something in a 360 degree radius for that to be the case.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Veronica didn't even exist in that timeline.

     She does
    (ignore the yt playbar)

    I have no real context for why she's even being mentioned but I dislike it anyway.
    What the hell is the point of a bad future if everyone's still fucking ALIVE!?!?

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    You should really appreciate the restraint I showed by not calling it a golden shower, audience.

    I do especially after some of the stuff you said in the episodes in this bad future arc

    That was Past-Sean who said those things and he's dead now. You saw me kill him last chapter.
    So once again, I am guilt free.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Here I'll use telepathy to show you the image.

    I have that now apparently.

    It's how I view cutscenes I wasn't there for.

    Ig having convenient plot powers is an ability the interceptor gets

    Powers that just try to bridge the gap between player and in-game character.
    It's like when you play a game and you get a scene with the villains that your character has no way of knowing about.


    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:



    I only JUST learned how to Turbo Summon and I refuse to go any further.

    There is what now? I only know how to do xyz and synchro never even heard of this

    I believe I meant Synchro Summoning but confused it due to there being motorcycles in the setting.
    Either that or I meant Speed Summoning. Idk.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    you have the actual card?

    Why do you think I had to sacrifice 7 dollars to Amazon to summon it?

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Should have ran an Exodia deck and summoned Exodia before past Sean could even play his turn


    That would have saved me a lot of fucking work but it would have felt cheap.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:



    Because she's a bitch.

    And a whore to end all whores.

    The Gardewhore.

     Hm i wonder who is worse this one or radomus one

    This one is worse but Radomus is worse than Indriad because at least Indriad never wasted my fucking time/killed Sickle.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:




    But a Yanmega is just an ugly dragonfly.

    UGLY? You have gone too far this time

    And it's more so I don't like it's mouth both the shape and how it's level with it's big ol' eyes.
    Maybe if it was smiling, it'd be prettier.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    Who the fuck designed this retarded magic system?

    Jan? I just like to call it plot techniques and move on


    That's kinda funny actually.

    On 8/20/2023 at 11:39 PM, Z.. said:

    But Aelita hasn't been born yet in this time so why are we here? To let Melia steal someone else's spotlight again?

    Well yeah obviously

    I've got to stop asking all these rhetorical questions...


    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    The writer's strike isn't enough. I want Ped Hollywood to burn as well. I want to savour the beautfiul flames of their destructions,  while roasting some marshmallows.

    Won't have any complaints from me.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Fighting with sticks? Sorry if I'm being rude, but that sounds...lame. Unless it's an extremely cool stick?

    You never swordfight with sticks as a kid?
    It's a time honoured tradition!

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    I remember a time...when the new Nuzlocke forums have no image limit....better times, better times. How I long for the better old days. The more things change, the more things stay the same...


    What do you mean I sound pretentious?

    You don't.
    That wonderful period between leaving Tapatalk and now will forever be remembered as the Golden Age.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:



    ...I played this game. Several times. Yet only now I realized that's a Harry Potter reference. And I literally have that movie dvd's as a kid!

    In my....err...defense, I barely cared about the movie, unlike my siblings. Or anyone else for that matter. Why do people used to obsess over Harry Potter anyway? 

    Probably helped that the first four books came out one after another for four years to build up the hype.
    They didn't use difficult language either so I could read them myself when I was six.
    But then again, I was way ahead of most children when it came to reading.


    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    But regardless of how I feel about that franchise, at least I don't harass people just for playing the wizard video game. Can you imagine how pathetic that is? There are better, legitimite reasons to harass someone online. Playing a meh wizard game isn't one of them.

    There isn't any good reason to harass someone online.
    It's pathetic that they have to hide behind a screen to do so.

    Harass them in person and get attacked in self-defense like a REAL man.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Can't say for anyone else, but I'm not sick of it....yet. It's a good reminder of how insufferable Melia is....among other reasons as well.

    I'm sick of it.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    And with every new Rejuvenation episode from Jan, the continuity gets muddier and muddier...I do wonder how Jan's gonna overhaul that island arc in v13.5...

    This game's constant updates to the story are very annoying.
    Specifically for me trying to do this Nuzlocke. 'Cause unlike Reborn, there's not a hope in hell I'm rebooting this series.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    But I'm just glad we aren't doing any of that futuristic shit like XYZ and Pendulum Summoning.


    Which is for the best. Have you seen modern Yu-Gi-Oh cards? 


    Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck

    What children's card game needs this many words for? And that's not to mention the many, many, many complicated rulings...

    That Dueling school in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime seems less ridiculous now....

    My eyes rejected that image and I comprehended nothing but the ATK/DEF points.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Damn....it seems most of your draws are busts, lol.

    Most bullshit part of Yugioh really.
    There's very little skill involved if you get a bad draw and your opponent gets a good one.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Zira is alive, albeit currently unavailable. But she's alive, and that's all that matters! 


    Hopefully she can escape Strom-9.

    Well I forgot to find her in Part 4 so maybe in a future "back to the past" chapter we'll reunite.
    Of course, I said the same about Mothball and the last time he reappeared was a cameo in Honec Woods.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Like no homo and everything but I want to run my hands through it.


    ....Isn't Melia a girl? An annoying girl, but still female. If anything, caressing a girl's hair shows how manly you are

    lands you jail time.

    That's the joke.

    And even if it wasn't you'd have to be pretty gay to like Melia.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Man, Melia is terrible at wording things. So just your typical Melia, I suppose.


    Granted, you edit in the Melia-Past Melia conversation, but still Melia, word your words better!

    She's not your TYPICAL Melia.

    She's the cracked version from the Derogatory Timeline.
    And no, Jan can't sue me for this. I checked.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Is she one of those awful people who live in the Pokemon world and yet DOESN'T have a Pokemon?


    This reminds of a fanfiction I stumbled online. Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail. I didn't read it of course(I have standards), just the summarized plot. Where Chloe, the girl from the anime, is...well, in the author's words, " had enough of everyone telling her to have a job with Pokemon"


    Oh, gee, I wonder why? It's not like your world literally runs on those Pocket Monsters! It's literally made by Pokemon, for Pokemon! Every science field in your world has something to do with Pokemon! Unless the Pokemon is very volatile, or the trainer's a very lazy bum, there's almost no downside to having a Pokemon! Why would you not be interested with it? Those Audinos?! Ribombees? You're telling me you're not interested in any of these cute creatures, fanfic Chloe?!


    And the author paints the other characters in the wrong for not respecting Chloe's wishes? Gee, maybe they would, if Chloe's wish isn't so stupid.

    I shall kill the author for this transgression.
    You will TRAIN the Pokemon and you will fucking LIKE it.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    You know, I just realized the three Regis are heavily countered by a fighting type. And assuming Nymiera has a Regigigas, that's makes 4 Regis. And Aelita's mainly uses fighting types, especially a Blaziken.



    Aelita was subconsciously fighting against her bloodline this whole time.

    Except it doesn't matter now since she's not a fighting type trainer anymore and has a weird ad hoc varitey of Pokemon now.
    Like Cherrim.
    Why the FUCK does she have a Cherrim?

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Maybe Garufans have door fetishes? That's why they cursed their doors?


    Look, I running out of insults for these cults of losers. I said it before, but I found it hilarious that people criticize Insurgence for having cults, when Rejuvenation's cult is way more crazier and have way more impact on the lore and plot. And having a higher sacrifice count. And it's not limited to Pokemon.



    They're very inconsistent with cursing people for non-door related crimes.
    Like for saving the region from destruction the price was Vivian technically becoming immortal. Bit lacking compared to opening a door causing a coma.
    I just call 'em Garufags and call it a day.
    The simplest insults are the strongest. You can craft a long-winded wordy diatribe about someone but they'll shut it down immediately by simply calling you a cunt.

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Did Taelia die and turn into Aelita which depressed him since he's a unique case among the Japanese/Kantonese and wasn't into underaged daughter-wives?


    Based Ketanneth. Clearly, he's one of the few good ones.

    "No you don't understand Hakim, this six year old is technically 60 because of her past lives, it's totally fine"!

    On 8/22/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Pretty sure stuff like this is a requirement to be a politician.


    And people will still believe in politicians. Unfortunately.


    Seriously, why do people trust politicians so much? There's this one politician in my country, who is framed for a crime by politician B, and stayed in jail for several years. He was later released for...some reason? I'm not sure, But I could accept that though.


    What I find it hard to believe is when later, that politician and politician B join the same party and act like friends(as far as I recall). And I barely hear people questioning it? Like, hello??? Does nobody found this weird? How is anyone still trusting any of these politicians?!

    It's the retarded midwits who support them and unfortunately that's most of the population.
    It's all so tiresome.





    We're back.

    And unfortunately forced to use this dumb multi-post format.

    I have to MANUALLY count out 250 images per post to post.

    Such a pain...

    Anyway enjoy your Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever.



    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Huh, I don't remember that whole "inside Melia's dying mind" segment at all. Did that get added with the last release or did I just supress that memory for some reason...?

    What version are you on again?

    I'm on version 10 so several years behind the current one.

    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    "best quest in Mystery Dungeon"

    Damn right; that ending scene with In The Morning Sun playing always gets me.

    You heard about the copyright leak that points towards a PMD announcement in the Pokemon Presents tomorrow? Looking forward that.

    Also damn you for reminding me about how great Explorers is in the middle of whatever the fuck is going on with Rejuv.

    My life...did it shine...?

    Well we're several months later and nothing's come out so...whoops?
    I hope they just make a new one instead of another fucking remake. Too many lazy remakes in Game Freak already.


    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    *angry noises*


    *angry intensifies*

    Lampshading it does not make it okay damn it!



    she says, standing in front of the definitely not Dialga-related Time Tiamond.

    This is just the PMD references chapter, huh?

    Haha oh yeah!

    I actually didn't notice that one.

    Geez, Madame X is really just a big fucking weaboo nerd in a powersuit, huh?

    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


    We're almost through with the "Fixing Aelita" Arc*. Remember how this whole thing was supposed to be about Aelita?

    Aelita not included

    I 'member.

    And I'll never forgive it for not being the case.

    Could have had 9 chapters about Aelita and how great she is but nope.


    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    On 2/26/2023 at 9:56 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    Luxray & Espeon: I've lived with cats basically my entire live, including now. The only time I didn't was when I was too young to remember and a short while after the last of the cats I grew up with died. :(


    Roserade: I've spent a lot of time with my grandma as a kid and now live with her; she has a lot of plants and I used to help her with gardening.


    Meowscarada: A combination of the above, cat + plants


    Smeargle: If I could be anything I like I'd want to be an artist. Unfortunately, Art Is Hard.


    Aegislash: I do medieval swordfighting as a hobby. Been at that for quite a few years, but pretty casually.

    All of these feel vaguely feline one way or another. I mean just look at Aegislash's cat ears on his crossguard!
    Feel like the Roserade would be your grandmother's Pokemon though. And you'd have a Roselia.
    Like obviously you could just have evolved it but it'd fit the theme better.

    I've actually pretty much never done any homework back in school. You must be some sort of genius teacher, Mr Derogatory.

    I will now start my no-doubt lucrative career of teaching inner-city kids (blacks) to like math instead of gang violence.


    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    I shall remain silent on this matter as not to ruin this touching moment.

    Man you really have gone soft.

    Well it's better than admitting I couldn't come up with anything to say and phoned it in.


    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:



    That's pretty cool, but that's from SS2 not SS1 there for 0/10 I hope you learn from this.

    ACKSHUALLY, her transformation here has more similarities to Gohan's SS2 transformation than Goku or Vegeta's transformation.
    At the very least, the song for this scene is more appropriate.
    It literally has the word's "O Messiah~" in it.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Can any of the rest of you see what looks to be Melia somehow floating towards Melanie?

    Backed up by...


    The fuck is going on here?!

    Yeah not even I remember this happening. What the hell?


    Oh she doesn't have her super special super saiyan transformation in this version of the game huh?

    She does...in a later scene in the same version.


    It's kinda weird how that happened, yeah.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    What the fuck do I even say about all that?

    What the fuck do I even DO about that?

      Hide contents

    One up her with your super cool super saiyan form you get in v13?


    I've seen the artwork for those.

    Feels more like a Power Ranger transformation than a Super Saiyan one.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    How're you feeling?

    You seem...well...completely fine.

    Not even any bruises from when Amber was whaling on you...and your hair somehow got longer?

    How does that work?


    Oh no its getting even worse then I thought, I thought you would at least be able to hold out for chapter 200 or so

    At this point, hating Melia just feels like wasted energy.
    I'm very tired, Z.
    I'm always so very tired.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Because I don't think Melia even intended to bring life back to the world.

    Which could let Jan use the zombie genre now...

    Well you ain't getting it now since I doubt you will ever return here again.

    I dunno.
    I've seen some pretty weird eyeball men in the graphics folder of this game.
    Those might be zombie-esque?

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    I'd worry more about the next one coming, judging by the looks Tesla and Keta are giving each other up there.

    Won't have to worry about that one lol after what you did at the end.

    I still don't feel any guilt over my actions.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:


    I also don't remember this ever happening, you actually had to fight her last time I checked.

    Well that would have been a little more interesting.

    Even if I'd put good money on winning the battle not mattering.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Basically in the first timeline of this planet(?) You all sucked at being protagonists without me around to pick up the (enormous amount of) slack.

    So somehow after the first timeline with all of you but not me in, it went to shit, I came into the next one and have just made life better for everyone.

    Uh spoilers for Reborn but

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    Did you somehow just predict Reborn's entire plot holy shit. Your prediction is almost spot on for Rejuv as well


    Oh yeah, I remember something about that during the Crystal Ball quest?
    Fern was the protag and everything went to shit.

    As expected.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Not as beautiful as you, babe.

    I see the Melia disease has fully taken over you huh

    You've gotta learn how to sense when I'm being sarcastic.

    If it makes you exhale through your nose even a little, it was likely a joke.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Maybe cured after he is in Melia general vicinity? Maybe you can say that for everyone?

    I'll just go with his inhuman backstory making him immune or something.

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    I'm probably just going to spam Dragon/Swords Dance and Outrage to win.

    Lets just hope Rose doesn't Outrage into a fairy and die to a fairy move.

    Once I finally create that new Crest where Dragon moves deal super effective damage to fairies, I won't worry about it.

    Or maybe I could make Outrage one turn only?


    On 2/27/2023 at 12:27 AM, Z.. said:

    Also for anyone who wants to do the game I recommend using this website to help you out:

    They even have a starter quiz, might do it myself If I can think of enough notable moments that would snag me a Pokemon



    The fuck even is this website?
    It's got a region generator and everything!

    But it gets zero points for making a fucking Chingling as my starter.
    I don't even know how to evolve those.



    On 2/27/2023 at 7:18 PM, VMeemes said:

    I remain amused at the vast amount of differences between V13 and whatever version Sean's currently playing. Because that shit with Golden Girl Melia never happened (I think so anyway. Been awhile since that part of the game). The alternate timeline is still fucked up and never getting better as far as I know.

    Oh word?
    I think I prefer that to whatever the fuck went on here.

    (Although I think there was some nonsense about Melanie somehow polluting the ENTIRE ocean?)
    Surely she still has her awakening moment, right? How else do the powers get explained?

    On 2/27/2023 at 7:18 PM, VMeemes said:

    Still this went smoothly enough, losses notwithstanding. And now you get to go back to the time where you need to stop the ritual from being stopped and force the region into what it is now.


    Good times.

    Damned if I do, Damned if I don't.
    But it doesn't really matter. Only one of the timelines has hot showers and that's the one I'm picking.



    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Well I’m glad that this time travel arc is over, dang Amber was miserable to be around in this timeline. 

    And a complete liar too. "Throwing women into the sea" Where the fuck did that come from?

    At least we get to go back to the Amber that definitely has a crush on me.

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Oh you remember Bennet from Reborn, the guy that brainwashed you and join Team Meteor because a girl didn’t like him? Well you’ll be happy to know, that he becomes a member of the elite four in that game, doing double battles with Laura, and everyone is fine with it. But I’m sure that you’ll be sure to change that when you become the Champion, and then you’ll realize Solaris was right in destroying the region. 

    I...am going to have to kill SO many people when I beat that game.

    At this point, I'm wondering if it'd even be worth staying in Reborn after becoming Champion.
    Maybe I should just become a drifter.

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    I’ve been playing Desolation and it’s been pretty good. Routes are easier to walk down, battles are easier, especially that electric gym battle, glad that sticky web from the galvantula is gone, also removed the focus slash from it, so know your team doesn’t suffer from a speed debuff during the whole fight! 

    I'll try it eventuallllllllyyyyyyyyyyy...

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    I would be a terrible Isekai protagonist, man the whole story would just be about some collage student staying out of the main plot, trying to find a way back home. Especially if the world is anything like Re: Zero, unless I get some OP powers I will die to easily to all the magical stuff. Best to stay out and let that world deal with its own dark lord.

    There's a market for that shit now though.

    "I, Bluedude got sent on and adventure to another world but I'd rather be at home in bed!"

    I'd love being isekai'd myself. Even if it isn't to the Pokemon world like I would prefer.

    It's something to do after all.

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Alright here’s my Pokémon team for my area. 


    Tauros - Grandparents own cattle, and I help out a lot with them. Even helped turn a few bulls into steers yesterday, sad for them. 

    God that just raises implications I don't want to think about in the Pokemon version of our world...

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Unfezant - Got a whole lot of birds around here, picked this one after the mascot of my dad’s high-school team. He coached them, pretty sure he was good at it.

    Unique selection! Both in choice and reasoning.


    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Basculin - Ever been redneck fishing? I haven’t, I’ve watched others do it and it takes some nuts to stick your hand in a fish hole and try to pull them out. Namely catfish. 

    Isn't Wishcash the catfish Pokemon? An Basculin a PIRANHA!?
    I think you might want to reconsider this choice based on your encounter decision...

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Bouffalant - Got Bison around here, they are kept in the parks, been awhile since I’ve seen one though, at least they aren’t in danger anymore. Also I watched guy on a buffalo, fun YouTube video. 

    You're really letting us and yourself down by not picking a horse Pokemon to go with this cowpoke theme, man.

    Buffalos are cool though so it's still a good choice.

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Squirtle - caught a lot of turtles with my sister when we were younger, would paint their shells bright colors, also thought they ate grass, pretty sure now they don’t. We let them go, although considering we never saw them again they either washed off the paint or got ate. 

    I think they do depending on the species? It's probably fiiiine...

    Squirtle's good though.

    Still wish it was a Remoraid handgun for the THEME though.

    On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Bluedude said:

    Sandshrew - basically an Armadillo, and let me tell you, those are not smart creatures. They either have poor eyesight or they just do not care because they will let you get real close to you before running away. They have their heads down the whole time looking for food, so that’s probably why. 

    I also like how you didn't immediately go for the evolved forms.
    Very unique team you've got here and you weren't concerned at all about making them competitive which is nice.


    I probably can't make the teams fight now though.


    On 3/2/2023 at 4:52 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    that is not how I expected melia to save the day

    goddamn it

    Trying to play blind bingo with this game would be a nightmare.

    Predicting some of the nonsense that goes on would be virtually impossible unless you were as obviously insane as Jan.

    On 3/2/2023 at 4:52 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    honestly dont come back is the best thing anyone can tell you about a horrible hell future like that one it shows real concern for your safety

    Yeah, it's a good line.
    It probably also meant as "Oh god if they show up again something awful is going to happen".

    On 3/2/2023 at 4:52 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    I hope the time crystal has you crush your alternate selves like in futurama

    a good futurama reference is a great palette cleanser for all this fanfiction nonsense

    Well there's a reference to something from the early 2000s at least but it's not a Futurama one.

    On 3/2/2023 at 4:52 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    oh combining thats lame


    that sure was a climax without any pokemon battles!

    I sure hope this doesnt end up becoming a trend

    It won't.

    The trend is and will always be "Sean risks life and limb in a Pokemon battle only for the results of said battle to not matter as someone magic will burst in a defeat the bad guy with their fucking superpowers".


    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Replying to previous chapter:

    Can I just say, as a (casual)Ace Attorney fan,  I love the Ace Attorney parody? Then again, I always love when two characters try to counter each other arguments, or more specifically in this case, exposing the other character's sad sack of lies.

    Well I'm glad you like it!
    Even if the series is a bit...uh...nonsensical at times.
    Like why does the LAWYER have to prove the killer's identity? Or why does the killer always fucking decide to testify instead of keeping quiet?

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Derogatory: It's been five years since the last Ace Attorney game and nineteen since the last GOOD one...


    Oof. Ace Attorney fans are gonna pursuit you for that. Not that I have any objections towards your statement though. The latter games have...tons of stuff I don't like.(I do like the games that take place in England though...for some reason...) But sometimes I need someone else to point out the flaws for me to realise it.


    What I'm trying to say is, in your own words, why is the last good Ace Attorney game from 2004? What makes the latter games not....well, good?

    Because I haven't played any of them!
    Making them automatically BAD.
    I didn't really care for Apollo Justice or the Dual Destinies game.

    I did like the Professor Layton crossover though.

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Okay, putting that aside. Time to reply to this chapter.



    ....Yeah I don't know what else to say about Melia Sue here. Other than agreeing with what you say. And she's only going to get even stronger...somehow.

    It's very inconsistent though.

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Derogatory: If Thomas the Tank Engine can make a Magic Railroad from the USA to Sodor I can fucking make one from here to Hawaii!


    I'm recall Thomas the Star-Hogging bastard needing some Magic Gold Dust. And the Magic Engine. Who's part Gold....

    And Melia has golden hair....

    See what I mean?
    It all comes back to The Magic Railroad in the end.

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:





    I too prefer that Melia unlock her Super Magical NOT KAWAII Saiyan Ultimate Saiyan form because she almost friggin died. Mainly because power of friendship(or....love) is boring! God, I wish there are more shows where the hero gain power ups because of a near death experience. That would be much more interesting.

    The funny thing my "god hormones" theory is very likely the correct one since near-death experiences are seemingly the best trigger for them.
    Further parts of this game only prove me right.

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    On the inverse side, I'd like to see more stories where people turn evil because of the power of the love. Mainly because I'm legitimitely sick of the whole "love can conquer hate". Blargh! I wanna see loves corrupting people.  That'll be much more interesting.

    That's...fairly common though, isn't it?
    Although usually it's "AAHHH MY WIFE DIED, NOW I'M EVIL!" than actual corruption from loving someone evil but the latter still happens.

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I'm not saying that as an edgelord, mind you. Just, if modern writers are going to....urgh..."subvert expectations" or "deconstruction", do something actually interesting with it, damn it!


    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Then again, I'm hoping for most modern writers to actually be good. Maybe I'm being waaay too optimistic.

    Very much so.
    I think they're all on strike now though so maybe the lack of them will be a good thing?

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    So...Madame X has been time travelling/time altering/time mol**ting several times already? Yikes.

    Her whole life is one big "Yikes".

    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Homework from Derogatory Trainer? I'll be happy to take it! As of my Pokemon team:


    Espeon, Meowstic, & Meowscarada: CATS, CATS, CATS. I have so many dang cats. Everywhere I go, I keep finding cats. Each time my previous cats...passed away, I seem to keep having replacements. Especially this latest batch. One of them literally appeared out of nowhere, demand me for food, and start hanging in my room. For years. And for some reason, if they're hungry, they tend to go for me first. They would wait in front of my closed room until I open it and go "what the heck? How long have you been here?"

    Expected the cats. (How has there not been a Ghost cat Pokemon yet though?)
    Well done for committing and putting three of them in your team.


    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Wash-Rotom: Relatively recently, my parents brought a new washing machine. It works fine, but for some reason, when it finish washing the laundry, it seems to play some music for some reason. I know it's obviously meant to signal it finished it's job, but if this is Pokemon world, I'd like to imagine it's a Rotom-Wash who really, really likes singing.

    I like that. It's a cute quirk.


    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Swampert: Also known as "ikan belacak" in my country, me and my family always found it fascinating whenever I found a mudksipper on my family trips. And Mudkip is already one of my favourite, and early childhood starters, so this one is definitely on my roster.

    Oh yeah, i always found those things super gross the way they dig their burrows and their stupid fucking faces.
    Luckily Mudkip is more axototl than mudskipper so he's cool.


    On 3/3/2023 at 8:24 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Mienshao: I. LOVE. MARTIAL ARTS. I loved watching movies where the hero uses martial moves to beat the tar out of bad guys. 

    So yes, I love Jackie Chan. Although I don't learn the same martial arts as he did, but Silat(my countries's native

    martial arts) is pretty good as well. 

    Easy pick.
    Who doesn't want a fighting type?
    At least you can have your Mienshao learn your native martial art.
    All I've got are Dornálaíocht (bare knuckle boxing) and Bataireacht (beat the shit out of each other with big sticks).


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
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    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Speaking of Freezer, here's Chiller's theme song.


    Gah, I have no idea how I got that mixed up. I straight up forget Freiza had his own theme. I guess Chiller will be turning black at some point in this run?

    Was there a black Frieza at some point?
    All I know is he turns gold in that Super series.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh of course!

    It's all for the good of the region!


    Naturally. A happy Sean is a happy Aevium after all.

    Because I'm not out and about terrorizing them?

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh joy.

    MORE time-travel is JUST what this game needed.


    Who knows maybe they'll prove me wrong there. But who knows at this point.

    There's one more next season for sure.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Hope it backfired on Timpea and Spacea and all Melia learned from this lesson that "Doing Nothing At All" is the right choice to make in every situation because something will come along and fix it for you.

    That something 9 times out of 10 being you. So essentially nothing has changed there!

    I wonder what happens if I just...refuse to fight?


    Well okay, the story grinds to a halt and we can't progress. That's what'll happen.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Seethe at night, you mean.


    Look man all those bug ladies aren't gonna woo themselves. 

    Also yeah, early game bug mons don't stand a chance at this point the game considering the crap being thrown your way.

    That son of a bitch...I CALLED DIBS ON GETTING A HAREM FIRST!

    I think Butterfree gets a Mega-Evolution? Don't know how good it is but it's something, right?

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well she is fighting death battles on my behalf (even if I die more) so she deserves it at least.

    Look if you guys fail, Aevium (and probably the rest of the world) is screwed anyways. So at least she's has a fighting chance with you.

    True. I'm the only protagonist available that actually has a chance of getting the "Happily Ever After" ending of this damn story.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I would have kept him up until the end of Johto at least. Maybe switch things over to that guy who was only in Pokemon Chronicles?


    Yeah, Generation 3 would have been the time to replace Ash. But that time is LONG past (god Ruby and Sapphire are gonna be 20 years old in a couple of weeks).

    I miss him already...
    Well not really. I don't keep up to date with the anime at all.
    New girl looks cute at least?

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'd call you a Regional Gym Leader myself.


    Oh that's damning with faint praise. . 

    Only thing I can say is be like Batman and have a on and off again relationship with her like Catwoman that eventually turns her to good?

    Enjoy your TWO first stage Pokemon, Dex.

    Yeah, fat chance of me being able to pull that off.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'll have to try again sometime. I see it got a new update recently enough.

    Maybe that gave us better options?

    I think the starter options are about the same as far as I can tell. I think that Aipom doesn't have Skill Link anymore so that's a good thing.

    There is a pretty cool addition of note.

    For important battles, the dialogue changes depending on how you win. Like if you use a single mon to sweep them, the trainer will complement that mon. 

    Hot damn, really?
    That's the kind of QoL changes I like!

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Instruct, eh? Nice reference. Hard to imagine a Oranguru being a graceful dancer though.

    Cruel...but deeply amusing.

    They use their Psychic powers to control their movements like puppets would be my guess.

    It is, but we know she'll be fine in the end.

    God that'd still look so dumb.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    That works for me.

    I might also hire Roxie just to spit in Veronica's face and call her trash.


    Wow. We discuss torturing Venam a lot in these comments, huh?


    Venam is such an easy target. It kinda borders on bullying, I almost feel bad.


    Just remember that she posed as an electrician to get a free vacation trip and had the audacity to claim she deserved some of their pay for doing no work.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Would be a hell of a twist to just usurp most of the plot like that.

    Sadly, too much work for me to bother with it.

    Says the man who's typed several novels worth of words and taken albums worth of self photos.


    I've wasted my life making this run.

    I could have wrote a book instead and made money instead of pandering to you CHEAPSKATES.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I know, right? All we got were fucking party-games or battle simulators.

    Very disappointing.


    Guess they were really focused on the Nintendo DS around that time. They really pushed the limit of what you could do graphic wise for Gen V. It was honestly great.

    god i love the limited 3D they use for this game. its so charming

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I imagine it's from before we changed the timelines?

    Can't imagine there being much opportunity to paint in the apocalypse.


    Well you can only do so much with collapsing society. Might as well paint. You can even use blood from someone you really dislike for red. 

    Blood is actually a very bad substitute for paint. It changes colour after drying and becomes really flaky as well.


    Don't ask how I know that.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    We will confront one of those Seans next chapter in a deadly duel.


    But I suppose since I'm Present Sean and he's Past Sean, I'm Future Sean in his eyes.


    I fucking hate time travel.

    Oh I'm sure that'll be a sight to see. With both Melias in the background eating popcorn. 

    Said "deadly duel" was probably 60% of what delayed this chapter so much.

    A complete BITCH to edit and write for.

    Never again.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    This is all I know about Roblox:

    Cursed video be warned

    It is hilarious but also fills me with deep disgust.

    . . . What have I done to you to deserve such horrors?

    I'm sure we'll find some small slight if we look back over all the comments you've made.

    Honestly, it's still better than the original live-action version of that..."rap" as he calls it.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I wonder if it got removed in later versions?

    God I hope so.

    He'd be almost redeemable if he saw his mistake in making that thing.

    I think so. Shoot I didn't even remember this was a thing until this run brought it up. I must have completely blocked it from my mind.

    Speaking of not remembering things being things.
    I have no idea what this is even referring to!
    So I'll skip it.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Self-defense, I say! SELF-DEFENSE!

    He shot the first shot, officer!

    I just made sure mine hit!

    After the first 5 shots, I don't think it counts anymore!

    Haven't you heard of covering fire?
    I was COVERING him in bullets!

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well...they got what they fucking deserved in the end.

    And yes, she was.


    For a second I'd almost thought you'd forgotten. Then I saw you press that button. . .

    I hold no remorse for my actions.

    Traitors are bad but traitors who betray for idiotic reasons are far worse.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    As the new Old-Man-Lying-On-Road, I give you my blessing and thanks.

    Would have been too quick a resolution.

    And it would have skipped over so much dialogue that I KNOW we all love reading.

    Yay. Now I too can lay in the floor and do nothing!

    Skip over dialogue, in this game!?!

    You blaspheme, Sean!

    Yeah it'd be pretty blasphemous for a run like this but RIP to anyone wanting to do a regular Nuzlocke that focuses on the battles.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Thankfully SOMEONE appreciates the hard work put into it!

    The rest are philistines!


    Look man those games were niche as hell. Half the people reading this run probably know it from memes at best.

    Were they? I thought they were pretty popular given how I knew two people in real-life who played them.
    That's very impressive for Ireland, you know!

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It wasn't intended to be like that but I'm glad it did.

    Originally he was going to give me a big speech about saving Melia but that wasn't really funny so I got rid of it.

    Be wild if you ended catching another Xatu here. In V13, I think you can actually catch Pokemon in the castle in this timeline.

    That'd be an interesting character idea. Post-Apocalypse survivor.

    Although if they're in the castle they're probably evil.

    I think I caught a Blitzle in the time travelling mansion but didn't do much with her character.

    'Cause she died pretty soon after.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 2/26/2023 at 5:26 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Self-defense, I say! SELF-DEFENSE!

    He shot the first shot, officer!

    I just made sure mine hit!

    It's always fun seeing sprites can played around with like that. 

    Least it was quick?

    I don't even know what this is referring to anymore...
    Gotta move to the Nuzlocke forums man so it's easier to look back on things.


    Chapter Comments:

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:



    (I thought it was because this was a last minute change half an hour before the chapter goes up due to IRL Sean thinking the audience wouldn't want to just sit and read blocks of text about how much Melia and Venam want to kiss each other or whatever's going on here?)


    You thought right! If I wanted to see the unedited version, I'd just pop in a LP on YouTube. This is much funnier. 

    Damn LPers have it sooo easy.

    All they have to do is play the game and read.

    Or just stay silent because that's more what people watching it want.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:






    Ah there's the Super Saiyan Melia Edit I was looking for. Was not dissapointed at all.

    O Messiah~ O Messiah~

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:






    Please don't ask why I did that. I don't even fucking know anything about anything anymore.



    Oh dear, it seems you've contracted a terminal case of "Tsundere". Nothing I can do, get you affairs in order.

    Irish people in general are like this.
    You'll never hear us admit we actually like our best friend.

    He's either a cunt or a wanker.

    But we mean it affectionately.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:






    Should we all get down and genuflect before our new golden goddess, praise be unto her?








    That was a test.

    If any of you at home did so, please come attack me in my house so I can legally kill you.



    Sorry Sean. We must sacrifice you to our near blond haired overlord. Also holy hell, Melia is basically a god at this point. Like no wonder Team Xen wanted her

    And then we learn she's only like 1/4 of a 1/3 of Mega-Arceus's true power.
    Fucking hell.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:






    Really sad this is just an edit. Your friends have remarkably muted reactions to finding out the MC has died multiple times. 

    Yeah, I feel like it should be a bigger deal than it is.

    Maybe Jan'll add some lines in later versions but knowing my luck, I'll have passed them.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    You were hoping that the Time Ruby would activate immediately after you said that so it'd be especially dramatic, weren't you?






    Look its in her Big Bad Evil Boss work contract. If she doesn't do it, they dock her pay and remove her dental.

    Oh god no.
    That would imply there's someone even HIGHER up the Xen food-chain than her.
    I don't think we need anymore Xen characters thanks...

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:



    I'm sure this experience has taught Sean that vengeance is no the answHAHA yeah right.

    Good thing this timeline totally gone for good. No chance of this being revisited later, no sir.

    I'll just make up some bullshit if that's the case.

    Business as usual.


    I'll play your little game:

    Here's where I'd say "*plays the Saw theme*" but that franchise is complete garbage so I won't.

      Hide contents






    Torterra: Used to own a pet turtle years ago, called him Robert. We kept him outside, and one day he was gone after a daytrip to my aunts. We assume something ate him, but I'd like to think he's running free in the river somewhere. I would have chosen Blastoise, but Torterra matches his color more. Plus I just like Torterra more.



    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    Butterfree: Back in Elementary school, every year I'd catch a catapiller, put it into a jar with so leaves and watch in grow into a butterfly and release it. I started being known for it in school. 

    Huh. That's a nice story actually.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    Greedent: Squirrels are everywhere where a I live. Have to do everything I can to keep them out of plants. Little bastards killed most of tulips. . .

    Never did I imagine I'd see Greedent on one of these.
    Props for not going for Pachirisu.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    Appletun: I just really love Apples and apple pie. 

    Basic but Based all the same.

    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    Typhlosion: This is just fond memories of Pokemon Gold, probably the game I played the most in 2001-2003. I always chose Typhlosion as my starter. I like Feraligatr more, but in Gen 2 it didn't have much going for it.

    Ehhh...not really a good story even if it makes sense.
    I can't imagine the Pokemon Games actually existing as they do when this world is a mix of the two.


    On 3/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    Cofragrigus: I volunteered in a lot of museums for high school and college. High School was especially fun, worked at a Army museum and talked with a lot of veterans. They had really cool stories. 

    And then you shoved them into the ancient Egyptian coffin, eh?
    Pretty cool if a little fucked up.


    • Upvote 3
  10. 6 hours ago, Z.. said:

    Why not just post it here and then post it to the forums?

    I tried.

    This site literally couldn't take it.

    Not even an image limit error it straight up couldn't process the request.

    It'll be fine. I'll work something out.

    I'm finishing off the rest of the chapters after the next one anyway so you'll get a faster update schedule when I EVENTUALLY work out all the kinks.

    • Upvote 1
  11. https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/threads/the-terribly-titled-nuzlocke-of-pokemon-rejuvenation-part-3-chapter-148-deus-ex-melia.1076/page-84#post-899508



    New chapter for you.

    We're FINALLY leaving this Dark Timeline arc where everyone wants to kill us and going home to our own timeline!


    Where only MOST people want to kill us!




    Gentleman Jaggi:

    On 2/3/2023 at 6:21 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Time Travel Shenanigans are hard to write at the best of times.

    Suffice to say Jan did not do a very good job at it.


    Very much looking forward to this arc finally ending, we're almost there!

    Yeah. It doesn't help things that nearly every story with it has probably 100 Reddit posts about how the rules don't make any sense.

    Best leave time-travel out in my opinion. Because then it opens up into shit like Multiverses and I hate those. 


    And we're here!

    Depending whether or not you consider the chapter after this part of it.

    I mean...it kinda is...but it's not set in the Dumpster Timeline.



    On 2/4/2023 at 12:25 AM, Bluedude said:

    Man this chapter has a lot of talking in it, times like these you probably wish your character could talk. But then again that does run the risk of your character saying something that doesn’t make sense. At least with a silent protagonist you can make up what their thoughts and motivations are. 

    Looks like you’re still a side main character, aside from Melia, and Aleita. I don’t really mind when I don’t play as the main character, as long as my actions still have meaning. 

    I do like story’s where the main character is a normal person, and I’m not talking about dang isekai normal where the guy has no life, no family, and has no/boring job. I mean normal like they have a good social life, a close family, and a nice job. Seriously how does every Isekai protagonist not miss their world in the slightest? I’d be so upset if I got transported to some medieval fantasy world, where they don’t have electricity or plumbing. 

    I can only talk when there's humor to be had, otherwise it's very difficult. Also it's implied that they kinda hear what I say in this chapter.

    Just nothing that'd break the plot. 



    But otherwise, yeah. I can also tolerate it if my actions still have meaning like you said.


    And that when I win a fucking POKEMON battle it actually counts for something!


    Isekai normal is sadly the actual Japanese normal for a lot of them. Which is a shame because I too hate the smelly former NEET isekai protagonists that are A-OK with slavery. Bonus points if they're a reasonably fit and handsome man but still somehow a complete fucking failure.

    I think it's because magic is always a factor. Nobody wants to go back and live in the fucking Dark Ages but the Dark Ages where there's dragons, spells and fucking game mechanics telling you how strong you are is a lot more appealing.


    For me, I'd probably be fine with being isekai'd. Even just the whole transporting part would be wonderous because if that's possible, who knows what else in the universe is?

    Pokemon is my preferred setting. Because then I can have the goal of getting stronger to find Hoopa and letting my family know I'm okay and living the dream.

    But I wouldn't come back for good. 




    On 2/4/2023 at 7:01 AM, nepeta100 said:

    i was really worried for your fire type because lucario can learn earthquake/bulldoze thankfully your salazzle lives another day


    She lives another day so I may regret making her the way she is for another day!




    On 2/4/2023 at 2:30 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    ah the foreshadowing font

    dont know where jan got it from, probably danganronpa, but it sure beats you over the head that some big ass cutscene is coming in hot

    Everything made on this damn site involves that damn game franchise.

    On 2/4/2023 at 2:30 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    the worst thing about the 10 year old being able to catch god thing is that until BDSP you couldnt actually catch arceus since it was only given away via events and even in PLA you just battle it to prove your worth and not actually catch it

    also lucas and dawn are 11 not 10

    Sounds like someone didn't have a GameShark then. My friend had like six of those. The big loser.

    That is the most nitpicking correction I've ever heard.

    What is the difference between a 10 and 11 year old in mentality or maturity? Nuthin'

    On 2/4/2023 at 2:30 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    I miss the days when comics where the most prominent form of nuzlockes

    shame a consistent schedule is a difficult thing to  justify for a project you arent getting paid for, and all the big nuzlocke comics are either finished or abandoned

    The Golden Age of Nuzlockes is dead and gone, YingYang. We shall never see it's like again in our lifetime.

    We've got to make do with the terrible Iron Age we're living in now. Where only video Nuzlockes flourish.

    I feel that. Consistency is hard when you've been doing something for so long for free. Hopefully the same won't happen with me and any of my Nuzlockes. But if I die before I finish them it's not my fault.

    On 2/4/2023 at 2:30 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    the bad future versions of your party are both stupid and incredibly shitty friends

    and the big choice at the end of a major story beat is a danganronpa reference
    thanks jan
    oh well better then homestuck god could you imagine if jan took anything from that

    And the original timeline ones are only a bit better. They've never betrayed me after all.


    Sorry, they've never betrayed me YET.


    I'm very glad to have never played those games to recognise the references. It'd just annoy me further.

    I can't.

    Because I have VERY limited knowledge on what Homestuck even is. Some weird webcomic with a convoluted plot and purple-skinned people? And that it was the Tumblr obsession before Undertale?






    On 2/21/2023 at 5:30 AM, Dex said:



    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    God...back in the day going at my own pace used to mean a chapter every 3 days...sad to see what things have become...

    Getting slow old man! Time (and this region. . .) have worn you down.

    I've still got enough life left in me to beat you with my "just a fashion statement I swear" cane!


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Very true.

    He'd be disgusted if he knew that the police would call me a murderer for using my Vanilluxe to freeze people.

    He wouldn't like be treated as a murder weapon and not a murderer.

    So I guess most of Aevium is safe for the time being (besides the people that Freezer that has already whacked.)

    Speaking of Freezer, here's Chiller's theme song.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I don't think we have to worry about that.

    It's masked hero characters that usually end up just being some guy while masked villian character are always famous industrialists or something.

    She's probably Saki's Mom or something.

    So if you defeat her, you win Saki's hand in marriage and get her money then! For the good of the region of course!

    Oh of course!

    It's all for the good of the region!


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    My spirit animal is a DRAGON goddamit! I ain't accepting a fucking BUSH as one.

    How about a Bush Dragon, the best of both worlds? Or at the very least a Mega Sceptile?

    I don't see how a bush is the best of ANY world!

    They're like...the lamest of plants! Every time you see one you go "Oh, a bush" you never care to wonder what type of bush it is.

    So lame.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It also never fucking comes up after this.

    Like nobody ever talks about it again.

    It's weird.

    Be willing to bet it comes up in the final arc. Vitus/Madame X/whoever pulls a fast one and we got to use a time diamond to fix yet another mess.

    Oh joy.

    MORE time-travel is JUST what this game needed.



    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    All they need to do is get arrested one by one until the Evil Team Leader realises how much damage the player has done and stages a jailbreak. That'd be much better than them just walking right past us out the fucking door!

    Don't worry. There's going to be at least TWO people in the group that are utterly irredeemable so we can pour all our hate on them.

    Guessing the hatesink would be Indriad plus the two jokers in visors. Hell they kinda are already since Indriad is basically Aevium Satan and the other two are trying to essentially destroy the world.

    Pretty much. They're the Solaris and Sirius of this game after all.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Nah. This whole thing was meant to be a lesson for Melia, right?

    Gotta prioritise the greater good over her own selfish desires and whatnot.

    See that wouldn't work on me. I'd get the lesson and learn nothing from it because I still prefer the selfish option.

    After all this I will be shocked if there isn't a point later where Melia has the choose between saving Venam and handing over some plot device. It'd make this whole arc pointless other wise. 

    Learn nothing out of spite sounds about right.

    Hope it backfired on Timpea and Spacea and all Melia learned from this lesson that "Doing Nothing At All" is the right choice to make in every situation because something will come along and fix it for you.



    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    He's basically an escaped convict! I caught him in a 2 dollar ball so now he owes me a lifetime of servitude!

    Whatever lets you sleep at night, dude.

    Seethe at night, you mean.



    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well it makes sense, right? Dragons are always said to be proud creatures in fantasy!

    And she's always been a little prideful.

    Or maybe smug is a better word?

    My endless praises can't have helped matters.

    You've basically spoiled her, but she seems to have turned out alright. So i guess it's fine.

    Well she is fighting death battles on my behalf (even if I die more) so she deserves it at least.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    How will Pokemon survive the loss of Ash?

    Easily, sadly. All the money is in merchandise.

    I will probably still be teary-eyed at his last scene though.

    Hell more than a few people have been calling for Ash to be replaced since at least Johto.

    Won't lie, the last episode will probably be a gut punch for me. I still can't believe it honestly.

    I would have kept him up until the end of Johto at least. Maybe switch things over to that guy who was only in Pokemon Chronicles?


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Copycat...isn't an ability?

    Well of course she does. She's in a skin-tight catsuit!

    Shoot I meant Imposter, some Pokemon Master I am.

    No Sean don't let her curves distract you from the Evil!

    I'd call you a Regional Gym Leader myself.



    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    If he dares, I'll fuck his sister.

    Hell I'll MARRY his sister and come to every single family get together just to spite him.


    He'll counter by naming their first born child after you, in retaliation. 

    That seems like he'd be shooting himself in the foot by doing that but okay.

    I shall buy all my kids Growlithes while secretly poisoning his so they are allergic to them!

    Because I think he had one as a childhood pet? I dunno.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I never got past that damn thing.

    Even when I went back with a Rockruff in managed to get 3 critical hits so I threw in the towel out of frustration.

    If it makes you feel any better, the run ended soon after because of a double battle where my partner got wiped out pretty early. Leaving me 2 on 1 with a bunch of mons weak to bug types.

    I'll have to try again sometime. I see it got a new update recently enough.

    Maybe that gave us better options?


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    What I really want to know is where she got a human bodysuit to perform well enough to graduate. But we'll never know now...

    Hahaha actually I think I'd prefer if she never did but the whole MeliaXSean romance still happens so we put her statue in the living room of the home Melia and I raise her kids in.

    And every night, you see a single tear fall from the statue.

    Hey maybe they had an Oranguru teaching the classes for the Pokemon?

    From love interest to furniture, truly a cruel fate to inflict.

    Instruct, eh? Nice reference. Hard to imagine a Oranguru being a graceful dancer though.

    Cruel...but deeply amusing.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Unlikely. The positions they'd get would be ones they'd probably be going into anyway. Like Aelita becoming Leader of Sheridan or Melia finally opening her fucking gym.

    And it's going to be a MOSTLY benevolent dictatorship anyway so they shouldn't complain too much.

    Aside from the laws I specifically make to annoy them. 

    Make it so Melia has no custodians so she has to clean the gym by herself, that would be funny. And make it so that Venam can no longer legally use that "Dogars" so from BW2, or face permanent jail time. Just for the hell of it. 

    That works for me.

    I might also hire Roxie just to spit in Veronica's face and call her trash.


    Wow. We discuss torturing Venam a lot in these comments, huh?


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I did it for COMEDY not masochism!

    I dunno...have you heard her talk about Melia sometimes? It sounds pretty obsessive to me.

    It's the same thing after a certain point really.

    Well it less "I need more power", more "I want to get in your pants" in Venam's case. 

    Agree to disagree.

    "Once you get in the pants, then you get the power." Veronica Vasile, probably


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I could see it happening...

    But what I don't want to see is what happens if I use Nasty Plot twice

    Zauis turns evil, takes over Team Xen and makes it much more efficient. You gotta put him down like Old Yeller afterwards.

    Would be a hell of a twist to just usurp most of the plot like that.

    Sadly, too much work for me to bother with it.


    On 2/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Maybe it was the ol' Derogatory Luck since I was actually playing as myself and not three randos?

    Never played them I'm afraid. Only ever had a Wii and nothing good Pokemon-Wise came out on that.

    It's honestly amazing how little Pokemon did with the Wii. Could have easily put a Snap game on there or something.

    I know, right? All we got were fucking party-games or battle simulators.

    Very disappointing.




    Chapter Comments:

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    Wonder if I could fit this painting into my bag as well?

    Could start my own art gallery in there and charge people to see it...



    Knowing your luck it would probably just fade away once you went back to your own time. But who knows. . . 

    I imagine it's from before we changed the timelines?

    Can't imagine there being much opportunity to paint in the apocalypse.



    FUTURE SEAN: Going back and reading over this I can tell you I 100% did forget.

    And I'm not even the Future Sean from the year 2023.

    I'm rewriting some of this chapter like a week after I wrote the "Super Dead" system and I still forgot about it.

    Future Sean, Past Sean, and Present Sean in a three way battle for control of the run and the fate of Aevium. Truly the battle of the ages.

    We will confront one of those Seans next chapter in a deadly duel.


    But I suppose since I'm Present Sean and he's Past Sean, I'm Future Sean in his eyes.


    I fucking hate time travel.



    What do you think YOUR Ability would be, audience?

    Please mail your answer to PO BOX 1468 Dublin 4, Ireland!


    Or if you want to actually let ME and not some random fucker from Dublin know about it, comment down below!


    Someone in Ireland is about to be so confused. 

    No but seriously, probably Slow Start because it takes forever for me to get anything done. Like these comments and replies!

    It's fine. They're from Dublin. They don't deserve rights.

    Huho! An honest and ACCURATE choice.

    Well done.





    If Minecraft is still hip? Or is it Fortnite that the kids dig nowadays?

    Or does does it go by age?

    5 year olds play Roblox, 10 year olds play Minecraft and then 15 year olds play Fortnite?


    Honestly that sounds about right, though replace Minecraft with more Roblox for the 10 year olds. At least that what it seems like where I work.

    This is all I know about Roblox:

    Cursed video be warned

    It is hilarious but also fills me with deep disgust.





    Ugh. Now I feel even WORSE about Zira...

    She died literally right before an acceptable MEALia appeared.

    Feels bad, man.


    Zira looks from Pokeheaven and seethes.

    The most tragic death in all of history.

    "The Lion that never got to eat a Girl"



    I bet you were shitting yourself when you saw us look at it.

    Imagine if we just used it like anyone who wanted and advantage would.


    I'd like to see this rugrat be so uppity if we all rode in here on the backs of several majestic Ho-oh!


    I uh, I got nothing for this part. I honestly think Jan didn't think this part through. 

    I wonder if it got removed in later versions?

    God I hope so.

    He'd be almost redeemable if he saw his mistake in making that thing.





    Well I don't actually know what he looks like so I thought I should cover most of the slur bases in a sort of Ultimate Bigotry Blast!


    Good job sean. Your flaming cross and white robes are in the mail and will arrive within a week! Sure it'll make up for the inevitable cancellation.

    Self-defense, I say! SELF-DEFENSE!

    He shot the first shot, officer!

    I just made sure mine hit!







    Amazing that she fell for that, be nice if she broke her neck on teh way down, but you aren't that lucky.

    I don't know if any protagonist is THAT lucky.

    How many stories have you read or seen where the main villain slip in the shower and die?







    And the dumbest point of this whole arc, like the only reason I can remotely justify this is that they're all extremely desperate. But still, they barely question it before turning on you. I feel like Amber is still wailing on Melia the whole time you're battling. 

    Well...they got what they fucking deserved in the end.

    And yes, she was.





    How much of yourself died writing that, just for posterity?

    At this point, I'm resigned to it.

    It's in character for her after all.






    10/10 Best edit of the whole run, no contest. 

    I'm honestly surprised you didn't just edit yourself rushing Melanie and punting her across the room. 

    As the new Old-Man-Lying-On-Road, I give you my blessing and thanks.

    Would have been too quick a resolution.

    And it would have skipped over so much dialogue that I KNOW we all love reading.





    The whole Phoenix Wright edit was pretty fun too. Judge Caesar and PNG Sean were pretty good. 

    Thankfully SOMEONE appreciates the hard work put into it!

    The rest are philistines!






    Oh crap I'd forgotten completely about this. Prophet being either useless or helpful, no in between. Just the way he'd want.

    It did end up being very true to character, didn't it?

    It wasn't intended to be like that but I'm glad it did.

    Originally he was going to give me a big speech about saving Melia but that wasn't really funny so I got rid of it.






    SO, SO LONG!






    Gay Melia.



    15/10 I laughed out loud when I saw you grab her ankles, knew exactly what was coming there. Welp time to watch you die horribly again and watch someone resolve the plot. Just another day in Aevium. 

    It seems the old man edit got beaten out then! Glad it was so liked!


    Just another day on this...island paradise.



    • Upvote 1
  12. Here we are gang.

    The penultimate chapter of this Dark Timeline arc.

    Feels like just yesterday when we arrived, doesn't it?


    Okay enough with the fake pleasantries.

    We both know why you're really here.






    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:

    Good to see you’re back, was starting to get worried something bad happened.

    Nah...just good ol' Sean being lazy as usual.

    Best indicator of something bad having happened is if it's been more than a month since I was "Last Seen" on the Nuzlocke Forum.

    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:


    Have you played through all of Ep19 of Reborn? They really did add a bunch of stuff for your player to do in the post game, a crazy amount. 

    I haven't actually.

    I got to Victory Road but then thought I should maybe start again to get all the updated stuff and whatnot.

    Haven't actually touched it since.


    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:

    I do think it’s really weird that they added sexual abuse into the backstories of some characters. Especially for Shaphira with Connel, it feels like the devs just put it in to give us more reasons to hate him, as if the child torture from before wasn’t enough. It just feels fake. 

    It is rather weird. I always thought he was a creep but in like the cold analytical doctor way not that he was an actual rapist.

    And it does feel like all the hate is supposed to go towards him and Sirius to distract you from people who deserve it as well.

    Like all the people who tried to kill you at one point or another.

    Guess "attempted" murder isn't a crime in Reborn.


    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:

    Ep19 did have me like Hardy more, seeing as the whole time Titania and Shaphira were just giving lectures about how much the world sucks, yet it doesn’t affect Hardy and he’s just happy with his girlfriend.

    Hardy is a simple man with simple desires.

    It also helps that he isn't mentally ill like 90% of the cast.

    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:

    As many problems that Rejuvenation has, at least the characters are a lot less miserable than the people in Reborn.

    And a lot more likable.

    Like after becoming Champ I can see Rejuvenation Sean sticking around for good and putting his roots down but Reborn Sean?

    Does he have anyone he could actually call a friend in that region?

    There's a bunch of children, a girl who won't shut up about Kiki, a gay guy and Taka's corpse.

    Not very fun.

    On 1/3/2023 at 6:26 AM, Bluedude said:

    Here’s a fun fact, for a long time I thought your name was pronounced like seam, but with you replace the m with an n. Now I know you say it like Shaun, which makes more sense.

    God what a fucking terrible life I would have led if my name was Seen?

    I suppose you got closer than those Taiwanese kids I was friends with in Germany. They thought it was pronounced like Cyan.


    Gentleman Jaggi:





    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    But I bet you looooove how long it's taking me to get through it, right?


    I started playing for a bit and enjoyed it but it got kinda boring after a while and I haven't played it since.

    The classic Derogatory Luck. I knew it was a bad idea without Rose's luck to balance things out.

    I'm waiting for Rejuv to be finished before I give it another chance anyway so in the meantime I'm just along for the ride. You'll probably get to the stuff I haven't played before Jan finishes the game.

    It annoys me to no end that I'll never be able to experience the fully completed version in all it's glory.

    Because I doubt once I'm finished that I'd ever be able to play it again.

    Doing so with a new and different team would feel...wrong.

    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Rimworld is the most fun when it's fucking you over and you have to scramble to keep everything together. If you haven't yet try the Randy Random storyteller, he removes the cooldown period that keeps multiple bad things from happening to you colony in succession.

    It WAS on Randy Random. All I ever seemed to get was bug attacks and my Slaking's Rhyhorn daughter dying of leprosy or something.

    I'll give it another go after I get this chapter up. I could use a break.

    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    The usual mischief and murdering no doubt.
    But as for her exact plans, who fucking knows?
    It's been five years of this and I still don't know their actual motivation.
    Gathering souls, making Shadow Pokemon, creating Dimensional Rifts...what's it all for in the end?
    What's keeping her going?

    Dozens of hours into the game and still no clue what the actual plot is. Just Rejuv things.

    And then what little of the plot we learn is balls to the wall crazy.

    'S a pretty good system.

    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    That's it, that's Rejuvenation in a nutshell. All the time, with everything.

    The fact Jan actually put that line in means he's either fucking with us or just extremely oblivious. Not sure which one's worse.

    It's the former.

    The fucker has GOT to know he's doing it by now.

    And he ENJOYS it.

    On 1/3/2023 at 2:25 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



    So is this just a Dragon thing or are you rubing off on Rose?

    It's mostly a dragon thing.

    I figure pride is a big thing with them.









    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:
    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:

    Well so much for finishing before 2022 ends!




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    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    And I am also a liar because I am two months late with my reply to your reply.

    My defense isn't as good either because I just didn't feel like updating.

    Lie as easily as you breathe I see!

    You mean you were lying about hurting your hand, shocked truly I am!

    No but seriously its all good. Go at your own pace.

    God...back in the day going at my own pace used to mean a chapter every 3 days...sad to see what things have become...


    Chapter Comments:

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    Well I'd argue that those are Chiller's skeletons due to the cause of death being him...

    But unfortunately for me the whole "There are no bad Pokemon, just bad Trainers." thing is an actual law in this region.


    Pretty much. Though I can't imagine you getting off scot-free either.

    Hell, when I think about it, things would probably be even worse for me legally since I can actually understand you lot.


    Well at least you have to worry about Chiller then! He'd be downright insulted if they gave credit for his kills to you!

    Very true.

    He'd be disgusted if he knew that the police would call me a murderer for using my Vanilluxe to freeze people.

    He wouldn't like be treated as a murder weapon and not a murderer.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:








    That'd be really smart honestly. . . which is probably why you dont have to worry about that happening. Assuming we know the person under the helmet. I'm half expecting madame x to be a all new character under that thing.

    I don't think we have to worry about that.

    It's masked hero characters that usually end up just being some guy while masked villian character are always famous industrialists or something.

    She's probably Saki's Mom or something.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:





    Do you little shits think I don't have ears or something?






    Caesar is clearly Sean from another timeline or your spirit animal, just stick some glasses on him and you cant tell the difference!

    Clearly they're all REALLY good at reading lips.

    My spirit animal is a DRAGON goddamit! I ain't accepting a fucking BUSH as one.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:



    Ugh...this seems like a terrible thing to put in a game. It's easily an instant win button and the villain just looks stupid for not using it.

    I hope to GOD there's severe repercussions for using it or that it doesn't transport you through space as well because then what the fuck is the point of doing anything otherwise?



    Near as I remember there don't seem to be any major drawbacks. Which makes the whole thing even worse. I legit think Jan and company didn't think this part of the game through.

    It also never fucking comes up after this.

    Like nobody ever talks about it again.

    It's weird.


    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:


    I can keep beating them down over and over again, but like a weed that's been injected with steroids, they keep spreading and I can't do dick to stop it.


    And the way this story is fucking going it's looking more and more likely that Team Xen are going to turn out to be well-intentioned extremists or some such shit like that.

    Which repulses me since I want them all dead and the more likeable ones imprisoned.

    But that's literally just Sharon and Eli.


    Honestly this comes up in a lot of fangames. Desolation, Reborn, Rejuvenation, it always seems like your 10 steps behind the bad guys AT BEST. Like after a certain point how are you even remotely a threat to them?

    Also you're just gonna have to accept that last part about well intentioned extremists. Seems to be a common thing for fangames too. 

    All they need to do is get arrested one by one until the Evil Team Leader realises how much damage the player has done and stages a jailbreak. That'd be much better than them just walking right past us out the fucking door!

    Don't worry. There's going to be at least TWO people in the group that are utterly irredeemable so we can pour all our hate on them.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:

    Yeah their whole plan is incredibly stupid as it is but it gets worse due to that single fucking fact.

    Vivian should mean virtually nothing to Melia for her to interfere this much.


    But say we accept that Melia's some all-loving heroine with warm sunshine in her heart, there's still a massive difference between Vivian and someone like Venam to her.

    That's where the lesson fails in my opinion.


    You know thinking on this now, this whole Vivian Decision probably should have been the players choice. Knowing about her connection to Aelita, Aelita being our best friend, etc

    Nah. This whole thing was meant to be a lesson for Melia, right?

    Gotta prioritise the greater good over her own selfish desires and whatnot.

    See that wouldn't work on me. I'd get the lesson and learn nothing from it because I still prefer the selfish option.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:









    It really should have. The real one wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so dang ugly. I've seen some REALLY good fan designs.

    This one is my favorite.

    That's pretty good but I wouldn't have given it Lightning Rod myself. Rapidash should stay a physical attack.

    Volt Absorb would be much better.





    Aww, I see your still heartbroken by your best mon leaving.


    He's basically an escaped convict! I caught him in a 2 dollar ball so now he owes me a lifetime of servitude!





    Clearly the Dragon type's biggest weakness is ego. 

    You've clearly been a great influence on the girl!

    Well it makes sense, right? Dragons are always said to be proud creatures in fantasy!

    And she's always been a little prideful.

    Or maybe smug is a better word?

    My endless praises can't have helped matters.





    The princess lives in a big expensive castle while her subjects live in shacks. Ah good old monarchy!

    Man you'd think theyd give them at least a little color. I'd take a brighter shade of green at least!

    Well her big expensive castle is pretty much in ruins. The outdoors is a mess and I had to climb a fucking ladder to get to the throne room. She's barely richer than they are at this point.

    Can't. Paints come from soil, sands and resins. Hard to get those in any other colour than grey in this timeline.






    Why are you all looking at a painting?

    We have THINGS to do, people!



    Hey even in the apocalypse, you gotta have time for the finer arts. 

    Its honestly a really good painting by assume Zumi. 

    Too bad Nymiera apparently didnt pray hard enough. Or maybe she just prayed to the wrong mon god?






    I'm also not a cunt.

    That's another difference we have, cunt.



    Hey now! 

    It was the thought that counts, its not like Nancy knew Sean was immortal. . .right?

    She must have!

    Her and Crescent are the only ones that know me from before my Trainer Card registration.






    Honestly the weird part about all this is that they had Melia at some point, then gave her to jenner. Should have just kept her if they were just gonna kidnap her later. Maybe there's a "good" reason they did so.

    Also her mom's probably dead. Willing to bet money on that.

    Madame X didn't want to change any diapers so she shipped her off.

    There was something about she wasn't useful yet. So...Melia has to ripen or something for their plans to work?

    Dead, or in a magic rock?

    Because the latter happened for a reason and that reason might be resurrection.



    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Unfortunately, that's a good point.

    That's be nice but sadly, I'm Buu Saga Piccolo.

    Constantly yelling at blonde children.

    You really are, it's honestly kind of hilarious. 

    Especially considering what happens with Melia in a few chapters. 

    It's some kind of Giga Garufan bargain sale!

    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah the whole server crash thing is a worry.

    It's why I always preferred the anime putting all the Pokemon on a reserve. Much more palpable than being stored as data.

    Yeah that works, Oak's lab is pretty cool. Also on that note, apparently they're about to retire Ash after 25 years. I was genuinely shocked. 

    How will Pokemon survive the loss of Ash?

    Easily, sadly. All the money is in merchandise.

    I will probably still be teary-eyed at his last scene though.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It turned out better than I thought. But I did draw the eyes. I just copied how they looked in the portraits.

    I was always better at looking and copying an image than actually being good at drawing.

    Oh yeah. And the cape would have to go. I have no idea how to draw the physics on that thing.

    That works. 

    Clearly your hidden ability is Copycat. 

    Madame X probably looks better without the cape, anyways. Few can pull one off without looking silly.

    Copycat...isn't an ability?

    Well of course she does. She's in a skin-tight catsuit!


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    She can't die! Who will be Ren's girlfriend if not her?

    Why it's Aelita obviously! You're just Ren's wingman!

    If he dares, I'll fuck his sister.

    Hell I'll MARRY his sister and come to every single family get together just to spite him.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It'll be like "Today Damien taught us that Fire types are strong against Grass types!" while I'm screaming "WHY THE FUCK IS HE TEACHING YOU THAT SHIT NOW!?!? I'M LITERALLY FIGHTING A GIANT FUCKING WHALE WITH LINK FROM LEGEND OF ZELDA!"

    I THINK I don't use it in Part 4.


    I THINK.

    Man Damien must think the kids REALLY suck at Pokemon. Even Venam at the very least knows the type chart. 

    That means Part 4 Sean absolutely did not equip it then! 

    It's made worse because that's actually something he makes them do. He pits them against each other using rental Monotype teams. As if that'd ever be fucking useful.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'm still in awe of the one time he just decided to grab the Heat Stone before Cera did. Surprised the hell out of me.

    And it's not as bad as the singing in the Switch Gamefreak games either.

    God were those stupid ideas.

    Gotta save up those actions for the right moment I guess. 

    Honestly I think GameFreak is doing this deliberately now, like one of the new Gym leaders is a rapper. With no sound its all so awkward. 

    They're afraid people will panic if they start hearing noises that aren't Pikachu's voice actress.

    The only known voice actor in all Pokemon games.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    The battles I actually prepare for usually go much better for me (if the cards aren't stacked too far against me, field-wise).

    Zira died because I was trying to get through the Grunts as fast as possible and that's on me.

    I'm definitely guilty of that. Trying Desolation again, I beat that Aipom with no losses but ran into a double battle without healing first. Not my finest moment.

    I never got past that damn thing.

    Even when I went back with a Rockruff in managed to get 3 critical hits so I threw in the towel out of frustration.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I could nearly have a full box of all the Fighting types that have died on me in this run.

    And yet my bugs just keep on fucking thriving...

    Clearly Crawli was right about what he said at the end of his Gym battle. 

    Poor poor Bluster and Coffee. . . 

    They're only thriving because I never use 'em!

    Only one that gets action is Carnage because he's a fucking Fighting type!

    They never got their Mega Evolutions...Carnage will have to carry their torch forward.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    But unlike Caesar she was nuts in her own special way. Also a ballerina for some reason.

    Hmmm...nibbling on her neck WOULD make Venam mad though...

    But if I keep going down this train of thought, the game will end up with Melia and I dying of old age together while Venam seethes in an old folks home.

    Hey she earned that degree with blood and sweat. . . . though not necessarily her own blood. . .

    At this rate, Venam is gonna break out of her statue from sheer anger. What a good friend you are!

    What I really want to know is where she got a human bodysuit to perform well enough to graduate. But we'll never know now...

    Hahaha actually I think I'd prefer if she never did but the whole MeliaXSean romance still happens so we put her statue in the living room of the home Melia and I raise her kids in.

    And every night, you see a single tear fall from the statue.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah, I'd hate for them all to die for nothing by trying to oppose me.

    They should just shake their heads and go "Oh, Sean!" when I start tightening my iron fist around the region.

    Most likely but I'll never know.

    And I don't know if it makes it better or worse if it has it.

    Give them good positions in your knew dictatorship and they could be happy. 

    Poor Zira was doomed the second that Aggron came out.

    Unlikely. The positions they'd get would be ones they'd probably be going into anyway. Like Aelita becoming Leader of Sheridan or Melia finally opening her fucking gym.

    And it's going to be a MOSTLY benevolent dictatorship anyway so they shouldn't complain too much.

    Aside from the laws I specifically make to annoy them. 


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Nah, the run would end at Blacksteeple due to the writer giving up due to not realising how much effort would be needed to complete this.

    It'd go something like Madame X stabbing them instead of Nancy and they say some trite shit about telling their friends to go on without them.

    As their eyes start to darken their last words are "At least...they'll be safe..."

    And the last panel is pure black.

    Which then ALSO leaves it up to being continued if the writer feels like it.


    Now THAT is an evil cliffhanger. 

    It'd be wild if that was the moment you found out the MC was immortal in the actual game. Only slightly less traumatic than what actually happens!

    Yeah she's just doing her whole "hoisting the dead body above her head" thing and suddenly it kicks her in the face.

    Would be way cooler than taking a fucking lava bath.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Google what Inspector Gadget's weaknesses are right now.


    His only weakness is that he's an idiot.


    Unfortunately, Madame X is an asshole but not an idiot for the most part.

    The most part being relevant to this specific chapter, yes?


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Alas, common sense is the rarest Pokemon of all...

    I imagine her weird armor would protect her from any blows we'd land but it'd still be satisfying to bash her head in with a 2x4 even if it was mostly ineffective.

    Yeah I'd doubt it would be that easy. But hell its worth a shot. 

    Definitely great stress relief too like a punching bag.

    I'd find it incredibly funny if we completely overwhelm her with our makeshift weapons. Like she can't deal with it at all.

    Because realistically, who's she ever actually fought with her sword that wasn't at a major disadvantage from not having a weapon themselves? Grunts, Nancy, Alexandra's Mother. All unarmed.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Twas I, Dex! Twas the Derogatory Trainer who wrote the insult at himself! What a twist it is!

    Yeah. She's bitchy enough towards Amber that I'm starting to think she's secretly Evil Veronica.

    Hey your masochism is your own business.

    She can't be Evil Veronica because she's not awkwardly flirting with Melia enough. 

    I did it for COMEDY not masochism!

    I dunno...have you heard her talk about Melia sometimes? It sounds pretty obsessive to me.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    They won't do shit.

    I'll kick their ass even at 70 consarnit!

    They'll hide your pills and steal your cane grandpa.

    They were only holding me back!

    Like that weird metal armour Mewtwo had!


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It was one of the better ones in this game.

    A gimmick I have with his character is that getting hit by or using Dark type moves like Sucker Punch and Nasty Plot make him a lot less zen and peaceful.

    I reckon by Part 4 Zaius will snap, with the next time he uses Nasty Plot turning him into a cackling Supervillain. 

    I could see it happening...

    But what I don't want to see is what happens if I use Nasty Plot twice.

    On 1/10/2023 at 2:29 AM, Dex said:


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Nope! I've got something much better planned...

    I'm not going to use it at all!

    Derogatory Trainer: Pokemon Genius. 

    I am in awe.

    And as a Genius I don't remember what this was even referring to.



    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It was self-defense and I maintain that until I speak to my lawyer.

    And if he disagrees I will assault him too.

    In self-defense.

    You can't just assault everyone, you'll run out of people some time.

    That's the POINT.


    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I tried doing another one and I'm still alive due to the starter I got.

    Slaking unhampered by Truant is a goddamn BEAST.

    Clearly there's a pattern here with your nuzlockes.

    Yeah there's a reason the big strat of the final boss of Pokemon Colosseum is getting rid of Truant.

    Maybe it was the ol' Derogatory Luck since I was actually playing as myself and not three randos?

    Never played them I'm afraid. Only ever had a Wii and nothing good Pokemon-Wise came out on that.








    On 1/12/2023 at 4:31 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    oh hey sean I thought you died

    This happens literally every year though! I always take a break after Christmas!


    I just started a little earlier this year!

    On 1/12/2023 at 4:31 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    >>>time diamond

    what was the fucking adamant orb too mainstream for this game



    Just wait until you find out about the fucking Mystery Dungeon on the next island.

    On 1/12/2023 at 4:31 AM, YinYang9705 said:


    >pokemon recreation machine

    rejuvenation has less foresight put into it then rwby

    I wonder if they got rid of this in V13.

    I'd assume so. That versions seems to do away with a lot of complaints I've had.


    Lucky me and my content, that we're still playing the heavily flawed version, huh?

    On 1/12/2023 at 4:31 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    what ever happened to ash and the gang getting lost in endless forests

    it just sorta stopped happening as the anime went on

    when was the last time they were even in a forest


    It felt like a really big thing during the Johto and Sinnoh seasons. Felt like they were always fucking walking to the next location. They really should have spent more time in the cities.

    I don't know...X&Y, maybe?

    Like Alola didn't really have forests and Pokemon Journeys felt more like they were fast-travelling all around the world most of the time.




    On 1/25/2023 at 9:49 PM, Z.. said:
    On 1/25/2023 at 9:49 PM, Z.. said:

    Like holy shit, I did not expect a half a month stay in a cell with you when this finale arc started.

    We really need some time apart after this.

    Its all apart of Melia master plan to get you to starting liking her so she can steal credit without you complaining or possibly going on a rampage.


    The day I stop complaining about stolen valor is the day I die.



    Who at this point, I believe were actually aliens from another world but it turns out WE were the aliens all along and Earth originally belonged to them?

     Honestly this theory is not too farfetched,  especially cause of what v13 revealed 






    Yeah that just about confirms the theory of her being someone from the sean gang


    HUEY NO!





    Why is Zolt facing a wall?

    He's looking at the security cameras.

    He was never really close to Zira so he doesn't really care that she's dead.







    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Terminally online people making fools out of themselves is one thing, but when they think they're smart and be a condescending ass is another thing. Like claiming all art is political, and says we're stupid for enjoying a simple art. And even unironically equating Thomas with slavery.

    In 2023. 

    Ohoho, but it gets even better. This..."genius" went even further, and claim that trains are political! I'm guessing the joy I get whenever I see a train passing through is political?!?! God, these politically obssesed people. God, I legitimitely hate "Death of the Author" . God, I'm not even 50 and my blood is already rising high. 

    Then again, I was arguing with someone online. I kinda brought that to myself. 

    Oh god someone got him started on that idiot claiming Thomas the Tank engine is political.

    We'll be here for hours now!

    Death of the Author is basically fanfiction writers wanting their nonsense to be canon.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:



    On 1/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Can't conquer death though.

    The most rich and powerful man in the world can still be killed by slipping in the shower.

    Pfft. Then just be immortal. Problem solved!

    On a serious note, but in my opinion, if (weirdo) billionares think they found a way to be immortal, I'm pretty sure they would do whatever they can to achieve this supposed key to immortality. Even if they have to kill a bunch of children or something.

    In fact, I'm pretty sure there are some villains in fiction who have this kind of motive. Can't really recall who...

    But they can still die from a banana peel, so in the end, it's worthless.

    "Even if they have to kill a bunch of children" he says. I don't think the people we're talking about would even balk at doing such a thing.


    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    On to the chapter:


    I know I said this multiple times but I despise this arc. Because of Turd and Stain. Because this arc happens because some brain dead gijinkas wanting to teach a lesson. That's it. That's 98% of this arc. 

    A lesson that's meaningless.

    Even superheroes who try to save everyone( because they're, well, superheroes) care waaay more about their loved ones than some frigging rando they meet for the literal first time.

    And I still don't like their names. I know using Latin names is cliche, but that would be a better alternative than "Timpea and Spacea". Or better yet, I suggest some names from my language.

    Don't worry, I choose good names this time. Like Waktu and Dimensi



    ...That's all I can think of. I could go for "Angkasa" but that refers to Space, as in the space with stars and planets and everything.

    Heh. Turd and Stain. That's good stuff.

    They've got a weirdly cold logical sense to them. I'm betting they're just advanced robots instead of actual gods now.

    Okay, Dimensi is literally the same kind of shit Timpea and Spacea are. You literally just took out the last two letters!

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Remember when you were supposed to find out about Aelita's past? Instead, this arc decides to waste it time on a boring ass timeline. Thankfully though, Aelita's past did get revealed in the end.

    Oh sorry. Did I say Thankfully? I meant Shockingly.

    Because WHAT THE HECK is that backstory?!!! Like...damn. Sheesh. If there's one thing I'm looking forward from this arc, it's your reaction to Aelita's..."birth".

    Thing is, I don't know why she'd want to get rid of that power.

    You get free lives and the only downside is you get turned into a six year old with no memories of it when you die.

    Way better than just dying.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    ....Either v13 rewrote Madame X's dialogue, or my brain just shut out the fact that a TERRORIST is giving advice on how to sacrifice people. Terrorist, people who are usually well known to kill people and claim it's a "necessary sacrifice" for the "greater good".

    It's like an animal abuser  giving advice to euthenise a dying pet. It's the correct advice in this situation,  but from the worst person possible.

    It's very funny though.

    V13 probably did rewrite it. That version seems designed to get rid of a lot of my nitpicks.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Eugh...I never like the whole "touching an alternate timeline self destroys the universe" trope. If someone from the future touch their past self, then yeah the universe would logically explode. But I thought this princess is just Melia's alternate self? Why should that affect anything? In my opinion, it's no different from touching your self from an alternate dimension.


    Then again, what do I know about time travel plots? 


    Then again, when does time travel ever makes sense?

    I've never heard of that being a thing. Touching your past self, sure. But alternate selves?

    I think the plot point of the universes collapsing because of them being their in the first place is what you meant.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I was hoping that Madame X was secretly hungry all the time, but pretend otherwise to keep her edgy look. Because that means she's suffering. And I love seeing enemies suffering, mwahaha....

    That would explain her failings this chapter. She's really low on blood sugar.

    I mean, really? She fell for a fucking trapdoor in her own castle? Sad.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    The closest thing we get to dynamic Pokemon battles is Pokken, maybe? I think? But God, Pokken looks so cool...I wish I could get one. And this is coming from someone who don't really give a damn about fighting games.

    Pokken should have had EVERY Pokemon in it painstakingly designed and balanced if it wanted me to care about it.

    I'd even just take final evolutions. I'm not greedy.


    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I on the other hand don't understand what makes Dracula scary, especially in the modern age? So it can suck your blood, so? It lightphobic, just blast light into his eyes. If it can blind humans, it sure as heck can blind wimpy draculas who could only drink blood. What a loser. I'm more afraid of Raja Bersiong, a character in my local folklore.


    Unlike Dracula, Raja Bersiong drinks blood because...it's tasty. That's...pretty much it. And he's not afraid of light, especially since my country is on the Earth's Equator. Sure, Bersiong doesn't have any mystical powers...But he's a king of a kingdom with loads of soldiers behind him. If he wants blood, he just order his soldiers to kill people. Problem solved! Also, his story originated much earlier than Dracula, so he's not a ripoff of Dracula. 

    Points for originality!

    Dracula has a lot of powers that make him hard to defeat. Especially for peasants. And he's only weak to sunlight itself.

    Not actual light.

    The original wasn't even burned by sunlight either. Most of his powers just stopped working.


    Seems to me like Raja Bersiong is a lot weaker than Dracula. And went mad for blood resulting in his people killing him.

    Not exactly an impressive resume.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I'm surprised that, according to Time Master Eon, you can't just cut someone's finger and use it to bypass security? Dang, there goes my future criminal plans...


    I assure you, I'm totally joking.

    Yep. Apparently they need bioelectricity to work.

    Sure you are.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Hmm...that girl in the painting seems to be black. 


    Even better~


    ...I think I may have a certain fetish...

    Is she?

    She looks tanned to me.

    Definitely not as black as the actual Nymiera.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Being as irritating and ridiculous as possible REALLY takes them out of their comfort zone.

    I wish there were more heroes who do stuff like these. The enemies are being try hard edgelords, yet the hero keeps going "LOL, XOXOXO"

    I will throw a pie in her face by the end of this. I swear to you.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I hope she isn't Gijinka Regigigas. Because Regigigas sucks...


    ...Unless Jan plans to give that thing a Mega or something?

    Just remove Slow Start and it's destroying anything it comes up against. Doesn't need a Mega at all.

    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


    My thoughts about gen 9:


    I have read all of them. 

    Can't really see a reason to reply to any of them though. They're your valid opinions after all.


    On 1/29/2023 at 4:17 AM, VMeemes said:
    On 1/26/2023 at 9:01 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Eugh...I never like the whole "touching an alternate timeline self destroys the universe" trope. If someone from the future touch their past self, then yeah the universe would logically explode. But I thought this princess is just Melia's alternate self? Why should that affect anything? In my opinion, it's no different from touching your self from an alternate dimension.

    I never knew that was a legitimate trope. Touching past selves=destroyed sure but never an alternate selves version of that.


    My best explanation for this is because this is still an alternate timeline, just a destroyed version of it. So in a bizarre leap of logic princess!Melia is the future version of base Melia, who only exists because of a time gear necklace.


    It also really depends on what one considers an alternate universe. Do alternate timelines count as that despite the fact that it's merely a branching path from your own home timeline? Or does this hypothetical person only count 'true' alternate universes, such as what Spiderverse does? Going by what rejuvenation goes with, alternate timeline ≠ alternate universe. Maybe. This is the only arc that really touches upon this concept so hard to say how it will look in future episodes.

    I've never heard of it being a thing. The one you mentioned, yes. But alternate selves dying if they touch eachother I've never heard of.

    Usually it's just the mere presence of two alternate versions destabilising the universe or something.


    Ehhh...it's more like the Princess is the alternate version of Maria (who Melia likely is) instead.


    I think alternate timelines do count. Timelines and universes are basically the same thing when you think about it.

    They both only variate if something changes within them. 


  13. Uh hey.

    Been a couple of months, huh?
    My excuse is that I didn't feel like it.

    That's all.


    Okay, have your chapter now.













    On 10/25/2022 at 10:34 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    clayton wasnt strangled

    his neck snapped since thats how hanging kills you


    think of it like a shonen!

    where all of the personal enmity is with the side characters while the main character is actually the one who defeats the villains


    man bad future valerie is kinda a baby



    He was strangled by his greed for gorillas.

    That's what REALLY killed him.


    It's a really fucking weird shonen then.

    It's like if Kiba killed Danzo to avenge the Uchiha Clan.



    She was the true baby all along.

    Gentleman Jaggi:



    On 10/26/2022 at 9:34 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Hey, Dragalge doesn't suck! It's got Adaptability!

    I, uhh, don't really have anything else to say. Don't like this arc much.


    RimWorld huh? I started playing that a bit ago and now I see it everywhere.

    Did not expect all that to happen to you though, lol.

    Haxorus OHKO's it every time. The thing is just too slow to matter much against Physical Attackers.

    But I bet you looooove how long it's taking me to get through it, right?


    I started playing for a bit and enjoyed it but it got kinda boring after a while and I haven't played it since.

    The classic Derogatory Luck. I knew it was a bad idea without Rose's luck to balance things out.







    On 10/27/2022 at 3:16 AM, Z.. said:

    Maybe Madame X is a transformer that can turn into a submarine and is one of the characters from your crew in an alt timeline that is probably my theory

    Aside from the transformer thing, I'd say that's probably right.

    She talks like a meaner Erin would for one thing but this chapter makes me think she's going to end up being fucking evil Venam.

    To be fair Madame X can be the arch enemy of both you and Melia also the boss of anti-assist will never be cool.

    "Gee Madame X! How come your Mom lets you have two arch-enemies?"

    You aren't an attack dog you are more like an red-eyed robot that exterminates anything that doesn't bow down to you

    Yes but that sounds like too much of a compliment.

    And we know how infrequently Madame X gives out those.

    You know I asked the exact same question about Madame X being able to see through her mask in this forum someone said that the devs said that her mask is like one way glass or something so kinda like an iron man visor or something

    She's wearing a fancy motorcycle helmet, gotcha.

    Well the reason she doesn't have any pokemon on her is cause she is probably just as dangerous without one but ig a deathbird would help

    Is she though?

    That fight on the Pyramid suggested that Aelita and I were a physical match for her so she isn't THAT strong.

    The fate alt timeline valrie had was better in v13 where she was tied to the mask of the ship up high and was basically screaming for the whole ride.


    That's pretty funny but also sounds like she'd die of exposure really fast if the travel time was still 5 days.






    On 10/29/2022 at 1:44 AM, Bluedude said:

    You are incredibly thirsty for MadameX this chapter. Let me guess, it’s the skin tight suit?

    It helps but the main cause is the thing I have for women I hate.

    Just really want to give it to them, y'know? As a punishment.


    On 10/29/2022 at 1:44 AM, Bluedude said:

    Thought MadameX still had all her Pokemon on her, yet no Yeveltal. 

    Does she even have other Pokemon?

    Does she even actually USE Pokemon?

    Normally I'd call her a witch for not using them in a Pokemon game but Rejuvenation is the exception to that.

    She's probably better off not since the battles are usually meaningless.


    On 10/29/2022 at 1:44 AM, Bluedude said:


    I think MadameX was referring to the Mimikyu as the attack dog, not you.

    No she was talking about me. Why would she even say that Melia "managed to convince your attack dog" about a Pokemon when they obey orders unquestioningly?


    Also because I wrote that line and put it in the game.


    On 10/29/2022 at 1:44 AM, Bluedude said:

    Only Xen grunts that you’ll spare is Eli and Sharon. Those two are 👌.

    I'll THINK about it.

    They DID lock Mosely in a closet that one time and HAVE killed at least two of my Pokemon...








    On 10/29/2022 at 5:13 PM, No name said:

    I can only be grateful I restrained myself from going the extra mile and actually editing the sprites to be cuddling.
    It was CLOSE because people seem to enjoy this joke.

    Sure, ""joke""


    Wait, why am I doing this? An attempt to cause irritation to someone whose content I enjoy? Is my life so devoid of anything but pain that the only I thing I can think of doing is spread my pain to others?


    Perhaps, not bringing pain to others would make me slightly less miserable....




    Ah the classic "fake redemption monologue". Always a fan of those.

    You probably won't be happy until I marry Melia in front of everyone and restart Snakewood.

    Neither of which will EVER happen.


    On 11/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, No name said:
    On 11/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, No name said:



    They don't have that TV show in this timeline so you can't blame them for it.


    What tv show are you talking about here? (I just noticed this part now and If I edit my old posts, it wouldn't be answered since I'm fairly sure you write the answers to replies before posting the next chapter.)

    It's that American show "Are You Smarter than a 10 Year Old/5th Grader" where they ask adults questions about things they would have learned in school.

    It's more like "Do You Remember These Facts Better than a High Achieving Child that Recently Learned Them" though.





    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Replying to previous chapter:

    I think we're both going to have to re-read that to refresh our memories for this reply.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    ARGH! How dare you remind me of that garbage Spider-Man arc!...but you're right. I hate to admit it, but you're right. You're so right. Sometimes Spider-Man is awesome. Sometimes comics acts like comics i.e. garbage. Which is one of the reason why I don't bother with them. Heck, most of my Spider-Man experience comes from the movies and animated shows!

    Western Comics aren't like manga where it's one guy writing the story that has or can have an actual endpoint sometime in the next ten years. Like they can have really good story arcs but also extremely shitty ones like One More Day.

    Yeah, mine was from the Raimi movies. I used to get the comics when I was younger too.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    You're half right. It's actually Air and Light. Or to be more accurate, it's Taufan + Solar = Sopan! 

    A sword element does sound pretty cool though...

    Ah. So I guess all that water around him was just him doing some trick on or near the water then.

    Sopan, huh? Would have went with Taular myself.

    I imagine it'd be the domain of someone with the element of Metal.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:



    ...What. No, seriously, what? You're serious?! Holy... Out of curiosity, which Pokemon fangame has....the latter? One that I could think is Pokemon Reborn because, let's be honest, that's totally in Reborn's territory. Don't know any other fangame that has...that.

    I'm pretty sure they're some weird porn ROM Hacks called PokeGirl Hunter or something.

    I don't think this is in Reborn's territory though. It's a bit too graphic.

    Reborn would just imply it heavily like with Lin's Dad.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    ...No. Zira...I never thought that she could...I didn't think this timeline could get any worse, yet it did. Truly, this is the worst timeline.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    If it makes you feel better, that Aggron probably has Sturdy. Because Sturdy + Metal Burst is the type of degenerate strategy this game would love to pull.

    It does not.

    It just makes me feel stupider that I didn't immediately switch it to Caesar and slowly whittle the thing down.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Please don't write a serious angsty run, I beg you. Otherwise I might actually die from cringe.

    But my woe...is all-consuming.

    I WRITHE in a bed of my own anger and hate.

    *puts on school shooter outfit*

    It's time to get revenge on those who wronged me/innocent bystanders I don't care about because I'm too apathetic for their suffering.



    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Which explains why this Amber is so pale, instead of sun-kissed like the one we have at home.


    Proof that darker skin is better than white-woah, woah, woah, that doesn't sound right. Emm....Uh...shoot, how do I rephrase this? I'm not an idiot who unironically says "you can't be racist to whites", trust me!


    "Anti-racist" : Uh, Actually racism totally means systematic, so you totally can't be racist to stupid racist whi-


    Oh, screw off. That's not what racism means. I don't give a damn about whites to be honest(...you're an obvious exception) but I don't pretend like I'm fighting for equality/representation/crap like that.


    But of course, nowadays if you don't like this show with a POC/minority/whatever, you're a racist, misogynist, hompohobic, etc etc.

    Well that was a conversation and a half.

    Yeah it's best to just ignore everything Americans have to say about race because they're idiots about it and come up with shit like "reverse-racism" because they're too focused on themselves and don't think about how that would work in the rest of the world. They seem to think we're all just blobs of one people like "Europeans" when Irish and Germans are pretty different.


    Well thanks. Even though about 100 years ago I wouldn't have been considered white at all even with how pale the Irish are.

    White people were/are usually White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs). So basically it's all England's fault for this shit.


    I'm pretty sure it's just try-hards on the internet that or like that though.

    The only time it happened to me in real-life I just said "It's not racist if I don't hate them" and kept doing the Indian accent while wearing a turban.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Like that Marvel Kamala Khan show. It says it has a Muslim protagonist. So? I'm not interested. That, and the comics suuucks. If I'm so desperate to find a show with an MC that shares my religion, why the frag would I go for something from western countries? I have local options! 

    They don't make characters for other nationalities or whatnot.

    They make them for *insert race*-Americans specifically.

    Probably due to all of them hanging around the New York area for some reason.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Urgh. I dislike social media, but I despise Tiktok.  Do zoomers have the attention span of a baby?! But I hate it even more when zoomers pretend like they were being abused by their parents over extremely insiginficant stuff. Like the time a zoomer in my country go 

    Zoomer: Uuuu my mother is mean because she said I have a pimple!!11!! How cruel Uuuuu!!!!!


    You wish I was kidding. But nope, that actually happen. Spoiled brats...


    Tiktok is people humiliating themselves for internet clout.

    The problem with society today is that stupid teenagers and kids can get a massive audience to their retardation.

    Like back in my day, I probably filmed cringy shit on a small camcorder with no USB connection and it stayed there but now a kid just needs a phone to display their stupid opinions and problems to the world thinking it'll help or make them popular but they usually just end up making fools of themselves in some shape or form.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    I too, desire to punt that little ragdoll into the ocean. I wonder if Ghost types can withstand toxic water, considering they resist Poison...why do Ghost types resist Poison? Type charts are so confusing sometimes...

    Well Ghosts don't have actual biological forms to poison so they resist it? That and they're technically dead so what is poisoning them going to do?

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    ...Is it bad that I wanted the Anti-Assist leader to be hot? At least, to counter the leader's idiocy. Wait, but that would make her a bimbo...I think? What's a bimbo actually?

    Well it's rare for a Rejuvenation character to be ugly so no.

    You pretty much defined it there. A bimbo is a sexy idiot.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Is it too hard to have side characters that are actually useful...I mean, I get they are malnourished and way weaker than you, but I wish they could contribute something...

    They contribute to the building aneurysm in my brain.

    And that's about it.

    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    I'd have an easier time looking out of a Kamen Rider(Power Ranger's elder brother)'s mask than looking through Madame Weeb's mask. And Kamen Rider masks look way cooler!...


    ....this is why I don't bother having friends...my media tastes are so not mainstream.


    I get what you mean, it's very hard to have irl friends you share the exact same tastes with but you always can make internet friends by joining forums for that stuff?

    I'm not one to talk though. I don't really have any online friends per say, mostly just irl ones. 


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Oh, a Jellicent. I never used it, but it seem kinda cool. Although that's probably due to my Water type bias. Is Jellicent any good?

    They're decent enough.

    Water/Ghost with Water Absorb give it immunity to three very common types.


    On 10/30/2022 at 2:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Because money backed by power conquers all. With money, you can anyone to do what you want. And if you're strong, they wouldn't dare to backstab you. Hail money! Hail power! Hail....err....other stuff!

    Can't conquer death though.

    The most rich and powerful man in the world can still be killed by slipping in the shower.






    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh boy! One chapter a year sounds perfect!

    I can deal with that 5 days thing.


    Guess I'm a liar, so it took me longer this time to reply!

    In my defense I've been out of town for several days and kinda sick.

    And I am also a liar because I am two months late with my reply to your reply.

    My defense isn't as good either because I just didn't feel like updating.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    God do I hate that thing. Like her mother visited a fucking ORACLE!? I thought we were in Aevium not ancient fucking GREECE!

    I think Melia's the Gohan of this series.

    And I'm either Piccolo or Yamcha.

    Considering there are "Dieties" going around a messing things up around the region, it might as well be.

    Honestly being Piccolo isn't too bad, least he's got a house now according to the most recent movie.


    Unfortunately, that's a good point.

    That's be nice but sadly, I'm Buu Saga Piccolo.

    Constantly yelling at blonde children.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's why I stick mainly to ones without that stuff.

    Although I did see a weird one years ago where the anime girl was this delinquent's right hand? Japan is weird.


    Definitely won't toss anything into them and ask her to get it for me haha.

    Oh I've seen that one, it's a. . . classic? Think of pretty much every joke you can think of and the series goes with it, outside of anything like PG-13 rated.

    Just gonna make poor Keta spin in his grave I see?

    I think I only ever learned about it from watching the English Dub trailers on the Ghost Stories DVD Boxset. 

    It was back in those early 2000s anime craze where they'd dub literally anything.

    I never got the thinking behind something like that.

    When doing kinky shit do people really consider what their partner's father would think about this?

    It's fucking weird.


    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'd wouldn't be able to put up with their bullshit though. Like I'd literally tell them all to go suck Blissey eggs and stop being such mopey fucks.

    It's already been ruined now that you've found out I'm not secretly a pretty anime girl with a 3-d rendering of some random Irish man.

    For added fun, your first client would be Fern.

    Life is full of dissapointments, I'm used to it.

    "Fern. Stop pretending not to give a shit about what others think and actually not give a shit what others think."

    Boom. Problems solved. Bring in the next sad sack.

    Hopefully death is full of possibilities then. 

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's not THAT bad in the box! They all have their own apartments!

    Which I will draw someday, I swear! (Rose's will be just a room filled with dust since she's never there)

    I don't get the appeal myself but to each their own.


    Less chance of being horribly murdered by some mutant Pokemon or a literal Poke'Gods at least. Assuming there's nothing like a server crash. 

    Yeah the whole server crash thing is a worry.

    It's why I always preferred the anime putting all the Pokemon on a reserve. Much more palpable than being stored as data.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    To show how much of their husbands money they're wasting you mean!

    Damn major respect. And here I am doing this shit and I don't have ANY doctorates.

    Same thing!

    It's honestly cool, all things considered I'm amazed she finished two comics. Most don't even finish one. 

    You could always use this as practice for writing a book or whatevs. 

    She's one of the better webcomic makers that have a better job on the side instead of going nuts on the internet.

    Hahaha. I don't think so somehow.

    Unless someone is willing to write a story for me and I write insults between the paragraphs in red pen.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I feel it wouldn't be as good then. Like I could do it but it'd lack something.

    Yeah, it's definitely not worth paying for it when I don't make any money even doing it.

    I SUPPOSE it's possible to do myself but my lack of artistic talent stops me from going further than this:


    I just can't get the fucking faces right.

    Also Madame X is a fucking bitch and a half to draw.



    This honestly doesn't look half bad, only issue seems to be the eyes. You might have to like physically draw the eyes instead of pulling them from the character portraits.

    Madame X, its probably her damn mask. Drawing all those spikes is probably the main issue. 

    It turned out better than I thought. But I did draw the eyes. I just copied how they looked in the portraits.

    I was always better at looking and copying an image than actually being good at drawing.

    Oh yeah. And the cape would have to go. I have no idea how to draw the physics on that thing.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    There probably would have been a better and more sensible outcome if we did.

    Was not a fan of Nastasia being allowed to shoo us out of the Pyramid for her own needs.

    Team Xen literally only provided transport for that entire mission. 


    At this point the only thing I can think is that Nastasia is some kind of Double Agent, with the grunts she brings along being her loyalists. Betting money of her dying to save Ren or something like that myself.

    She can't die! Who will be Ren's girlfriend if not her?

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Aside from the edge factor, Aegislash is possible the most unwieldy fucking sword I've ever seen.

    It's grip is shaped like a fucking ice-cream cone!

    Yeah I got nothing for the hilt. Maybe it sticks to your hand using Ghost powers?

    That feels like it'd just tear your skin off when you swing it too hard.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    V13 corrects it but to us, it seems like the pirates just threw them all into the sea when they captured us.

    We literally could have taken over the ship WITHOUT spending two weeks in jail and sailed to Blacksteeple that way!

    But character interactions, we can't go with 20-30 minutes of text in a Rejuvenation. That would be insane!

    It literally would be.

    The craziest thing this game could do would be that.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's amazing that the days of Deoxys clones, Demon Pokemon and soul-splitting gym leaders were known as "simpler times".

    Really shows how far we've come...

    No wait...that should be "how low we've sank".

    Yeah Shadow Pokemon don't look so bad now. Would definitely rather fight more of them than these damned rift mons.

    And my later strategy of just Perish Songing them is gone now with those damn boss health bars in place.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It should be a good laugh. I'm planning on having scenes where the rest of them call occasionally to fill me in on what they're doing and contrast it with whatever absurd nonsense I'm doing.

    Nope. Part 5 has ELITE trainer, Sean. He knows what he's doing at all times.

    Because he's going to write dialogue as the battles happen and not months or even years afterwards.

    So no more "I forgot I gave Bright Powder to you" scenes for this guy!


    That honestly sounds funny, can't wait to see it. I imagine their reactions vary from confusion to outright disbelief.

    No worries I'm sure you'll forget numerous times by the end of Part 4!

    It'll be like "Today Damien taught us that Fire types are strong against Grass types!" while I'm screaming "WHY THE FUCK IS HE TEACHING YOU THAT SHIT NOW!?!? I'M LITERALLY FIGHTING A GIANT FUCKING WHALE WITH LINK FROM LEGEND OF ZELDA!"

    I THINK I don't use it in Part 4.


    I THINK.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    No it's more like I'm going to die in two chapters.

    Still working out how I'll go out though.

    Dramatically or with yet another stupid meme.

    It's a very tough decision.

    Oh yeah, hope you remember the throw your pokemon out the way this time too. 

    I honestly say dramatically, you can make it up with all the memes you want afterwards.

    Oh definitely. Not going to forget to do that.

    Eh...It'll probably be a mixture of both.

    I might just use my last moments to scream "THE ONE PIECE IS REAAAAL" though.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:



    Why do I not go over and smash one over their head?

    I've seen that the pirates actually sing shanties in V13 though. That's an improvement.

    Now now, Sean that would be too proactive for the MC, you know how this game goes.

    The singing is cool, I agree. 

    I'm still in awe of the one time he just decided to grab the Heat Stone before Cera did. Surprised the hell out of me.

    And it's not as bad as the singing in the Switch Gamefreak games either.

    God were those stupid ideas.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh fuck no. If Double Battles are the only alternative, I'll gladly do this myself.

    I don't mind them so much when it's JUST me battling but when it's Venam and her Earthquake spamming Seviper...

    It's morbidly impressive that she's managed that twice, plus that battle in GDC. 


    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well if last episode is any indicator you should probably do the opposite of what I do in battles too.

    You have your moments on occasion. Least it was "only" Zira.

    The battles I actually prepare for usually go much better for me (if the cards aren't stacked too far against me, field-wise).

    Zira died because I was trying to get through the Grunts as fast as possible and that's on me.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Good. That was the intention.

    It's always worse when they die to absolute nobodies.

    It's a little bit better than Bluster because it was an Aggron and I needed to get past this trainer.

    Bluster died to a mouse in a completely optional battle.


    Sticking the knife in deep, I see

    Yeah I imagine Blusters death was kick to the balls, things were going so well in that chapter too. . . 

    I could nearly have a full box of all the Fighting types that have died on me in this run.

    And yet my bugs just keep on fucking thriving...

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    She didn't have as many stand-out moments as some of the others but she was solid. A bit like Caesar in that regard.

    Yep. Melia is officially off the menu.

    Yup, when Caesar wasn't around, she filled in to give you crap. It was great.

    In her honor, you must clearly bite Melia at some point in this arc. 

    . . . But not in that kind of way.

    But unlike Caesar she was nuts in her own special way. Also a ballerina for some reason.

    Hmmm...nibbling on her neck WOULD make Venam mad though...

    But if I keep going down this train of thought, the game will end up with Melia and I dying of old age together while Venam seethes in an old folks home.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:
    On 10/25/2022 at 8:31 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Just keep moving forward until all my enemies are dead, eh? I can dig it.

    If I used Overheat and it didn't have Sturdy Zira would have been fine. I just overestimated Magma Drift, I think.

    But yeah. I totally forgot the secondary typing. I do the same for Steelix sometimes.

    Seems about how you've been dealing with things so far, honestly. Hopefully your friends don't turn you and kill you at the end.

    I'd honestly bet money that thing hard Sturdy. You know how these Reborn games are.

    Yeah, I'd hate for them all to die for nothing by trying to oppose me.

    They should just shake their heads and go "Oh, Sean!" when I start tightening my iron fist around the region.

    Most likely but I'll never know.

    And I don't know if it makes it better or worse if it has it.


    Chapter Comments:

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:



    God do I wish I did an overly serious angsty comic run now though.

    Could wallow for aaaaages if I did.

    But then we'd probably be at Terajuma right now at best, and nobody wants that. Honestly a comic run of this game would probably take like 20 years.

    Nah, the run would end at Blacksteeple due to the writer giving up due to not realising how much effort would be needed to complete this.

    It'd go something like Madame X stabbing them instead of Nancy and they say some trite shit about telling their friends to go on without them.

    As their eyes start to darken their last words are "At least...they'll be safe..."

    And the last panel is pure black.

    Which then ALSO leaves it up to being continued if the writer feels like it.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:




    Clearly her suit it too powerful, no wonder you didn't stand a chance a BlackSteeple Prison!

    Google what Inspector Gadget's weaknesses are right now.


    His only weakness is that he's an idiot.


    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    You've GOT to get over this obsession you have with me, Madame X!

    It'll never work out.

    You're both a massive cunt and killer of several Pokemon plus one maybe-mother of mine.


    Caesar with the common sense, which means it will never happen. God imagine if the game gave us the chance to just end her after Melia zapped her at Blacksteeple, though it'd probably due to plot reasons but hey it would be worth a shot.

    Alas, common sense is the rarest Pokemon of all...

    I imagine her weird armor would protect her from any blows we'd land but it'd still be satisfying to bash her head in with a 2x4 even if it was mostly ineffective.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    That's the million pokedollar question, isn't it?

    WHO is Madame X?

    Zero from Code Geass? Melia from the future? Crescent from the future? Erin from an alternate timeline where she never made any friends? Girl-Sean from that joke I made nearly fifty chapters ago?


    It's Seaniqua(?) back to kill you for giving her that terrible name. She's gonna strangle you with her hilariously long braids. 

    Seaniqua is WAY worse than Girl-Sean, in my opinion.


    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:





    Oooh don't know if that was a edit or in game dialogue but it works really well for her. Surprised you didn't try to stranger her then and there. She's like this for most of the arc, which makes what happens at the castle later all the more hilarious. 

    Twas I, Dex! Twas the Derogatory Trainer who wrote the insult at himself! What a twist it is!

    Yeah. She's bitchy enough towards Amber that I'm starting to think she's secretly Evil Veronica.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    Actually Valarie, and I can't believe I've finally got an opportunity to say this naturally in a conversation, it's not that we're too fast, it's that...



    You're too slow.





    Why did I go to the effort for that abomination of a photo?



    Seanic the Hedgehog, still wouldn't be worse than Sonic 06. Also this photo is now on the internet forever for your children and grandchildren to find and judge you for. 

    They won't do shit.

    I'll kick their ass even at 70 consarnit!

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    Valerie's team was pretty cool, like the theme it has going on. Zaius getting salty at getting Sucker Punched (TM) was great.

    It was one of the better ones in this game.

    A gimmick I have with his character is that getting hit by or using Dark type moves like Sucker Punch and Nasty Plot make him a lot less zen and peaceful.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:

    I'm shocked you let Rose learn Giga Impact since it has such a huge drawback, guess you're gonna save it for a finishing move at the end of a battle?

    Nope! I've got something much better planned...

    I'm not going to use it at all!

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:









    Madame X how dare you?! Sean is an upstanding member of society and would never do such a thing! Or at least get caught while doing so!

    It was self-defense and I maintain that until I speak to my lawyer.

    And if he disagrees I will assault him too.

    In self-defense.

    On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 AM, Dex said:












    And I thought I was irritable when thrown in jail...



    Wow such a sore loser, clearly kids today have no sense of sportsmanship. That or her lifework is down the drain. Either or.


    Also congrats on having the worlds shortest 'Locke in that RimLocke! That Steelix really did a number on your guys. They tried at least?

    I tried doing another one and I'm still alive due to the starter I got.

    Slaking unhampered by Truant is a goddamn BEAST.






    • Thanks 1
  14. Well after last chapter's bullshit, we're back and repressing our emotions more than ever!

    And what better way to do that than with a violent mutiny!








    On 10/7/2022 at 2:38 AM, Lspaceship said:

    Speaking of Pacifidlog, why isn't it around? If the village can float, then it should just be going around raidi-oh, there's where pirates came from.


    Also, given the advancements in Gym technology, why are you suprised at the wall of laser beams? 


    For once, I want to see a critically acclaimed RPG or something where you aren't a secret Chosen One or something like that. Just a game where you clean up their messes, and the BBEG is actually the third-in-command evil dude or whatever.


    ZIRA! NOOOOOOOOOO! She didn't even get to nibble on Melia......

    Nah. If this cataclysm reached Pacifidlog it'd probably evaporate from how corrosive the sea is.


    I'm surprised at the frivolity and stupidity of it in the post-apocalypse. Like...why go to all the fucking trouble of building an elaborate laser wall that can be disabled from WITHIN?


    There are a few like that I think? I think Geralt from the Witcher series isn't a Chosen One. His adoptive daughter is or something.

    Dragon Quest V has the chosen one being your son who wasn't born for the first half of the game.


    Not even a crumb of Melia sadly...

    But since I didn't let her eat people she may have gotten into Poke-Heaven in the end.



    On 10/7/2022 at 4:01 PM, No name said:

    Have you been bought out by the Professor Oak Cult too, Jan!?

    Are you peddling the Oak Creationism rhetoric!?



    This reminded me of bs creationist arguments so I shall partly blame you for my frustration. 

    My stance on that is firmly "What the fuck do I know/What the fuck does anyone else know?"

    If there's a god, we can't comprehend it so why bother caring so much? Maybe life was born from one spitting on this hunk of rock, maybe not. Why does it even matter?



    Her natural hair is brown, sure but I think she dyed this one red because unlike in our bleu-haired Val timeline, the sea is red.

    No. Her hair in the bad future IS exactly the same as her natural hair colour. The red you see is an illusion of your genes.






    Yeah, I don't buy that. Those sorts of places are either trying to use/abuse people's trust and/or are straight-up lying.

    It's...a hypothetical afterlife? It's not a multi-level marketing company or anything. It's meant to be heaven but for someone as uncomfortable with that stuff as me, it'd be like hell.



    On 10/7/2022 at 10:54 PM, Z.. said:

    Oh so that's why your pfp is a squirtle also to be fair if you train your pikachu enough it should be strong enough to zap ground types and take hits it has no right taking.

    Yeah a fire type against an aggron might have not been the best idea but then again slow+metal burst would probably fuck most of ur team up

    Originally I just wanted an image I could easily edit but I DID pick Squirtle as my first Pokemon so it all kinda...worked itself out?

    Nahhh...Ash was using his genius level brain and invented the move Soak years before it became a thing.


    I feel Overheat would have done the job. I think NPC trainer's abilities are randomized so there was a 2/3 chance that it'd have worked.

    Shame I didn't do it though.



    On 10/8/2022 at 7:31 AM, Bluedude said:

    Man I genuinely feel sad about that. I liked Zira and she’s been with you for so long.


    Now only Caesar, Rose, and Chiller remain of the gang from the early days.  Heck Mothball is still traveling the world, probably having his own RPG adventure. 

    At least we don’t have to worry about Rose dying, if she did you’d just pop out of reality in sadness and rage.

    Yep. From like Chapter 6, I think?


    From the Part 2 early days at least. While I caught them way earlier, I only started using Chiller and Zira after Blacksteeple.

    Rose and Mothball are the only ones left who got regular use in the REALLY early days (which would be before my second badge.)

    Pokemon that were always in the Box like Bass don't really count towards that.


    More like I'd break reality with my bare fucking hands.

    And sure, you guys don't have to worry about it but I (and the people of Kalos) do.




    On 10/8/2022 at 7:52 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    oh so thats why donkey and dragon could have babies in shrek


    what a fucking terrible lose poor zira

    alas poor zira you were the average cat but you were a beloved reminder of a character long removed


    I had the EXACT same fucking thought when I made that gif.


    It really does suck.

    She had a few stand-out moments! Like when she fired a Hyper Beam off of Mt. Valor and blew up Kalos!

    Tbf I forgot she did that too though.




    On 10/11/2022 at 3:50 AM, Dex said:

    Man if your aren't paid, there's no such thing as a deadline in my book. Just go at your own pace.

    I'll do my best, I say 5 days after the update drops.

    Oh boy! One chapter a year sounds perfect!

    I can deal with that 5 days thing.



    On 10/11/2022 at 3:50 AM, Dex said:


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    ep. She was a valuable addition to Team Sean's junior division during those few arcs.

    Well...yeah but I'm sure the energy I'll give off will evaporate the tears.


    Here's hoping that whole prophecy her and Ren doesn't come true.

    Like Gohan, yeah that tracks.

    God do I hate that thing. Like her mother visited a fucking ORACLE!? I thought we were in Aevium not ancient fucking GREECE!

    I think Melia's the Gohan of this series.

    And I'm either Piccolo or Yamcha.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I don't know many of them unfortunately.


    Or fortunately?

    I dunno. I'll just make sure to keep a close eye out for any tight crevices she could get stuck in halfway through.

    Probably fortunate, anime's got a bit of reputation in that front.

    I'm sure you'll make sure she won't get stuck like the gentleman you are.

    It's why I stick mainly to ones without that stuff.

    Although I did see a weird one years ago where the anime girl was this delinquent's right hand? Japan is weird.


    Definitely won't toss anything into them and ask her to get it for me haha.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Hahahaha. Well I should HOPE you're turned off of kids.

    Man, talk about bad phrasing.

    But yeah, fuc- scre- FORGET other people's kids. Damn brats.


    This is why proofreading is your friend.

    I usually just roll with it to make it seem like a joke instead of a mistake.

    I was terrible at proofreading in Reborn. It was mostly the accidental innuendo whenever Cain was around.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's very hard to find a well-adjusted person in that region, isn't it?

    It's fine. 

    And like...actually fine. Not mad girlfriend "fine".

    Starting to think it's radiation from that meteor, at least you'd make a killing as therapist in Reborn.

    Oh good i'd hate to ruin our parasocial relationship.

    I'd wouldn't be able to put up with their bullshit though. Like I'd literally tell them all to go suck Blissey eggs and stop being such mopey fucks.

    It's already been ruined now that you've found out I'm not secretly a pretty anime girl with a 3-d rendering of some random Irish man.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    I guess they could use them. They're always going to be compared to the old ones though.

    Honestly she's probably just happy to be out of the box.

    They probably are, but hey I'm willing to give it a shot. No way Disney was just gonna stop after Endgame, WAY too much money.

    It's not THAT bad in the box! They all have their own apartments!

    Which I will draw someday, I swear! (Rose's will be just a room filled with dust since she's never there)

    I don't get the appeal myself but to each their own.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's a nightmare. The entire bedroom is filled with stupid fucking pillows they don't even USE for anything!

    Ah yeah. I remember reading that run back in the day when I first discovered Nuzlockes. Don't really remember much from it though. 

    Decorative Pillows are great! To show how much money you have and all that.

    I don't remember a whole lot either, but I do gotta give her credit for finishing two comic runs when most dont even finish one. I think she's getting a PHD in medicine now, so kudos there.

    To show how much of their husbands money they're wasting you mean!

    Damn major respect. And here I am doing this shit and I don't have ANY doctorates.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh yeaaaahhh...and then I flew into a portal that was the actual friendzone, right?

    Could have sworn I beat Wallace at one point though...

    Oh ha ha. Not my fault I got way more invested in Rejuvenation.


    Well okay, it is. But I don't care.

    Eyup, it was that kind of run. Here's hoping this doesn't happen in this run!

    Invested or obssesed. Can't let Jan beat you after all!

    Nah. This run, as we both know, is grounded in logic and reality.

    Invested. If I was obsessed I'd have Aelita and Tesla body pillows.

    Jan will never defeat me!

    As long as his goal is to get me to give up and not "hope you enjoyed the game, man"!


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Hahaha great minds think alike. I was also thinking of this exact fight. But to actually do so would be a monumental amount of work.

    Plus as we've seen, I can't draw for shit.

    I'd change Android 17 to Sakitron though.

    'Cause robots.

    You could just paste the PC, Aelita, and Madame X's faces onto the DB characters and go from there. Probably still a lot of work, but its a start. That or you could commission someone for art but that's probably a LOT of money.

    I feel it wouldn't be as good then. Like I could do it but it'd lack something.

    Yeah, it's definitely not worth paying for it when I don't make any money even doing it.

    I SUPPOSE it's possible to do myself but my lack of artistic talent stops me from going further than this:


    I just can't get the fucking faces right.

    Also Madame X is a fucking bitch and a half to draw.

    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Oh same. I feel that's a very common opinion. Phantom Menace is mostly saved by Duel of Fates being a banger.

    Did you ever see the Clone Wars show? I heard that was good.

    He shouldn't have been brought back, man. Being thrown down a giant pipe was a better fate than what he had there.

    Which one there's actually two shows one in 2d and 3d. I love both. The 2D one is a short fun ride, but the 3d one is great too, but much longer and being honest not every episode is a banger. Especially in the first season. 

    Sad part this is the only the 2nd time he's been revived, there was a comic series in the early 90s called Dark Empire too.

    All I've seen of the 2-D one is the ground battle of Coruscant and I THINK an episode they were on Felucia.

    It was made by the same guy as Samurai Jack, right?

    But no, I meant the one with the orange alien girl.

    What's up with her? Why'd they give her such luscious lips like that?

    I actually remember Dark Empire. People HATED it. Didn't Palpatine have the power to throw wormholes in it?


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    We've come to an agreement to just beat the hell out of any Grunts that even breathe in our general vicinity.

    Like instead of teaming up with Aelita to fight those two Grunts in the Xen rocketship in a Pokemon battle, we just beat them with folding chairs until they pass out.

    This alliance is on very thin ice and I am holding a hammer just WAITING to break it.

    As you should, no reason Team Sean couldn't have done the whole pyramid. You do most of the work anyways, nothing new there.

    There probably would have been a better and more sensible outcome if we did.

    Was not a fan of Nastasia being allowed to shoo us out of the Pyramid for her own needs.

    Team Xen literally only provided transport for that entire mission. 


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Which is weird, because in irl Japan it's the exact opposite.

    I know...I'm not a fan of it. Seems like a lot of fuckers will be getting a free pass if all the evil is attributed to him.

    I don't want another Reborn post-game scenario here.

    All the post game stuff seems like Ame realizing she resolved precisely none of the character related stuff in the main game. It's honestly amazing in a not great way.

    I remember someone telling me about a side-quest where the protagonist travels ten years into the future where they went missing for those ten years and that Charlotte is two gym leaders at once.

    So despite everything the player did, the moment they were gone, these Reborn fuckers went right back to blatant nepotism.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Please no.

    That would be immensely cringe.

    Which makes it a before choice Rejuvenation!

    Aside from the edge factor, Aegislash is possible the most unwieldy fucking sword I've ever seen.

    It's grip is shaped like a fucking ice-cream cone!



    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Bitch, you only started liking Venam in that way when she turned her hair brown like mine!

    Melia:. . . Circumstantial evidence. .  .

    Meanwhile statue Venam begins thinking about getting glasses.

    This is cursed content.

    Please seek absolution from your nearest religious building.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    No half-assed job this time! It ended up happening because this chapter was going to be short for obvious reasons and I didn't want to combine the two out of respect.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it though.

    Yeah just skipping to breakout would have been very boring in comparison!

    Sean lulling Melia to sleep is way better!

    The scene really only existed because I had the Master Nonexistantè joke pre-written and needed to put it somewhere.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I could have. It would have been easy if not for the hostages that literally stopped existing the second we got on the boat.

    Like WHERE are they? They aren't anywhere on the ship!

    That's. . . a good point! Yeah where the hell is everyone?! There's not even a good excuse for not steamrolling these discount Team Aqua punks. Guess we had to get to the castle somehow. . .

    V13 corrects it but to us, it seems like the pirates just threw them all into the sea when they captured us.

    We literally could have taken over the ship WITHOUT spending two weeks in jail and sailed to Blacksteeple that way!


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Dailymotion will never die. It persists in the shadows of it's greaters...not getting stronger or thriving though...just existing.

    That one was fun. I had to use the pink haired player character as a stand in for Nancy because there was no art for her back then.


    It sustains itself on all the random ass videos uploaded there.

    Part 1 seems like a simpler time, back when it was just Team Xen to worry about.

    It's amazing that the days of Deoxys clones, Demon Pokemon and soul-splitting gym leaders were known as "simpler times".

    Really shows how far we've come...

    No wait...that should be "how low we've sank".


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    We'll get like...three days off between Part 3 and 4 to avoid any time paradoxes about the stuff I did before going to the past. But yeah. That's about it until Part 5.

    And even then, Part 5's filler is a training adventure. Gotta get all the Crests and some new powerful Pokemon! Can't spend all my time just sitting by the beach!


    Well actually I could and there'd be just as much improvement as if I actually did go along with Alexandra's training.


    No rest for the wicked it seems, least you can't say you'll be bored!

    Hopefully you don't lose a bunch of mons in that batch of filler too.

    It should be a good laugh. I'm planning on having scenes where the rest of them call occasionally to fill me in on what they're doing and contrast it with whatever absurd nonsense I'm doing.

    Nope. Part 5 has ELITE trainer, Sean. He knows what he's doing at all times.

    Because he's going to write dialogue as the battles happen and not months or even years afterwards.

    So no more "I forgot I gave Bright Powder to you" scenes for this guy!


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    That makes me hate it MORE.

    Yeah but I could have gotten to beat Gardevoir's ass with Zolt like I promised the first time we met!

    Now I'll NEVER get to do that!

    Everyone can act in cutscenes but you Sean, you know the deal.

    I can act.

    Just not the way I want.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I mean...

    It still is.

    Oh god it was for this chapter. . .

    No it's more like I'm going to die in two chapters.

    Still working out how I'll go out though.

    Dramatically or with yet another stupid meme.

    It's a very tough decision.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    The only other ones are Selia or Melian and neither are very good.

    It practically writes itself! 

    And if not, No-Name will write it for us.


    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Nah, I'm going to flip the table and act super close to Melia when Venam wakes up so she'll seethe with jealousy.

    Like she gets told that we spent two weeks in a dark future together and her mind will go: "they spent two weeks together"? "Two weeks with Melia..." "WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THOSE TWO WEEKS!?"

    And then I'll catch her eye as I'm sitting next to Melia and wink.

    Ah the now we see the true endgame, Venam/Melia/Sean.

    I'm onto you know Sean!

    Nononono wait! You've misunderstood!

    That pairing is not on the table! I'm just planning on driving Venam insane with jealousy over nothing!



    On 10/7/2022 at 2:09 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Up to you.

    I just prefer replying on that site because you can actually see what they've put into spoilers when you're replying.

    On this site I have to delete the qouted spoilers and then make my own ones just so I can see what I'm replying too.


    Yeah its hassle but I'm kinda used to it. . . that's not Stockholm syndrome right?

    It's definitely Stockholm Syndrome.

    There are so many fucking boxes in this one reply section it's unreal.



    Chapter Comments:

    On 10/11/2022 at 3:50 AM, Dex said:



    I miss the last chapter.

    No cheeky Pokemon were around to point out my mistakes and flaws.

    You know you love being verbally abused by your mons! It practically fuels you.

    It fuels Caesar at least.


    Ah the colorful trees, a necessary part of any post apocalyptic pirate ship. Maybe they're just decorative and the actual fruit trees are somewhere else? I dunno I just play the game man.


    "Just play the game man".

    You've destroyed 85% of my run's content.



    Pirate Val doesn't somehow know I'm immortal, right?

    Because this laser array seems way to good at countering me specifically.


    God wouldn't that be a wild twist with the baddies aware of what you are. 

    But nah it's just away to make you avoid obstacles I guess. There's a point the this arc in V13 where someone throws glass mugs at you and that damages your mons. . . somehow. 



    Why do I not go over and smash one over their head?

    I've seen that the pirates actually sing shanties in V13 though. That's an improvement.


    And of course you have to handle the lazer shut off by yourself, could at least have one of the trainers team up with you. Though Double Battles seem to be a gamble in this game.

    Oh fuck no. If Double Battles are the only alternative, I'll gladly do this myself.

    I don't mind them so much when it's JUST me battling but when it's Venam and her Earthquake spamming Seviper...



    You see this isn't actually my real face.

    I'm actually a Virtual Nuzlocker and am reverse-catfishing you all.

    There's totally a cute gamer girl anime fan behind this fake and painstakingly rendered face.

    So you should totally give me money and your journey towards a parasocial relationship with me will be complete!


    I knew it, I bet you're not even Irish!

    You're probably French or worse English!


    I'm an anime gamer girl, Dex.



    Also Disclamer for the run: Outside of Pokemon battles, do the OPPOSITE of what Sean tells you to do. I will save on legal fees and jailtime.

    Well if last episode is any indicator you should probably do the opposite of what I do in battles too.





    Oh god it was all going so well. I don't think I've ever seen that move even used. And the 3d section made it cut even deeper!

    Like damn this is not a good place to die, and not even to an admin. Just some random grunt.

    It's Bluster all over again.

    Good. That was the intention.

    It's always worse when they die to absolute nobodies.

    It's a little bit better than Bluster because it was an Aggron and I needed to get past this trainer.

    Bluster died to a mouse in a completely optional battle.







    Another of the old guard gone, she was one the reliable ones. Meanwhile, Melia feels a sense of relief for a reason she doesn't understand.

    Between you and Madame X, Valarie is gonna be out of "children" real quick.

    She didn't have as many stand-out moments as some of the others but she was solid. A bit like Caesar in that regard.

    Yep. Melia is officially off the menu.


    Only thing left to do is push on. Also don't beat yourself up too badly, you were probably thinking of Mega Aggron there. Also who knows it could have had Sturdy and you could have lost Star.

    Just keep moving forward until all my enemies are dead, eh? I can dig it.

    If I used Overheat and it didn't have Sturdy Zira would have been fine. I just overestimated Magma Drift, I think.

    But yeah. I totally forgot the secondary typing. I do the same for Steelix sometimes.





  15. Hands up if you got the chapter title reference.


    If I picked any other sentence from the song it would have been far too obvious what the chapter was going to be about.











    On 9/23/2022 at 2:54 PM, Lspaceship said:

    Which joke you went with.....both, but staggred. The first one was probably the breastfeeding, but you'd have brought the labor laws back up.

    Well if we combine the two, it's me being taken to HR for filing a complaint about Valarie breastfeeding her crew.

    And both the HR lady and Valarie are breastfeeding two grown pirates throughout the whole meeting.


    Wait. If they have your pokeballs, they have Rose.

    Oh good, you recognized that happened.

    I was going to have it so I kept a Pokeball in my shoe but decided against it. Focus on myself for a bit without the peanut gallery chiming in, you know?


    I gotta say, the montage rather than the 'overnight, you hatch the egg!' is great.

    I'm glad you and everyone else enjoyed it so much! Makes the hard work worthwhile.


    ....Wow, no respect other than Ceaser and Rose. I don't know what I was expecting, but still.

    Well Zira isn't affectionate, Zolt is a heartless machine, Dr. Zaius was being polite and Nova prefers to watch.


    Honestly, I thought there'd be a cutaway joke to Zira eating the corpses you left, rather than the 'licking my boots' angle.

    I forgot tbh.

    Would have made more sense but eh...whaddya gunna do?




    On 9/23/2022 at 3:54 PM, Bluedude said:

    At this point I think you have a higher body count then MadameX. Certainly a higher death count, unless she too has the ability to comeback after death.

    Not if you include Xen Grunts!

    She's "fired" loads of them over the years!


    I’ve been thinking, maybe the reason you were sent to the past was to seduce Vivian then this would lead to the birth of Tealia and eventually Aelita. Not only that but since everyone else Sheridan is a single widow you could go after them. You could be the grandfather for most of the main characters.

    It’ll be just like that hot tub time machine movie.

    I'm going to say no to this because if that's the case I've been hitting on my granddaughters this ENTIRE Nuzlocke.

    And I don't want to leave that kind of legacy behind.







    On 9/24/2022 at 7:14 AM, No name said:

    What do you mean by "again"?

    Kotor 2 was a pain in the ass to get working.

    4 hours ago, No name said:

    Anyway Sean, what happened to Mr. Narrator

    I...don't know what you mean?

    He's not needed right now so he goes back in his box until I do need him.

    He dies next season anyway so don't worry about him too much.







    On 9/24/2022 at 3:57 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    Another reason why I'm not so fond of this arc when I first played it. It feels sooo sluggish. I want to see new interesting locations and catch new Pokemons, not wasting away in this alternate place that I'll never be able nor want to return anyway.

    It is unfortunate that I didn't get to catch any post-apocalyptic Pokemon but I didn't mind it too much.


    Oh, right. Silly me. Of course a locomotive as vain and fabulous as James would be picky about his specific shade of red. So vain that I used to think he's a girl. The eyelashes doesn't help...

    I thought Toby was the girl myself. He has an old lady face. Plus James is a common masculine name but I've never met a "Toby" in my life.


    I'm...err...not the brightest. Eheheh. In fact, remember the whole NatDex fiasco years ago? When I heard GameFreak claim they did that to improve their animations,

    I legitimitely believed what GameFreak said.

    Thankfully, after I found out that was a load of Rapidash crap, I wisen up and learn to not be such an idiot. Hopefully.

    You believed the "small indie company prease understanderu" bullshit?

    I'm glad you've recovered from your brain damage though!


    But I'm definitely more to be heavily critical of giga corporations/franchise nowadays. In fact, you should be critical. Very critical. Super critical. Too harsh? Who cares! Giga corpos lose a few dollars? Oh, boohoo! How sad. Like I give a damn.

    I'm devastated to hear this Hakim.

    I'm going to go under my Mickey Mouse duvet and cry.



    Which is baffling that some modern Marvel fans would sack their child to protect their poor, precious, pretty MCU from any (valid) criticisms.

    Yeah I don't get how people can be that into them. 

    Like...who the fuck cares?


    Sorry that  people expected high quality from a multi-billion dollar franchise. Then again, when has comic books movies became good?



    ...Hmm. For some reason, I feel like I just pissed off a bunch of  people.

    It's fine. None of those people read my Nuzlocke or my comments.

    I'm too based for their tastes.


    Okay fine. I enjoyed the Spider-Man movies. but that's because Spider-Man is awesome! I dare you to disagree with me!

    I dare AND I disagree.

    Spider-Man, like all comic characters, being awesome is heavily dependant on the writer.

    One day he's hunting down villains and the next he's selling his marriage to LITERAL SATAN.

    That's when I stopped caring about comics.


    I know, right! American weirdos. I mean, I already mentioned how much I love black characters, but if a show, especially an ASIAN show doesn't have one, I'm not gonna throw a tantrum. There's barely any shows that has a character that shares my race(the Malay race, or Melayu), yet you don't see Melayu throwing tantrums about that.

    I'm not fond of seeing them in period dramas where they never were but I don't really care if they can at least act.

    Like there was all this controversy about the Black elf in that new Lord of the Rings show but I was personally more offended by the fucking American Hobbits doing an Irish accent.


    That and we already have our local animation. It's not as high quality like anime or western shows and it's obviously for kids, but it's still fun. For me, at least. I mean, it doesn't have any stupid political crap, so that's always a plus.

    There's good and cringe animations in every country I think.


    That and they look pretty cool. In my opinion.


    Fun quiz! This superhero form is actually an elemental fusion from two elements. Can you guess what elements are those? The answer should be pretty obvious...

    Water and Air?

    Or Water and Sword if sword counts as an element.


    Fo-fo-forgive me, Derogatory Overlord. Please spare my life!


    I'll get around to killing you eventually.

    Might even seem like it was of natural causes in 60 years but it was definitely me.


    On a side note, what title would you use when you claim your rightful place as the ruler of your Aevium? 

    Champion Sean would do fine, I suppose?

    Keep things traditional.


    Err...I think her hair's still brown. Although what would I know, mr-not-the-brightest.

    Well at least you have working eyes.

    Because it is indeed brown.


    Hmm...I don't recall any Pokemon fangames ever tackled about...err...underage pre*nancy. Or se*ual assault. Despite the numerous edgy Pokemon fangames out there.

    Oh they exist.

    Well the latter does at least. Though I very much wish it didn't.


    Too bad you spent all that time waiting for an ungrateful tablecloth to hatch. Another reason I don't like this arc. You don't deserve any love, Mimikyu!

    Too right.

    It's a little shit and Disguise is an annoying ability to fight!

    Thankfully Rose can cut right through it.


    Revolution, ho! Ship takeover, let's go! Oh, and Madame Weeb is here. Yay...

    And now to ruin the revolution vibes with a death in the family...








    On 9/25/2022 at 7:53 AM, VMeemes said:

    God seeing the blue Mimikyu is not great. Like fine it was part of an earlier version of the game, so sure I can get it. But the red and black is so much better for it. But whatever, V10 is this version you're playing, so I gotta deal with all the weirdness of early looking sprites and locations.

    I hear V13's pirate ship gets an actual bar and shanty singing.

    Oh the things I've missed...


    Including that boat. There were not that many trees on it. Or any trees at all.

    That's good.

    The trees were stupid.


    Maybe it's a stretch, but there was a time where egg pokemon hatched at level 5 right? Or was that only for fossil pokemon? Because maybe because bad different future, most of the rules changed. Specifically for plot reasons but still.

    Gen 4 I think but even a level 5 Mimikyu shouldn't have been able to do that.


    The montage was great in all honestly. Even in V13 it took literally a day for the egg to hatch. We're on a boat with supposedly only 4-5 islands left in the world, there had to have been some time passing by.

    Glad you liked it! Seemed more...I don't know...natural to do it this way instead of BAM HATCHED LET'S BREAK OUT IMMEDIATELY!


    Besides that though good work on this part, even if not much really happened.

    I'm glad you think me being banned from the Derogatory Afterlife counts as "not muc really happened"







    On 9/25/2022 at 11:59 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    the two week montage is one of your best editing efforts!

    good job sean


    man characters using weapons in a pokemon fangame is never gonna look cool

    especially not the ones in the GBA styled ones

    Thank you! Took a lot of work but I'm glad came out alright! Which was your favourite day?

    I think mine was ironically the lullaby one because of the last minute invention of Master Nonexistantè.


    I suppose it's better than never seeing a weapon at all like in the official games.

    Game's called Sword and Shield but you don't even get one to use? Fugeddabout it!






    On 9/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, Dex said:


    Oh yeah, if you wanna meet that deadline, you're gonna have to do weekly updates to make that, maybe even less. Guess that means I can't procrastinate on replies!

    Luckily, I've come to the conclusion of "Maaaan...FUCK deadlines". Even if I make it or not it's not going to change anything.

    Keep up not procrastinating on replies though. I enjoy reading them.


    On 9/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, Dex said:



    On 9/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, Dex said:


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    The ol' Derogatory Charm will save the day once again.

    There's at LEAST five. You're forgetting Tesla and...uh...Ren's sister? I mean she's pretty good in Part 4.

    Haha no nothing like that.

    I'd probably react more like this


    Reina's honestly one of the funnier characters in the game I think. Kinda helps that she seems to one of the ones not taking everything 100 percent seriously.

    Oh yeah, that sounds about the right reaction for you. I expect more crying though.

    Yep. She was a valuable addition to Team Sean's junior division during those few arcs.

    Well...yeah but I'm sure the energy I'll give off will evaporate the tears.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Come sit on Onii-chan's lap, Aelita.

    Well this game is already pretty anime, might as well use all those tropes. 

    I don't know many of them unfortunately.


    Or fortunately?

    I dunno. I'll just make sure to keep a close eye out for any tight crevices she could get stuck in halfway through.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Would be a grand ol' time.

    Man...I think I'd rather have the kids without the wife at this point. 

    Like "oh good, my lineage lives on" instead of "oh good, there are now ten pillows we don't use on my bed".

    Honestly I'm even turned off of kids at this point. Being around a lot of them at work didnt help. 

    Hahahaha. Well I should HOPE you're turned off of kids.

    Man, talk about bad phrasing.

    But yeah, fuc- scre- FORGET other people's kids. Damn brats.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    There's always Fern to the rescue, right?

    Dear god what a fucking blow.

    The same level of humor? After 6 years?! And here I thought I'd matured...

    Maybe Titania and Sapphira, they seem like they're down for Team Meteor killing.

    I meant that in a good way I promise! 

    It's very hard to find a well-adjusted person in that region, isn't it?

    It's fine. 

    And like...actually fine. Not mad girlfriend "fine".


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's probably good experience for the others but I've been fighting at a disadvantage since day one since I'm STILL not allowed to have Full Restores or any of the GOOD hold items like Assault Vest.


    Well maybe not Day ONE. Early game Dragon Rage was pretty OP.

    Nooooooooooo...I don't want tooooooo...

    I also didn't know there were any Avengers even left. 

    Pray to the Pick Up Ability gods is all I can say.

    The roster of Avengers in comics is way bigger than the movie one. Thor is around still, plus Spider-man, Dr Strange and a bunch of the characters from the TV shows. They're going with them I think. 


    I guess they could use them. They're always going to be compared to the old ones though.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well of course I would. Coal's good for heating the house in winter! I ain't wasting it on a bunch of toerags!

    And I am SELFLESSLY offering my body to multiple women! I've got this in the baaaaaggg...

    Do any of them go for non-unique NPCs though? I remember seeing this weird manga about Brendan dating a Magma Grunt...

    I have all you lovely readers still. I'll be fine.

    Must be so difficult court all those women, truly.

    No non-unique ones at least, Biggest example is Ky-nim's Platinum comic with the MC dating one of the gym leaders (her comic Run of Pokemon Black ends up using their child as the MC there) and another one dating Steven. 

    It's a nightmare. The entire bedroom is filled with stupid fucking pillows they don't even USE for anything!

    Ah yeah. I remember reading that run back in the day when I first discovered Nuzlockes. Don't really remember much from it though. 


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I regret it already.

    Cool. I'm doing the same and taking my word for it too. Because I also have completely forgot what was going on in that Nuzlocke.

    Totally going to address them by name before I've met them to freak them out.

    My amazing improved battling skills and knowledge will leave you breathless, Dex!


    Either that or because we'll all need oxygen tanks by the time it comes out.


    Far as I remember you got friendzoned by May and encountered Deoxys where you left off. 

    I reckon Rejuvenation the actual game will be finished by then at least!

    Oh yeaaaahhh...and then I flew into a portal that was the actual friendzone, right?

    Could have sworn I beat Wallace at one point though...

    Oh ha ha. Not my fault I got way more invested in Rejuvenation.


    Well okay, it is. But I don't care.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    The second one is a lot more appealing. Carbonite just freezes them and you can't do much else other than hang them like furniture. Forced servitude in maid outfits is the way to go!


    You and Vitus seem to have the same idea, since he seems to have stuck Anju in a maid outfit based on her portrait. 

    I mean...loosely?

    I wouldn't have body-jacked anyone in his place. I'd rather be me and have the maids fawn over me.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    All while shouting trite phrases like "PREPARE YOURSELF" or "TASTE MY BLADE"?

    I can see that working.

    Well the Madame X fight is definitely going to be a bit more than "shaky view of the setting sun" like it was in the game but I'm not sure how exactly I'll do it.

    Hell you could even do a combo with your own mons, especially Rose.

    I always figured that fight would look something like this. The MC and Aelita are Goku and Frieza, and I guess Melia would be Android 17.

    Hahaha great minds think alike. I was also thinking of this exact fight. But to actually do so would be a monumental amount of work.

    Plus as we've seen, I can't draw for shit.

    I'd change Android 17 to Sakitron though.

    'Cause robots.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yes but they're the BAD people while we're the GOOD ones.

    Mine is nearly anything Palpatine says.

    Gotta be real the only one of the prequels I really like is Revenge of the Sith. I'm neutral on Phantom Menace and I think Attack of the clones is kinda bad.

    Palpatine is a trip, but even he couldn't save that last movie in the sequels.

    Oh same. I feel that's a very common opinion. Phantom Menace is mostly saved by Duel of Fates being a banger.

    Did you ever see the Clone Wars show? I heard that was good.

    He shouldn't have been brought back, man. Being thrown down a giant pipe was a better fate than what he had there.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I think he's from New York but that's a former English Colony so he's probably got some of that in him

    Oh no need to be concerned. I was just going to play "If Pokemon were real, what would your team be based on a 20 mile radius from your home" kind of thing. I'm just waiting for Scarlet and Violet to come out because Fidough is perfect Pokemon for the upbringing I had.

    A Yankee, that's even worse!

    Oh well, for me it's squirrels, alligators, various birds, and deer. So at least I'd get Feraligatr, my favorite water starter, so I'm okay with that.

    I'd pull my gun out but I'm afraid he'd have a lot more. All's I've got are two hunting rifles and one's really old.

    I'm thinking one choice could be based on one of the holidays you've taken in your life. Like, you visit the Alps you could get a Druddgion or if you visit a desert, a Cacnea and so on.

    Won't be doing it THIS chapter though.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    don't do a good job of it this ENTIRE arc. Thank GOD she fucks off for most of Part 4.

    Critics have called it "Nobody could have seen it coming" and "Nobody wanted this either".

    But then you end up being stuck with Ren for the most part. Least you get to see Melia be humiliated on live TV during the tournament! Aelita then gives you the evil eye thinking you were using her to get to the Eldest! 

    I laughed at the time and then actually felt bad for doing so when I saw it happen.

    I mean...it WAS funny but I could have at least not laughed in her face.

    Can't think of a way to argue myself out of trouble there "N-no Aelita! I only wanted to fuck your grandma when she was young! Not the old bag of bones she is now!"

    Either way, she's going to kick me in the face. 


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    That's...just Power Rangers isn't it? Damn, Japan. Be a little more diverse with your plots!

    Narrator: They in fact sent away the man who feasibly COULD take them for no real reason.

    Nymiera's bloodline seems DETERMINED to fail at everything they do.

    To be kinda fair, the only one of them who's actual seen you battle was Vivian, but she's too busy being dead.

    Hey now Damien and Alexandra haven't COMPLETELY dropped the ball. 

    Vitus would have been no match for my cheese strats, I tell you!

    True but the ball definitely bounced off the floor a few times before they caught it by finally deciding to bring in the guy who's been solving all the region's problems so far.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    And she doesn't even mean to do it which is worse.

    I'd say it's more Caesar's job than Rose's. Rose keeps me centered but she's too agreeable with whatever I decide to do.

    Like if I decided to murder Kakori in person instead of with a fire, she'd probably be fine with doing it. Caesar wouldn't.


    Unless it was a Xen Base. Then he'd be first in line.


    Love her, but yeah that's pretty true about Rose.

    Can't wait to see how Caesar reacts to having work with Team Xen in Part 4. Sure he'll be thrilled!

    We've come to an agreement to just beat the hell out of any Grunts that even breathe in our general vicinity.

    Like instead of teaming up with Aelita to fight those two Grunts in the Xen rocketship in a Pokemon battle, we just beat them with folding chairs until they pass out.

    This alliance is on very thin ice and I am holding a hammer just WAITING to break it.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    We're more than fine with just the first group. This game is VERY anime after all. And what's more powerful in anime than a motley group of teenagers?

    Who is Indriad NOT the father of at this point?

    Teenagers are truly the most powerful beings in anime.

    It literally seems to be it's all Indriads fault at this point.

    Which is weird, because in irl Japan it's the exact opposite.

    I know...I'm not a fan of it. Seems like a lot of fuckers will be getting a free pass if all the evil is attributed to him.

    I don't want another Reborn post-game scenario here.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Timpea and Spacea have Savior Complex beaten in the bitch department.


    Okay yeah, shit they could have stopped this at any point! Feel like they're gonna reveal a reason for not intervening and its going to be uniquely unsatisfying. 

    "We literally just could not be bothered to help, Melia."


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    She is also completely useless like everyone else during cutscenes so that's nice to see.

    Also she falls down a trap door which will definitely make me make a Mr. Burns joke.

    I honestly still can't believe she fell for the oldest trick in the book. Maybe she really is a version of Melia, because that seems about her speed.


    Even with her anime edginess and super suit, the doofus genes are too strong to overcome.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    That'd be excessive force though, Dex.

    Can't have that. They're only children...


    Yeah because pile driving them is a-okay. I see how it is. . . 

    Don't kids have bendier bones or something?

    It'll be fiiiiine...


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    She is the only one who'll make me hesitate on killing all of them with the detonator at the end.

    Kenneth and Amber made their bed by betraying us to Melanie.

    Yeah that whole bit with the fake diamond is the dumbest thing. Glad Mosely knee caped that whole plot but swiping the real thing. 

    And how they all immediately take Melanie's word with no proof backing it up is another fucking pisser.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    More like I'm going to have to wrap her in fucking bubble wrap the amount of times she's gotten her ass kicked.

    At this point CQC would be pissing in the wind because she won't be any good at it.


    Her Aegislash learns Sacred Sword, that counts right? If nothing else, she can pull a Titania she can use it as a weapon.

    Please no.

    That would be immensely cringe.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah. Only notable ones are against Valarie and Kenneth.

    I think you get to fight Melanie in V13 but from what I've seen you're also supposed to lose a fight to Melia or something?

    And fuuuuuuck that.


    I think you can still win that fight, but don't quote me there. 

    I'm not too sure either. Only that winning the fight is supposedly the "bad" choice like how it is on Eyclpsia Pyramid.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-Excuse me what the fuck do you mean "You'll have to do!", Melia!?


    Melia: Whatever you say Sean. Dye you hair purple and then we'll talk!

    Bitch, you only started liking Venam in that way when she turned her hair brown like mine!

    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    One was MEANT to be Amber but I kind of phoned it in by not colouring their hair.

    Only the graps got colour for some reason.

    I'm guessing its the girl on the left. I only realized it when someone said something on the Nuzlocke Forum. I think it was Pika.

    Yeah, I got laaaaazy.

    It's a real problem when I come up with additional jokes right as the chapter is about to be posted.


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'm not even sure this future is real. Could all be a simulation.

    Because HOW likely is it that Mosely's parents had her 40 something years after the region imploded? They probably weren't even born at the time!

     At this point the only thing I can say is roll with it. It'll decrease any migraines you get from this game by half  at least!

    Gotta keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'


    On 9/23/2022 at 10:36 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Pfft. I can just imagine that.

    "The weak should fear the strong".

    It would have certainly been preferable to the way I put her to sleep THIS chapter though...

    I'll say this, I was taken completely off guard by how you did here. Well done?

    Thank you.

    If only the Derogatory Elders were as open-minded as you, Dex.





    On 9/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, Dex said:

    First off I gotta say I was half expecting you to just skip to the hatching, but this works a million times better. Might be one of the best chapters on this part of the part so far.

    No half-assed job this time! It ended up happening because this chapter was going to be short for obvious reasons and I didn't want to combine the two out of respect.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it though.


    You probably could have taken on the whole crew right then and there. The only real threat among them is the Captain, and that;s not saying much. But hey plot and all.

    I could have. It would have been easy if not for the hostages that literally stopped existing the second we got on the boat.

    Like WHERE are they? They aren't anywhere on the ship!


    Yeah the introduction of bad future Valerie has no kind of impact, because again, we haven't talked with the real one is ages. Kind of makes sense to use her as pirate at least. Water Trainer and all that. Least her team here is kinda cool.

    Pretty much every bad future character's introduction has no impact bar Melanie's.

    It is a bit cool indeed. A "Dead Sea" theme is a novel choice.



    I actually made a video about it back then.

    Couldn't put it on Youtube because it was using Queen song and footage from that terrible Sherlock show.

    Here, if those of at home had forgotten about it like I did until I started typing under this image.

    Or never saw it in the first place.


     Oh god I forgot about that one, I'm still shocked Dailymotion is up and running. The one with Madame X as Vader is my favorite honestly.

    Dailymotion will never die. It persists in the shadows of it's greaters...not getting stronger or thriving though...just existing.

    That one was fun. I had to use the pink haired player character as a stand in for Nancy because there was no art for her back then.


    It really is sad that that whole two weeks is the most amount of relaxation you'll get for god knows how long. It'll be back to back disasters after this.

    We'll get like...three days off between Part 3 and 4 to avoid any time paradoxes about the stuff I did before going to the past. But yeah. That's about it until Part 5.

    And even then, Part 5's filler is a training adventure. Gotta get all the Crests and some new powerful Pokemon! Can't spend all my time just sitting by the beach!


    Well actually I could and there'd be just as much improvement as if I actually did go along with Alexandra's training.


    Honestly with the egg being the key to escape, only thing I can think of is that the Mimikyu is like absurdly busted like its the child of Ash's Pikachu or some such nonsense. It manages to scare off that gardevoir later so it kinda works maybe?

    That makes me hate it MORE.

    Yeah but I could have gotten to beat Gardevoir's ass with Zolt like I promised the first time we met!

    Now I'll NEVER get to do that!





    Wow good thing you're immortal or that would be a death flag right there. 

    I mean...

    It still is.


    The Lullaby bit caught me off guard completely, guess you are warming up to her a tiny fraction. I imagine Melia will tell Venam and she'll either laugh or be jealous. Not sure which would be funnier.


    Nah, I'm going to flip the table and act super close to Melia when Venam wakes up so she'll seethe with jealousy.

    Like she gets told that we spent two weeks in a dark future together and her mind will go: "they spent two weeks together"? "Two weeks with Melia..." "WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THOSE TWO WEEKS!?"

    And then I'll catch her eye as I'm sitting next to Melia and wink.





    I suddenly want to stop.



    See you're almost encouraging Melia x Sean at this point. Smellia can even be the ship name!


    The only other ones are Selia or Melian and neither are very good.


    I like the part where your telling them about their alternate selves. Ambers about the same, Mosely still gets a raw deal parent wisse, and Kenneth is doing shockingly well here. Borders on hilarious really. 

    I almost left that part out due to how long it was. but if you enjoyed it I'm glad I decided to take another day and finish it.


    Gotta say it is kinda weird having a chapter with so little imput from your mons. Caesar would have had a field day.

    It was refreshing to know they can't blackmail for anything that happened in that cell.


    And now with your team back, you can do the now even easier job of taking of the ship thanks to your sneaking and Madame X's rampage. Hope Nova is doing a good job of covering Mosely's eyes! 

    You know how this works, Dex. Things start looking up...and then they come crashing right back down to Earth.





    On 9/26/2022 at 1:08 AM, Dex said:


    Hell at this point, I might end up just staying here. I said to myself I would make a profile on that forum eventually but never got around to it. 

    Up to you.

    I just prefer replying on that site because you can actually see what they've put into spoilers when you're replying.

    On this site I have to delete the qouted spoilers and then make my own ones just so I can see what I'm replying too.




  16. 5 hours ago, SoulOfGenji said:

    I played back CH15 and first she says that MC is the top, the strongest, after the various tests with Mega and disadvantaged teams, then she says that MC and Aelita has the same total score and got more improvement than the others. 

    Can't score higher than 100 on a test.

  17. Doesn't say anything about them being equal though, just that they're the highest amongst their amazing peers of Melia, Venam, Ren, two children who only started training Pokemon a month ago and Pokemonless Kanon.

    Aelita could be a distant second for all we know.


    • Like 2
  18. Nothing like spending two weeks in a ship's brig to REALLY get to know a person, eh?





    Anyway like, comment and DON'T subscribe because that ain't a thing 'round here.









    On 8/22/2022 at 11:27 PM, Bluedude said:

    I remember when this arc first came out. I’m pretty sure people were divided in between it being good or bad, but at the end you do get some answers as to what Melias’ power is and what you are. You also get way more questions but that’s par for the course. 

    It's...dramatic at least? And that makes for some good content.

    I don't think the player gets much information that I haven't already figured out. We had that weird dream with someone whispering in my ear about how I was the "Interceptor" and "whose body will I inhabit next?"

    Hell Melia's doesn't get much explanation until much later either.

    Ah yes, the classic Rejuvenation method.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:27 PM, Bluedude said:

    As far as apocalypses go this one doesn’t look that good to live in, little food, most animals are dead, all the water is acidic, and all the land is getting washed away. 

    Yeah they're pretty much circling the drain at this point. And would likely all be dead if this "Princess" didn't have her big botanical garden boat going around.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:27 PM, Bluedude said:

    If I had to live in an apocalypse I’d choose Fallouts’. At least in that universe there are multiple societies rebuilding the World. 

    I dunno...it may have societies but they aren't exactly great.

    Plus a lot of that place is tracts and tracts of hyper-murderous wildlife like Deathclaws and Cazadores.

    And that's not forgetting the actual fucking aliens going around.

    No, for me I'd pick an easy one to live in like the Walking Dead. The only reason that the characters from that struggle is because it's a Tv show and they're written to be retards.

    Especially since I'd still be here on a relatively small island with a population of 5 million.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:27 PM, Bluedude said:

    I’m with Teslas’ husband being crazy for leaving her, I mean have you seen her artwork? How does that woman not have men constantly trying to date her! 

    I see you are a man of culture just like me.

    Maybe they're all too intimidated by her? If so I shall gladly give myself up and give her 3 more children while she can still have them!

    Assuming 45 is still the usual cut-off for women having kids.




    On 8/23/2022 at 2:20 AM, J-Awesome_One said:

    And damn right. They're better than yours.~

    I think Melia is making you like her as a friend.

    Hmmm... You're like her brother. No 1 can hurt her but you. So nice Sean!

    It honestly does look wine colored so you're not really wrong with the color there.

    Impossible. Nothing can be better than something I own because I am the one who owns it.

    It's nothing THAT severe. She's making me like her as a passing acquaintance.

    Her poor older brother who has to keep her from walking into traffic...yes I can see it looking like that.

    Bottoms up then!




    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:
    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Haven't seen him comment in a while and the hunting dogs keep coming back with nothing

    Have you tried using any one of your endless bag filled with random powers.

    No but I did check his profile.

    Seems he was last around on September 9th. Guess he must be busy or something.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    I really wonder how Madame X ran away when there is nothing to run too other then a giant red sea can she fly with that cape or can she run on water? Maybe she is a submarine?

    My working theory is that she's some sort of Inspector Gadget woman and can pull a jetski out of her arse.

    She just ran away because she didn't want us to hear her shriek "GO GO GADGET JETSKI" because that'd ruin her dark edgy vibe.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    Also seeing as how Mosely was able to snatch away Madame X sword in v13 easily yeah I would say little girls are her weakness

    Jesus Christ, THIS is our villian?

    I should have stayed behind and beat the shit out of her on Blacksteeple the first time I saw her.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    The evengallion poster with Sean and Meli is a pretty cool edit



    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    Man this arc really just makes Melia such a pushover even compared to the rest of the game although she isn't that much of a pushover in v13

    Having a god fragment inside you does wonders for your self-confidence, you know.

    She's kind of a mess here because she realises she's basically killed everyone she knows and blames herself even if I don't.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:



    Hell, I'm not even sure how the fuck you're even a living thing!

    Honestly good question

    Voltorbs, man.

    They're what really keep me up at night.



    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    I really wonder if Melia or any of the other character in this game will ever pay off their debt for you or will always just be glorified cheer leaders for the rest of the game.

    Well they could start by actually dressing the part!


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    Man your monologue of telling Melia to not throw away her life would have been so heroic if you cut out the last part

    My character would be the pinnacle of heroism if he didn't have my brain inside him.

    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:



    It'd take at least half a year of living with you all before I start considering "you all" as actual people.

    Damn I think thats a lot less then how long it took you to warm up to the actual cast

    Hahaha I think you're mistaking me considering them as more than sacks of meat as me "warming up to them".

    I don't think I ever thought the other characters as less than human since their life intrinsically has value.

    These people's lives are worthless to me in comparison. They'll either be dead by the end of this or I'll never see them again.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:

    I doubt only 5 island exist in the entire world after all how would Amber know?

    You could fill entire libraries with what this Amber doesn't know.

    But yes, that is likely the case.

    Even if we do it mathematically there's no way Melanie could have destroyed that much land in her small lifespan even while using Yveltal.


    On 8/25/2022 at 3:09 AM, Z.. said:



    A happy ending for everyone!

    Except for all the people dead but lets just pretend they don't exist and always blame it on Melia

    They're not dead per se. Just temporarlily temporally displaced!

    And no.

    This is the ONE time we don't blame things on Melia.





    On 8/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, YinYang9705 said:

    ...why is madame x a companion for this arc

    is it because janforgot about her for nearly the entirety of grand dream up until this point

    damn it jan

    Probably that yes.

    Gotta flesh out the villian a little bit more after all.

    Don't want another Pre-V19 Lin situation do we?

    On 8/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    melia reacts shockingly poorly to threats to her life by people she can use her pokemon against

    sure they're kids but self defense is self defense

    Imagine getting this far into the game and thinking we'd EVER be allowed to use our Pokemon for self-defense outside of honourable turn-based combat?

    Comical, YingYang. Just Comical.

    On 8/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    damn it melia stop having a hero complex about shit its the least helpful thing in the world.

    Someone on the team has to have it.

    I've already said I could kill everyone in this timeline without a care so it can't be me.

    On 8/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, YinYang9705 said:


    medabots unfortunately is one of those series cursed to be japan only after getting a scant NA release

    like yokai watch only with robots instead of ghosts

    It's tragic. Could make a good RPG out of it.

    Yokai Watch sucks though.



    On 9/1/2022 at 4:07 PM, Dex said:


    I'd go with bi-weekly if you could manage it. Gives you a bit of cushion for time, but its not a super long wait between chapters.

    Might be more doable. But I am DETERMINED to finish this Part by the end of the year and we still have 11 chapters to go with only 14 weeks until then.

    But putting it another way, that's 100 days. Which sounds like way more time.

    On 9/1/2022 at 4:07 PM, Dex said:
    On 9/1/2022 at 4:07 PM, Dex said:



    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yes...yes....fall deeper into the parasocial web I'm building around you...soon you'll be wanting to buy my bathwater for ludicrous prices! 

    And the best part is...I NEVER TAKE BATHS! MWAHAHAHA!

    You monster! Also ew for a large number of reasons, scared to ask where it's coming from.



    I never said I didn't wash myself, just that I don't take baths.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Problem is that they're also pretty SMART on top of rich. I'm clever at best so I don't think it'd be as easy for me.

    I try not to remember that awful fight. Super glad I didn't use any stat decrease moves to get through it at least.

    That's because I usually only mention the top three, the others don't come up as much.

    It will never happen so I won't even consider what I'd do.


    Just get Saki's money and that little problem will work itself out.

    Top Three, more like the Only Three.

    I'd assume if Rose died the whole party would just keel over like she was the MC of a Persona game.


    The ol' Derogatory Charm will save the day once again.

    There's at LEAST five. You're forgetting Tesla and...uh...Ren's sister? I mean she's pretty good in Part 4.

    Haha no nothing like that.

    I'd probably react more like this

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Sounds like that's asking for HR to get involved. Fun ruining bastards.

    Maybe if I combine the two and stick them IN bags of meth?

    That's HR in a nutshell, that and pretending to be on your side when they could really care less.

    Man if you though kids on a sugar rush were bad, imagine Mosely high as a kite.


    Gotta do what's best for the company not the human resources.

    Hilarious up until her teeth start rotting.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's been six years of this. What do you think?

    Not possible.

    Aelita wouldn't.

    Shut up.

    I hate you.

    Aelita: You're like the big brother I never had Sean. 


    Come sit on Onii-chan's lap, Aelita.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well yeah but like 5 million over 40 years is 125,000 euro a year. Surely your bills couldn't be high enough to burn through THAT.

    It's fine. I've got a method that'll work.

    I won't be sharing it though. Get your own wife murdering scheme!

    Oh over 40 years, nevermind I'm living large then.

    No worries, I'm not even at the get a wife stage yet. 


    Would be a grand ol' time.

    Man...I think I'd rather have the kids without the wife at this point. 

    Like "oh good, my lineage lives on" instead of "oh good, there are now ten pillows we don't use on my bed".


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah. I made sure to teach it to Mako too.

    I even make use of it out of battle when Solaris tries to cut off my head in Blacksteam.


    Definitely. I've improved too much so I can't churn them out like it was 2015 because my standards have gotten too high.

    These last two months of slow updates was mostly due to work, lethargy and it being fucking hot most of the time.

    Hopefully it'll get better soon.


    Still dumb of the MC to have his back to the enemy team leader at all. Imagine a world where Solaris had actually suceeded, Reborn would be doomed.

    Yeah, reading your early Reborn stuff and the current Rejuvenation run, it's like night and day difference. Still same level of humor though. For better or worse.


    There's always Fern to the rescue, right?

    Dear god what a fucking blow.

    The same level of humor? After 6 years?! And here I thought I'd matured...

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Psshhhhh...fucking amateurs if that's the case. I haven't played Rejuvenation in over two years and I'll still be in top-form when 13.5 finally drops! Yeah. I reject their offer to go to things that would ACTUALLY make me stronger like getting new Pokemon, Crests or Mega Stones. Not playing around with mono-type battles.

    It's better there than here for that at least.

    Uggghhh...just what we need. Infinite What If stories.


    It's the fighting at a disadvantage "training" that gets me. Like that isn't half the battles in this game with the field effects heavily weighted towards the otherside. 

    Shoot two of the last three marvel movies have involved the multiverse in a major way. The next set of Avengers movie is gonna feature it heavily apparently. So you'd best believe in the Multiverse, because you're in one!


    It's probably good experience for the others but I've been fighting at a disadvantage since day one since I'm STILL not allowed to have Full Restores or any of the GOOD hold items like Assault Vest.


    Well maybe not Day ONE. Early game Dragon Rage was pretty OP.

    Nooooooooooo...I don't want tooooooo...

    I also didn't know there were any Avengers even left. 

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Well the same was true for the older Pokemon games and look how much smut those have now. Do the official portraits appear in later version then? I assume so since most weren't drawn back here in Version 10.


    I honestly attribute that to them being more played. I imagine on a relatively tiny fraction of people who've played to official games have touched anytype of fangame, let along something like Rejuvenation. 

    Also yeah the portraits only appear in V13.


    Sound reasoning there. I myself would have thought there'd be some because most niche places on the internet are horrifying dens of sin. Glad to be wrong here.

    Ah I see.

    I'm glad Zumi made them. Makes the memes so much easier to make.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    What a weird and unnecessary addition to her character.


    Basically everything Rowling has written post Deathly Hallows. She really should have just called it a day after the last HP came out.


    Very true.

    She should have just sat back and let the cash roll in.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I contemplated growing one once. Only to find out it's ginger and not my actual hair colour.

    So I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm old enough to go grey.

    Of course. Why settle for less or have to actually choose? I think it'll work out fine. Most of the top-tier girls don't seem like the jealous type and if they are...Well this is Pokemon. I just have to find our what type Jealousy is weak to!

    That...isn't a bad idea, actually. Maybe if I ever track down Potion Lady who saved my run...

    Yeah she does. But it's WEIRD to be appreciated for it.



    You do that and you'll just end up looking like Irish Santa Claus. Instead of coal you'll probably just throw rocks at naughty children.

    I'd assume Jealousy is weak to Selflessness. . . maybe I dunno?

    Wouldn't be the first time a Nuzlocke run romanced a NPC, I've seen a few comic runs do it. 

    Just take the appreciation, man. Be awhile before you get more of it.


    Well of course I would. Coal's good for heating the house in winter! I ain't wasting it on a bunch of toerags!

    And I am SELFLESSLY offering my body to multiple women! I've got this in the baaaaaggg...

    Do any of them go for non-unique NPCs though? I remember seeing this weird manga about Brendan dating a Magma Grunt...

    I have all you lovely readers still. I'll be fine.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Very true. I make it a point to check fields more often after all the suffering they've put me through.

    It's a wild ride to be sure.

    Sums up Reborn/Rejuvenation in general doesn't it? 


    'S what is says in the summary on the Nuzlocke forums at least.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    As I deserved.

    I'm thinking it'll just be a complete rewind but slightly off due to the V19 changes.

    Like the evil Celebi or whatever the fuck was going on in the Alphabetlocke sends me back to the train about to pull into the city. But I won't be passive about my foreknowledge. (which lasts up until Amentrine Mountain)

    I think it could be fun to go back and give my Pokemon a bit more life to them.


    This is the path you chose.

    To be honest I completely forgot what exactly was going on in the Alphabetlocke so I'm gonna take your word for it about the Celebi. Messing with Team Meteor with future knowledge should be funny at least.

    I'm genuinely interested in seeing Reborn with your improved Nuzlocking(?) in 2030 or so.


    I regret it already.

    Cool. I'm doing the same and taking my word for it too. Because I also have completely forgot what was going on in that Nuzlocke.

    Totally going to address them by name before I've met them to freak them out.

    My amazing improved battling skills and knowledge will leave you breathless, Dex!


    Either that or because we'll all need oxygen tanks by the time it comes out.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    No no. The HAREM are my respected wives. The goddesses are just spoils of war trophies.

    Sucker's bet there. There's a small chance it'd be white...but as I said. A SMALL chance.


    Freeze them in carbonite and use them as decoration like in Star Wars, or even worse make them clean up your mansion/home/evil lair as eternal punishment.

    I'd only bet on white because of you know Arceus, but its long odds there.


    The second one is a lot more appealing. Carbonite just freezes them and you can't do much else other than hang them like furniture. Forced servitude in maid outfits is the way to go!


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Yyyyyep. Although I don't know how likely it is Timpea will turn into a Swanna to sleep with someone.

    Which could only improve it! I love Chrono Trigger.

    Instead of pokemon battles, you and Melia/Ren/Aelita/etc punch, shoot, and slash with combo moves. Be pretty cool to see. Maybe you could edit that in for the Madame X fight at the pyramid?


    All while shouting trite phrases like "PREPARE YOURSELF" or "TASTE MY BLADE"?

    I can see that working.

    Well the Madame X fight is definitely going to be a bit more than "shaky view of the setting sun" like it was in the game but I'm not sure how exactly I'll do it.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I hide there for a brief period in Part 5 due to so much being changed around the entire world.

    All the more reason for me to build and then take the throne from those corrupt fools.

    I'm going to install psychic screening for all government employees so corruption will be a thing of the past.


    "Change is scary!" - Sean

    Instead of Team Xen's iron fist, Aevium gets your Iron Fist, eh? Well at least you're not trying to destroy everything.



    Now, now...it's more of an Iron Hand of Guidance than a fist.

    Sure it'll SOMETIMES guide people into prison camps but it's all for the good of the regime region!

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I always liked the prequel trilogy but somehow every single line of dialogue becoming a meme has only made it better.

    You're not alone in that, but there's plenty of people who swing the other way on that opinion. I feel like it's about 50/50 nowadays on the prequels. Yeah the memes are eternal, it's great stuff. I'm particulary fond of "I have the high ground" myself.


    Yes but they're the BAD people while we're the GOOD ones.

    Mine is nearly anything Palpatine says.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    You tell me the last time you saw an anime girl with body hair and I'll accept defeat on the matter.

    It's for the best. Too much time on his own depresses him.


    . . . Well I wont answer that to avoid implicating myself. . .

    I forget that Caesar is essentially a Vietnam vet wrapped in a ball of vines sometimes. 

    Well played...

    Yep. He forgets it too when he's watching for something to berate me on.

    In a way, I am his therapy.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    She was ALREADY rich though! And it doesn't seem like something her younger self would consider being the easy mark that she was.

    I think there is in later versions? Like we learn more about Valarie in Aquamarine Cave and whatnot.

    Sadly, I missed all that so to me she's just "That woman from Blacksteeple who gave me a decent battle"

    Oh yeah forget she was the one with money. Maybe Thomas was really that good in the sack?

    Yeah the trouble with constantly updating fangames. Before V11 Val barely has any presence in the story after the gym battle. 


    Probably not hard to be when I'm 99% sure she was a complete virgin up until she met him.

    He's no match for Vitus/Indriad though. Man was slaying it for centuries. Nymiera, Anathea, Narcissa...the man's a legend.

    Yep. They got kicked to the curb pretty hard once Veronica showed up.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's definitely not though.

    As you'll see in Chapter 147, Jan hates the Irish.

    Although Poke-Ireland gives me an idea for a game we can all play...but I'll save it for a later chapter.

    I didn't know Jan was English! My gosh this explains everything!

    Can't wait to see what you got planned there, a little concerned but that's just reading this run in general.


    I think he's from New York but that's a former English Colony so he's probably got some of that in him

    Oh no need to be concerned. I was just going to play "If Pokemon were real, what would your team be based on a 20 mile radius from your home" kind of thing. I'm just waiting for Scarlet and Violet to come out because Fidough is perfect Pokemon for the upbringing I had.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah I can see that. Especially with Melia.

    And ESPECIALLY in this arc.


    And then he throws me into the clouds using his magic

    Though you're not doing an especially good job of it in this chapter. 

    The Sean/Eldest/Souta love triangle, truly the romantic subplot of the century.


    I don't do a good job of it this ENTIRE arc. Thank GOD she fucks off for most of Part 4.

    Critics have called it "Nobody could have seen it coming" and "Nobody wanted this either".

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I never digested any Sailor Moon media besides the English opening and Dub compilations on Youtube so I don't know what the story is.

    Well it's not entirely my fault, is it?

    I DO warn Angie but we know what these Aevians are like when it comes to heeding my warnings.



    Its not TOO complicated. Ancient kingdom on the moon destroyed, royal family and their guards reincarnated as teenagers and they fight a stupid variety of demons, androids, and what is essentially Galactus in a shiny sailor uniform. I liked it as kid at least.

    "Bah we can take 'em!" -Angie 19XX. 

    Narrator: They could not in fact "take 'em".


    That's...just Power Rangers isn't it? Damn, Japan. Be a little more diverse with your plots!

    Narrator: They in fact sent away the man who feasibly COULD take them for no real reason.

    Nymiera's bloodline seems DETERMINED to fail at everything they do.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    As depicted in the new titlecard "Nice fucking job, Melia"

    That'd be a twist of the century. Human Sean is the moral compass to Sprite Sean's sociopathy.

    Maybe it's because he doesn't get all the Rose interaction I do?

    Melia ruins everything, yep that about sums it up.

    Would make sense considering Rose tends to keep you from going TOO far off the deep end at times. A Sean without Rose is probably about as bad as you joke to be.


    And she doesn't even mean to do it which is worse.

    I'd say it's more Caesar's job than Rose's. Rose keeps me centered but she's too agreeable with whatever I decide to do.

    Like if I decided to murder Kakori in person instead of with a fire, she'd probably be fine with doing it. Caesar wouldn't.


    Unless it was a Xen Base. Then he'd be first in line.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Ah but I know a martial artists greatest weakness!

    Being a lot bigger and heavier than them!

    They'd be powerless against my "bear hug and then fall on them" technique! Or the classic "Wrap around and lie down on the floor" manuveur!


    Ah an improvised Heavy slam, classic tactic. 


    Granted it's not very useful in group fights but it's a real killer in 1v1s!

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Christ is the number even higher than that though?

    We've got Team Xen, Team Anti-Assist, Bladestar, The Androids assholes Clear and Kieran, V, the woman after Ana, whoever is behind Amaria-Black, Indriad, Timpea&Spacea, Timpeas&Spacea's boss, The specific cause behind Storm 9, the PuppetMaster, the Inkay that think they're aliens, Karen and probably even more.

    I genuinely don't think we'd notice if someone new was manipulating Kanon.

    And all you've got is your motly group of teenagers, Damien and April, plus the Storm Chasers for whaterver they're worth. Good thing non of these baddies are really working together, or you might be in real trouble. 

    Though for Indriad, I'm betting money of him being the "father" that Madame X talks about if you beat her. So that one connection at least.


    We're more than fine with just the first group. This game is VERY anime after all. And what's more powerful in anime than a motley group of teenagers?

    Who is Indriad NOT the father of at this point?

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Enter Terastyling. The new stupid gimmick that'll be gone next gen!

    You know Tauros of all Pokemon is getting 3 regional forms this gen? Now I love me some Tauros but that seems both excessive AND lazy.

    Make NEW cow Pokemon already!

    I'm just curious how it'll look in the anime. Probably be hell to draw and animate on a regular basis.

    I think those leaks about Tauros are fake but who knows really. 


    I can see them just slapping a filter over it and calling it a day.

    Maybe...Spain IS famous for it's bullfighting though.

    I didn't think they'd make a Pokemon out of a pot of tea either but here we are.


    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yep. Never knew about Sandstorm doing that until now.

    Guess that means Arenite Wall is a lot more useful than I though.


    Sandstorm is a really good weather effect, there's a reason there's whole teams built around it. 

    I'd say use it if you have a good mon for it. Claydol would have been great one for it. . . 


    Don't think I ever used any teams based around Weather before. Must look into it.

    Don't remind me of Damocles...I'm even more annoyed that Claydol got a cool Crest already...

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    He MIGHT have, honestly. All this was played in 2018 and I don't have any pictures of their movesets for this part of the game so I just went with the joke of him not knowing it. Because I can't figure out why 2018 Sean would have used fucking Electro Ball there.


    Be shocked if that wasn't what happened. 2018 Sean seems like reasonably intelligent fellow. 


    Nah, he was a retard with occasional bursts of genius.

    But to be fair, 2026 Sean will probably say the same about me.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I certainly wouldn't be as upbeat as I am this chapter.

    Or any of the chapters afterward. Probably would have just stolen Kenneth's boat and murdered my way to Blacksteeple in a haze of red.



    Yeah that would have that would have been a 180 mood wise. Probably wouldn't have been nearly as nice to Melia as you were, relatively speaking.


    Oh no. Definitely not.

    I'd be downright abusive and it wouldn't have been fun to read.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I plan on it. We needed more move specific gags in this show and that's a pretty good one.

    Need to find more moves that'd work for them too.

    I think Abomination learns something called Solar Flare so I could probably turn that into a DBZ joke easily enough.


    How about Rose getting irrationally angry at everything when she uses Outrage, though you've probably used that one already?

    Solar Flare is a good one, if you have anything that learns moonblast that could be a easy Kamehameha/Spirit Bomb joke.


    Nah I don't think I'll do the Outrage one. If anything I'm the one who saps all the actual outrage from the move.

    Hmmm...I don't think I do yet. Don't have very many fairy types but I suppose Nancy's Sylveon would work.

    I'll have to look at my Pokemon's movesets and write some out.

    On 8/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I blame Indriad myself. It's HIS fault it's all happening, right?




    I'd say at least a quarter to third of the main plot is his BS, the rest well you're best guess is as good a mine.


    Probably going to end up being behind the other two thirds in some way as well.


    Comments for Chapter 142:

    On 9/1/2022 at 4:07 PM, Dex said:


      Hide contents

    The title card sums up how I feel about this whole debacle. Savior complex is a bitch isn't it Melia?

    Timpea and Spacea have Savior Complex beaten in the bitch department.



    Oh and it just gets better with everyone's favorite sword wielding, leather clad tyrant. Denied vengeance, Sean must team up with his most hated foe. 

    . . . Okay team up is a strong word, you barely interact with her for most of this arc to be honest. Sure you're not complaining though.

    She is also completely useless like everyone else during cutscenes so that's nice to see.

    Also she falls down a trap door which will definitely make me make a Mr. Burns joke.


    Least you get to maul a pack of kindergarteners to make you feel better. Hell you could have thrown out anyone of your mons and got them to back off too. This is funnier tho.

    That'd be excessive force though, Dex.

    Can't have that. They're only children...


    Alt timeline Mosley is like the only thing that keeps this section of the game from being completely grim and serious. I'm extremely thankful to the little gremlin for that.

    She is the only one who'll make me hesitate on killing all of them with the detonator at the end.

    Kenneth and Amber made their bed by betraying us to Melanie.


    Kenneth roundhouse kicking Melia made me laugh I gotta admit. She actually gets beat up more in other parts of V13 if you can believe it. Gonna have to teach that girl some CQC.

    More like I'm going to have to wrap her in fucking bubble wrap the amount of times she's gotten her ass kicked.

    At this point CQC would be pissing in the wind because she won't be any good at it.



    There's few Pokemon battles here so punching it out works for me!

    Yeah. Only notable ones are against Valarie and Kenneth.

    I think you get to fight Melanie in V13 but from what I've seen you're also supposed to lose a fight to Melia or something?

    And fuuuuuuck that.



    ONLY when the world collapses, does Keta get a fair hand dealt to him.

    Christ, Jan. What did he DO to you?

    God what didn't he do the man. Honestly death was probably a relief for the man at a certain point.

    His ghost did seem pretty unbothered by his death. He can be at peace with Nora and Taelia now.


    If Nora is actually dead and if Taelia isn't still inside Aelita.



    The whole environment looks grim, kinda like the design. I imagine when they say 5 islands, I'd like to think thats just whats left of the Aevium Region. I imagine the rest of the world is about the same.

    I can see it.

    The rest of the world probably leaves the Aevium region the hell alone what with the whole acidic ocean thing. It'd also explain why nobody in the other regions has bothered to deal with Melanie.

    It'd be nice to get some concrete info on HOW devastating the cataclysm was though.


    Only 91 species of mons left, man Gamefreak cut the Pokedex pretty fine this region. Man imagine if you had to do this entire arc with just the six Pokemon you had on hand to fight Vivian. Be a hell of a hard mode challenge at least.

    This is the worst Dex Cut I've seen in my life. Where's the Twitter outrage about this one!?

    I do TRY to do it with only the six I have on hand.

    Mainly because the PCs working in every time period and without any infrastructure annoys the hell out of me.



    SeanXMelia can stay in Bizarro Aevium where it fucking belongs.


    Melia: Well Venam's a statue and I don't know any of these other people. Guess you'll have to do Sean!~


    NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-Excuse me what the fuck do you mean "You'll have to do!", Melia!?






    Truly a work of art, this belongs in every art museum in the world. I've noticed that the girls all look like pre-coma Aelita.

    One was MEANT to be Amber but I kind of phoned it in by not colouring their hair.

    Only the graps got colour for some reason.


    The future is dire, but somehow internet memes transcend space and time. Maybe Mosely's a time traveler too?

    I'm not even sure this future is real. Could all be a simulation.

    Because HOW likely is it that Mosely's parents had her 40 something years after the region imploded? They probably weren't even born at the time!


    I'm surprised you didn't suggest putting Melia in a sleeper hold at the end there. Unconsciousness counts as sleep right? Surely the next day won't be as bad as the first, right. . . right?


    Pfft. I can just imagine that.

    "The weak should fear the strong".

    It would have certainly been preferable to the way I put her to sleep THIS chapter though...



    Okay finally got this done, haven't had time to actually sit down and type this before now. 


    It might have been easier to reply on the actual Nuzlocke Forum but if you go there I'll lose what dwindling amount of replies I have here so...it's up to you. Whichever you'd find easier.








    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:

    I never drank nor will ever drink wine, so I'm not sure about the water. It's definitely red, though. So red that James the Red Number 5 would be jealous.

    I dunno. He seems to be more a bright red fan to me.

    Like Cherry Red he likes but dark red is bleh.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I "love" what happened is completely different than those Time and Space losers foreshadowed. They implied that saving one would kill a lot of other humans, not send the world into apocalypse age! Also, I found it interesting that we never see Vivian in this apocalypse timeline. Almost like she dies in the end...

    Well yeah there's that and she would be 70 something years old by the time we get sent to.

    And this is the region after things have settled down. I can't imagine how deadly things were immediately after the apocalypse started.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    So basically, the question those twin arseholes should be saying, "Would you sacrifice one peson to save the world, or save one person so she would die along with the rest of the world?" 



    It's a stupid question is what I'm saying.

    It very much is stupid.

    They shouldn't have said "millions will die" because who the fuck cares? That's no way equal to the world ending.


    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    God, I would have taken that Heracross over Madame X. Thanks a lot, Rejuvenation.

    I would have too if I didn't already have one.

    Would be a neat way to get a new team member, fighting together in the apocalypse.

    It's a shame there wasn't any capture encounters here. Would have made for an interesting character to use.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Good to see you defending yourselves quite easily. I just "love" the fact that apparently the player decides to surrender to a bunch of toddlers depsite having literal murder machines in his pocket. Especially since most Pokemon in this timeline are dead, and there's no gimmicks for the enemies to pull out of their rear. No Megas, No Z-Moves, No Dyna/GigaMax, No Terastallize, nothing! Heck, Rose can probably defeat them all with a sneeze if she wants to.

    Or literally just being an adult vs children. Don't even need the murder machines for it to be nonsensical.

    Well she defeats Zira with one this chapter.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Say, what do you think of Terastallize? I give credit to GameFreak, it's not as braindead as Dyna/GigaMax. Megas are still better though. Crystalizing sounds cool...if you know, it doesn't make the Pokemon look weird and hideous. Although I do feel concern about the balance of the game. Imagine a Dragon with a Steel Tera Type....then again, that's the same problem Megas had, and I love Megas.



    Megas are still cooler, though.

    I feel like it'd be improve if it also locked the opponents pokemon in. As it is, you can counter Terastallize pretty easy by just doing what everyone does when facing a Pokemon with a type advantage. Switch your Pokemon for one that doesn't.


    Also that hats they get are stupid.


    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:




    ...Am I an idiot for actually, legiitmitely, honestly believed what that fish said, before Zolt pointed out the facts?

    Nah. I thought it too when I wrote the joke.

    Zolt pointing out the facts came like two weeks after during editing when I realised "Wait, a fucking minute. 70% of the earth's SURFACE is water. It doesn't count anything underground at all!

    Basically if the ocean disappeared we'd find outselves living on VERY tall mountains.


    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    See, look on the bright side! This apocalypse also probably(and hopefully) killed a bunch of idiots/arseholes like politicians, politically obsessed morons, SJWs/Wokes, and people who unironically believe Thomas the Tank Engine is authoritative bullcrap.


    In 2022.


    Yes, I meet another person like that some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if this "person" genuinely think sHenry the Green Number 3 is locked for eternity in  that tunnel.


    No seriously, how do people genuinely believe that?

    Sieg Heil Herr Fat Controller!

    It's a goddamn train line. Of course it has to be authoritative! The fucking trains wouldn't arrive on time if it wasn't!

    But it's nowhere near as severe as internet people like to imagine so their Buzzfeed articles get more clicks!

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    HAHAHA. I laughed just like you ordered me to. Did I do it right?

    You have done well.

    All those who didn't will be executed in the coming months.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    That's it. That's my whole problem with v10. Vivian doesn't really have to sacrifice herself. Just kick Indriad's butt and boom, world saved. What he's going to do, fight you off with just a Gardevoir?

    I'm guessing there was a time limit?

    Like he's demonstrated that he himself can teleport so all he has to do is keep avoiding us until he can activate whatever the hell causes Storm-9.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    But of course the player character doesn't share or talk about Indriad to other people. Why would he do something that is common sense? He's the only one right now who knows about Indriad and Maria's fiasco! People talk crap about Pokemon Insurgence for their cults, yet those 5(actually 4) cults in that game are pansies compared to Indriad's whole deal! 

    I really would like to scream at Melia "IS THIS YOUR DADDY!?" while holding up that giant fucking painting I have in my backpack.

    I've still got to get around to seeing what that game is about.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    But if Vivian doesn't sacrifice herself, Aelita wouldn't exist. Heh, Ironic. For Aelita to live, Melia must let Vivian die.


    Sort of. It's a bit more complicated...oh who am I kidding? What happens is so freaking bizarre, I doubt anyone could have predicted that from the beginning. And it somehow gets even MORE bizarre!

    I don't know about that.

    She might just be the same Aelita personality wise but her name would be Nora instead? It's tricky.

    There's a reason I named all the Parts after Jojo's Bizarre Adventure you know.


    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    ...I can't belive it took me this long to realize that Kenneth and Tesla got married in thsi timeline. For some reason my brain didn't process that step-daughter line...


    I clearly ate too much Durants...by accident of course.


    I don't...

    I'm not seeing how eating METAL ants would make your brain not process that line.


    Well actually I do, heavy metal poisoning would give you brain damage but I don't think that was your reasoning.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Okay, is throwing oils on girls a reference to something? Because I genuinely curious. 

    It is a reference to how girls wrestling in oil is erotic and I would like to see more of it.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I agree, that's really smart of Kenneth. An Aeviumite using their brain. A very rare phenomenon,  even rarer than catching a shiny in mainline games. So bravo, Ke-wait, he's from Kanto...I take it back. Aeviumites are brainless. As expected.


    Just don't go golfing with him.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Urgh. I hate working with the evil guys. Even as a kid, I dislike this trope and found it really boring. I know there's the whole 'temporary alliance' and 'common problem that only both of them could solve together' stuff, but if I'm a hero, I hate having to lower myself to work with guys who were constantly trying to kill the heroes. And it's amazing how I rarely, if at all, see the bad guys try to backstab the guys and betray the heroes. Because, you know, bad guys. 

    I always disliked it because they're like a hundred times weaker than when you fought them in a boss battle.

    Like where the fuck did that 9,000 HP stat go!? Why is it only 256 now!?

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    I know you only want to rule for your own lust, but you'd genuinely be the best ruler for this world, mainly because you're literally the strongest and smartest people in that timeline right now. And you probably won't kill people willy nilly, and instead have more valid reasons to do so. 

    It's not hard to be a better ruler/Champion when the one we do have does literally nothing.

    Thank you for the vote of confidence though.

    On 9/14/2022 at 5:02 PM, Hakimblue99 said:


    Like people who yells "This desert character is too white!" about an ASIAN, WAIFU, GACHA game  yet act deaf when white/Japanese characters are turned black.


    Friggin hypocrites. It's just like you said, there's no such thing as true equality. 

    America is obsessed with black people. It's actually really weird.

    Exactly. Equality doesn't exist as a force of nature. It's survival of the fittest.

    All Hail Britannia!


    Just saw that you're following me now, how dare you!






    On 9/14/2022 at 5:42 PM, VMeemes said:


    It's a gimmick that'll be forgotten by the next game so it's whatever. And while it is a bit cool, it's much less cool once you realize that you basically trade weakness out for another. So if you crystalize into a fire type, good on you for no longer being a grass type. Just instead now have all the weaknesses of a fire type pokemon. And from what I see of it, it's not like a second/third temporary type either. It just overrides the others.


    Helpful in a pinch, but single types tend to have a decent chunk of weaknesses depending on which one it is.

    They've got to stop with all the gimmicks in the 3-D era. We've had a new one every Gen since 6.

    Another hit to the "cool" factor is the stupid fucking hats they get. The Grass type one looks like they put a fucking Lego flower block on it's head.

    It seems very pointless since you can just do what everyone does when faced with a type disadvantage and switch out your Pokemon.

    Now if it FORCED opposing Pokemon to stay in it might be worthwhile to use.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  19. The future is dark and full of annoyances it seems.

    So has anyone seen Gaunt lately?

    Haven't seen him comment in a while and the hunting dogs keep coming back with nothing.




    Anyway here's your monthly chapter for now.

    Probably going to get back to the old weekly schedule in like September or something depending on how my schedule looks.




    Gentleman Jaggi:




    On 7/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
    On 7/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    They needed somebody to represent Unova and nobody cares about Alder.

    It does give me a headache when I try and figure out how the fuck all these kids were able to become Champions and not even a year has passed. Like damn. I can't imagine you'd lose much viewership with the kiddies if you aged Ash up to at least 15 years old.

    That reminds me that I have no idea what anime N's status is. Showing up for an event like this would be way out of character anyway tho.

    Didn't iirc the Unova anime actually age Ash up to 11? I remember that being a thing. There have also been various mentions of months or years having passed in the anime so everyone is just canonically immortal.


    Yeah I doubt he could randomly recruit many wild Pokemon from inside the stadium anyway.

    I couldn't tell you. I stopped watching the anime when they stopped running it before school about fifteen years ago.


    Well you were wrong about Lance but sadly not about Iris.

    Iris SHOULD have fucking won though. Just so I can get more action shots for Rose. They also missed an opportunity to use Gems since those were Gen 5's gimmick

    I still can't wrap my head around why ALAIN of all fucking characters. Should have been Tobias.

    And I bet rich rock boy's Metagross hasn't fought as many Pikachu's either.

    Even then, Ash's team is extremely OP. He has ALL the gimmicks while his competitors only have one (and Iris, none)

    I guess trying to predict the anime was presumptious of me; I've stopped understanding what the heck they're doing ages ago.

    For under-rep'd mons like Haxorus any big showing is a win, fan creators eat well with that.

    I guess Alain showed up because he's a relatively recent character, Tobias is an anime-original character that last showed up more than 10 years ago. The anime's a bit of a continuity hell like that.

    My girl came close. Cynthia had to rely on Mega-Evolution to win so Iris basically won that battle.

    I think people would have appreciated Tobias more as an old joke that really send the fandom screeching but I guess Alain is a more recent and palpable version of him anwyay.



    Ün Ün ÜN

    *Indecipherable electronic screeching*


    Rhyperior in fangames more often than not run Solid Rock+Assault Vest which always makes them weirdly bulky against things you'd expect them to die to. Also Sandstorm buffs SpDef for Rock types in case you forgot.

    Makes sense. I think my grievances with them came from King in Reborn who didn't have an Assault Vest. 

    Nor did I know Sandstorm buffs SpDefense. I don't think I've ever actually used Sandstorm strats before in all my years of Pokemon.


    Ho, I'm pretty sure back when I played this there was an actual scene of Erin showing and then bein erased. Anyway, remember how this arc was supposed to be about Aelita? Who just got time paradox'd out of existence? Funny how these things go, huh?

    This Nuzlocke is in Version 10 so things might have changed or been improved since I played it

    Okay nearly everything was changed or improved since I played it. A fact that CONSTANTLY bothers me.








    On 7/22/2022 at 6:44 PM, J-Awesome_One said:

    BANDIT KEITH!? What was he doing at Sheridan Village?!

    So do you hate yourself, Sprite Sean or both?

    Ummm... Why are you good at that Sean? What do you do with said women? o.O

    God is only letting you speak when he deems it necessary.

    Chakra? Psh. Everyone knows it's called cattra. (cat-tra)

    I made the joke! Right here! Sooo... do I get the money or are you just gonna straight up kill me?

    This is prob the most I've laughed during 1 of your chapters. That was a good read.

    Sheridan Village is a colony of AMERICA.

    That's the joke you the audience (and my therapist) have to see through!

    I'm good at most everything. I only stalk them from a distance.

    Shame he never updated Naruto Bridge again.

    I'm going to weep for David Bowie-sensei.

    Oh really? Well I should keep this month long interval going even longer then! Don't want to overwhelm you with laughter.





    On 7/23/2022 at 9:57 PM, Bluedude said:

    Man I feel bad for Aletia and Erin, that looked like it was a terrifying way to die. 

    I’m guessing you’ll plot some way to get revenge on Spaceia and Tempia for that.


    Living in the world of Pokemon would suck, especially if it’s a fan game. The world is in danger of ending every month and it’s only stopped by some kid.


    Yep. It's a very existential fear.


    I've said it before. They'll be chained to my throne in bikinis as I rule over the universe. A most fitting punishment, don't you agree?


    Well...yeah it's dangerous but POOOOKEMON, man! I'd trade anything for it!

    Plus the world ending is ALWAYS stopped by some kid so there's not THAT much to worry over.







    On 7/26/2022 at 6:44 AM, YinYang9705 said:

    good on spacea on restoring your heracross back to you

    I'm sure you'll repay her by being slightly less brutal to her then the other one

    I won't spit on her when she's my slave at least.

    That's the best I can offer.


    it was the laser needles in the original series because the budget back then was not ideal for a weekly anime of this calibur and the only thing they had to go off of was the gen1 attack animation

    it stayed the laser needles because it was like that in the os so why bother changing it

    A reasonable explanation and one that I shall accept. Thank you.


    I dont get how regigigas soundslikes a dying synthesizer when the other 3 where alot more put together

    although regigigas sounding funny is the least of the hoopa movies problems

    The movie's script was probably just the words "Legendaries fighting each other" and nothing else.


    oh boy time bullshittery

    I'm sure jan is perfectly capable as a writer and will make something intelligent and not hacky as shit

    Most time travel tales are hacky as shit, in my opinion.

    But yes. I don't know if a fangame that's allegedly about Pokemon will be able to pull a good time tale off.

    At least I'LL be there to make it better, right?







    On 7/27/2022 at 4:57 PM, Dex said:
    On 7/27/2022 at 4:57 PM, Dex said:


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Sadly, this is the Reborn website.

    You only get black or grey here.


    Gritty and Edgy just like the region itself. 



    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Okay...then I'm sending my own good vibes your way to mock the lack of good ones you have yourself?

    Aww that's nice, you do care!


    Yes...yes....fall deeper into the parasocial web I'm building around you...soon you'll be wanting to buy my bathwater for ludicrous prices! 

    And the best part is...I NEVER TAKE BATHS! MWAHAHAHA!


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Well yeah but most superpowers aren't very useful unless you have a durability or speed increase that'd let you render bullets or maniac women with swords useless.

    That thing was a fucking pain in the ass and Aelita is lucky that she wasn't in control or I might have removed her from the best girl list.

    You could be like Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne with the superpower of lots of money, to make yourself a suit immune to that nonsense.

    God those Golems had Contrary and I think Rift Aelita has an ability where every time she takes damage, her attack goes up. V13 with those damn shields makes it worse. 

    Your best girl list is pretty thin, I think nothing short of killing Rose would get you to remove her from it.


    Problem is that they're also pretty SMART on top of rich. I'm clever at best so I don't think it'd be as easy for me.

    I try not to remember that awful fight. Super glad I didn't use any stat decrease moves to get through it at least.

    That's because I usually only mention the top three, the others don't come up as much.

    It will never happen so I won't even consider what I'd do.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    They slipped up by not having "Has to wear a Bowser costume every day" in his contract.

    Sounds like dogshit to me. Like the two names don't really go together at all.

    If I was a mad wacky adventure having scientist I'd call myself Sean Science and teach kids how to make meth.

    Should make an intern wear Princess Peach dress and make him chase them around to really get that immersion.

    More fun than sticking the kids in the bag at least.


    Sounds like that's asking for HR to get involved. Fun ruining bastards.

    Maybe if I combine the two and stick them IN bags of meth?


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's a quirk all main characters have. Melia and I are the main characters of the game so naturally we get super speshul nicknaming priviledges.

    And I know it sounds nuts that I just admitted she's a main character but at this point denying it would be stupid.

    I will try seduction as well. She can't be mad about my tyranny if I seduced her, right?


    Wow, events must have really beat you down to make you admit that.

    She says she loves you like a brother and the sheer emotional damage makes you crumble, thus ending your reign before it even begins.


    It's been six years of this. What do you think?

    Not possible.

    Aelita wouldn't.

    Shut up.

    I hate you.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    A y-year!? How many bills do you have!?

    If I won 2-5 million that'd be it.

    I wouldn't have to work another day for the MAN for rest of my life! Just buy a nice house, buy a nice wife, have 3-4 kids, murder the wife so I won't lose anything to divorce and live happily ever after!

    Gas, electricity, Water, stuff on the house, stuff on the car. All kinds of fun stuff.

    Gotta make sure the nothing can connect you to the murder, hard to have happily ever after in a the slammer.


    Well yeah but like 5 million over 40 years is 125,000 euro a year. Surely your bills couldn't be high enough to burn through THAT.

    It's fine. I've got a method that'll work.

    I won't be sharing it though. Get your own wife murdering scheme!


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I was VERY happy when I found out that Reborn V19 has the Protect TM relatively early on. I made GOOD use of that, I can tell you now.

    But I don't get nice things when I NEED them! I AM LEVEL 75 AND STORES STILL DON'T HAVE EVEN MAX POTIONS!

    (It's 117 hours of gameplay time for me up until the end of V12 but probably thousands spent on this Nuzlocke)

    A free turn to plan can make all the difference. I gotta say that sounds surprisingly generous for Reborn, wouldn't expect a TM like that to like until like Post-game.

    That sounds about right, I imagine the editing for some of the longer chapters can stretch into days.


    Yeah. I made sure to teach it to Mako too.

    I even make use of it out of battle when Solaris tries to cut off my head in Blacksteam.


    Definitely. I've improved too much so I can't churn them out like it was 2015 because my standards have gotten too high.

    These last two months of slow updates was mostly due to work, lethargy and it being fucking hot most of the time.

    Hopefully it'll get better soon.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    eh good one.

    Yeah they keep it running but they don't actually DO anything until way later in the game (although come the fuck on, Jan. I don't need their "Training" and I'm insulted by the very notion)

    She intentionally didn't want her self-insert to do anything, I think? Something about it taking away from the player?


    I see you've forgotten my joke about this during the backtracking filler arc. Which is understandable. it was a while ago.

    All of my Nuzlockes are part of the TTCU. The Terribly-Titled Cinematic Universe.

    As of now, Reborn, Rejuvenation are the only definitely canon entries. Snakewood is more of a What If? And Rising Ruby is...something?

    I don't know. I don't actually watch any Marvel stuff to get this 100% accurate.



    The training thing, best I can think of is that Jan and Co were going into it thinking a lot people playing were going in after not playing the game for awhile and were rusty. Even then, I feel like there should be some kind of option to opt out. 

    Ame not wanting her self-insert to do anything is fair, but I gotta take points off for the other characters stealing the spotlight. Radomus for a more infamous example.

    Well apparently now there is a Marvel Multiverse, different dimensions and stuff so you're honestly more accurate than you think.


    Psshhhhh...fucking amateurs if that's the case. I haven't played Rejuvenation in over two years and I'll still be in top-form when 13.5 finally drops! Yeah. I reject their offer to go to things that would ACTUALLY make me stronger like getting new Pokemon, Crests or Mega Stones. Not playing around with mono-type battles.

    It's better there than here for that at least.

    Uggghhh...just what we need. Infinite What If stories.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    once named a Pokemon Silver team after the Teen Titans when I was nine but that's about it until Nuzlockes.

    Very true. That was one of Reborns main selling points (aside from it's..."maturity" compared to other Pokemon games)

    Rejuvenation's main selling point is probably the characters and the bonkers story. Like Reborn is good and all but I don't really LIKE as many of the characters. The Battles in both are decent enough though. Still my favourite Pokemon games even if they make me want to scream.


    Reborn's field effects, I feel like you'll never use even half of that stuff but I do like the options (when it's not being used against me at least).

    I have many issues with Rejuv's story, but I can't deny I have fun with it. Half the fun is just seeing what they can do with little Pokemon Sprites.


    Very true. I make it a point to check fields more often after all the suffering they've put me through.

    It's a wild ride to be sure.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Honestly with how degenerate a lot of Pokemon fans are, it's a refreshing surprise that these fangames don't have any porn. Especially Rejuvenation with it's platoons worth of "waifus".

    I reckon the characters not being in 3d helps. Most of the game is just sprites, and the official portraits only pop up every once in a blue moon.


    Well the same was true for the older Pokemon games and look how much smut those have now. Do the official portraits appear in later version then? I assume so since most weren't drawn back here in Version 10.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    There was something about Nagini being a sexy asian snake woman this whole time, right?

    Making Neville a murderer, I guess.


    To be fair, it seems like Nagini seems to have been nothing more than vicious attack Python by the time of the books. More like a mercy killing on Neville's party really.


    What a weird and unnecessary addition to her character.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    God that game will only be a clusterfuck. I guarantee it.

    For instance: I heard that Pawmi (9th gen's Pika Clone) will have a move that lets it revive a fainted Pokemon.

    If that is usable for Nuzlockes even only one time...jesus...

    That's potentially game breaking, I gotta imagine there's some kind of major drawback.

    Could make it a once per battle sort of thing for Nuzlocke, maybe?


    It's only got 1PP is the drawback.

    Seems they're adding a lot of unique type of tricks this gen what with Cyclizard's Substitute U-Turn move.

    Or sacrifice Pawni's life for another Pokemon. I think it gets an evo so we'll see what happens.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I hope so too.

    I really hope for someone to make a new franchise that's actually good at some point but the odds of that are incredibly low in this day and age.

    Honestly I'd just prefer single standalone movies. Every other attempt to make a franchise in recent years outside of Marvel has met with disaster.


    It's because they pander to audiences and politics lot more now, I think. And both are fucking stupid.

    Just write and tell the damn story and hang whatever some redditor-tier reviewer has to say about it.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I can easily see that. Her hair already has that mussed up look so it wouldn't be any different.

    Makes me jealous. When I wake up I look like Kramer from Seinfeld.

    Probably yes. I'd say the character amount is worse though. Like are Alice and Allen REALLY necessary?

    The based and redpilled options right there. I'm going to aim for the harem ending in the post-game. I think I can make it work. The only ones that will be spared will be Melia, Venam and Lavender. Melia & Venam's exclusion should be obvious and Lavender is excluded because I wouldn't do that to my boy, Huey.

    Emotional Baggage: The Region. Maybe I should just find a nice NPC to settle down with instead...

    The only one I know for sure is high in Rejuvenation is Melia due to that whole "I trust Sean with my life, he's the best" thing she tells Erin in the Blakeory Anatheum.


    Don't know how I feel about that, tbh.



    Hard part for me in the morning, is taming this dang beard. 

    Harem ending, shooting for the stars there aren't you? God luck keeping all those women from fighting each other and/or you.

    In Reborn you probably should just find (or create) a nice NPC. 

    You save her life time and time again, Melia had better trust you with her life. 


    I contemplated growing one once. Only to find out it's ginger and not my actual hair colour.

    So I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm old enough to go grey.

    Of course. Why settle for less or have to actually choose? I think it'll work out fine. Most of the top-tier girls don't seem like the jealous type and if they are...Well this is Pokemon. I just have to find our what type Jealousy is weak to!

    That...isn't a bad idea, actually. Maybe if I ever track down Potion Lady who saved my run...

    Yeah she does. But it's WEIRD to be appreciated for it.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Yeah, like holy shit would controlling metal be a great power. Regular Telekinesis still has it beat due to versatility though.

    It's what I assume Tops are called.

    There you go. Enjoy that bad gay joke.

    True, getting hard countered by plastic would be pretty embarrassing.

    Thanks, I'll put it with all the other bad jokes from this run.


    Problem is that plastic is weaker than metal so unless you get lucky enough to put him in a plastic cell, you're still in danger.

    I look forward to reading that scrapbook in a few decades when I'm done.

    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'd have to put a chapter up every three days and that would...probably BE possible but yes, I would have died.

    It was a mistake in that I started Rejuvenation and enjoyed that a LOT more.

    The editing in ORAS wasn't too bad but it was really boring to write for in comparison.

    Hopefully after Part 3 I'll have a few Nuzlockes completed for uploading.

    But then people will want Part 4 and the Reborn Reboot and these other runs will be left by the wayside once again.


    Here lies Sean (Insert Last name here), murdered by writing about fictional girls and creatures.

    Rebooting Reborn, so would it be just another alt universe thing from the old run, or just flat starting over? 


    As I deserved.

    I'm thinking it'll just be a complete rewind but slightly off due to the V19 changes.

    Like the evil Celebi or whatever the fuck was going on in the Alphabetlocke sends me back to the train about to pull into the city. But I won't be passive about my foreknowledge. (which lasts up until Amentrine Mountain)

    I think it could be fun to go back and give my Pokemon a bit more life to them.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It's probably the same game plan everyone else in this game has.

    "Wait for Sean to defeat their Pokemon then SWOOP in to steal credit".


    Sounds about right for this game. 

    One day...one day it'll all be thanks to me...one day...


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Another goddess to chain to my throne. That's who she is.

    Another part of the harem I assume? How much you wanna bet she's blond?


    No no. The HAREM are my respected wives. The goddesses are just spoils of war trophies.

    Sucker's bet there. There's a small chance it'd be white...but as I said. A SMALL chance.

    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    True. That would antagonise me into describing what I'm going to do to them after this story ends in graphic detail which would probably get me sent back to the Stone Age.

    And the waiting game begins.

    If they're anything like the greek gods, they might be into that sadly. 

    Then the game unironically turns into Chrono Trigger.


    Yyyyyep. Although I don't know how likely it is Timpea will turn into a Swanna to sleep with someone.

    Which could only improve it! I love Chrono Trigger.

    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Nahhh man. Final battle is going to be in the small observatory room above the Gearan City Docks entrance. I'll put money on that.

    Are they? I thought it was abandoned for the HQ in the Badlands? Maybe they just use it for storage now because I can't see what other use it would have being so remote.

    Oh good.

    God its been so long, I had to think about where that was at.

    I'd still use it since its so remote. Not like anyone can really get to it, and much of the government is in Team Xen's pockets.


    I hide there for a brief period in Part 5 due to so much being changed around the entire world.

    All the more reason for me to build and then take the throne from those corrupt fools.

    I'm going to install psychic screening for all government employees so corruption will be a thing of the past.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Settle? I don't "Settle".

    I WILL be their king. Just imagine the power I would wield after becoming Champion? None of my Pokemon have to die anymore! I CAN SPAM ALL THE MAX REVIVES I WANT!

    Jan will either be executed or turned into the court jester.

    Who will then by executed in a hilarious manner.

    Say it with me now: UNLIMITED POWER!


    I always liked the prequel trilogy but somehow every single line of dialogue becoming a meme has only made it better.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Jan would definitely redeem himself in my eyes if he made us choose between the entire city of GDC or the characters he KNOWS we care about like Aelita, Ana and Mosely.

    Like fuuuuuuck. Can you imagine if he did that and it stuck? I'd go so far as to call him "based".

    Good god, that would be quite a choice. I feel like it could potentially happen but I'm not confident enough to bet on it.


    Neither am I but hot DAMN would it spice up this game!


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    It was probably incorrect too. I imagine most anime girls are smooth as silk down there.

    He gives as good as he gets.

    And how do you know that, might wanna delete your search history.

    Caesar has clearly spent way too much time around you.


    You tell me the last time you saw an anime girl with body hair and I'll accept defeat on the matter.

    It's for the best. Too much time on his own depresses him.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I guess the gym circuit helped with it a bit?
    Plus there's loads of Fighting type trainers who want to train in the mountains and Sheridan's the most mountainous town there is.

    Mountains are like classic anime training grounds so it makes sense I guess. 


    They're prefect for both mind and body.

    Plenty of waterfalls to meditate under and plenty of rocks to smash with your bare hands.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    Anju is pretty decent, yes. It's a tie between her and Vivian for me with Nymiera taking second.

    Hazuki is obviously last due to being tainted by Blakeory seed.

    I wish the game would acknowledge that stuff more. Melia should be wary around her, Aelita should develop an aversion to Electric types after her torture, Amber should cheer when whales end up beached on the shore etc. etc.

    Would make them feel more alive as characters I think.

    Who knows maybe Hazuki had the same idea as you and married Thomas to get to his money?

    There's so much plot stuff happening that simple character stuff gets left by the wayside, there's not a whole lot of downtime for the characters other than you the PC when you're doing sidequests.


    She was ALREADY rich though! And it doesn't seem like something her younger self would consider being the easy mark that she was.

    I think there is in later versions? Like we learn more about Valarie in Aquamarine Cave and whatnot.

    Sadly, I missed all that so to me she's just "That woman from Blacksteeple who gave me a decent battle"

    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    I'm telling you. It's the Bermuda Triangle of the Pokemon world.

    (Weirdly enough, I read somewhere that Jan said it was close to Galar. And the nearest island to Britian is...oh god...)

    Aevium being Poke Ireland is hilarious to think about. Seems like this game was the perfect choice to nuzlocke for you, eh?

    It's definitely not though.

    As you'll see in Chapter 147, Jan hates the Irish.

    Although Poke-Ireland gives me an idea for a game we can all play...but I'll save it for a later chapter.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    We just have those kinds of faces, I guess? Like Melia and Aelita, I get. They're pretty girls with upbeat personalities (most of the time) But me? Some sinister bespectacled fellow hanging around girls ten years younger than him? Not a chance anyone trusts me.

    God I hope not.

    Maybe she thought you were their bodyguard? You're more grouchy than sinister most times that involve child napping and meglomania.

    Just imagine Souta jokingly challenging you to battle for hitting on his woman.

    Yeah I can see that. Especially with Melia.

    And ESPECIALLY in this arc.


    And then he throws me into the clouds using his magic


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

    One of the fuckers on the Nuzlocke Forums pointed out that I would be the Tuxedo Mask of the new generation and I can't help but agree that there are a LOT of parallels between us.

    Yeah. They really fucking dropped the ball by telling us to leave and let "them sort this out".

    Sprite Sean is also to blame for this since he KNOWS what happens to Anju yet does nothing to stop it.


    Honestly its not a bad comparison. The old anime kinda underated the guy, he apparently kicked ass in the manga. 

    At this point the PC not saying anything to them about what happens kinda makes you look like a asshole. I get that doing that would probably throw the whole plot off the rails and make more work for the writers, but still. 


    At least give Anju a hint to watch out or anything. 

    I never digested any Sailor Moon media besides the English opening and Dub compilations on Youtube so I don't know what the story is.

    Well it's not entirely my fault, is it?

    I DO warn Angie but we know what these Aevians are like when it comes to heeding my warnings.


    On 7/22/2022 at 6:01 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


    Winter is both easier to upload due to the darkness and the room not getting overheated from the three lamps I have on for lighting.

    Doesn't help that one of those lamps is nearly older than I am. It's like the one piece of furniture from our first house that survived all these years.


    A good lamp is like a family heirloom really. Who knows maybe its the key to some kind of ancient prophecy in your family?

    Maybe? The only other object that's been around as long is a Thomas the Tank Engine plate from when I was a baby and I don't think that's a likely contender




    Chapter 141 Comments:

    On 7/27/2022 at 4:57 PM, Dex said:

    Meddlin' Melia ruins everything, which can sum up this whole arc in a nutshell. Like it wouldn't be so bad if Sprite Sean had provided the important context. I'm starting to think that you're the good side and the sprite just wants the so the world burn.

    As depicted in the new titlecard "Nice fucking job, Melia"

    That'd be a twist of the century. Human Sean is the moral compass to Sprite Sean's sociopathy.

    Maybe it's because he doesn't get all the Rose interaction I do?


    Heracross Poop Stink Bomb. . . are we sure Cella and Vivian are friends? I guess they had to get the time amulet out of Aelita's hands somehow. Carnage almost being erased from existence was pretty funny I gotta say. Love a good Back to the Future Reference.

    Yeah, stink bombs are a little much, even between friends.

    Glad you liked it! It took a lot of work.


    Also I sure hope Melia wore gloves, though at least the game didn't make you pick it up which is a nice change of pace.

    Gloves were provided.

    But Cella weirdly made it sound like the gloves were part of the attempt to convince us.

    Like if we immediately said yes and asked no further questions, she wouldn't have given them to us.


    The whole self sacrifice spell, I'm sure something would have gone wrong, but I kinda wish their was a route where the PC had kept the info to himself and ended up agreeing to secretly help Vivian or something. 

    But then we wouldn't have this oh so fun bad future arc!

    There's time travel in this story, Dex! Can't have a time-travel story WITHOUT the bad future plot point!


    Honestly you should be used to characters not actually stopping people from running way. Though if Vivian is anything like Aelita, she probably would have folded you with mystic martial art nonsense, so that's probably for the best.

    Ah but I know a martial artists greatest weakness!

    Being a lot bigger and heavier than them!

    They'd be powerless against my "bear hug and then fall on them" technique! Or the classic "Wrap around and lie down on the floor" manuveur!




    So maybe there's some other bitch pulling Kanon's strings? Someone we haven't met yet?




    God I hope not, there's already enough antagonists as it is in this game. We don't need a 5th or 6th party involved.

    Christ is the number even higher than that though?

    We've got Team Xen, Team Anti-Assist, Bladestar, The Androids assholes Clear and Kieran, V, the woman after Ana, whoever is behind Amaria-Black, Indriad, Timpea&Spacea, Timpeas&Spacea's boss, The specific cause behind Storm 9, the PuppetMaster, the Inkay that think they're aliens, Karen and probably even more.

    I genuinely don't think we'd notice if someone new was manipulating Kanon.


    I gotta admit that Vivian summoning Regirock scene was pretty cool to look at. Also those Regi sound effects never get old, poor Regiggas sounds like he needs a major software update.

    Much more cinematic than Anju's at least. Hope Regigigas' intro is even more impressive.

    I think they're important in the new anime for that Goh guy's quest so I hope they keep the noises in.


    On Galarian forms, Gamefreak has always been kinda bad with the distribution of these gimmicks, friendly reminder that non of the Kalos starters got Mega evos in XY, but freaking Charizard got 2. And no I don't count Ash-Greninja because that didn't even come out till the next generation.

    Enter Terastyling. The new stupid gimmick that'll be gone next gen!

    You know Tauros of all Pokemon is getting 3 regional forms this gen? Now I love me some Tauros but that seems both excessive AND lazy.

    Make NEW cow Pokemon already!






    I'm honestly surprised you Ren even has stars, I figured you would have ripped them off after him joining Xen.

    You can't lose stars unfortunately. The bad doesn't outweigh the good.


    Vivian just randomly shanking you is hilarious. Stabbing in the heart without a care for your feelings, women right?

    They usually stab you through the back when doing it.

    But of course, being a woooooooman, Vivian can't even get that right.


    That battle was pretty hairy at a few moments there. Rhyperior surviving that first Giga Drain was probably due to Solid Rock plus that Sandstorm Special defense buff. 

    Yep. Never knew about Sandstorm doing that until now.

    Guess that means Arenite Wall is a lot more useful than I though.


    Also yeah you definitely gotta update that moveset for Zolt, I could have sworn it knew Discharge but I guess not.

    He MIGHT have, honestly. All this was played in 2018 and I don't have any pictures of their movesets for this part of the game so I just went with the joke of him not knowing it. Because I can't figure out why 2018 Sean would have used fucking Electro Ball there.


    I clenched when that Bruxish almost killed Caesar, be a hell of a bad time to lose a mon considering what comes next.

    I certainly wouldn't be as upbeat as I am this chapter.

    Or any of the chapters afterward. Probably would have just stolen Kenneth's boat and murdered my way to Blacksteeple in a haze of red.


    Dr. Zauis Mind Crushing Mega-Zam was probably the best part. I'd say keep Nasty Plot, his Special Defense is already pretty good, plus it's probably one of your best running gags to be honest. 

    I plan on it. We needed more move specific gags in this show and that's a pretty good one.

    Need to find more moves that'd work for them too.

    I think Abomination learns something called Solar Flare so I could probably turn that into a DBZ joke easily enough.


    Also yep this is all Melia's fault, plus Cella and more than a little bit of In game Sean. I guess you could say its time to go . . . Back to the Future?

    I blame Indriad myself. It's HIS fault it's all happening, right?











    On 7/27/2022 at 7:36 PM, VMeemes said:

    The poop thing is a bit funny, though the v13 version is at least slightly more sensible, i.e catching a heracross (which I think is shiny of course because Melia) and getting it to stomp all over Vivian's garden (and because of the update, after you deal with that time travel stuff you can change the future by cutting a cherry tree sapling. Changes route 2 to be less cherry blossom. Just a neat little thing.).


    Still I wonder how this version of events go down, since it's a different update and all. It'll be interesting that's for sure. And take all the time you need! No need to force yourself.

    A BIT funny, he says. Such high praise.

    I mean...it's not really much better? Why did we need to catch a Heracross when we could have used any of our own Pokemon? Hell we could even use the Heracross I actually OWN.

    I saw that. Had fun chopping and replanting that thing over and over.



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