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Posts posted by SgtNoobly

  1. I did originally say no Jirachi, yes. I've since regretted it-- partly because I thought most players would be adamantly against it on principle since it wasn't within the rules of the original league. But I'm a bit surprised so many would miss it. As such, I'll just say it might be a possibility again. We'll see.

    Officially Koyo Bazaro Smeargle and Mde are the animation team. Inuki and Jan have other roles in development, but are temporarily helping out there.

    As for the lack of updates, I should have posted something about that sooner. The thing is, I wasn't able to.

    I've had to temporarily step back from development and the community, which took effect about a week and a half ago. Someone else here alluded to me being sick. That's only partly true.

    The case is more accurately that I've acquired an injury to both of my hands and wrists from gradual over use. Last week it rapidly escalated to the point that I was no longer able to type, text, or click a mouse. Unfortunately, the best treatment for such a condition, is to avoid using my hands as much as possible. Even then, recovery is likely to take a few months at minimum, and at worst the condition can become an unwelcome lifelong companion.

    Fortunately, I was able to train the animation team before they went out for good, so the others will continue work while I cannot. We may not see direct progress for a while though, as it is unlikely that I will be able to sprite, animate, or map for some time. Even coding will be a stretch.

    Blind Guardian is a generous soul and bought be a software to translate speech to text. As a result, I can continue to be around the community and oversee some minimal parts of development. Between that, dedicated rest, and a (potentially over-)optimistic plan to ease myself back into development throughout the rest of the year, I'll do my best to keep things from grinding to a halt here.

    Apologies to everyone for my carelessness causing delays.

    Recover soon Ame :D But dont jump back in without double checking if ur fine

    better safe than sorry

  2. Im curious so plz halp me

    What did you want ur first shiny pokemon to be?

    What did your first shiny turn out to be?

    When I learned about shiny and their differ colors I wanted my first one to be from the charmander line. Instead I got a shiny magmar in x and y( my first game) which was pretty cool I later evolved it into a magmortar and that thing is a beast.

    My first shiny in reborn was a tengela and there really good

    Honestly I didnt think I would go mad when I found it...I was wrong.

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