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Lord Regal

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Posts posted by Lord Regal

  1. 9/10, I really like it, only thing that detracts is how similar the background color is to everything around it…as a colorblind person a starker contrast would really clearly define the girl and her whip. Otherwise, I quite like it.

  2. You don't even necessarily need Flash for the powder in Blacksteam Factory…it's a fairly on-rails dark area…one of the split junctions takes you to the magnet powder, the other you get a TM of some sort if I remember correctly.

  3. Welcome to Reborn! No shame in starting a themed run before your main run is complete…whatever you find fun is what you should do!

    *looks around* HEY, I can do the thing!

    Community rules are to your left, search bar above that, and the Showdown server is above THAT. The status bar (to say whatever's on your mind) is BELOW the community rules. Using the wrong bar at the wrong time could lead to humorous or embarrassing moments, so try to keep those straight (or don't, I'm not a cop).

    In any case, welcome again, and I'll see you around!

  4. m4X7OBT.png

    doesn't look like any swear sign I know. it certainly isn't the bird. :huh:

    If I remember right, making a V with those two fingers is akin to a swear word or derogatory slang (forget which one) in parts of Europe. Can't remember which fingers they find it ok to do so with, but yeah. That combination of symbol and fingers is vulgar in certain places…or maybe it's what direction they're facing the fingers? Bah, I can't remember, but that's likely what they're referring to.

  5. Are visual novels similar to point&click adventures? Because if so, try the Ace Attorney games on DS. Or if you like puzzles, the Layton series.

    They're not quite the same…visual novels are more or less books with sound and pictures accompanying them. Some have choices that can very much impact where you go, but on the whole you're a passive audience. The Ace Attorney and Layton games are much more involved and have clear gameplay elements, though there is still a lot of story between those elements. I can attest to the Ace Attorney games being good, Layton I've never played but heard good things about.

  6. Welcome back! I'm one of the strange people they let in since you vanished…see what happens when people leave? Hope you stick around, and I'll see you somewhere in the area, I'm sure...

  7. Umineko? I'm don't know, but if you're one for guessing games and suspense it's pretty rewarding.

    I'd say Higurashi would make more sense first, since Umineko has a lot of elements coming from it. The first Higurashi VN (well, sound novel) is on Steam now with the rest coming eventually, but I'm sure the others are findable elsewhere...

  8. My favorite varies depending on if I recently found something new I love or if I'm feeling more nostalgic. I can safely say there isn't a single song that I NEVER get tired of hearing, just songs that I want to hear again not long after burning out on them…as for my current favorite…bah, even looking at my 'current top 50' playlist isn't helping, there're a couple there that I could choose, but I don't want to pick one over the others.

  9. That's the first time I've seen the shiny Mudkip sprite…I must say, I like that a lot hah…lot better than the slight recoloring the official games have.

    I'll also confirm Skyrunner's statement…there's a 1% chance of anything you encounter being shiny, which is ludicrously high compared to the official games while still being quite rare, so it's still impressive you got that.

  10. What got me through the Tangrowth battles was my Ariados spamming Night Shade. PULSE Tangrowth can't really do anything to a bug/poison combo, and the guaranteed damage from Night Shade meant I didn't care about the massive bulk Tangrowth has. As for the rest of the Pokemon there, it was a combination of my Flaafy/Ampharos (can't remember which one it was then) putting down Chatot, Pancham punching through Umbreon and most of Lileep, my whole team suffering through Espeon, and Growlithe took down Glaceon and generally provided support to the rest of my team.

    For your team, have Quilava burn down Glaceon, save Luxio for Chatot, and have Pancham try to take down Lileep and Umbreon. I would suggest picking up a Spinarak/Ariados just for the Night Shade and general resistance to everything PULSE Tangrowth has to offer, even if you bin it right afterwards (I'm still using mine and I'm a good deal farther), and definitely pick up some sixth Pokemon to round things out. Even if it's not super useful on the whole, it's another body, and that could provide the difference.

  11. Thinking of some unusual runs to do, as well as runs that could have a story element to them, and the concept of weight came up. What if all your Pokemon had to weigh under or over a certain limit? That way you have a run as loose or strict as you want, and it's an alternative to the mono/dual runs that have already been suggested. As for the story element, you could run anything from eating disorder to genetics to whatever either keeping your character really light or really heavy, and wanting to prove to the world that people of their size can do anything 'normal' people can. Just a thought, not sure if it holds weight as I'm really new to the concept of mono/dual/alternative rule running Pokemon games in general, but something I came up with while seeing all the mono/dual runs and wanting to suggest something different.


  12. If you shift into Wildlife Conservation, possibly even going back to undergraduate school for it if things don't work out immediately as far as graduate school, you'll be fine. A 2.76 isn't condemning whatsoever…you've got plenty of choices still. What's important is to not get discouraged and keep going no matter how grim things seem. You've got this, especially now that you know what your goal is…and make sure it's YOUR goal…your parents may not initially like your decision to pursue WC instead of the medical field, odds are they'll support you in the long run. Keep your eyes on the end goal, and you'll be fine :)

  13. I'm typically cripplingly shy in new communities as well…what helped for me was both having a RL friend who coaxed me here, and then making a connection with a couple other people via my own intro thread. I'm not exactly a known quantity around here, but I'm comfortable at least, and I feel that's all I really need. Community's a nice place, I've enjoyed it thus far, even if most of my posts to this point have been me welcoming other people. Take your time to get your feet wet, and I'm sure you'll come to enjoy this place. Feel free to message me if you want to talk with someone who's not exactly good at integrating into communities themselves…regardless, I'll see you around!

  14. Welcome to Reborn! I…was going to say something about the game not being as old as you're making it sound, but the others beat me to it…I never get to say anything fun.In any case, welcome again, and I'll see you around!

  15. As a Mac user, one of the basic things I'd love is an in-game volume slider. Because at the moment, my only chance to listen to the music of Reborn is to turn my volume down literally as low as it will go and bear the a-little-loud-for-comfort music while adjusting everything else. I normally play with the music off in order to hear things going on around me, which is a real shame considering how much I like what I've heard of it.

    So while I know this isn't a problem for many players, could we get an in-game volume adjust option?

    This is probably my biggest complaint about the game as it is right now (including the more or less persistent lag which is because my machine's 6 years old)…I'm on a Mac, so the music and sounds are so overbearingly loud on any volume with headphones in I have to have them turned off…I don't want to, I'd love to hear the music you all put into the game, and I'm sure it'd enhance the experience, but as it is I just can't handle it. If there was a volume option, I'd be absolutely thrilled…until then though I'm pretty much forced to play in silence.

  16. Ah Hoenn…the generation that started my personal Pokemon craze, prompting me to go backwards down the gens for a bit before gen IV kicked off…it will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Erm, I mean, welcome to Reborn! No one else has done this yet, do I actually get to? Rules are to your left, search bar the bar above the rules link, Showdown link above that, and status bar the bar BELOW the rules. Takes a small bit of getting used to, but once you do, you're all good to go! Just don't put search queries in the status bar, that's how jokes get started. In any case, have fun, and I'll see you around!

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